article - Towards 2-μm comb light source based on multiple four-wave mixing in a dual-frequency Brillouin fiber laser Journal of the European Optical Society - Rapid publications (Volume 20, Issue (6), may 2024, Pages :9) Deroh, Moïse | Xu, Gang | Lucas, Erwan | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Maillotte, Hervé | Sylvestre, Thibaut | Kibler, Bertrand
inproceedings - 140 km Brillouin optical time domain reflectometry based on single-photon detector SPIE OPTO (SPIE OPTO 2024) / SAN FRANCISCO, United States (Volume 12893, 2024, Pages pages 121-126) Romanet, Maxime | Rochat, Etienne | Phan Huy, Kien | Beugnot, Jean-Charles
inproceedings - Observation de la diffusion Brillouin dans un guide d'ondes intégré de silice dopée à haut indice Journées Nationales de l’Optique Guidée (JNOG 2023) / LYON, France (2023, Pages pages 4) Zerbib, Maxime | Hoang, V.T. | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Phan Huy, Kien | Little, B. | Chu, S.T. | Moss, D.J. | Morandotti, Roberto | Wetzel, Benjamin | Sylvestre, Thibaut
inproceedings - Observation of Brillouin Spin-Orbit Interaction in a Silica Optical Nanofiber 2023 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Europe and the European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2023) / Munich, Germany (2023, Pages pages 1) Zerbib, Maxime | Romanet, Maxime | Sylvestre, Thibaut | Wolff, Christian | Stiller, Birgit | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Phan Huy, Kien
inproceedings - Observation of Brillouin Backscattering in a 50cm-Long High-Index Doped Silica Chip Waveguide 2023 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Europe and the European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2023) / Munich, Germany (2023, Pages pages 1) Zerbib, Maxime | Hoang, V.T. | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Phan Huy, Kien | Little, B. | Chu, S.T. | Moss, D.J. | Morandotti, R. | Wetzel, Benjamin | Sylvestre, Thibaut
inproceedings - Ultranarrow-Linewidth Stimulated Intermodal Forward Brillouin Scattering Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO 2023) / San Jose, United States (Issue paper FTh3B, 2023, Pages pages FTh3B.3 (2)) Xu, Wendao | Zerbib, Maxime | Iyer, Arjun | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Renninger , William H.
article - Effect of a karst system (France) on extended spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL)-producing Escherichia coli Water Research (Volume 230, feb 2023, Pages :119582 (1-9)) Henriot, Charles P. | Celle, Hélène | Klaba, Victor | Biguenet, Adrien | Miège, Cécile | Daval, Amandine | Amiotte-Suchet, Philippe | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Karbowiak, Thomas
inproceedings - Gas-pressure tuning of wavelength of photon pair emitted by Four-Wave-Mixing in Nanofibers European Optical Society Annual Meeting (EOSAM 2022) / Porto, Portugal (Volume 266, 2022, Pages pages 11003) bonifacio, agathe | Lebrun, Sylvie | Zerbib, Maxime | Romanet, Maxime | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Delaye, Philippe
inproceedings - Impact de la polarisation sur les modes acoustiques de surface générés par diffusion brillouin dans les nanofibres Congrès général Optique de la Société Française d'Optique (2022) / Nice, France (2022) Zerbib, Maxime | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Phan Huy, Kien
inproceedings - 100 km distributed Brillouin fiber sensor based on single photon detection Congrès général Optique de la Société Française d'Optique (2022) / Nice, France (2022) Romanet, Maxime | Phan Huy, Kien | Rochat, Etienne | Beugnot, Jean-Charles
inproceedings - Mesure distribuée à bas flux de la rétrodiffusion Brillouin avec un compteur de photons Congrès général Optique de la Société Française d'Optique (2022) / Nice, France (2022, Pages pages 4) Romanet, Maxime | Phan Huy, Kien | Rochat, Etienne | Beugnot, Jean-Charles
inproceedings - Mesures spectrales distribuées le long d'une nanofibre optique en régime non linéaire Congrès général Optique de la Société Française d'Optique (2022) / Nice, France (2022) Haddad, Yosri | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Margueron, Samuel | Fanjoux, Gil
inproceedings - Distributed spectral measurement of supercontinuum generation along an optical nanofiber. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim (CLEO-PR 2022) / Sapporo, Japan (2022, Pages pages 1-2) Haddad, Yosri | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Margueron, Samuel | Fanjoux, Gil
inproceedings - Distributed spectral measurement of nonlinear Raman cascade process along an optical nanofiber SPIE Photonics Europe (2022) / Strasbourg, France (Volume PC12136, 2022, Pages pages PC121360Y (6)) Fanjoux, Gil | Haddad, Yosri | Margueron, Samuel | Beugnot, Jean-Charles
article - Large evanescently-induced Brillouin scattering at the surrounding of a nanofibre Nature Communications (Volume 13, Issue (1432), mar 2022, Pages :1-8) Yang, Fan | Gyger, Flavien | Godet, Adrien | Chretien, Jacques | Zhang, Li | Pang, Meng | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Thévenaz, Luc
inproceedings - Applications des fibres optiques pour les mesures distribuées de contraintes, de température et de vibrations en environnement extérieur Journée Capteurs OSU-DIPEE (2021) / Besançon, France (2021) Beugnot, Jean-Charles
inproceedings - Rayleigh imaging along an optical fiber in operation VI International Online Conference on Metamaterials and Nanophotonics ((METANANO 2021) 2021) / Tbilisi, Georgia (Volume 2015, Issue 012055, 2021, Pages pages 1-4) Haddad, Yosri | Chretien, Jacques | Margueron, Samuel | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Fanjoux, Gil
inproceedings - Fabrication et usinage des guides en verre de tellurite pour l'optique non-linéaire intégrée Congrès général Optique de la Société Française d'Optique (2021) / Dijon, France (2021) Godet, Adrien | Evrard, M. | Desevedavy, F. | Strutynski, C. | Smektala, F. | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Mosset, Alexis | Gauthier-Manuel, Ludovic | Courjal, Nadège
inproceedings - Scattering field imaging along an optical waveguide in operando 2021 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Europe and the European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2021) / Munich, Germany (2021, Pages pages 1) Haddad, Yosri | Chretien, Jacques | Margueron, Samuel | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Fanjoux, Gil
misc - Membre du comité de direction du Workshop WOMBAT (Workshop on OptoMechanics and Brillouin Scattering : Fundamentals, Applications and Technology) depuis 2017 ( 2021) Beugnot, Jean-Charles
article - Comparative analysis of stimulated Brillouin scattering at 2 µm in various infrared glass-based optical fibers Journal of the Optical Society of America B (JOSA B) (Volume 37, Issue (12), dec 2020, Pages :3792 - 3800) Deroh, Moïse | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Hammani, K. | Finot, Christophe | Fatome, Julien | Smektala, F. | Maillotte, Hervé | Sylvestre, Thibaut | Kibler, Bertrand
inproceedings - Conception and reproducibility study of efficient evanescent Raman converters based a nanofiber immersed in a liquid XXI SPIE Laser Resonators, Microresonators, and Beam Control (LASE 2020) / San Francisco, United States (Volume 11264, 2020, Pages pages 112641L) Bouhadida, Maha | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Delaye, Philippe | Phan Huy, Kien | Lebrun, Sylvie
article - Highly efficient and reproducible evanescent Raman converters based on a silica nanofiber immersed in a liquid Applied Physics B-Lasers and Optics (Volume 125, oct 2019, Pages :7) Bouhadida, Maha | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Delaye, Philippe | Phan Huy, Kien | Lebrun, Sylvie
inproceedings - Mise en évidence de l’élasticité non linéaire de la silice dans des fibres optiques effilées 25ème Congrès Général de la Société Française de Physique (2019) / Nantes, France (2019, Pages pages 1) Beugnot, Jean-Charles
inproceedings - Brillouin scattering in nanofibers International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics (META 2018) / Lisbonne, Portugal (2019) Beugnot, Jean-Charles
inproceedings - Observation of elastic anisotropy in strained optical nanofibers using Brillouin spectroscopy 2019 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Europe and the European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2019) / Munich, Germany (2019, Pages pages paper ck_11_3) Godet, Adrien | Chretien, Jacques | Sylvestre, Thibaut | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Phan Huy, Kien
inproceedings - Brillouin liquid point fiber sensor based on tapered silica optical fiber 3rd Workshop on Optomechanics and Brillouin Scattering: Fundamentals, Applications and Technologies (WOMBAT 2019) / Tel Aviv, Israel (2019, Pages pages 1) Chretien, Jacques | Godet, Adrien | Phan Huy, Kien | Sylvestre, Thibaut | Beugnot, Jean-Charles
inproceedings - Supercontinuum generation in a normally-dispersive liquid-core optical fiber using picosecond visible pulses European Optical Society Annual Meeting (EOSAM 2018) / Dijon, France (Issue TOM 9, 2018, Pages pages ) Fanjoux, Gil | Margueron, Samuel | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Sylvestre, Thibaut
inproceedings - Manipulation des interactions entre les photons et les phonons dans les fibres optiques JNCO Optique ( 2018) / Toulouse, France (2018, Pages pages ) Beugnot, Jean-Charles
inproceedings - Etude de l’effet Kerr évanescent dans une nanofibre de silice immergée dans un liquide hautement non linéaire 38ème Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG 2018) / Toulouse, France (2018, Pages pages 1-3) Fanjoux, Gil | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Sylvestre, Thibaut
inproceedings - Light Sound interaction in tapered optical fibers, fundamentals and applications 4th World Congress of Smart Materials (WCSM 2018) / Osaka, Japan (2018, Pages pages ) Beugnot, Jean-Charles
article - Supercontinuum generation by stimulated Raman-Kerr scattering in a liquid-core optical fiber Journal of the Optical Society of America B (JOSA B) (Volume 34, Issue (8), jul 2017, Pages :1677-1683) Fanjoux, Gil | Margueron, Samuel | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Sylvestre, Thibaut
inproceedings - Supercontinuum generation in an optical fiber capillary filled with Toluene Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Europe and the European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2017) / Munich, Germany (Issue , 2017, Pages pages CD-P.13) Fanjoux, Gil | Margueron, Samuel | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Sylvestre, Thibaut
inproceedings - Dynamical generation of sound in photonic cavities and waveguides 1st International Conference on Optics, Photonics & Materials / Nice, France (2016) Laude, Vincent | Beugnot, Jean-Charles
inproceedings - Control of surface Brillouin scattering in photonic crystal fibers 1st International Conference on Optics, Photonics & Materials (Nice Optique 2016) / Nice, France (2016) Tchahame Nougnihi, Joel Cabrel | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Phan Huy, Kien | Laude, Vincent | Sylvestre, Thibaut | Kudlinski, A.
inproceedings - Observation of surface Brillouin scattering in microstructured optical fibers Frontiers in Optics ( 2016) / New York, United States (2016, Pages pages FTu5I.2) Tchahame Nougnihi, Joel Cabrel | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Phan Huy, Kien | Laude, Vincent | Kudlinski, A. | Sylvestre, Thibaut
inproceedings - Diffusion Brillouin de surface dans une fibre optique microstructurée Rencontre Thématique GDR ONDES ( 2016) / Besançon, France (2016) Tchahame Nougnihi, Joel Cabrel | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Phan Huy, Kien | Laude, Vincent | Kudlinski, A. | Sylvestre, Thibaut
inproceedings - Phoxonic Crystals for Harnessing the Interaction of Light and Sound IEEE International Conference on Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics (OMN 2016) / Singapore, Singapore (2016) Laude, Vincent | Beugnot, Jean-Charles
inproceedings - Observation de la diffusion Brillouin de surface dans une fibre optique à cristal photonique 36ème Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG 2016) / Bordeaux, France (2016, Pages pages 56-58) Tchahame Nougnihi, Joel Cabrel | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Phan Huy, Kien | Laude, Vincent | Kudlinski, A. | Sylvestre, Thibaut
inproceedings - Experimental observation of surface acoustic wave Brillouin scattering in a small core photonic crystal fiber 2016 SPIE Photonics West ( 2016) / San Francisco, United States (2016, Pages pages 1-5) Tchahame Nougnihi, Joel Cabrel | Sylvestre, Thibaut | Phan Huy, Kien | Kudlinski, A. | Laude, Vincent | Beugnot, Jean-Charles
article - Lagrangian description of Brillouin scattering and electrostriction in nanoscale optical waveguides New Journal of Physics (Volume 17, Issue (12), dec 2015, Pages :125003 (13)) Laude, Vincent | Beugnot, Jean-Charles
inproceedings - Generation of Acoustic Phonons in Nanoscale Photonic Waveguides and Cavities Fall meeting Materials Research Society (MRS 2015) / Boston, MA, United States (Publisher : Materials Research Society , 2015) Laude, Vincent | Beugnot, Jean-Charles
inproceedings - Multimode Brillouin scattering in a long tapered photonic crystal fiber Workshop on Optomechanics and Brillouin Scattering: Fundamentals, Applications and Technologies (WOMBAT 2015) / Sydney, Australia (2015) Tchahame Nougnihi, Joel Cabrel | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Maillotte, Hervé | Kudlinski, A. | Sylvestre, Thibaut
inproceedings - Opto-acoustic interaction in microwire Workshop on Optomechanics and Brillouin Scattering: Fundamentals, Applications and Technologies (WOMBAT 2015) / Sydney, Australia (2015) Beugnot, Jean-Charles
inproceedings - Multimode Brillouin scattering in a long tapered photonic crystal fiber Workshop on Optomechanics and Brillouin Scattering: Fundamentals, Applications and Technologies (WOMBAT 2015) / Sydney, Australia (2015) Tchahame Nougnihi, Joel Cabrel | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Maillotte, Hervé | Kudlinski, A. | Sylvestre, Thibaut
inproceedings - Nouvelle dynamique de la diffusion Brillouin dans une fibre optique microstructurée et effilée 35ème Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG 2015) / Rennes, France (2015) Tchahame Nougnihi, Joel Cabrel | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Kudlinski, A. | Sylvestre, Thibaut
inproceedings - Theory of the strong phonon-photon coupling in an optical fiber taper Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe - EQEC) / Munich, Germany (Volume , Issue CD-P.23, 2015, Pages pages 1092) Phan Huy, Kien | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Tchahame Nougnihi, Joel Cabrel | Sylvestre, Thibaut
inproceedings - Lagrangian Formulation of Acousto-Optical Interaction in Nanoscale Cavities and waveguides 2015 International Congress on Ultrasonics (ICU 2015) / Metz, France (2015) Laude, Vincent | Beugnot, Jean-Charles
inproceedings - Observation of acoustic avoided crossing in sub-wavenlength diameter fiber 3rd International Conference on Phononic Crystals/Metamaterials, Phonon Transport and Phonon Coupling (Phononics 2015) / Paris, France (2015, Pages pages 383) Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Ahmad, Raja | Rochette, Martin | Tchahame Nougnihi, Joel Cabrel | Phan Huy, Kien | Laude, Vincent | Maillotte, Hervé | Sylvestre, Thibaut
inproceedings - Opto-acoustic interaction in a subwavelength-diameter optical fibre Energy materials and nanotechnology meeting (EMN 2015) / Beijing, China (2015) Beugnot, Jean-Charles
inproceedings - Valise pédagogique sur la génération d’un supercontinuum de lumière dans une fibre optique 11th Colloque sur l'enseignement des technologies et des sciences de l'information et des systèmes (CETSIS) / Besançon, France (2014) Fanjoux, Gil | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Sylvestre, Thibaut | Benoit, Corentin
inproceedings - Tailoring Photon Phonon interaction in optical microwire 5th International Conference on Photonics (ICP2014) / Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (2014) Beugnot, Jean-Charles
inproceedings - Electrostriction and moving-interface generation of phonons in a photonic crystal slab cavity Condensed Matter, JMC14/CMD25 / Paris, France. (2014, Pages pages paper 38787) Laude, Vincent | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Benchabane-Gaiffe, Sarah | Braive, Rémi | Tsvirkun, V. | Barbay, S. | Robert-Philip, I.
