article - Mechanical behavior and apparent stiffness of flax, hemp and nettle fibers under single fiber transverse compression tests Composites Part A-Applied Science and Manufacturing (Volume 185, jun 2024, Pages :108321 (11)) Govilas, Jason | Chevallier, Anouk | Akleh, Wajih | Beaugrand, Johnny | Clevy, Cédric | Placet, Vincent
inproceedings - Experimental measurement of the transverse Young's modulus of single plant fibres using micro-mechatronics 6th International Conference on Natural Fibres (ICNF 2023) / Funchal, Portugal (2023, Pages pages 2) Chevallier, Anouk | Govilas, Jason | Akleh, Wajih | Beaugrand, Johnny | Clevy, Cédric | Placet, Vincent
article - Physics-based simulations for assessing the playability of heritage musical instruments : Impact of the soundboard assembly process on its low frequency behavior Applied Acoustics (Volume 214, nov 2023, Pages :109672 (11)) Almanza, Victor | Le Conte, Sandie | Vaiedelich, Stéphane | Foltête, Emmanuel | Viala, Romain | Arciniegas Mosquera, Andrés Felipe | Martinez, Loïc | Wilkie-Chancellier, Nicolas | Serfaty, Stéphane | Placet, Vincent | Cogan, Scott
inproceedings - Soundboard bracing techniques and modal behavior, a numerical study 38th Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics (IMAC 2020) / Houston, United States (2020, Pages pages 28) Almanza, Victor | Placet, Vincent | Cogan, Scott | Foltête, Emmanuel | Serfaty, Stéphane | Vaiedelich, Stéphane | Le Conte, Sandie
inproceedings - Model-based decision support for assessing the playability of heritage musical instruments 37th Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics (IMAC 2019) / Orlando, United States (2019, Pages pages 27) Almanza, Victor | Placet, Vincent | Cogan, Scott | Foltête, Emmanuel | Serfaty, Stéphane | Vaiedelich, Stéphane | Le Conte, Sandie
inproceedings - Analyse d’un cylindre à paroi mince sous pression : un support simple de montée en compétences 24ème Congrès Français de Mécanique (CFM 2019) / Brest, France (2019, Pages pages 496 - 503) Berriet, Cécile | Chambert, Jérôme
inproceedings - Modélisation et caractérisation des propriétés viscoélastiques de PP chocs recyclés issus de Véhicules Hors d'Usage 20ème Congrès Français de Mécanique (CFM 2011) / Besançon, France (2011) Voegtlin, Antoine | Berriet, Cécile | Buron, M.P. | Placet, Vincent | Boubakar, Lamine Mohamed
inproceedings - Comparaison de plusieurs modélisations d'essais de fluage sur des PP chocs recyclés et/ou pollués utilisés dans l'industrie automobile 23ème Colloque sur la Déformation des Polymères Solides (DEPOS 23) / Guidel, France (2010) Berriet, Cécile | Voegtlin, Antoine
inproceedings - PP chocs issus de Véhicules Hors d'Usage : influence du recyclage et de la qualité du tri sur la flexion, le fluage et l'Analyse Mécanique Dynamique Matériaux 2010 (2010) Berriet, Cécile | Buron, M.P. | Voegtlin, Antoine
inproceedings - Fluage et flexion sur des PP-chocs recyclés modèles et issus de Véhicules Hors d'Usage (VHU) : essais et modélisation multi-échelles 23ème Colloque sur la Déformation des Polymères Solides (DEPOS 23) / Guidel, France (2010) Voegtlin, Antoine | Buron, M.P. | Almeida, F. | Berriet, Cécile
incollection - Honors Education around the World Honors Programmes in France: CMI, CBI and Reseau Figure® (Chapter 6, jan 2022, Pages 99-111) Boubakar, Lamine Mohamed | Jacquot, Maxime | Lallement , Laura | Larue, Quentin | Gesson, Jean-Pierre
article - Investigation of the possible origins of the differences in mechanical properties of hemp and flax fibres : a numerical study based on sensitivity analysis Composites Part A-Applied Science and Manufacturing (Volume 124, sep 2019, Pages :105488 (13)) Del Masto, Alessandra | Trivaudey, Frédérique | Guicheret, Violaine | Placet, Vincent | Boubakar, Lamine Mohamed
inproceedings - Bordering the footprint of AE sensor using a bank of sharply-defined frequency domain capacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducers 9th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring Series (2018) / Manchester, United Kingdom (2018, Pages pages 7) Butaud, Pauline | Bourbon, Gilles | Le Moal, Patrice | Joseph, Eric | Verdin, Benoît | Ramasso, Emmanuel | Placet, Vincent | Boubakar, Lamine Mohamed