inproceedings - Tunable stimulated Brillouin scattering in hybrid polymer-chalcogenide tapered fibers Proc. SPIE, Nonlinear Optics and Its Applications VIII and Quantum Optics III. / Brussels, Belgium (Volume 9136, 2014, Pages pages 91360O) Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Ahmad, Raja | Rochette, Martin | Laude, Vincent | Maillotte, Hervé | Sylvestre, Thibaut
inproceedings - Investigation of Kerr and Brillouin nonlinear effects in chalcogenide glasses and in photonic crystal fibers Cameroon Physical Society International conference / Yaoundé, Cameroun (2013) Tchahame Nougnihi, Joel Cabrel | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Sylvestre, Thibaut | Chauvet, Mathieu | Olivier, M. | Nemec, P. | Renversez, G. | Nazabal, Virginie | Brillet, L. | Troles, J.
inproceedings - Stimulated Brillouin scattering in hybrid chalcogenide-PMMA microwires 3rd Workshop on Specialty Optical Fibers and their Applications - OSA / Sigtuna, Sweden (2013, Pages pages F2.13) Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Ahmad, Raja | Rochette, Martin | Laude, Vincent | Maillotte, Hervé | Sylvestre, Thibaut
inproceedings - Etude de la diffusion Brillouin dans les microfibres optiques en verre de chalcogénure Optique Paris 2013 - 33èmes Journées Nationales d’Optique Guidée. Recueil des Communications JNOG 2013 / Villetaneuse, France. (2013) Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Ahmad, Raja | Rochette, Martin | Laude, Vincent | Maillotte, Hervé | Sylvestre, Thibaut
article - Electrostriction and guidance of acoustic phonons in optical fibers Physical Review B (Volume 86, dec 2012, Pages :224304) Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Laude, Vincent
inproceedings - Unified description of Brillouin scattering in micro- and nano- structured waveguides based on the electrostrictive force 4th European Optical Society Annual Meeting (EOSAM 2012) / Aberdeen, Scotland, United Kingdom (2012, Pages pages Th6135) Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Sylvestre, Thibaut | Maillotte, Hervé | Laude, Vincent
inproceedings - Acousto-optics in photonic crystal fibers: enhancement and suppression of Brillouin scattering Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light / Erlangen, Allemagne (2012) Stiller, Birgit | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Nguyen, Duc Minh | Maillotte, Hervé | Sylvestre, Thibaut
inproceedings - Photon and phonon coupling by electrostrictive forces in photonic crystal fiber The Optical Society - OSA Advanced Photonics Congress. / Colorado Springs, USA (2012, Pages pages 10.1364/ANIC.2012.JTu5A.36) Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Laude, Vincent
inproceedings - Présentation du Département d’Optique et de l’Institut FEMTO-ST et zoom sur l’opto-acoustique et les phénomènes Brillouin dans les fibres optiques microstructurées Séminaire invité : Laboratoire de Photonique et de Nanostructures / Marcoussis, France (2012) Maillotte, Hervé | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Lee, Min Won | Delque, Michaël | Benchabane-Gaiffe, Sarah | Laude, Vincent | Sylvestre, Thibaut | Foaleng Mafang, Stella | Thévenaz, Luc | Bouwmans, Géraud | Kudlinski, A. | Mélin, Gilles
inproceedings - Suppression de l’effet Brillouin dans une fibre optique microstructurée Journée de la Photonique / Dijon, France (2011) Stiller, Birgit | Lee, Min Won | Delque, Michaël | Bouwmans, Géraud | Kudlinski, A. | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Maillotte, Hervé | Sylvestre, Thibaut
article - Cristaux phononiques et phoXoniques : son et lumière pris au piège - Que peuvent apporter à l'optoacoustique des cristaux artificiels pour les ondes acoustiques ? Photoniques (Volume 54, jul 2011, Pages :49 - 53) Laude, Vincent | Benchabane-Gaiffe, Sarah | Beugnot, Jean-Charles
inproceedings - Caractérisation structurelle répartie à l’échelle nanométrique d’une fibre optique microstructurée par résonance acoustique et mode hybride 30ème Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG 2011) / Marseille, France (2011) Szriftgiser, P. | Kudlinski, A. | Bacquet, D. | Bouwmans, Géraud | Dossou, M. | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Laude, Vincent
article - Simultaneous guidance of slow photons and slow acoustic phonons in silicon phoxonic crystal slabs Optics Express (Volume 19, Issue (10), may 2011, Pages :9690 - 9698) Laude, Vincent | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Benchabane-Gaiffe, Sarah | Pennec, Yan | Djafari-Rouhani, Bahram | Papanikolaou, Nikos | Escalante, José Maria | Martinez, Jose Luis
inproceedings - Phonon storage of optical pulses in silicon phoXonic chips Proceedings of the 2nd European Future Technologies Conference and Exhibition, FET-11 / Budapest, Hungry (Volume 7, 2011) Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Laude, Vincent | Benchabane-Gaiffe, Sarah | Pennec, Yan | Djafari-Rouhani, Bahram | Papanikolaou, Nikos | Martinez, Alejandro
inproceedings - Suppression of SBS in a photonic crystal fiber with periodically-varied core diameter Optical Fiber Communication Conference OFC'2011 -OSA Technical Digest Series (CD) (OSA 2011) / Los Angeles, California United States (Issue OMO5, 2011) Stiller, Birgit | Lee, Min Won | Delque, Michaël | Bouwmans, Géraud | Kudlinski, A. | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Maillotte, Hervé | Sylvestre, Thibaut
inproceedings - Approche expérimentale de l’élasticité d’ordre supérieur par la diffraction de rayons X mous 25ème Congrès Français de Mécanique (CFM 2022) / Nantes, France (2022, Pages pages 5) Chaalane, Amar | Cherioux, Frédéric | Joseph, Eric | Jaouen, Nicolas | Popescu, Horia | Fabre, Bruno | Amiot, Fabien
proceedings - A MEMS-based solid propellant microthruster array for space and military applications 15th international conference on micro and nanotechnology for power generation and energy conversion applications (POWERMEMS 2015), IOP Publishing LTD / Boston, MA, United States (Volume 660, Issue 1, dec 2015) Chaalane, Amar | Chemam, R. | Houabes, M. | Yahiaoui, Reda | Metatla, A. | Ouari, B. | Metatla, N. | Mahi, D. | Dkhissi, A. | Esteve, Daniel
inproceedings - Study of ppLN crystals for sum frequency generation of CW laser demonstrating 20 nm tunability in the visible range from 616 to 636 nm, through temperature tuning EPS-QEOD Europhoton Conference (2024) / VILNIUS, Lithuania (Volume 307, 2024, Pages pages 2) RU, Ruizhe | Santarelli, Giorgio | Chauvet, Mathieu | Bassignot, Florent | hilico, adele
inproceedings - Composants photoniques non-linéaires à base de films ferroélectriques Journée thématique CMDO-ROP (2021) / Caen, France (2021) Chauvet, Mathieu
inproceedings - Step-index LiNbO3 waveguides for frequency conversion 2021 The First International Symposium on Lithium Niobate Optoelectronics (ISLNO 2021) / Shanghai, China (2021) Chauvet, Mathieu | Pêcheur, Vincent | Porte, Henri | Hauden, Jérôme | Bassignot, Florent
inproceedings - Guides ridges multimodes en LiNbO3 non dopé pour la génération de second harmonique haute puissance Congrès général Optique de la Société Française d'Optique (2021) / Dijon, France (2021) Chauvet, Mathieu | Pêcheur, Vincent | Porte, Henri | Hauden, Jérôme | Bassignot, Florent | Deroh, Moïse
article - Influence of the input-stage architecture on the in-laboratory test of a mid-infrared interferometer: application to the ALOHA up-conversion interferometer in the L band Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (Volume 501, Issue (1), feb 2021, Pages :531 - 540) Magri, Julie | Lehmann, Lucien | Grossard, Ludovic | Delage, Laurent | Reynaud, François | Chauvet, Mathieu | Bassignot, Florent | Krawczyk, Rodolphe | Le Duigou, Jean-Michel
article - Generation of regular optical patterns and photonic structures by a single Gaussian beam in a photorefractive LiNbO3:Fe crystal Optics Communications (Volume 478, Issue (126396), jan 2021, Pages : ) Tsarukyan, Lusine | Badalyan, Anahit | Devaux, Fabrice | Chauvet, Mathieu | Drampyan, Rafael
article - Linear and nonlinear optical properties of co-sputtered Ge-Sb-Se amorphous thin films Optics Letters (Volume 45, Issue (6), mar 2020, Pages :1523 - 1526) Halenkovic, T. | Gutwirth, Jan | Kuriakose, Tintu | Bouska, Marek | Chauvet, Mathieu | Renversez, G. | Nemec, P. | Nazabal, Virginie
inproceedings - Experimental demonstration and numerical study of plasmon-soliton waves 2019 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Europe and the European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2019) / Munich, Germany (2019) Renversez, G. | Elsawy, Mahmoud | Chauvet, Mathieu | Kuriakose, Tintu | Halenkovic, T. | Nazabal, Virginie | Nemec, P.
inproceedings - PPLN ridge waveguides for frequency conversion of high power CW beams 2019 Photorefractive Photonics and beyond (PR 2019) / Gerardmer, France (2019, Pages pages 1) Pêcheur, Vincent | Chauvet, Mathieu | Porte, Henri | Hauden, Jérôme
inproceedings - Optical cavity-less 40-GHz picosecond pulse generator in the visible wavelength range 2019 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Europe and the European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2019) / Munich, Germany (2019, Pages pages 1-2) Xu, Gang | Pêcheur, Vincent | Fatome, Julien | Chauvet, Mathieu | Kibler, Bertrand
inproceedings - Second harmonic generation in periodically poled LiNbO3 ridge waveguides at high CW power 2019 FRench-Israel Symposium on Non-Linear & Quantum Optics (FRISNO 2019) / Aussois, France (2019) Pêcheur, Vincent | Chauvet, Mathieu | Bassignot, Florent
article - Towards a mid-infrared L band up-conversion interferometer: first on-sky sensitivity test on a single arm Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (Volume 485, Issue (3), jan 2019, Pages :3595 - 3599) Lehmann, Lucien | Grossard, Ludovic | Delage, Laurent | Reynaud, François | Chauvet, Mathieu | Bassignot, Florent | Martinache, Frantz | Morand, Frédéric
inproceedings - Experimental proof and modelling of plasmon-soliton coupling and propagation in a nonlinear plasmonic structure C'Nano ( 2018) / Toulon, France (2018) Kuriakose, Tintu | Renversez, G. | Elsawy, Mahmoud | Nazabal, Virginie | Nemec, P. | Baudet, E. | Halenkovic, T. | Chauvet, Mathieu
inproceedings - Experimental demonstration of soliton-plasmon coupling in planar waveguides SPIE Photonics Europe (2018) / Strasbourg, France (Issue , 2018, Pages pages 106840C) Kuriakose, Tintu | Halenkovic, T. | M. R. Elsawy, Mahmoud | Nemec, P. | Nazabal, Virginie | Renversez, G. | Chauvet, Mathieu
article - Measurement of ultrafast optical Kerr effect of Ge–Sb–Se chalcogenide slab waveguides by the beam self-trapping techniqueKerr solitons Optics Communications (Volume 403, nov 2017, Pages :352-357) Kuriakose, Tintu | Baudet, E. | Halenkovic, T. | M. R. Elsawy, Mahmoud | Nemec, P. | Nazabal, Virginie | Renversez, G. | Chauvet, Mathieu
inproceedings - Tutoriel invité : Micro- et nano-structurations du LiNbO3 pour les dispositifs optiques JNCO-formation Cristaux, Micro-nano-structures et Dispositifs pour l’Optique (JNCO-formation 2017) / Paris, France (2017) Chauvet, Mathieu
inproceedings - Evaluation of the Optical nonlinearities of Slab Waveguides by beam Self-Trapping 37ème Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG 2017) / Limoges, France (2017) Kuriakose, Tintu | Baudet, E. | Boidin, R. | M. R. Elsawy, Mahmoud | Nemec, P. | Nazabal, Virginie | Renversez, G. | Chauvet, Mathieu
inproceedings - Mesures de l'effet de Kerr dans des guides plans par analyse de faisceaux auto-pièges 37ème Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG 2017) / Limoges, France (2017) Kuriakose, Tintu | Baudet, E. | Boidin, R. | M. R. Elsawy, Mahmoud | Nemec, P. | Nazabal, Virginie | Renversez, G. | Chauvet, Mathieu
inproceedings - Improved nonlinear plasmonic slot waveguide: a full study 2016 SPIE Photonics Europe (SPIE 2016) / Strasbourg, France (Volume 9884, 2016, Pages pages 98840J ()) M. R. Elsawy, Mahmoud | Nazabal, Virginie | Chauvet, Mathieu | Renversez, G.
article - 3D pseudospectral time domain for modelling second harmonic generation in periodically poled lithium niobate ridge-type waveguides Journal of the Optical Society of America B (JOSA B) (Volume 33, Issue (4), mar 2016, Pages :703-710) Devaux, Fabrice | Lantz, Eric | Chauvet, Mathieu
inproceedings - Modélisation par 3D-PSTD de la génération de second harmonique dans des guides rides reportés PPLN 35ème Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG 2015) / Rennes, France (2015) Devaux, Fabrice | Chauvet, Mathieu
inproceedings - Hybrid wafers based on a “Silicon/PPLN thin film” stack for optical and Radio-Frequency applications 2015 IEEE International Symposium on the Applications of Ferroelectric, International Symposium on Integrated Functionalities and Piezoelectric Force Microscopy Worshop (ISAF/ISIF/PFM 2015) / Singapour, Malaysia (2015, Pages pages 52 - 55) Bassignot, Florent | Henrot, Fabien | Chauvet, Mathieu | Gauthier-Manuel, Ludovic | Edouard Guichardaz, Blandine | Maillotte, Hervé | Ballandras, Sylvain
article - Structure, nonlinear properties, and photosensitivity of (GeSe2)100-x(Sb2Se3)x glasses Optical Materials Express (Volume 4, Issue (3), mar 2014, Pages :525 - 540) Olivier, M. | Tchahame Nougnihi, Joel Cabrel | Nemec, P. | Chauvet, Mathieu | Besse, V. | Cassagne, C. | Boudebs, G. | Renversez, G. | Boidin, R. | Baudet, E. | Nazabal, Virginie
inproceedings - Investigation of Kerr and Brillouin nonlinear effects in chalcogenide glasses and in photonic crystal fibers Cameroon Physical Society International conference / Yaoundé, Cameroun (2013) Tchahame Nougnihi, Joel Cabrel | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Sylvestre, Thibaut | Chauvet, Mathieu | Olivier, M. | Nemec, P. | Renversez, G. | Nazabal, Virginie | Brillet, L. | Troles, J.
inproceedings - Traversée de micro-canaux par solitons : application à la fabrication d'un séparateur de polarisation intégré Journées Nationales de l'Optique Guidée (JNOG) / Villetaneuse, France. (2013) Al Fares, Luai | Devaux, Fabrice | Chauvet, Mathieu
article - Adiabatic self-focusing in media with spatially variable nonlinearity Optics Letters (Volume 36, Issue (19), oct 2011, Pages :3843 - 3845) Al Fares, Luai | Devaux, Fabrice | Chauvet, Mathieu
article - Light-induced waveguide by a finite self-trapped vortex beam in a photorefractive medium Journal of Optics (Volume 13, Issue (8), aug 2011, Pages :085502) Passier, Rémy | Chauvet, Mathieu | Wacogne, Bruno | Devaux, Fabrice
article - Dynamics of second-harmonic generation in a photovoltaic photorefractive quadratic medium Journal of the Optical Society of America B (JOSA B) (Volume 27, Issue (1), jan 2010, Pages :1 - 9) Pettazzi, Federico | Coda, Virginie | Fanjoux, Gil | Chauvet, Mathieu | Fazio, Eugenio
inproceedings - New Approach of Interdigitated Transducers Engineering for High-Temperature Surface Acoustic Wave Sensors IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS 2020) / Las Vegas, United States (2020, Pages pages 4) De Sousa Lopes Moreira, Arthur | Arapan, Lilia | Bartasyte, Ausrine
article - Detecting single photons is not always necessary to evidence interference of photon probability amplitudes Physical Review A (Volume 110, Issue (2), aug 2024, Pages :1) Lantz, Eric | Devaux, Fabrice | Massar, Serge
article - Restoring and tailoring very high dimensional spatial entanglement of a biphoton state transmitted through a scattering medium Journal of Optics (Volume 25, Issue (5), mar 2023, Pages :055201) Devaux, Fabrice | Mosset, Alexis | Popoff, Sébastien | Lantz, Eric
inproceedings - Etats quantiques en milieu diffusant épais : de l'expérience à la simulation de la fonction d'onde du biphoton Congrès général Optique de la Société Française d'Optique (2021) / Dijon, France (2021) Soro, Gnatiessoro | Lantz, Eric | Mosset, Alexis | Devaux, Fabrice
inproceedings - Imagerie d'interférences de type Hong-Ou-Mandel de paires de photons intriqués de très grande dimensionnalité Congrès général Optique de la Société Française d'Optique (2021) / Dijon, France (2021) Devaux, Fabrice | Mosset, Alexis | Lantz, Eric
inproceedings - Démodulateur large bande en niobate de lithium coupe Z insensible aux variations de température Congrès général Optique de la Société Française d'Optique (2021) / Dijon, France (2021) Pointel, Anne-Laure | Hauden, Jérôme | Devaux, Fabrice
inproceedings - Entangled photons through thick scattering media: experiments and comparison with simulations of the biphoton wave function 2021 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Europe and the European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2021) / Munich, Germany (2021, Pages pages CD-8.4) Soro, Gnatiessoro | Lantz, Eric | Mosset, Alexis | Devaux, Fabrice
article - Quantum spatial correlations imaging through thick scattering media: experiments and comparison with simulations of the biphoton wave function Journal of Optics (Volume 23, Issue (2), mar 2021, Pages :025201 (8)) Soro, Gnatiessoro | Lantz, Eric | Mosset, Alexis | Devaux, Fabrice
article - Violation of Bell inequalities by stochastic simulations of Gaussian States based on their positive Wigner representation Physica Scripta (Volume 96, Issue (4), feb 2021, Pages :045103 (7)) Lantz, Eric | Mabed, Mehdi | Devaux, Fabrice
article - Generation of regular optical patterns and photonic structures by a single Gaussian beam in a photorefractive LiNbO3:Fe crystal Optics Communications (Volume 478, Issue (126396), jan 2021, Pages : ) Tsarukyan, Lusine | Badalyan, Anahit | Devaux, Fabrice | Chauvet, Mathieu | Drampyan, Rafael
article - Imaging Spatiotemporal Hong-Ou-Mandel Interference of Biphoton States of Extremely High Schmidt Number Physical Review X (Volume 10, Issue (3), aug 2020, Pages :031031 (12)) Devaux, Fabrice | Mosset, Alexis | Moreau, Paul-Antoine | Lantz, Eric
inproceedings - One-photon and two-photon quantum holography with bi-photon states of large spatial dimensionality 2019 International conference on quantum Metrology and Sensing (IQuMS 2019) / Paris, France (2019, Pages pages 2) Devaux, Fabrice | Soro, Gnatiessoro | Mosset, Alexis | Devaux, Fabrice
inproceedings - Correlation Imaging through a Scattering Medium 2019 International conference on quantum Metrology and Sensing (IQuMS 2019) / Paris, France (2019, Pages pages 1) Soro, Gnatiessoro | Lantz, Eric | Mosset, Alexis | Devaux, Fabrice
inproceedings - Imaging with Electron Multiplying Charge Coupled Devices (EMCCDs) in photon-counting regime : a proven tool for measurement of quantum features of light 7th International Symposium in Optics and its Applications ( 2019) / Yerevan-Ashtarak, Armenia (2019) Devaux, Fabrice
inproceedings - Imaging Quantum Correlations through a Scattering Medium 5th International Conference for Young Quantum Information Scientists (IQIS 2019) / Sopot, Poland (2019, Pages pages 1-2) Soro, Gnatiessoro | Lantz, Eric | Mosset, Alexis | Devaux, Fabrice
article - 3D pseudospectral time domain for modelling second harmonic generation in periodically poled lithium niobate ridge-type waveguides Journal of the Optical Society of America B (JOSA B) (Volume 33, Issue (4), mar 2016, Pages :703-710) Devaux, Fabrice | Lantz, Eric | Chauvet, Mathieu
inproceedings - The Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) paradox in single couples of images 2015 Quantum Information Processing and Communication (QIPC 2015) / Leeds, United Kingdom (2015, Pages pages 1) Lantz, Eric | Denis, Severine | Moreau, Paul-Antoine | Devaux, Fabrice
inproceedings - Modélisation par 3D-PSTD de la génération de second harmonique dans des guides rides reportés PPLN 35ème Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG 2015) / Rennes, France (2015) Devaux, Fabrice | Chauvet, Mathieu
inproceedings - Paradoxe de Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen dans des images uniques Colloque sur les Lasers et l'Optique Quantique (COLOQ'14 2015) / Rennes, France (2015) Denis, Severine | Moreau, Paul-Antoine | Devaux, Fabrice | Lantz, Eric
article - Optimising the signal-to-noise ratio in measurement of photon pairs with detector arrays Physical Review A (Volume 90, Issue (6), dec 2014, Pages :063811) Lantz, Eric | Moreau, Paul-Antoine | Devaux, Fabrice
inproceedings - 3D-PSTD applied to the resolution in time and space of the time reversal of an image transmitted through a scattering medium Proc. SPIE, Optical Modelling and Design III / Brussels, Belgium (Volume 9131, 2014, Pages pages 9131-26) Devaux, Fabrice | Lantz, Eric
inproceedings - 2-D measurement of the spatial Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox in pairs of images of type II spontaneous parametric down conversion Quantum Information and Measurement Tomography OSA Technical Digest Paper / Berlin, Germany (2014, Pages pages QTu2A.3 ) Moreau, Paul-Antoine | Devaux, Fabrice | Lantz, Eric
article - Real-time suppression of turbidity of biological tissues in motion by three-wave mixing phase-conjugation Journal of Biomedical Optics (Volume 18, Issue (11), nov 2013, Pages :111405-1 - 111405-7) Devaux, Fabrice | Lantz, Eric
inproceedings - 2-D measurement of the spatial Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox in pairs of images of type II spontaneous parametric down conversion FGR-LS 2013 / Besançon, France (2013) Lantz, Eric | Moreau, Paul-Antoine | Devaux, Fabrice
inproceedings - 2D spatial measurement of the Einstein Podolsky Rosen in cameras images Quatrième Colloque du GDR - IQFA / Paris, France (2013) Moreau, Paul-Antoine | Devaux, Fabrice | Lantz, Eric
article - 3D-PSTD simulation and polarization analysis of a light pulse transmitted through a scattering medium Optics Express (Volume 21, Issue (21), oct 2013, Pages :24969 - 24984) Devaux, Fabrice | Lantz, Eric
inproceedings - Traversée de micro-canaux par solitons : application à la fabrication d'un séparateur de polarisation intégré Journées Nationales de l'Optique Guidée (JNOG) / Villetaneuse, France. (2013) Al Fares, Luai | Devaux, Fabrice | Chauvet, Mathieu
inproceedings - Real-time turbidity compensation of biological tissue in motion by a process of three waves mixing optical phase conjugation Proceedings 8592 of SPIE conference of Biomedical Applications of Light Scattering VII. IEEE / Munich, Germany (2013, Pages pages 85920A) Devaux, Fabrice | Lantz, Eric
article - Towards the evidence of a purely spatial spatial Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox in images: measurement scheme and first experimental results The European Physical Journal D (Volume 66, Issue (7), jul 2012, Pages :192 (6)) Devaux, Fabrice | Mougin-Sisini, Joé | Moreau, Paul-Antoine | Lantz, Eric
article - Adiabatic self-focusing in media with spatially variable nonlinearity Optics Letters (Volume 36, Issue (19), oct 2011, Pages :3843 - 3845) Al Fares, Luai | Devaux, Fabrice | Chauvet, Mathieu
article - Light-induced waveguide by a finite self-trapped vortex beam in a photorefractive medium Journal of Optics (Volume 13, Issue (8), aug 2011, Pages :085502) Passier, Rémy | Chauvet, Mathieu | Wacogne, Bruno | Devaux, Fabrice
inproceedings - Imagerie quantique par amplification paramétrique dans les cristaux non linéaires quadratiques Journées Nationales Cristaux pour l’Optique 2011 (JNCO) / Marseille, France (2011) Devaux, Fabrice | Lantz, Eric
inproceedings - Purely spatial quantum correlations and entanglement of twin photons in type 2 spontaneous parametric down conversion EOS Annual Meeting 2010 (EOSAM 2010) / Paris, France (2010) Devaux, Fabrice | Mougin-Sisini, Joé | Lantz, Eric
article - Self-similarity in transient stimulated Raman scattering in CO2-filled hollow-core fiber Journal of the Optical Society of America B (JOSA B) (Volume 40, Issue (3), mar 2023, Pages :637-644) Krupa, Katarzyna | Parriaux, Alexandre | Millot, Guy | Fanjoux, Gil
inproceedings - Mesures spectrales distribuées le long d'une nanofibre optique en régime non linéaire Congrès général Optique de la Société Française d'Optique (2022) / Nice, France (2022) Haddad, Yosri | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Margueron, Samuel | Fanjoux, Gil
inproceedings - Distributed spectral measurement of supercontinuum generation along an optical nanofiber. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim (CLEO-PR 2022) / Sapporo, Japan (2022, Pages pages 1-2) Haddad, Yosri | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Margueron, Samuel | Fanjoux, Gil
inproceedings - Distributed spectral measurement of nonlinear Raman cascade process along an optical nanofiber SPIE Photonics Europe (2022) / Strasbourg, France (Volume PC12136, 2022, Pages pages PC121360Y (6)) Fanjoux, Gil | Haddad, Yosri | Margueron, Samuel | Beugnot, Jean-Charles
inproceedings - Rayleigh imaging along an optical fiber in operation VI International Online Conference on Metamaterials and Nanophotonics ((METANANO 2021) 2021) / Tbilisi, Georgia (Volume 2015, Issue 012055, 2021, Pages pages 1-4) Haddad, Yosri | Chretien, Jacques | Margueron, Samuel | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Fanjoux, Gil
inproceedings - Illustration du concept de fonction de transfert en optique de fourier au niveau licence 3 Congrès général Optique de la Société Française d'Optique (2021) / Dijon, France (2021) Salvi, Jérôme | Fanjoux, Gil | Boetsch, Anne | Giust, Remo
inproceedings - Scattering field imaging along an optical waveguide in operando 2021 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Europe and the European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2021) / Munich, Germany (2021, Pages pages 1) Haddad, Yosri | Chretien, Jacques | Margueron, Samuel | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Fanjoux, Gil
article - An undergraduate experiment to illustrate spatial transfer function concepts in Fourier optics American Journal of Physics (Volume 88, Issue (8), jul 2020, Pages :617 - 624) Salvi, Jérôme | Fanjoux, Gil | Boetsch, Anne | Giust, Remo
article - Silica-based photonic crystal fiber for the generation of broad band UV radiation OSA Continuum (Volume 3, Issue (1), jan 2020, Pages :31 - 42) Perret, Solveig | Poudel, Chetan | Ghosh, Amar Nath | Fanjoux, Gil | Provino, Laurent | Taunay, T | Monteville, A. | Landais, D. | Kaminski, C.F. | Dudley, John Michael | Sylvestre, Thibaut
inproceedings - Génération d'un spectre ultraviolet de 350 à 391 nm dans une fibre opttique à cristal photonique en silice UV-Grade 2019 Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG 2019) / Paris-Saclay, France (2019) Perret, Solveig | Poudel, Chetan | Ghosh, Amar Nath | Fanjoux, Gil | Provino, Laurent | Le Goffic, O. | Landais, D. | Monteville, A. | Kaminski, C.F. | Dudley, John Michael | Sylvestre, Thibaut
article - Supercontinuum generation by intermodal four-wave mixing in a step-index fewmode fibre APL Photonics (Volume 4, jan 2019, Pages :022905) Perret, Solveig | Fanjoux, Gil | Bigot, L. | Fatome, Julien | Millot, Guy | Dudley, John Michael | Sylvestre, Thibaut
inproceedings - Supercontinuum generation by cascaded intermodal Raman and FWM processes in step-index few-mode fibers Latin America Optics and Photonics (LAOP 2018) / Lima, Peru (Issue W2E.3, 2018, Pages pages W2E.3) Perret, Solveig | Fanjoux, Gil | Bigot, L. | Fatome, Julien | Millot, Guy | Dudley, John Michael | Sylvestre, Thibaut
inproceedings - Supercontinuum generation in a normally-dispersive liquid-core optical fiber using picosecond visible pulses European Optical Society Annual Meeting (EOSAM 2018) / Dijon, France (Issue TOM 9, 2018, Pages pages ) Fanjoux, Gil | Margueron, Samuel | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Sylvestre, Thibaut
inproceedings - Two octave supercontinuum generation by cascaded intermodal four-wave mixing in a step index few-mode fibre 2018 Nonlinear Photonics ( 2018) / Zurich, Switzerland (2018, Pages pages NpTh2I.1.pdf) Perret, Solveig | Fanjoux, Gil | Bigot, L. | Fatome, Julien | Millot, Guy | Dudley, John Michael | Sylvestre, Thibaut
inproceedings - Génération de supercontinuum par cascade de mélanges à quatre ondes intermodaux dans une fibre optique multimode à saut d’indice 38ème Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG 2018) / Toulouse, France (2018, Pages pages 1-3) Perret, Solveig | Fanjoux, Gil | Bigot, L. | Fatome, Julien | Millot, Guy | Dudley, John Michael | Sylvestre, Thibaut
inproceedings - Etude de l’effet Kerr évanescent dans une nanofibre de silice immergée dans un liquide hautement non linéaire 38ème Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG 2018) / Toulouse, France (2018, Pages pages 1-3) Fanjoux, Gil | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Sylvestre, Thibaut
inproceedings - Supercontinuum generation and intermodal four-wave mixing in a step-index few-mode fibre SPIE Photonics Europe, 2018, Micro-Structured and Specialty Optical Fibres V / Strasbourg, France (Volume 10684, 2018, Pages pages 1684-49) Perret, Solveig | Fanjoux, Gil | Bigot, L. | Fatome, Julien | Millot, Guy | Dudley, John Michael | Sylvestre, Thibaut
inproceedings - Supercontinuum Generation and Intermodal Four-Wave Mixing in a Step-Index Few-Mode Fibre Symposium on Future Prospects for Photonics on Mid-Infrared Light Sources and Applications (2017) / Tampere, Finland (Issue , 2017, Pages pages C2-S) Perret, Solveig | Fanjoux, Gil | Bigot, L. | Fatome, Julien | Millot, Guy | Dudley, John Michael | Sylvestre, Thibaut
article - Supercontinuum generation by stimulated Raman-Kerr scattering in a liquid-core optical fiber Journal of the Optical Society of America B (JOSA B) (Volume 34, Issue (8), jul 2017, Pages :1677-1683) Fanjoux, Gil | Margueron, Samuel | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Sylvestre, Thibaut
inproceedings - Supercontinuum generation in an optical fiber capillary filled with Toluene Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Europe and the European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2017) / Munich, Germany (Issue , 2017, Pages pages CD-P.13) Fanjoux, Gil | Margueron, Samuel | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Sylvestre, Thibaut
inproceedings - Nonlinear Optics in Integrated Liquid-filled Optical Fibers 6th IEEE International Conference on Photonics (ICP 2016) / Langkawi, Malaysia (2016) Fanjoux, Gil
inproceedings - Valise pédagogique sur la génération d’un supercontinuum de lumière dans une fibre optique 11th Colloque sur l'enseignement des technologies et des sciences de l'information et des systèmes (CETSIS) / Besançon, France (2014) Fanjoux, Gil | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Sylvestre, Thibaut | Benoit, Corentin
inproceedings - Spectroscopie de Fourier par peignes de fréquences générés par un laser continu 34èmes Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG) / Nice, France (2014, Pages pages 7 - 8) Pitois, Stéphane | Morin, Philippe | Fanjoux, Gil | Picqué, Nathalie | Millot, Guy
inproceedings - Fiber-based broadband black-light source The 7th International conference on Photonics and Applications (ICPA-7), Vietnam Society of Physics. / Saigon, Vietnam. (2012, Pages pages A - 41) Sylvestre, Thibaut | Lee, Min Won | Ragueh, A. R. | Stiller, Birgit | Fanjoux, Gil | Barviaux, B. | Mussot, Arnaud | Kudlinski, A.