article - Influence of damage accumulation under fatigue loading on the AE-based health assessment of composite materials : wave distortion and AE-features evolution as a function of damage level Composites Part A-Applied Science and Manufacturing (Volume 109, jun 2018, Pages :615 - 627) Kharrat, Mohamed | Placet, Vincent | Ramasso, Emmanuel | Boubakar, Lamine Mohamed
inproceedings - A robust-to-parameterization clustering fusion approach for monitoring damage onsets and growth using acoustic emission 11th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (IWSHM) / Stanford, CA, United States (2017, Pages pages 1 - 10) Ramasso, Emmanuel | Placet, Vincent | Gabrion, Xavier | Boubakar, Lamine Mohamed
inproceedings - Multiscale stochastic model and simulation for the study of the non-linear behaviour of plant fibre composites 21st International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM) / Xi'an, China (2017) Del Masto, Alessandra | Trivaudey, Frédérique | Guicheret, Violaine | Placet, Vincent | Boubakar, Lamine Mohamed
article - Nonlinear tensile behaviour of elementary hemp fibres: a numerical investigation of the relationships between 3D geometry and tensile behaviour Journal of Materials Science (Volume 52, Issue (11), jun 2017, Pages :6591 - 6610) Del Masto, Alessandra | Trivaudey, Frédérique | Guicheret, Violaine | Placet, Vincent | Boubakar, Lamine Mohamed
inproceedings - Nonlinear dynamic responses of laminated composite structure involving large deflexion and material unilateral damage XVII International Symposium on Dynamic Problems of Mechanics (DINAME 2017) / São Sebastião, Brazil (2017, Pages pages 8) Mahmoudi, Saber | Trivaudey, Frédérique | Bouhaddi, Noureddine | Boubakar, Lamine Mohamed
inproceedings - Relationships between 3D geometry and tensile behaviour of plant fibres: a numerical study based on anisotropic viscoelastic model 569 – Multiscale modeling of fibrous and textile materials Euromech Colloquim (2016) / Chatenay-Malabry, France (2016, Pages pages 2) Del Masto, Alessandra | Trivaudey, Frédérique | Guicheret, Violaine | Placet, Vincent | Boubakar, Lamine Mohamed
inproceedings - Propagation du comportement non-linéaire en traction de la fibre végétale élémentaire aux faisceaux de fibres : caractérisation des effets morphologiques par simulation numérique 2ème Journées Jeunes Chercheurs Eco-composites et Composites Bio-sourcés (2016) / Clermont-Ferrand, France (2016, Pages pages 1) Del Masto, Alessandra | Trivaudey, Frédérique | Guicheret, Violaine | Placet, Vincent | Boubakar, Lamine Mohamed
article - A signal processing approach for enhanced Acoustic Emission data analysis in high activity systems: application to Organic Matrix Composites Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing (MSSP) (Volume 70-71, mar 2016, Pages :1038 - 1055) Kharrat, Mohamed | Ramasso, Emmanuel | Placet, Vincent | Boubakar, Lamine Mohamed
inproceedings - Towards a better lifetime prediction of composite structures under in-service conditions : robust and real-time processing of acoustic emission time-series in presence of damage accumulation 7th International Symposium on NDT in Aerospace / Bremen, Germany (2015, Pages pages 9) Kharrat, Mohamed | Ramasso, Emmanuel | Doan, Dinh Dong | Placet, Vincent | Boubakar, Lamine Mohamed
article - Creep behaviour of single hemp fibres. Part II : Influence of loading level, moisture content and moisture variation Journal of Materials Science (Volume 50, Issue (5), mar 2015, Pages :2061 - 2072) Guicheret, Violaine | Cisse, Ousseynou | Placet, Vincent | Beaugrand, Johnny | Pernes, Miguel | Boubakar, Lamine Mohamed
article - Creep behaviour of single hemp fibres. Part I : viscoelastic properties and their scattering under constant climate Journal of Materials Science (Volume 50, Issue (4), feb 2015, Pages :1996 - 2006) Cisse, Ousseynou | Placet, Vincent | Guicheret, Violaine | Trivaudey, Frédérique | Boubakar, Lamine Mohamed