inproceedings - Transposition du phénomène de lumière induite par amplification paramétrique au cas spatial: routage optique 32èmes Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG) / Lyon, France (2012) Fanjoux, Gil | Sylvestre, Thibaut
inproceedings - Pulse delaying using Raman-assisted parametric amplification in polarization-maintaining fibers Proceedings of Access Networks and In-house Communications (ANIC) 2012 - The Optical Society - OSA / Colorado Springs, Colorado, United States (2012, Pages pages JTu5A.38) Nasser, Nour | Fanjoux, Gil | Lantz, Eric | Sylvestre, Thibaut
inproceedings - Supercontinuum generation with picosecond ultraviolet pulses in a solid-core photonic crystal fiber Proceedings of Access Networks and In-house Communications (ANIC) 2012 - OSA / Colorado Springs, Colorado, United States (2012, Pages pages NTh2A.3) Sylvestre, Thibaut | Lee, Min Won | Ragueh, A. R. | Stiller, Birgit | Fanjoux, Gil | Barviaux, B. | Mussot, Arnaud | Kudlinski, A.
inproceedings - Supercontinuum generation in the black light region by pumping at 355 nm a silica photonic crystal fiber Proc. SPIE from Conference Nonlinear Optics and Applications VI. / Brussels, Belgium (Volume 8434 , Issue 843415, 2012) Sylvestre, Thibaut | Ragueh, A. R. | Lee, Min Won | Stiller, Birgit | Fanjoux, Gil | Barviaux, B. | Mussot, Arnaud | Kudlinski, A.
inproceedings - Beam steering using spatial OPA in Kerr media : a space-time analogy of parametric slow-light Nonlinear Photonics 2012 - OSA / Colorado Springs, Colorado United States (Issue NTu2D.8, 2012) Fanjoux, Gil | Sylvestre, Thibaut
article - Black-light continuum generation in a silica-core photonic crystal fiber Optics Letters (Volume 37, Issue (2), jan 2012, Pages :130 -132) Sylvestre, Thibaut | Ragueh, A. R. | Lee, Min Won | Stiller, Birgit | Fanjoux, Gil | Barviaux, B. | Mussot, Arnaud | Kudlinski, A.
article - Tunable optical delay using parametric amplification in highly birefringent optical fibers Journal of the Optical Society of America B (JOSA B) (Volume 28, Issue (10), oct 2011, Pages :2352 - 2357) Nasser, Nour | Fanjoux, Gil | Lantz, Eric | Sylvestre, Thibaut
inproceedings - Tuning Both the Pulse Walk-off and the Frequency Chirp in Raman Slow Light Media Nonlinear Photonics (NP) 2010 - OSA / Karlsruhe Germany (2010, Pages pages NTuC3) Fanjoux, Gil | Sylvestre, Thibaut
article - Dynamics of second-harmonic generation in a photovoltaic photorefractive quadratic medium Journal of the Optical Society of America B (JOSA B) (Volume 27, Issue (1), jan 2010, Pages :1 - 9) Pettazzi, Federico | Coda, Virginie | Fanjoux, Gil | Chauvet, Mathieu | Fazio, Eugenio
inproceedings - Multicolor Soliton And Cascaded Raman Generation In A Nonlinear Planar Waveguide OSA Nonlinear Photonics, NP' 2010 - OSA Nonlinear Photonics Technical Digest / Karlsruhe, Germany (2010, Pages pages NTuC17) Michaud, Jérémy | Fanjoux, Gil | Maillotte, Hervé | Sylvestre, Thibaut
article - Towards 2-μm comb light source based on multiple four-wave mixing in a dual-frequency Brillouin fiber laser Journal of the European Optical Society - Rapid publications (Volume 20, Issue (6), may 2024, Pages :9) Deroh, Moïse | Xu, Gang | Lucas, Erwan | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Maillotte, Hervé | Sylvestre, Thibaut | Kibler, Bertrand
inproceedings - La Graduate School EIPHI : formation recherche high tech en prise avec l’innovation et les besoins des entreprises cycle de conférence "Booster la R&D et la compétitivité grâce aux ressources des laboratoires de recherche", Salon industriel international MICRONORA (2022) / Besançon, France (2022) Peneau, Frédéric | Maillotte, Hervé
article - Tunable ultrafast infrared generation in a gas-filled hollow-core capillary by a four-wave mixing process Journal of the Optical Society of America B (JOSA B) (Volume 39, Issue (3), mar 2022, Pages :662-670 (erratum : vol. 39, 7, pp 1762, jul. 2022)) Zurita Miranda, Olivia | Fourcade Dutin, Coralie | Fauquet, Frédéric | Darracq, Frédéric | Guillet, Jean-Paul | Mounaix, Patrick | Maillotte, Hervé | Bigourd, Damien
inproceedings - Four-wave mixing process induced by a self-phase modulated pulse in a hollow core capillary 2021 OSA Advanced Photonics Congress (2021) / Washington, United States (2021, Pages pages 1-2) Zurita Miranda, Olivia | Fourcade Dutin, Coralie | Béjot, Pierre | Fauquet, Frédéric | Maillotte, Hervé | Mounaix, Patrick | Bigourd, Damien
inproceedings - Presentation of EIPHI Graduate School with a focus on energy activities Réunion du Groupe CPU de l’Alliance ANCRE (2021) / Paris, France (2021) Maillotte, Hervé
article - Comparative analysis of stimulated Brillouin scattering at 2 µm in various infrared glass-based optical fibers Journal of the Optical Society of America B (JOSA B) (Volume 37, Issue (12), dec 2020, Pages :3792 - 3800) Deroh, Moïse | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Hammani, K. | Finot, Christophe | Fatome, Julien | Smektala, F. | Maillotte, Hervé | Sylvestre, Thibaut | Kibler, Bertrand
inproceedings - Spectral Distributions of Chirped Pulsed Four-Wave Mixing in a Photonic Crystal Fiber Measured by Dispersive Fourier Transform Method OSA Advanced Photonics Congress (2020) / Washington, United States (Issue paper NpTu1E.4., 2020, Pages pages ) Fourcade-Dutin, Coralie | Robert, Paul | Dauliat, Romain | Jamier, Raphael | Munoz-Marco, Hector | Perez-Millan, Pere | Dudley, John Michael | Maillotte, Hervé | Bigourd, Damien
article - Temporal Distribution Measurement of the Parametric Spectral Gain in a Photonic Crystal Fiber Pumped by a Chirped Pulse Photonics (Volume 6, Issue (1), feb 2019, Pages :1 - 9) Fourcade Dutin, Coralie | Imperio, Antonio | Dauliat, Romain | Jamier, Raphael | Munoz-Marco, Hector | Perez-Millan, Pere | Maillotte, Hervé | Roy, Philippe | Bigourd, Damien
inproceedings - Stratégies partenariats/innovation/transfert à FEMTO-ST Journée des Correspondants partenariat/innovation de l'INSIS-CNRS ( 2019) / Meudon, France (2019) Maillotte, Hervé
misc - Membre du Jury “Rising stars of light” de sélection des meilleures présentations de jeunes chercheurs, Light Conference (2018-2019) ( 2019) Maillotte, Hervé
inproceedings - From ultrafast nonlinear photonics and fiber optoacoustics to nano-optics and smart optoelectronics: a glimpse of photonics research at FEMTO-ST Institute Workshop of the International Associated Laboratory for Photonics between France and Australia (LIA ALPhA2 2018) / Melbourne, Australia (2018) Maillotte, Hervé
misc - Organisation d’un stand Labex ACTION / EUR EIPHI pour la Conférence Internationale Near-Field Optics (NFO15), Troyes, 2018 (aug 2018) Maillotte, Hervé
inproceedings - Labex ACTION and EIPHI Graduate School Colloque du GDR "bio-ingénierie des interfaces" ( 2018) / Besançon, France (2018) Maillotte, Hervé
inproceedings - Labex ACTION and EIPHI Graduate School Kick-off de l’Ecole Universitaire de Recherche EIPHI (2018) / Besançon, France (2018) Maillotte, Hervé
inproceedings - Key facts and figures of the Laboratory of Excellence ACTION : Smart systems integrated into matter 4th Strategic Board Meeting and annual seminar of Laboratory of Excellence ACTION ( 2018) / Dijon, France (2018) Maillotte, Hervé
inproceedings - Laboratory of Excellence ACTION : Smart systems integrated into matter Microphononics and Applications Workshop (2017) / Besançon, France (2017) Maillotte, Hervé
misc - Membre du Comité d’organisation du Workshop International WOMBAT 2017 (Workshop on OptoMechanics and Brillouin scattering, fundamentals, Applications and Technologies) (jul 2017) Maillotte, Hervé
inproceedings - Lithium niobate thin films: micro-nano-structuring processes and related on-chip photonic components Summer School Sigma-Tech Days (2017) / Limoges, France (2017) Maillotte, Hervé
misc - Co-organisation Labex ACTION & SATT SAYENS d’une action de sensibilisation « Le transfert de technologie en pratique », Besançon-Dijon ( 2017) Maillotte, Hervé
inproceedings - Information processing systems 3nd Strategic Board Meeting of Laboratory of Excellence ACTION (2016) / Besançon, France (2016) Maillotte, Hervé | Cluzel, Benoît
misc - Membre du comité d'organisation et d’animation du 1er Symposium National inter-Labex « Excellence in Smart Systems », Besançon ( 2016) Maillotte, Hervé
inproceedings - Multimode Brillouin scattering in a long tapered photonic crystal fiber Workshop on Optomechanics and Brillouin Scattering: Fundamentals, Applications and Technologies (WOMBAT 2015) / Sydney, Australia (2015) Tchahame Nougnihi, Joel Cabrel | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Maillotte, Hervé | Kudlinski, A. | Sylvestre, Thibaut
inproceedings - Multimode Brillouin scattering in a long tapered photonic crystal fiber Workshop on Optomechanics and Brillouin Scattering: Fundamentals, Applications and Technologies (WOMBAT 2015) / Sydney, Australia (2015) Tchahame Nougnihi, Joel Cabrel | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Maillotte, Hervé | Kudlinski, A. | Sylvestre, Thibaut
inproceedings - Hybrid wafers based on a “Silicon/PPLN thin film” stack for optical and Radio-Frequency applications 2015 IEEE International Symposium on the Applications of Ferroelectric, International Symposium on Integrated Functionalities and Piezoelectric Force Microscopy Worshop (ISAF/ISIF/PFM 2015) / Singapour, Malaysia (2015, Pages pages 52 - 55) Bassignot, Florent | Henrot, Fabien | Chauvet, Mathieu | Gauthier-Manuel, Ludovic | Edouard Guichardaz, Blandine | Maillotte, Hervé | Ballandras, Sylvain
inproceedings - Observation of acoustic avoided crossing in sub-wavenlength diameter fiber 3rd International Conference on Phononic Crystals/Metamaterials, Phonon Transport and Phonon Coupling (Phononics 2015) / Paris, France (2015, Pages pages 383) Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Ahmad, Raja | Rochette, Martin | Tchahame Nougnihi, Joel Cabrel | Phan Huy, Kien | Laude, Vincent | Maillotte, Hervé | Sylvestre, Thibaut
inproceedings - Information processing systems – Nonlinear functionalities 2nd Strategic Board Meeting of Laboratory of Excellence ACTION (2015) / Besançon, France (2015) Maillotte, Hervé
inproceedings - Physics, Photonics and fun: building and sustaining a research career in Optics Summer School “Optical fibre sensors: from research to real world” of the COST Action TD1001 OFSeSa / Chandolin, Suisse (2014) Dudley, John Michael | Maillotte, Hervé
inproceedings - The International Year of Light and Light-based Technologies 2015 "Light : Science & Applications" Board Meeting / Changchun, Chine (2014) Dudley, John Michael | Maillotte, Hervé
inproceedings - Tunable stimulated Brillouin scattering in hybrid polymer-chalcogenide tapered fibers Proc. SPIE, Nonlinear Optics and Its Applications VIII and Quantum Optics III. / Brussels, Belgium (Volume 9136, 2014, Pages pages 91360O) Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Ahmad, Raja | Rochette, Martin | Laude, Vincent | Maillotte, Hervé | Sylvestre, Thibaut
inproceedings - Stimulated Brillouin scattering in hybrid chalcogenide-PMMA microwires 3rd Workshop on Specialty Optical Fibers and their Applications - OSA / Sigtuna, Sweden (2013, Pages pages F2.13) Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Ahmad, Raja | Rochette, Martin | Laude, Vincent | Maillotte, Hervé | Sylvestre, Thibaut
inproceedings - Etude de la diffusion Brillouin dans les microfibres optiques en verre de chalcogénure Optique Paris 2013 - 33èmes Journées Nationales d’Optique Guidée. Recueil des Communications JNOG 2013 / Villetaneuse, France. (2013) Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Ahmad, Raja | Rochette, Martin | Laude, Vincent | Maillotte, Hervé | Sylvestre, Thibaut
inproceedings - Unified description of Brillouin scattering in micro- and nano- structured waveguides based on the electrostrictive force 4th European Optical Society Annual Meeting (EOSAM 2012) / Aberdeen, Scotland, United Kingdom (2012, Pages pages Th6135) Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Sylvestre, Thibaut | Maillotte, Hervé | Laude, Vincent
inproceedings - Activités et objectifs du groupe de travail WP3 – Nonlinear Functionalities – du Labex ACTION Kickoff Meeting du Labex ACTION / Besançon, France (2012) Maillotte, Hervé
inproceedings - Acousto-optics in photonic crystal fibers: enhancement and suppression of Brillouin scattering Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light / Erlangen, Allemagne (2012) Stiller, Birgit | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Nguyen, Duc Minh | Maillotte, Hervé | Sylvestre, Thibaut
inproceedings - Future collaborations : forces and complementarities in research and education Round table animation at Workshop KIT (Karlsruhe) – FEMTO-ST in Photonics and Microsystems / Besançon, France. (2012) Maillotte, Hervé | Saile, Volker
inproceedings - Opto-acoustics and Brillouin phenomena in microstructure optical fibres 4th French-Japanese meeting on Phonon interacting with photon at the nanoscale / Orsay, France (2012) Maillotte, Hervé
inproceedings - Présentation du Département d’Optique et de l’Institut FEMTO-ST et zoom sur l’opto-acoustique et les phénomènes Brillouin dans les fibres optiques microstructurées Séminaire invité : Laboratoire de Photonique et de Nanostructures / Marcoussis, France (2012) Maillotte, Hervé | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Lee, Min Won | Delque, Michaël | Benchabane-Gaiffe, Sarah | Laude, Vincent | Sylvestre, Thibaut | Foaleng Mafang, Stella | Thévenaz, Luc | Bouwmans, Géraud | Kudlinski, A. | Mélin, Gilles
inproceedings - Focus on main research activities in Optics and Photonics at FEMTO-ST 1st Optics & Photonics Days, OSA Student Chapter / Besançon, France (2011) Maillotte, Hervé
inproceedings - Focus on main research activities in Optics and Photonics at FEMTO-ST 2nd Optics & Photonics Days, OSA Student Chapter / Besançon, France (2011) Maillotte, Hervé
inproceedings - Suppression de l’effet Brillouin dans une fibre optique microstructurée Journée de la Photonique / Dijon, France (2011) Stiller, Birgit | Lee, Min Won | Delque, Michaël | Bouwmans, Géraud | Kudlinski, A. | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Maillotte, Hervé | Sylvestre, Thibaut
inproceedings - Suppression of SBS in a photonic crystal fiber with periodically-varied core diameter Optical Fiber Communication Conference OFC'2011 -OSA Technical Digest Series (CD) (OSA 2011) / Los Angeles, California United States (Issue OMO5, 2011) Stiller, Birgit | Lee, Min Won | Delque, Michaël | Bouwmans, Géraud | Kudlinski, A. | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Maillotte, Hervé | Sylvestre, Thibaut
inproceedings - Suppression of stimulated Brillouin scattering in a photonic crystal fiber with periodically-varied core diameter 75th Meeting of the Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft and DPG Spring Meeting / Dresden, Germany (Issue Q.6.4., 2011) Stiller, Birgit | Delque, Michaël | Lee, Min Won | Kudlinski, A. | Maillotte, Hervé | Sylvestre, Thibaut
inproceedings - Advanced devices based on Lithium Niobate photonic / phononic crystals Workshop on nanotechnology for electronics and photonics / Limoges, France (2010) Courjal, Nadège | Maillotte, Hervé
inproceedings - Overview of FEMTO-ST and activities in nanotechnology and nanoscience Rencontres France-Singapour (UMI CINTRA, Nanyang Technological University), "Workshop on Nanotechnologies for Electronics and Photonics" / Limoges, France (2010) Maillotte, Hervé
inproceedings - Characterization of backward and forward Brillouin scattering in a photonic crystal fiber Institute of Photonic Technology / IPHT Jena, Allemagne (2010) Stiller, Birgit | Sylvestre, Thibaut | Delque, Michaël | Lee, Min Won | Maillotte, Hervé
article - Estimation of the elastic and piezoelectric tensors of sapphire and lithium niobate from Brillouin light backscattering measurements of a single crystal sample Journal of Applied Physics (Volume 134, Issue (18), nov 2023, Pages :185103 (13)) Ugarak, Fehima | Iglesias Martinez, Julio Andrés | Mosset, Alexis | Laude, Vincent
article - Restoring and tailoring very high dimensional spatial entanglement of a biphoton state transmitted through a scattering medium Journal of Optics (Volume 25, Issue (5), mar 2023, Pages :055201) Devaux, Fabrice | Mosset, Alexis | Popoff, Sébastien | Lantz, Eric
inproceedings - Fabrication et usinage des guides en verre de tellurite pour l'optique non-linéaire intégrée Congrès général Optique de la Société Française d'Optique (2021) / Dijon, France (2021) Godet, Adrien | Evrard, M. | Desevedavy, F. | Strutynski, C. | Smektala, F. | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Mosset, Alexis | Gauthier-Manuel, Ludovic | Courjal, Nadège
inproceedings - Etats quantiques en milieu diffusant épais : de l'expérience à la simulation de la fonction d'onde du biphoton Congrès général Optique de la Société Française d'Optique (2021) / Dijon, France (2021) Soro, Gnatiessoro | Lantz, Eric | Mosset, Alexis | Devaux, Fabrice
inproceedings - Imagerie d'interférences de type Hong-Ou-Mandel de paires de photons intriqués de très grande dimensionnalité Congrès général Optique de la Société Française d'Optique (2021) / Dijon, France (2021) Devaux, Fabrice | Mosset, Alexis | Lantz, Eric
inproceedings - Entangled photons through thick scattering media: experiments and comparison with simulations of the biphoton wave function 2021 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Europe and the European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2021) / Munich, Germany (2021, Pages pages CD-8.4) Soro, Gnatiessoro | Lantz, Eric | Mosset, Alexis | Devaux, Fabrice
article - Quantum spatial correlations imaging through thick scattering media: experiments and comparison with simulations of the biphoton wave function Journal of Optics (Volume 23, Issue (2), mar 2021, Pages :025201 (8)) Soro, Gnatiessoro | Lantz, Eric | Mosset, Alexis | Devaux, Fabrice
article - Imaging Spatiotemporal Hong-Ou-Mandel Interference of Biphoton States of Extremely High Schmidt Number Physical Review X (Volume 10, Issue (3), aug 2020, Pages :031031 (12)) Devaux, Fabrice | Mosset, Alexis | Moreau, Paul-Antoine | Lantz, Eric
inproceedings - One-photon and two-photon quantum holography with bi-photon states of large spatial dimensionality 2019 International conference on quantum Metrology and Sensing (IQuMS 2019) / Paris, France (2019, Pages pages 2) Devaux, Fabrice | Soro, Gnatiessoro | Mosset, Alexis | Devaux, Fabrice
inproceedings - Correlation Imaging through a Scattering Medium 2019 International conference on quantum Metrology and Sensing (IQuMS 2019) / Paris, France (2019, Pages pages 1) Soro, Gnatiessoro | Lantz, Eric | Mosset, Alexis | Devaux, Fabrice
inproceedings - Imaging Quantum Correlations through a Scattering Medium 5th International Conference for Young Quantum Information Scientists (IQIS 2019) / Sopot, Poland (2019, Pages pages 1-2) Soro, Gnatiessoro | Lantz, Eric | Mosset, Alexis | Devaux, Fabrice
inproceedings - AMINCISSEMENT DE FIBRES OPTIQUES MULTIMODES Congrès général Optique de la Société Française d'Optique (2024) / Rouen, France (2024) Zerbib, Maxime | Fanjoux, Gil | Phan Huy, Kien | Beugnot, Jean-Charles
inproceedings - 140 km Brillouin optical time domain reflectometry based on single-photon detector SPIE OPTO (SPIE OPTO 2024) / SAN FRANCISCO, United States (Volume 12893, 2024, Pages pages 121-126) Romanet, Maxime | Rochat, Etienne | Phan Huy, Kien | Beugnot, Jean-Charles
inproceedings - Observation de la diffusion Brillouin dans un guide d'ondes intégré de silice dopée à haut indice Journées Nationales de l’Optique Guidée (JNOG 2023) / LYON, France (2023, Pages pages 4) Zerbib, Maxime | Hoang, V.T. | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Phan Huy, Kien | Little, B. | Chu, S.T. | Moss, D.J. | Morandotti, Roberto | Wetzel, Benjamin | Sylvestre, Thibaut
inproceedings - Observation of Brillouin Spin-Orbit Interaction in a Silica Optical Nanofiber 2023 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Europe and the European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2023) / Munich, Germany (2023, Pages pages 1) Zerbib, Maxime | Romanet, Maxime | Sylvestre, Thibaut | Wolff, Christian | Stiller, Birgit | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Phan Huy, Kien
inproceedings - Observation of Brillouin Backscattering in a 50cm-Long High-Index Doped Silica Chip Waveguide 2023 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Europe and the European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2023) / Munich, Germany (2023, Pages pages 1) Zerbib, Maxime | Hoang, V.T. | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Phan Huy, Kien | Little, B. | Chu, S.T. | Moss, D.J. | Morandotti, R. | Wetzel, Benjamin | Sylvestre, Thibaut
inproceedings - 100 km distributed Brillouin fiber sensor based on single photon detection Congrès général Optique de la Société Française d'Optique (2022) / Nice, France (2022) Romanet, Maxime | Phan Huy, Kien | Rochat, Etienne | Beugnot, Jean-Charles
inproceedings - Impact de la polarisation sur les modes acoustiques de surface générés par diffusion brillouin dans les nanofibres Congrès général Optique de la Société Française d'Optique (2022) / Nice, France (2022) Zerbib, Maxime | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Phan Huy, Kien
inproceedings - Mesure distribuée à bas flux de la rétrodiffusion Brillouin avec un compteur de photons Congrès général Optique de la Société Française d'Optique (2022) / Nice, France (2022, Pages pages 4) Romanet, Maxime | Phan Huy, Kien | Rochat, Etienne | Beugnot, Jean-Charles
inproceedings - Characterization of groundwater flow by fiber optic temperature measurement Conférence Guided Optics & Sensor Systems (GO2S 2022) / Bordeaux, France (2022) Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Phan Huy, Kien | Matic, Alexandre | Romanet, Maxime | Zerbib, Maxime | Labre, Jordan | Celle, Hélène
inproceedings - Ultra-sensitive Brillouin nanofiber force sensor Optical Sensors and Sensing Congress (2020) / Washington, United States (Issue , 2020, Pages pages SW1F(2)) Godet, Adrien | Chretien, Jacques | Phan Huy, Kien | Beugnot, Jean-Charles
inproceedings - Conception and reproducibility study of efficient evanescent Raman converters based a nanofiber immersed in a liquid XXI SPIE Laser Resonators, Microresonators, and Beam Control (LASE 2020) / San Francisco, United States (Volume 11264, 2020, Pages pages 112641L) Bouhadida, Maha | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Delaye, Philippe | Phan Huy, Kien | Lebrun, Sylvie
inproceedings - Polarization of Brillouin scattered light in silica nanofibers XXI SPIE Laser Resonators, Microresonators, and Beam Control (LASE 2020) / San Francisco, United States (2020, Pages pages 11264 (6)) Buret, Camille | Hauden, Martin | Chretien, Jacques | Godet, Adrien | Sylvestre, Thibaut | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Phan Huy, Kien
inproceedings - Caractérisation de l’élasticité non linéaire de la silice dans des fibres optiques effilées Huitième conférence plénière du GDR Ondes (2019) / Gif-sur-Yvette, France (2019) Godet, Adrien | Chretien, Jacques | Sylvestre, Thibaut | Phan Huy, Kien | Beugnot, Jean-Charles
article - Highly efficient and reproducible evanescent Raman converters based on a silica nanofiber immersed in a liquid Applied Physics B-Lasers and Optics (Volume 125, oct 2019, Pages :7) Bouhadida, Maha | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Delaye, Philippe | Phan Huy, Kien | Lebrun, Sylvie
inproceedings - Observation of elastic anisotropy in strained optical nanofibers using Brillouin spectroscopy 2019 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Europe and the European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2019) / Munich, Germany (2019, Pages pages paper ck_11_3) Godet, Adrien | Chretien, Jacques | Sylvestre, Thibaut | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Phan Huy, Kien
inproceedings - Brillouin liquid point fiber sensor based on tapered silica optical fiber 3rd Workshop on Optomechanics and Brillouin Scattering: Fundamentals, Applications and Technologies (WOMBAT 2019) / Tel Aviv, Israel (2019, Pages pages 1) Chretien, Jacques | Godet, Adrien | Phan Huy, Kien | Sylvestre, Thibaut | Beugnot, Jean-Charles
inproceedings - Acoustic wave management with Brillouin scattering 7th IEEE International Conference on Photonics (ICP 2018) / Langkawi, Malaysia (2018) Phan Huy, Kien
inproceedings - Observation of surface Brillouin scattering in microstructured optical fibers Frontiers in Optics ( 2016) / New York, United States (2016, Pages pages FTu5I.2) Tchahame Nougnihi, Joel Cabrel | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Phan Huy, Kien | Laude, Vincent | Kudlinski, A. | Sylvestre, Thibaut
inproceedings - Control of surface Brillouin scattering in photonic crystal fibers 1st International Conference on Optics, Photonics & Materials (Nice Optique 2016) / Nice, France (2016) Tchahame Nougnihi, Joel Cabrel | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Phan Huy, Kien | Laude, Vincent | Sylvestre, Thibaut | Kudlinski, A.