article - Nonlinear tensile behaviour of elementary hemp fibres. Part II : Modelling using an anisotropic viscoelastic constitutive law in a material rotating frame Composites Part A-Applied Science and Manufacturing (Volume 68, jan 2015, Pages :346 - 355) Trivaudey, Frédérique | Placet, Vincent | Guicheret, Violaine | Boubakar, Lamine Mohamed
article - Investigation of the internal structure of hemp fibres using optical coherence tomography and focused ion beam transverse cutting Journal of Materials Science (Volume 49, Issue (24), dec 2014, Pages :8317 - 8327) Placet, Vincent | Meteau, Jérémy | Froehly, Luc | Salut, Roland | Boubakar, Lamine Mohamed
inproceedings - Influence de l'endommagement accumulé sur la signature acoustique au cours d'un essai de traction sur un composite Journée CILSA, Classification, Identification et Localisation des Sources Acoustiques, 2ème édition (2014) Kharrat, Mohamed | Ramasso, Emmanuel | Placet, Vincent | Boubakar, Lamine Mohamed
inproceedings - Acoustic emission in composite material under fatigue tests : effect of signal-denoising input parameters on the hits detection data clustering 31st Conference of the European Working Group on Acoustic Emission (EWGAE) / Dresden, Germany (2014) Kharrat, Mohamed | Ramasso, Emmanuel | Placet, Vincent | Boubakar, Lamine Mohamed
inproceedings - Application of an unsupervised pattern recognition approach for AE data originating from fatigue tests on CFRP 31st Conference of the European Working Group on Acoustic Emission (EWGAE) / Dresden, Germany (2014, Pages pages 1-8) Doan, Dinh Dong | Ramasso, Emmanuel | Placet, Vincent | Boubakar, Lamine Mohamed | Zerhouni, Noureddine
inproceedings - A signal processing method for hits detection and separation in high AE activity systems : application to composite materials under fatigue tests 7th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (EWSHM 2014) / Nantes, France (2014, Pages pages 2298 - 2305) Kharrat, Mohamed | Ramasso, Emmanuel | Placet, Vincent | Boubakar, Lamine Mohamed
article - Nonlinear tensile behaviour of elementary hemp fibres. Part I : Investigation of the possible origins using repeated progressive loading with in situ microscopic observations Composites Part A-Applied Science and Manufacturing (Volume 56, jan 2014, Pages :319 - 327) Placet, Vincent | Cisse, Ousseynou | Boubakar, Lamine Mohamed
inproceedings - What are the possible origins of the nonlinear tensile behaviour of hemp fibres ? The 19th International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM) (2013, Pages pages 1 - 8) Placet, Vincent | Trivaudey, Frédérique | Cisse, Ousseynou | Boubakar, Lamine Mohamed
inproceedings - Online segmentation of acoustic emission data streams for detection of damages in composites structures in unconstrained environments 11th International Conference on Structural Safety & Reliability / New York, NY, United States (2013, Pages pages 1 - 8) Placet, Vincent | Ramasso, Emmanuel | Boubakar, Lamine Mohamed | Zerhouni, Noureddine
inproceedings - Health Assessment of Composite Structures in Unconstrained Environments Using Partially Supervised Pattern Recognition Tools. Annual Conference of the Prognostics and Health Management Society (PHM'12) (2012, Pages pages 1 - 11) Ramasso, Emmanuel | Placet, Vincent | Gouriveau, Rafael | Boubakar, Lamine Mohamed | Zerhouni, Noureddine
inproceedings - Modeling the effects of environmental relative humidity on the elastic properties of unitarian hemp fibres 15th European Conference on Composite Materials (ECCM 15) / Venice, Italy (2012) Placet, Vincent | Trivaudey, Frédérique | Boubakar, Lamine Mohamed
article - Analysis of intermetallic swelling on the behavior of a hybrid solution for compressed hydrogen storage – Part II: Finite element method simulation Materials and Design (Volume 36, apr 2012, Pages :459 - 469) Chapelle, David | Hocine, Abdelkader | Carbillet, Stani | Boubakar, Lamine Mohamed
article - Analytical prediction of damage in the composite part of a type-3 hydrogen storage vessel Mechanics of Composite Materials (Volume 48, Issue (1), mar 2012, Pages :77 - 88) Ghouaoula, Abdelhamid | Hocine, Abdelkader | Chapelle, David | Karaachira, F. | Boubakar, Lamine Mohamed