inproceedings - Diffusion Brillouin de surface dans une fibre optique microstructurée Rencontre Thématique GDR ONDES ( 2016) / Besançon, France (2016) Tchahame Nougnihi, Joel Cabrel | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Phan Huy, Kien | Laude, Vincent | Kudlinski, A. | Sylvestre, Thibaut
inproceedings - Observation de la diffusion Brillouin de surface dans une fibre optique à cristal photonique 36ème Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG 2016) / Bordeaux, France (2016, Pages pages 56-58) Tchahame Nougnihi, Joel Cabrel | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Phan Huy, Kien | Laude, Vincent | Kudlinski, A. | Sylvestre, Thibaut
article - Temporal ghost imaging with pseudo-thermal speckle light Journal of Optics (Volume 19, Issue (2), feb 2016, Pages :024001 ( 5pp )) Devaux, Fabrice | Phan Huy, Kien | Denis, Severine | Lantz, Eric | Moreau, Paul-Antoine
inproceedings - Experimental observation of surface acoustic wave Brillouin scattering in a small core photonic crystal fiber 2016 SPIE Photonics West ( 2016) / San Francisco, United States (2016, Pages pages 1-5) Tchahame Nougnihi, Joel Cabrel | Sylvestre, Thibaut | Phan Huy, Kien | Kudlinski, A. | Laude, Vincent | Beugnot, Jean-Charles
inproceedings - Theory of the strong phonon-photon coupling in an optical fiber taper Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe - EQEC) / Munich, Germany (Volume , Issue CD-P.23, 2015, Pages pages 1092) Phan Huy, Kien | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Tchahame Nougnihi, Joel Cabrel | Sylvestre, Thibaut
inproceedings - Observation of acoustic avoided crossing in sub-wavenlength diameter fiber 3rd International Conference on Phononic Crystals/Metamaterials, Phonon Transport and Phonon Coupling (Phononics 2015) / Paris, France (2015, Pages pages 383) Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Ahmad, Raja | Rochette, Martin | Tchahame Nougnihi, Joel Cabrel | Phan Huy, Kien | Laude, Vincent | Maillotte, Hervé | Sylvestre, Thibaut
inproceedings - Creation and manipulation of two-dimensional photonic frequency entanglement Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) and Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference (QELS) - Fundamental Science 2014 - OSA / San Jose, California, United States (2014, Pages pages FTh1A.1) Olislager, Laurent | Woodhead, Erik | Phan Huy, Kien | Merolla, Jean-Marc | Emplit, Philippe | Massar, Serge
article - Creating and manipulating entangled optical qubits in the frequency domain Physical Review A (Volume 89, Issue (5), may 2014, Pages :052323-1 - 052323-8) Olislager, Laurent | Woodhead, Erik | Phan Huy, Kien | Merolla, Jean-Marc | Emplit, Philippe | Massar, Serge
inproceedings - Quantum Engineering in Frequency Domain: High-Dimensional Entanglement Manipulation in Frequency Domain Based on Integrated& Modulation Technologies Single Photon Workshop 2013 / Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Tenessee, USA (2013) Galmes, Batiste | Decurey, Jean-Pierre | Furfaro, Luca | Phan Huy, Kien | Merolla, Jean-Marc
article - Supercontinuum generation by nanosecond dual-pumping near the two zero-dispersion wavelengths of a photonic crystal fiber Optics Communications (Volume 284, Issue (1), jan 2011, Pages :467 - 470) Boucon, Anne | Sylvestre, Thibaut | Phan Huy, Kien | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Mélin, Gilles | Maillotte, Hervé | Dudley, John Michael
inproceedings - System for second generation Quan- tum Key Distribution in the frequency domain EOS Annual Meeting 2010 (EOSAM 2010) / Paris, France (2010) Merolla, Jean-Marc | Cussey, Johann | Mbodji, Ismael | Olislager, Laurent | Phan Huy, Kien | Massar, Serge
inproceedings - Enchevêtrement de paires de photons dans le domaine fréquentiel JNOG 2010 / Besancon, France (2010) Olislager, Laurent | Mbodji, Ismael | Cussey, Johann | Nguyen, Anh Tuan | Emplit, Philippe | Phan Huy, Kien | Merolla, Jean-Marc | Massar, Serge
inproceedings - 140 km Brillouin optical time domain reflectometry based on single-photon detector SPIE OPTO (SPIE OPTO 2024) / SAN FRANCISCO, United States (Volume 12893, 2024, Pages pages 121-126) Romanet, Maxime | Rochat, Etienne | Phan Huy, Kien | Beugnot, Jean-Charles
inproceedings - Observation of Brillouin Spin-Orbit Interaction in a Silica Optical Nanofiber 2023 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Europe and the European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2023) / Munich, Germany (2023, Pages pages 1) Zerbib, Maxime | Romanet, Maxime | Sylvestre, Thibaut | Wolff, Christian | Stiller, Birgit | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Phan Huy, Kien
inproceedings - Gas-pressure tuning of wavelength of photon pair emitted by Four-Wave-Mixing in Nanofibers European Optical Society Annual Meeting (EOSAM 2022) / Porto, Portugal (Volume 266, 2022, Pages pages 11003) bonifacio, agathe | Lebrun, Sylvie | Zerbib, Maxime | Romanet, Maxime | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Delaye, Philippe
inproceedings - 100 km distributed Brillouin fiber sensor based on single photon detection Congrès général Optique de la Société Française d'Optique (2022) / Nice, France (2022) Romanet, Maxime | Phan Huy, Kien | Rochat, Etienne | Beugnot, Jean-Charles
inproceedings - Mesure distribuée à bas flux de la rétrodiffusion Brillouin avec un compteur de photons Congrès général Optique de la Société Française d'Optique (2022) / Nice, France (2022, Pages pages 4) Romanet, Maxime | Phan Huy, Kien | Rochat, Etienne | Beugnot, Jean-Charles
inproceedings - Illustration du concept de fonction de transfert en optique de fourier au niveau licence 3 Congrès général Optique de la Société Française d'Optique (2021) / Dijon, France (2021) Salvi, Jérôme | Fanjoux, Gil | Boetsch, Anne | Giust, Remo
article - Refractive index sensor based on a Tamm Fabry–Perot hybrid resonance Applied Optics (Volume 60, Issue (6), may 2021, Pages :4738-4745) Das, Debayan | Boyer, Philippe | Salvi, Jérôme
article - An undergraduate experiment to illustrate spatial transfer function concepts in Fourier optics American Journal of Physics (Volume 88, Issue (8), jul 2020, Pages :617 - 624) Salvi, Jérôme | Fanjoux, Gil | Boetsch, Anne | Giust, Remo
inproceedings - Etudes théorique et expérimentale de l’excitation du mode guidé TEM à travers des ouvertures annulaires droites (AAA) et inclinées (SAAA) Journées Nationales d’Optique Guidée (JNOG). / Paris, France (2013) Ndao, Abdoulaye | Salvi, Jérôme | Baida, Fadi
inproceedings - Transmission exaltée à travers des ouvertures annulaires sub-micron par excitation du mode TEM. Journées thématiques Modélisation du visible au THz & Plasmonique moléculaire. / Université Technologique de Troyes, France. (2012) Ndao, Abdoulaye | Salvi, Jérôme | Baida, Fadi
inproceedings - Angle- and polarization-independent enhanced- transmission through the excitation of the TEM guided mode of leaning Annular Aperture Arrays PECS-X : 10th International Symposium on Photonic and Electromagnetic Crystal Structure / Santa Fe, New Mexico (2012) Ndao, Abdoulaye | Salvi, Jérôme | Baida, Fadi
inproceedings - Transmission exaltée à travers des ouvertures annulaires sub-λ par excitation du mode TEM Journées nationales des doctorants au Sénégal / Université Cheikh Anta diop de Dakar (Sénégal) (2012) Ndao, Abdoulaye | Salvi, Jérôme | Baida, Fadi
inproceedings - Extraordinary transmission through nano-slits to actively control optical near-field distribution Metamaterials '2011: The Fifth International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics / Barcelone, Spain (2011, Pages pages 510 - 512) Ndao, Abdoulaye | Vagne, Q. | Salvi, Jérôme | Baida, Fadi
inproceedings - Contrôle spatial sub-longueur d’onde de la distribution du champ électromagnétique grâce à un mode guidé dans des nanostructures métalliques Journées Nationales d’Optique Guidée (JNOG). / Marseille, France (2011) Ndao, Abdoulaye | Vagne, Q. | Salvi, Jérôme | Baida, Fadi
article - Towards 2-μm comb light source based on multiple four-wave mixing in a dual-frequency Brillouin fiber laser Journal of the European Optical Society - Rapid publications (Volume 20, Issue (6), may 2024, Pages :9) Deroh, Moïse | Xu, Gang | Lucas, Erwan | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Maillotte, Hervé | Sylvestre, Thibaut | Kibler, Bertrand
article - Controlling heat capacity in a thermal concentrator using metamaterials: Numerical and experimental studies International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (Volume 220, mar 2024, Pages :124909 (7)) Arepolage, Thiwanka | Verdy, Christophe | Sylvestre, Thibaut | Leray, Aymeric | Euphrasie, Sébastien
inproceedings - Observation de la diffusion Brillouin dans un guide d'ondes intégré de silice dopée à haut indice Journées Nationales de l’Optique Guidée (JNOG 2023) / LYON, France (2023, Pages pages 4) Zerbib, Maxime | Hoang, V.T. | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Phan Huy, Kien | Little, B. | Chu, S.T. | Moss, D.J. | Morandotti, Roberto | Wetzel, Benjamin | Sylvestre, Thibaut
inproceedings - Observation of Brillouin Spin-Orbit Interaction in a Silica Optical Nanofiber 2023 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Europe and the European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2023) / Munich, Germany (2023, Pages pages 1) Zerbib, Maxime | Romanet, Maxime | Sylvestre, Thibaut | Wolff, Christian | Stiller, Birgit | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Phan Huy, Kien
inproceedings - Observation of Brillouin Backscattering in a 50cm-Long High-Index Doped Silica Chip Waveguide 2023 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Europe and the European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2023) / Munich, Germany (2023, Pages pages 1) Zerbib, Maxime | Hoang, V.T. | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Phan Huy, Kien | Little, B. | Chu, S.T. | Moss, D.J. | Morandotti, R. | Wetzel, Benjamin | Sylvestre, Thibaut
inproceedings - Real-time measurements of incoherent instabilities and rogue waves in an extreme broadband dissipative soliton laser 2022 SPIE Photonics West (2022) / San Francisco, United States (2022, Pages pages Paper PC11986-6) Meng, Fanchao | Lapre, Coraline | Billet, Cyril | Sylvestre, Thibaut | Merolla, Jean-Marc | Finot, Christophe | Turitsyn, Sergei K. | Genty, Goëry | Dudley, John Michael
article - Recent advances in supercontinuum generation in specialty optical fibers [Invited] Journal of the Optical Society of America B (JOSA B) (Volume 38, Issue (12), dec 2021, Pages :F90-F103) Sylvestre, Thibaut | Genier, Etienne | Ghosh, Amar Nath | Bowen, Patrick | Genty, Goëry | Troles, J. | Mussot, Arnaud | Peacock, Anna C. | Klimczak, Mariusz | Heidt, A.M. | Travers, J.C. | Bang, Ole | Dudley, John Michael
inproceedings - Supercontinuum broadband light sources covering UV to IR applications (SUPUVIR EU Project) European Optical Society Annual Meeting (EOSAM 2021) / Dijon, France (Issue 182, 2021) Sylvestre, Thibaut
inproceedings - Recent advances in ultra-low noise coherent supercontinuum generation Congrès général Optique de la Société Française d'Optique (2021) / Dijon, France (2021, Pages pages 1-3) Genier, Etienne | Bowen, Patrick | Moselund, Peter | Bang, Ole | Dudley, John Michael | Sylvestre, Thibaut
inproceedings - Towards compact and reliable mid-infrared supercontinuum sources based on cascaded fibers 2021 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO 2021) / San Jose , United States (2021, Pages pages JW3G.4) Sylvestre, Thibaut
article - Comparative analysis of stimulated Brillouin scattering at 2 µm in various infrared glass-based optical fibers Journal of the Optical Society of America B (JOSA B) (Volume 37, Issue (12), dec 2020, Pages :3792 - 3800) Deroh, Moïse | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Hammani, K. | Finot, Christophe | Fatome, Julien | Smektala, F. | Maillotte, Hervé | Sylvestre, Thibaut | Kibler, Bertrand
article - Silica-based photonic crystal fiber for the generation of broad band UV radiation OSA Continuum (Volume 3, Issue (1), jan 2020, Pages :31 - 42) Perret, Solveig | Poudel, Chetan | Ghosh, Amar Nath | Fanjoux, Gil | Provino, Laurent | Taunay, T | Monteville, A. | Landais, D. | Kaminski, C.F. | Dudley, John Michael | Sylvestre, Thibaut
article - Nanoimprinting and tapering of chalcogenide photonic crystal fibers for cascaded supercontinuum generation Optics Letters (Volume 44, Issue (22), nov 2019, Pages :5505 - 5508) Petersen, Christian R. | Lotz, Mikkel B. | Woyessa, Getinet | Ghosh, Amar Nath | Sylvestre, Thibaut | Brilland, L. | Troles, J. | Jakobsen, Mogens H. | Taboryski, Rafael | Bang, Ole
inproceedings - Supercontinuum generation in the near and mid-infrared using soft-glass fibers 2019 OSA Advanced Photonics Congress (2019) / Washington, United States (2019, Pages pages paper NoM4B.2) Genty, Goëry | Eslami, Zahra | Ghosh, Amar Nath | Sylvestre, Thibaut | Klimczak, Mariusz | Buczyński, Ryszard | Dudley, John Michael
inproceedings - Génération d'un spectre ultraviolet de 350 à 391 nm dans une fibre opttique à cristal photonique en silice UV-Grade 2019 Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG 2019) / Paris-Saclay, France (2019) Perret, Solveig | Poudel, Chetan | Ghosh, Amar Nath | Fanjoux, Gil | Provino, Laurent | Le Goffic, O. | Landais, D. | Monteville, A. | Kaminski, C.F. | Dudley, John Michael | Sylvestre, Thibaut
inproceedings - Femtosecond supercontinuum generation with noisy pumps in normal dispersion fibers with zero crossings 2019 Nonlinear Optics 2019 (NLO 2019) / Waikoloa Beachn, Hawaii, United States (2019, Pages pages paper NM3A.2) Rao Delanthabettu Shivarama, Shreesha | Genier, Etienne | Engelsholm, Rasmus D | Gonzalo, Ivan B. | Zhou, Binbin | Bowen, Patrick | Moselund, Peter | Sylvestre, Thibaut | Dudley, John Michael | Bache, Morten | Bang, Ole
inproceedings - Observation of elastic anisotropy in strained optical nanofibers using Brillouin spectroscopy 2019 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Europe and the European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2019) / Munich, Germany (2019, Pages pages paper ck_11_3) Godet, Adrien | Chretien, Jacques | Sylvestre, Thibaut | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Phan Huy, Kien
inproceedings - Chalcogenide Glass Polarization-Maintaining Photonic Crystal Fiber for Mid-Infrared Supercontinuum Generation 2019 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Europe and the European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2019) / Munich, Germany (2019, Pages pages paper cj_5_4) Ghosh, Amar Nath | Meneghetti, Marcello | Petersen, Christian R. | Bang, Ole | Brilland, L. | Venck, Sebastien | Troles, J. | Dudley, John Michael | Sylvestre, Thibaut
inproceedings - Noise evolution in all-normal dispersion supercontinuum generation 2019 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Europe and the European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2019) / Munich, Germany (2019, Pages pages paper cj_8_2) Genier, Etienne | Bowen, Patrick | Sylvestre, Thibaut | Dudley, John Michael | Moselund, Peter | Bang, Ole
inproceedings - Brillouin liquid point fiber sensor based on tapered silica optical fiber 3rd Workshop on Optomechanics and Brillouin Scattering: Fundamentals, Applications and Technologies (WOMBAT 2019) / Tel Aviv, Israel (2019, Pages pages 1) Chretien, Jacques | Godet, Adrien | Phan Huy, Kien | Sylvestre, Thibaut | Beugnot, Jean-Charles
article - Amplitude noise and coherence degradation of femtosecond supercontinuum generation in all-normal-dispersion fibers Journal of the Optical Society of America B (JOSA B) (Volume 36, Issue (2), jan 2019, Pages :A161-A167) Genier, Etienne | Bowen, Patrick | Sylvestre, Thibaut | Dudley, John Michael | Moselund, Peter | Bang, Ole
article - Supercontinuum generation by intermodal four-wave mixing in a step-index fewmode fibre APL Photonics (Volume 4, jan 2019, Pages :022905) Perret, Solveig | Fanjoux, Gil | Bigot, L. | Fatome, Julien | Millot, Guy | Dudley, John Michael | Sylvestre, Thibaut
inproceedings - Supercontinuum generation by cascaded intermodal Raman and FWM processes in step-index few-mode fibers Latin America Optics and Photonics (LAOP 2018) / Lima, Peru (Issue W2E.3, 2018, Pages pages W2E.3) Perret, Solveig | Fanjoux, Gil | Bigot, L. | Fatome, Julien | Millot, Guy | Dudley, John Michael | Sylvestre, Thibaut