inproceedings - Influence de la température sur les performances mécaniques et l'endommagement d'un composite UD Carbone/Polyimide thermoplastique JST AMAC : Essais non destructifs et durée de vie des composites (2011) Gabrion, Xavier | Placet, Vincent | Boubakar, Lamine Mohamed
inproceedings - Etude de l'endommagement d'un composite carbone/époxy sous sollicitations mécaniques statiques et cycliques par méthodes non-invasives. Application à des structures annulaires pour volant d'inertie JST AMAC : Essais non destructifs et durée de vie des composites (2011) Placet, Vincent | Zhang, Shuo | Trivaudey, Frédérique | Boubakar, Lamine Mohamed
inproceedings - Potentialités et limites des structures composites à enroulement circonférentiel pour des applications sur machine tournante 20ème Congrès Français de Mécanique (CFM 2011) / Besançon, France (2011) Placet, Vincent | Trivaudey, Frédérique | Carbillet, Stani | Mei, Hui | Guicheret, Violaine | Boubakar, Lamine Mohamed
inproceedings - Influence du diamètre sur le module d'Young apparent des fibres de chanvre. Effet géométrique ou microstructural ? 20ème Congrès Français de Mécanique (CFM 2011) / Besançon, France (2011) Placet, Vincent | Trivaudey, Frédérique | Cisse, Ousseynou | Guicheret, Violaine | Boubakar, Lamine Mohamed
inproceedings - Modélisation et caractérisation des propriétés viscoélastiques de PP chocs recyclés issus de Véhicules Hors d'Usage 20ème Congrès Français de Mécanique (CFM 2011) / Besançon, France (2011) Voegtlin, Antoine | Berriet, Cécile | Buron, M.P. | Placet, Vincent | Boubakar, Lamine Mohamed
article - Analysis of intermetallic swelling on the behavior of a hybrid solution for compressed hydrogen storage – Part I: Analytical modeling Materials and Design (Volume 31, Issue (5), may 2010, Pages :2435 - 2443) Hocine, Abdelkader | Chapelle, David | Boubakar, Lamine Mohamed | Benamar, Ali | Bezazi, Abderrezak
article - Composites piezoélectriques et homogénéisation asymptotique. Une approche numérique Annals of the University of Craiova, Mathematics and Computer Science Series (Volume 37, Issue (4), 2010, Pages :99 - 124) Racila, M. | Boubakar, Lamine Mohamed
inproceedings - Fidelity and accuracy of the 3D reconstructed morphology of elementary flax fiber using optical projection and X-ray micro-tomography : a comparative study The Fiber Society 2024 Fall Meeting and Technical Conference (2024) / Mulhouse, France (2024, Pages pages 1) Chevallier, Anouk | Kakkonen, Markus | Gabrion, Xavier | Zarei, Ali | Tanhuanpää, Olli | Boutenel, Florian | Guicheret, Violaine | Clevy, Cédric | Kallio, Pasi | Placet, Vincent
inproceedings - Identification inverse du module élastique transverse de fibres végétales à partir d'un modèle éléments finis de l'essai de compression diamétrale sur fibre élémentaire Congrès des Jeunes Chercheurs (MECA-J 2024) / On line, France (2024, Pages pages 1) Sabillah, Bilal | Guicheret, Violaine | Boutenel, Florian
inproceedings - Vers la conception d’un essai de déchaussement de microgoutte in-situ dans un tomographe à rayons X Congrès des Jeunes Chercheurs (MECA-J 2024) / On line, France (2024, Pages pages 1) Leveziel, Adam | Boutenel, Florian | Gabrion, Xavier | Thibaud, Sébastien
inproceedings - Assessment of direct microrobotic gripping for single flax fibre tensile tests International Conference on Manipulation, Automation and Robotics at Small Scales (MARSS 2024) / Delft, Netherlands (2024, Pages pages 6) Chevallier, Anouk | Zarei, Ali | Tanhuanpää, Olli | Kakkonen, Markus | Sukki, Lassi | Boutenel, Florian | Guicheret, Violaine | Placet, Vincent | Kallio, Pasi | Clevy, Cédric
inproceedings - Caractérisation aux petites échelles de l’interface fibre/matrice de matériaux composites biosourcés Congrès des Jeunes Chercheurs en Mécanique (MECA-J 2023) / En ligne, France (2023, Pages pages 1) Boutenel, Florian | Tahri, Sofyan | Placet, Vincent
inproceedings - Fire the fibre up ! Let's untangle fibre's damping behaviour 14èmes Journées des Jeunes Chercheurs en Acoustique vibrations et Bruit (JJCAB 2024) / Saint-Ouen, France (2024) Pelisson, Fanny | Butaud, Pauline | Placet, Vincent | Ouisse, Morvan