inproceedings - Supercontinuum generation in a normally-dispersive liquid-core optical fiber using picosecond visible pulses European Optical Society Annual Meeting (EOSAM 2018) / Dijon, France (Issue TOM 9, 2018, Pages pages ) Fanjoux, Gil | Margueron, Samuel | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Sylvestre, Thibaut
article - Supercontinuum generation in heavy-metal oxide glass based suspended-core photonic crystal fibers Journal of the Optical Society of America B (JOSA B) (Volume 35, Issue (9), sep 2018, Pages :2311 - 2316) Ghosh, Amar Nath | Klimczak, Mariusz | Buczynski, R. | Dudley, John Michael | Sylvestre, Thibaut
inproceedings - Etude de l’effet Kerr évanescent dans une nanofibre de silice immergée dans un liquide hautement non linéaire 38ème Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG 2018) / Toulouse, France (2018, Pages pages 1-3) Fanjoux, Gil | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Sylvestre, Thibaut
inproceedings - Génération de supercontinuum par cascade de mélanges à quatre ondes intermodaux dans une fibre optique multimode à saut d’indice 38ème Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG 2018) / Toulouse, France (2018, Pages pages 1-3) Perret, Solveig | Fanjoux, Gil | Bigot, L. | Fatome, Julien | Millot, Guy | Dudley, John Michael | Sylvestre, Thibaut
inproceedings - Two octave supercontinuum generation by cascaded intermodal four-wave mixing in a step index few-mode fibre 2018 Nonlinear Photonics ( 2018) / Zurich, Switzerland (2018, Pages pages NpTh2I.1.pdf) Perret, Solveig | Fanjoux, Gil | Bigot, L. | Fatome, Julien | Millot, Guy | Dudley, John Michael | Sylvestre, Thibaut
inproceedings - Intermodal Modulation Instability and Four-Wave Mixing in Graded-Index Few-Mode Fibers Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO 2018) / San Jose , United States (2018, Pages pages SW3K.6) Bendahmane, Abdelkrim | Dupiol, R. | Krupa, Katarzyna | Tonello, Alessandro | Fatome, Julien | Fabert, M. | Kibler, Bertrand | Sylvestre, Thibaut | Barthelemy, A. | Couderc, Vincent | Wabnitz, Stefan | Millot, Guy
inproceedings - Supercontinuum generation and intermodal four-wave mixing in a step-index few-mode fibre SPIE Photonics Europe, 2018, Micro-Structured and Specialty Optical Fibres V / Strasbourg, France (Volume 10684, 2018, Pages pages 1684-49) Perret, Solveig | Fanjoux, Gil | Bigot, L. | Fatome, Julien | Millot, Guy | Dudley, John Michael | Sylvestre, Thibaut
inproceedings - Supercontinuum generation in a suspended core heavy metal oxide glass photonic crystal fiber SPIE Photonics Europe, 2018, Micro-Structured and Specialty Optical Fibres V / Strasbourg, France (Volume 10681, Issue 106810U, 2018) Ghosh, Amar Nath | Klimczak, Mariusz | Buczynski, R. | Dudley, John Michael | Sylvestre, Thibaut
article - Seeded intermodal four-wave mixing in a highly multimode fiber Journal of the Optical Society of America B (JOSA B) (Volume 35, Issue (2), feb 2018, Pages :295-301) Bendahmane, Abdelkrim | Krupa, Katarzyna | Tonello, Alessandro | Modotto, Daniele | Sylvestre, Thibaut | Couderc, Vincent | Wabnitz, Stefan | Millot, Guy
inproceedings - Supercontinuum Generation and Intermodal Four-Wave Mixing in a Step-Index Few-Mode Fibre Symposium on Future Prospects for Photonics on Mid-Infrared Light Sources and Applications (2017) / Tampere, Finland (Issue , 2017, Pages pages C2-S) Perret, Solveig | Fanjoux, Gil | Bigot, L. | Fatome, Julien | Millot, Guy | Dudley, John Michael | Sylvestre, Thibaut
inproceedings - Conversions de fréquences ultra large bande par mélange à quatre ondes intermodal en cascade dans les fibres multimodes 37ème Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG 2017) / Limoges, France (2017, Pages pages 1-3) Dupiol, R. | Bendahmane, Abdelkrim | Krupa, Katarzyna | Tonello, Alessandro | Fabert, M. | Kibler, Bertrand | Sylvestre, Thibaut | Barthelemy, A. | Couderc, Vincent | Wabnitz, Stefan | Millot, Guy
inproceedings - Conversions de fréquence ultra large bande par mélange à quatre ondes intermodal en cascade dans les fibres multimodes Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG 2017) / Limoges, France (2017, Pages pages 1 - 3) Dupiol, R. | Bendahmane, Abdelkrim | Krupa, Katarzyna | Tonello, A. | Fabert, M. | Kibler, Bertrand | Sylvestre, Thibaut | Barthelemy, A. | Couderc, A. | Wabnitz, Stefan | Millot, Guy
article - Universality of the Peregrine Soliton in the Focusing Dynamics of the Cubic Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation. Physical Review Letters (Volume 119, Issue (3), jul 2017, Pages :033901) Tikan, A. | Billet, Cyril | El, G. | Tovbis, A. | Bertola, M. | Sylvestre, Thibaut | Gustave, F. | Randoux, S. | Genty, Goëry | Suret, P. | Dudley, John Michael
article - Supercontinuum generation by stimulated Raman-Kerr scattering in a liquid-core optical fiber Journal of the Optical Society of America B (JOSA B) (Volume 34, Issue (8), jul 2017, Pages :1677-1683) Fanjoux, Gil | Margueron, Samuel | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Sylvestre, Thibaut
inproceedings - Supercontinuum generation in an optical fiber capillary filled with Toluene Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Europe and the European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2017) / Munich, Germany (Issue , 2017, Pages pages CD-P.13) Fanjoux, Gil | Margueron, Samuel | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Sylvestre, Thibaut
inproceedings - Universal peregrine soliton structure in optical fibre soliton compression Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Europe and the European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2017) / Munich, Germany (2017, Pages pages 1-1) Billet, Cyril | Tikan, A. | El, G. | Tovbis, A. | Bertola, M. | Sylvestre, Thibaut | Gustave, F. | Randoux, S. | Genty, Goëry | Suret, P. | Dudley, John Michael
inproceedings - Cascaded intermodal four-wave mixing in a few-mode fiber Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Europe and the European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2017) / Munich, Germany (2017, Pages pages 1-1) Dupiol, R. | Bendahmane, Abdelkrim | Krupa, Katarzyna | Tonello, A. | Fabert, M. | Kibler, Bertrand | Sylvestre, Thibaut | Barthelemy, A. | Couderc, A. | Wabnitz, Stefan | Millot, Guy
inproceedings - Le soliton de Peregrine comme structure universelle de la compression d'impulsion dans les fibres optiques 24ème Rencontres du Non Linéaire (2017) / Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7, France (2017) Tikan, A. | Billet, Cyril | Tovbis, A. | El, G. | Bertola, M. | Genty, Goëry | Gustave, F. | Sylvestre, Thibaut | Randoux, S. | Dudley, John Michael | Suret, P.
article - Far-detuned cascaded intermodal four-wave mixing in a multimode fiber Optics Letters (Volume 42, Issue (7), mar 2017, Pages :1293-1296) Dupiol, R. | Bendahmane, Abdelkrim | Krupa, Katarzyna | Tonello, A. | Fabert, M. | Kibler, Bertrand | Sylvestre, Thibaut | Barthelemy, A. | Couderc, A. | Wabnitz, Stefan | Millot, Guy
inproceedings - Real time measurements of spontaneous breathers generated by modulation instability in optical fibre 2017 SPIE Photonics West ( 2017) / San Francisco, California, United States (Issue 1008906, 2017) Dudley, John Michael | Narhi, Mikko | Wetzel, Benjamin | Billet, Cyril | Merolla, Jean-Marc | Toenger, Shanti | Sylvestre, Thibaut | Genty, Goëry | Dias, Frédéric | Morandotti, R.
inproceedings - Mid-infrared Wavelength Conversion in Chalcogenide Optical Microfibers Frontiers in Optics ( 2016) / New York, United States (Issue FTh4A.3 , 2016) Sylvestre, Thibaut | Godin, Thomas | Dudley, John Michael | Ahmad, Raja | Rochette, Martin
inproceedings - Direct Measurement of Temporal Rogue Waves Generated by Spontaneous Modulation Instability Frontiers in Optics ( 2016) / New York, United States (2016, Pages pages FTu3I.4) Narhi, Mikko | Wetzel, Benjamin | Billet, Cyril | Merolla, Jean-Marc | Toenger, Shanti | Sylvestre, Thibaut | Morandotti, R. | Dias, Frédéric | Genty, Goëry | Dudley, John Michael
inproceedings - Observation of surface Brillouin scattering in microstructured optical fibers Frontiers in Optics ( 2016) / New York, United States (2016, Pages pages FTu5I.2) Tchahame Nougnihi, Joel Cabrel | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Phan Huy, Kien | Laude, Vincent | Kudlinski, A. | Sylvestre, Thibaut
inproceedings - Control of surface Brillouin scattering in photonic crystal fibers 1st International Conference on Optics, Photonics & Materials (Nice Optique 2016) / Nice, France (2016) Tchahame Nougnihi, Joel Cabrel | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Phan Huy, Kien | Laude, Vincent | Sylvestre, Thibaut | Kudlinski, A.
inproceedings - Diffusion Brillouin de surface dans une fibre optique microstructurée Rencontre Thématique GDR ONDES ( 2016) / Besançon, France (2016) Tchahame Nougnihi, Joel Cabrel | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Phan Huy, Kien | Laude, Vincent | Kudlinski, A. | Sylvestre, Thibaut
inproceedings - Real Time Measurements of Noise-induced Rogue Waves Generated by Modulation Instability in Optical Fibre 42nd European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC) / Dusseldorf, Germany (Issue 1-3, 2016) Narhi, Mikko | Wetzel, Benjamin | Billet, Cyril | Merolla, Jean-Marc | Toenger, Shanti | Sylvestre, Thibaut | Morandotti, R. | Dias, Frédéric | Genty, Goëry | Dudley, John Michael
inproceedings - Observation de la diffusion Brillouin de surface dans une fibre optique à cristal photonique 36ème Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG 2016) / Bordeaux, France (2016, Pages pages 56-58) Tchahame Nougnihi, Joel Cabrel | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Phan Huy, Kien | Laude, Vincent | Kudlinski, A. | Sylvestre, Thibaut
inproceedings - Real Time Measurements of Temporal Rogue Waves and Spontaneous Modulation Instability in Optical Fiber Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO 2016) / San Jose, United States (Issue FF2A.7, 2016, Pages pages FF2A.7) Narhi, Mikko | Wetzel, Benjamin | Billet, Cyril | Merolla, Jean-Marc | Toenger, Shanti | Sylvestre, Thibaut | Morandotti, R. | Genty, Goëry | Dias, Frédéric | Dudley, John Michael
inproceedings - Experimental observation of surface acoustic wave Brillouin scattering in a small core photonic crystal fiber 2016 SPIE Photonics West ( 2016) / San Francisco, United States (2016, Pages pages 1-5) Tchahame Nougnihi, Joel Cabrel | Sylvestre, Thibaut | Phan Huy, Kien | Kudlinski, A. | Laude, Vincent | Beugnot, Jean-Charles
inproceedings - New type of light diffusion observed in tapered optical fibers 4th International Conference on Sensors Solar Energy and Telecommunications (CPS) / Yaoundé, Cameroon (2015) Sylvestre, Thibaut
inproceedings - Multimode Brillouin scattering in a long tapered photonic crystal fiber Workshop on Optomechanics and Brillouin Scattering: Fundamentals, Applications and Technologies (WOMBAT 2015) / Sydney, Australia (2015) Tchahame Nougnihi, Joel Cabrel | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Maillotte, Hervé | Kudlinski, A. | Sylvestre, Thibaut
inproceedings - Multimode Brillouin scattering in a long tapered photonic crystal fiber Workshop on Optomechanics and Brillouin Scattering: Fundamentals, Applications and Technologies (WOMBAT 2015) / Sydney, Australia (2015) Tchahame Nougnihi, Joel Cabrel | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Maillotte, Hervé | Kudlinski, A. | Sylvestre, Thibaut
inproceedings - Nouvelle dynamique de la diffusion Brillouin dans une fibre optique microstructurée et effilée 35ème Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG 2015) / Rennes, France (2015) Tchahame Nougnihi, Joel Cabrel | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Kudlinski, A. | Sylvestre, Thibaut
inproceedings - Theory of the strong phonon-photon coupling in an optical fiber taper Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe - EQEC) / Munich, Germany (Volume , Issue CD-P.23, 2015, Pages pages 1092) Phan Huy, Kien | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Tchahame Nougnihi, Joel Cabrel | Sylvestre, Thibaut
inproceedings - Observation of acoustic avoided crossing in sub-wavenlength diameter fiber 3rd International Conference on Phononic Crystals/Metamaterials, Phonon Transport and Phonon Coupling (Phononics 2015) / Paris, France (2015, Pages pages 383) Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Ahmad, Raja | Rochette, Martin | Tchahame Nougnihi, Joel Cabrel | Phan Huy, Kien | Laude, Vincent | Maillotte, Hervé | Sylvestre, Thibaut
inproceedings - Valise pédagogique sur la génération d’un supercontinuum de lumière dans une fibre optique 11th Colloque sur l'enseignement des technologies et des sciences de l'information et des systèmes (CETSIS) / Besançon, France (2014) Fanjoux, Gil | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Sylvestre, Thibaut | Benoit, Corentin
inproceedings - Mid-IR parametric frequency generation in hybrid As2Se3 microwires using normal dispersion modulation instability Photonics Society Summer Topical Meeting Series, IEEE / Montreal (QC), Canada (2014, Pages pages 212 - 213) Godin, Thomas | Combes, Yves | Ahmad, Raja | Rochette, Martin | Sylvestre, Thibaut | Dudley, John Michael
inproceedings - Mid-IR parametric frequency generation in hybrid As2Se3 microwires using normal dispersion modulation instability Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) and Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference (QELS) : Science and Innovations - OSA - Novel Materials for Integrated Nonlinear Optics (SW3I) / San Jose, California United States (Issue SW3I, 2014) Godin, Thomas | Combes, Yves | Ahmad, Raja | Rochette, Martin | Sylvestre, Thibaut | Dudley, John Michael
article - Far-detuned mid-infrared frequency conversion via normal dispersion modulation instability in chalcogenide microwires Optics Letters (Volume 39, Issue (7 ), apr 2014, Pages :1885 - 1888) Godin, Thomas | Combes, Yves | Ahmad, Raja | Rochette, Martin | Sylvestre, Thibaut | Dudley, John Michael
inproceedings - Controlling modulation instability using an incoherent low amplitude seed Proc. SPIE 9136 From Conference Nonlinear Optics and Its Applications VIII and Quantum Optics III / Brussels, Belgium (Volume 9136, Issue 91360N, 2014) Godin, Thomas | Nguyen, Duc Minh | Toenger, Shanti | Combes, Yves | Wetzel, Benjamin | Sylvestre, Thibaut | Genty, Goëry | Dias, Frédéric | Dudley, John Michael
inproceedings - Tunable stimulated Brillouin scattering in hybrid polymer-chalcogenide tapered fibers Proc. SPIE, Nonlinear Optics and Its Applications VIII and Quantum Optics III. / Brussels, Belgium (Volume 9136, 2014, Pages pages 91360O) Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Ahmad, Raja | Rochette, Martin | Laude, Vincent | Maillotte, Hervé | Sylvestre, Thibaut
inproceedings - Normal dispersion modulation instability in an As2Se3 chalcogenide hybrid microwire Proc. SPIE 9136, From Conférence Nonlinear Optics and Its Applications VIII and Quantum Optics III / Brussels, Belgium (Volume 9136, Issue 91360P, 2014) Godin, Thomas | Combes, Yves | Ahmad, Raja | Rochette, Martin | Sylvestre, Thibaut | Dudley, John Michael
inproceedings - Mesures spectrales en temps réel et dynamiques non-linéaires Rencontre du non linéaire 2014 / Paris, Villetaneuse, France (2014) Godin, Thomas | Combes, Yves | Wetzel, Benjamin | Nguyen, Duc Minh | Sylvestre, Thibaut | Genty, Goëry | Dias, Frédéric | Dudley, John Michael
inproceedings - Instabilité de Modulation dans le régime de dispersion normale d’un microfil de chalcogénure pour la conversion de fréquence dans le moyen-infrarouge Rencontre du non linéaire 2014 / Villetaneuse, Paris, France (2014) Godin, Thomas | Combes, Yves | Ahmad, Raja | Rochette, Martin | Sylvestre, Thibaut | Dudley, John Michael
inproceedings - Investigation of Kerr and Brillouin nonlinear effects in chalcogenide glasses and in photonic crystal fibers Cameroon Physical Society International conference / Yaoundé, Cameroun (2013) Tchahame Nougnihi, Joel Cabrel | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Sylvestre, Thibaut | Chauvet, Mathieu | Olivier, M. | Nemec, P. | Renversez, G. | Nazabal, Virginie | Brillet, L. | Troles, J.
inproceedings - Stimulated Brillouin scattering in hybrid chalcogenide-PMMA microwires 3rd Workshop on Specialty Optical Fibers and their Applications - OSA / Sigtuna, Sweden (2013, Pages pages F2.13) Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Ahmad, Raja | Rochette, Martin | Laude, Vincent | Maillotte, Hervé | Sylvestre, Thibaut
inproceedings - Etude des fluctuations en temps réel et des corrélations spectrales lors de la génération de supercontinuum 33èmes Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG) / Villetaneuse, France (2013) Godin, Thomas | Wetzel, Benjamin | Sylvestre, Thibaut | Larger, Laurent | Kudlinski, A. | Mussot, Arnaud | Ben Salem, A. | Zghal, M. | Genty, Goëry | Dias, Frédéric | Dudley, John Michael
inproceedings - Etude de la diffusion Brillouin dans les microfibres optiques en verre de chalcogénure Optique Paris 2013 - 33èmes Journées Nationales d’Optique Guidée. Recueil des Communications JNOG 2013 / Villetaneuse, France. (2013) Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Ahmad, Raja | Rochette, Martin | Laude, Vincent | Maillotte, Hervé | Sylvestre, Thibaut
article - Real time noise and wavelength correlations in octave-spanning supercontinuum generation Optics Express (Volume 21, Issue (15), jul 2013, Pages :18452 - 18460) Godin, Thomas | Wetzel, Benjamin | Sylvestre, Thibaut | Larger, Laurent | Kudlinski, A. | Mussot, Arnaud | Ben Salem, A. | Zghal, M. | Genty, Goëry | Dias, Frédéric | Dudley, John Michael
inproceedings - Dispersive time stretching measurements of real-time spectra and statistics for supercontinuum generation around 1550 nm Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics - International quantum electronics conference (CLEO/EUROPE - IQEC) - OSA / San Jose, CA , USA (2013, Pages pages 436) Wetzel, Benjamin | Stefani, Alessio | Larger, Laurent | Lacourt, Pierre-Ambroise | Merolla, Jean-Marc | Sylvestre, Thibaut | Kudlinski, A. | Mussot, Arnaud | Genty, Goëry | Dias, Frédéric | Dudley, John Michael
inproceedings - Real time spectra and wavelength correlation maps: new insights into octave-spanning supercontinuum generation and rogue waves Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics - International Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/EUROPE - IQEC) - IEEE/OSA / Munich, Germany (2013, Pages pages 385) Godin, Thomas | Wetzel, Benjamin | Sylvestre, Thibaut | Larger, Laurent | Merolla, Jean-Marc | Ben Salem, A. | Cherif, R. | Zghal, M. | Kudlinski, A. | Mussot, Arnaud | Genty, Goëry | Dias, Frédéric | Dudley, John Michael
article - 20 THz-bandwidth continuous-wave fiber optical parametric amplifier operating at 1 µm using a dispersion-stabilized photonic crystal fiber Optics Express (Volume 20, Issue (27), dec 2012, Pages :28906 - 28911) Mussot, Arnaud | Kudlinski, A. | Habert, R. | Dahman, I. | Mélin, Gilles | Galkovsky, L. | Fleureau, A. | Lempereur, S. | Lago, L. | Bigourd, Damien | Sylvestre, Thibaut | Lee, Min Won | Hugonnot, E.
inproceedings - Fiber-based broadband black-light source The 7th International conference on Photonics and Applications (ICPA-7), Vietnam Society of Physics. / Saigon, Vietnam. (2012, Pages pages A - 41) Sylvestre, Thibaut | Lee, Min Won | Ragueh, A. R. | Stiller, Birgit | Fanjoux, Gil | Barviaux, B. | Mussot, Arnaud | Kudlinski, A.
inproceedings - Unified description of Brillouin scattering in micro- and nano- structured waveguides based on the electrostrictive force 4th European Optical Society Annual Meeting (EOSAM 2012) / Aberdeen, Scotland, United Kingdom (2012, Pages pages Th6135) Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Sylvestre, Thibaut | Maillotte, Hervé | Laude, Vincent
inproceedings - Acousto-optics in photonic crystal fibers: enhancement and suppression of Brillouin scattering Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light / Erlangen, Allemagne (2012) Stiller, Birgit | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Nguyen, Duc Minh | Maillotte, Hervé | Sylvestre, Thibaut
inproceedings - Transposition du phénomène de lumière induite par amplification paramétrique au cas spatial: routage optique 32èmes Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG) / Lyon, France (2012) Fanjoux, Gil | Sylvestre, Thibaut
inproceedings - Beam steering using spatial OPA in Kerr media : a space-time analogy of parametric slow-light Nonlinear Photonics 2012 - OSA / Colorado Springs, Colorado United States (Issue NTu2D.8, 2012) Fanjoux, Gil | Sylvestre, Thibaut
inproceedings - Supercontinuum generation with picosecond ultraviolet pulses in a solid-core photonic crystal fiber Proceedings of Access Networks and In-house Communications (ANIC) 2012 - OSA / Colorado Springs, Colorado, United States (2012, Pages pages NTh2A.3) Sylvestre, Thibaut | Lee, Min Won | Ragueh, A. R. | Stiller, Birgit | Fanjoux, Gil | Barviaux, B. | Mussot, Arnaud | Kudlinski, A.
inproceedings - Experimental demonstration of all-fiber continuous wave optical parametric amplifier operating at 1 µm Nonlinear Photonics 2012. Nonlinear Effects in Optical Waveguides. OSA / Colorado Springs, Colorado United States (Issue NTh2A, 2012) Mussot, Arnaud | Kudlinski, A. | Lago, L. | Bigourd, Damien | Sylvestre, Thibaut | Lee, Min Won | Hugonnot, E.
inproceedings - Supercontinuum generation in the black light region by pumping at 355 nm a silica photonic crystal fiber Proc. SPIE from Conference Nonlinear Optics and Applications VI. / Brussels, Belgium (Volume 8434 , Issue 843415, 2012) Sylvestre, Thibaut | Ragueh, A. R. | Lee, Min Won | Stiller, Birgit | Fanjoux, Gil | Barviaux, B. | Mussot, Arnaud | Kudlinski, A.
inproceedings - Pulse delaying using Raman-assisted parametric amplification in polarization-maintaining fibers Proceedings of Access Networks and In-house Communications (ANIC) 2012 - The Optical Society - OSA / Colorado Springs, Colorado, United States (2012, Pages pages JTu5A.38) Nasser, Nour | Fanjoux, Gil | Lantz, Eric | Sylvestre, Thibaut
article - Noise-like pulses generated at high harmonics in a partially-mode-locked km-long Raman fiber laser Applied Physics B-Lasers and Optics (Volume 106, Issue (2), feb 2012, Pages :283 - 287) Boucon, Anne | Barviaux, B. | Fatome, Julien | Finot, Christophe | Sylvestre, Thibaut | Lee, Min Won | Grelu, Philippe | Millot, Guy
article - Black-light continuum generation in a silica-core photonic crystal fiber Optics Letters (Volume 37, Issue (2), jan 2012, Pages :130 -132) Sylvestre, Thibaut | Ragueh, A. R. | Lee, Min Won | Stiller, Birgit | Fanjoux, Gil | Barviaux, B. | Mussot, Arnaud | Kudlinski, A.
inproceedings - Présentation du Département d’Optique et de l’Institut FEMTO-ST et zoom sur l’opto-acoustique et les phénomènes Brillouin dans les fibres optiques microstructurées Séminaire invité : Laboratoire de Photonique et de Nanostructures / Marcoussis, France (2012) Maillotte, Hervé | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Lee, Min Won | Delque, Michaël | Benchabane-Gaiffe, Sarah | Laude, Vincent | Sylvestre, Thibaut | Foaleng Mafang, Stella | Thévenaz, Luc | Bouwmans, Géraud | Kudlinski, A. | Mélin, Gilles
inproceedings - Suppression de l’effet Brillouin dans une fibre optique microstructurée Journée de la Photonique / Dijon, France (2011) Stiller, Birgit | Lee, Min Won | Delque, Michaël | Bouwmans, Géraud | Kudlinski, A. | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Maillotte, Hervé | Sylvestre, Thibaut
article - Tunable optical delay using parametric amplification in highly birefringent optical fibers Journal of the Optical Society of America B (JOSA B) (Volume 28, Issue (10), oct 2011, Pages :2352 - 2357) Nasser, Nour | Fanjoux, Gil | Lantz, Eric | Sylvestre, Thibaut
inproceedings - Génération d’un continuum de lumière noire dans une fibre optique microstructurée avec un laser ultraviolet 30ème Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG 2011) / Marseille, France (2011, Pages pages 297 - 299) Ragueh, A. R. | Lee, Min Won | Stiller, Birgit | Barviaux, B. | Mussot, Arnaud | Kudlinski, A. | Sylvestre, Thibaut
inproceedings - Suppression of SBS in a photonic crystal fiber with periodically-varied core diameter Optical Fiber Communication Conference OFC'2011 -OSA Technical Digest Series (CD) (OSA 2011) / Los Angeles, California United States (Issue OMO5, 2011) Stiller, Birgit | Lee, Min Won | Delque, Michaël | Bouwmans, Géraud | Kudlinski, A. | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Maillotte, Hervé | Sylvestre, Thibaut
inproceedings - Suppression of stimulated Brillouin scattering in a photonic crystal fiber with periodically-varied core diameter 75th Meeting of the Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft and DPG Spring Meeting / Dresden, Germany (Issue Q.6.4., 2011) Stiller, Birgit | Delque, Michaël | Lee, Min Won | Kudlinski, A. | Maillotte, Hervé | Sylvestre, Thibaut
inproceedings - Brisure de la symétrie du processus d'instabilité modulationnelle due à la pente de la dispersion dans une fibre optique 29ème Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG 2010) / Besançon, France (2010) Droques, M. | Barviaux, B. | Kudlinski, A. | Boucon, Anne | Sylvestre, Thibaut | Taki, M. | Mussot, Arnaud
inproceedings - Tuning Both the Pulse Walk-off and the Frequency Chirp in Raman Slow Light Media Nonlinear Photonics (NP) 2010 - OSA / Karlsruhe Germany (2010, Pages pages NTuC3) Fanjoux, Gil | Sylvestre, Thibaut
inproceedings - Pulse-Shape Selection of an Ultra-High Repetition Rate Wavelength and Repetition Rate Tunable Mode-locked Laser: From Bright to Dark Pulses Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) and Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference (QELS), 2010 - IEEE / San Jose, California United States (2010, Pages pages CMC2) Schröder, Jochen | Coen, Stéphane | Sylvestre, Thibaut | Eggleton, Benjamin J.
inproceedings - Characterization of backward and forward Brillouin scattering in a photonic crystal fiber Institute of Photonic Technology / IPHT Jena, Allemagne (2010) Stiller, Birgit | Sylvestre, Thibaut | Delque, Michaël | Lee, Min Won | Maillotte, Hervé
inproceedings - Observation de la diffusion Brillouin dans un guide d'ondes intégré de silice dopée à haut indice Journées Nationales de l’Optique Guidée (JNOG 2023) / LYON, France (2023, Pages pages 4) Zerbib, Maxime | Hoang, V.T. | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Phan Huy, Kien | Little, B. | Chu, S.T. | Moss, D.J. | Morandotti, Roberto | Wetzel, Benjamin | Sylvestre, Thibaut
inproceedings - Observation of Brillouin Spin-Orbit Interaction in a Silica Optical Nanofiber 2023 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Europe and the European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2023) / Munich, Germany (2023, Pages pages 1) Zerbib, Maxime | Romanet, Maxime | Sylvestre, Thibaut | Wolff, Christian | Stiller, Birgit | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Phan Huy, Kien
inproceedings - Observation of Brillouin Backscattering in a 50cm-Long High-Index Doped Silica Chip Waveguide 2023 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Europe and the European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2023) / Munich, Germany (2023, Pages pages 1) Zerbib, Maxime | Hoang, V.T. | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Phan Huy, Kien | Little, B. | Chu, S.T. | Moss, D.J. | Morandotti, R. | Wetzel, Benjamin | Sylvestre, Thibaut
inproceedings - Ultranarrow-Linewidth Stimulated Intermodal Forward Brillouin Scattering Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO 2023) / San Jose, United States (Issue paper FTh3B, 2023, Pages pages FTh3B.3 (2)) Xu, Wendao | Zerbib, Maxime | Iyer, Arjun | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Renninger , William H.
inproceedings - Gas-pressure tuning of wavelength of photon pair emitted by Four-Wave-Mixing in Nanofibers European Optical Society Annual Meeting (EOSAM 2022) / Porto, Portugal (Volume 266, 2022, Pages pages 11003) bonifacio, agathe | Lebrun, Sylvie | Zerbib, Maxime | Romanet, Maxime | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Delaye, Philippe
inproceedings - Impact de la polarisation sur les modes acoustiques de surface générés par diffusion brillouin dans les nanofibres Congrès général Optique de la Société Française d'Optique (2022) / Nice, France (2022) Zerbib, Maxime | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Phan Huy, Kien