inproceedings - Structural dynamics of individual plant fibres: a contribution to the understanding of damping properties of bio-based composites Internoise (2024) / Nantes, France (2024, Pages pages 6) Pelisson, Fanny | Butaud, Pauline | Placet, Vincent | Ouisse, Morvan
inproceedings - Etude du vieillissement de contreplaqués collés par résines thermoplastiques et renforcés par fibres naturelles 12èmes Journées du GDR 3544 "Sciences du bois" (2023) / Limoges, France (2023, Pages pages 4) Prunier, Clément | Rousseau, Jérôme | Butaud, Pauline | Jeannin, Thomas | Placet, Vincent
inproceedings - Caractérisations mécaniques dynamiques à l'échelle de la fibre 5ème Journées Jeunes Chercheurs en Eco-composites et Composites Bio-sourcés (JJC ECOCOMP 2022) / Ile de Groix, France (2022, Pages pages 6) Pelisson, Fanny | Butaud, Pauline | Placet, Vincent | Ouisse, Morvan
inproceedings - Détermination des paramètres de fabrication d’assemblage de substrats bois par adhésifs thermoplastiques renforcés par des fibres naturelles 25ème Congrès Français de Mécanique (CFM 2022) / Nantes, France (2022, Pages pages 11) Prunier, Clément | Rousseau, Jérôme | El Moussaid, Mehdi | Butaud, Pauline | Placet, Vincent
inproceedings - On the use of thermomechanical couplings for the design of adaptive structures XVI SPIE Active and Passive Smart Structures and Integrated Systems (2022) / Californie, United States (Volume 12043, 2022, Pages pages 1204302 (8)) Ouisse, Morvan | Butaud, Pauline | Foltête, Emmanuel | Chevallier, Gaël
inproceedings - A new concept of vibration damper based on friction induced dissipation between magnetic materials A Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics (IMAC-XL 2022) / Orlando, United States (2022, Pages pages 3) Hermann, Svenja | Butaud, Pauline | Chevallier, Gaël
article - Good practices for designing and experimental testing of dynamically excited jointed structures : The Orion beam Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing (MSSP) (Volume 163, jan 2022, Pages :108172 (23)) Teloli, Rafaël | Butaud, Pauline | Chevallier, Gaël | Da Silva, Samuel
article - Dataset of experimental measurements for the Orion beam structure Data in Brief (Volume 39, nov 2021, Pages :107627 (9)) Teloli, Rafaël | Butaud, Pauline | Chevallier, Gaël | Da Silva, Samuel
inproceedings - Influence of water aging on the damping properties of plant fiber composites On line 3rd Flower Conference - Biobased Composites in Marine Environment (2021) / Lorient, France (2021, Pages pages 1) Liu, Taiqu | Butaud, Pauline | Placet, Vincent | Ouisse, Morvan
article - Learning the representation of raw acoustic emission signals by direct generative modeling and its use in chronology-based clusters identification Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence (Volume 90, apr 2020, Pages :103478 (13)) Ramasso, Emmanuel | Butaud, Pauline | Jeannin, Thomas | Sarasini, Fabrizio | Placet, Vincent | Godin, Nathalie | Tirillo, Jacopo | Gabrion, Xavier
inproceedings - Caractérisation dynamique des fibres synthétiques et végétales Manipulation et caractérisation pour les fibres synthétiques et végétales (GDR Robotique 2019) / Besançon, France (2019, Pages pages 18) Butaud, Pauline | Ouisse, Morvan | Placet, Vincent | Bourbon, Gilles
inproceedings - Les polymères à mémoire de forme 5ème Ecole Ecole technologique du Réseaux Des Mécaniciens ( 2019) / Saint Jorioz, France (2019) Butaud, Pauline
inproceedings - Clustering acoustic emission time-series using unsupervised-shapelets 12th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (IWSHM 2019) / Stanford, CA, United States (2019, Pages pages 9) Ramasso, Emmanuel | Butaud, Pauline | Placet, Vincent | Jeannin, Thomas | Sarasini, Fabrizio
inproceedings - Detection and analysis of nonlinear dissipation in lap joints using acoustic emission 9th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring Series (2018) / Manchester, United Kingdom (2019, Pages pages 1) Butaud, Pauline | Chevallier, Gaël | Ramasso, Emmanuel | Placet, Vincent | Michon, Guilhem
inproceedings - Detection and analysis of loosening in jointed structures using acoustic emission sensors and smart bolts 37th Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics (IMAC 2019) / Orlando, United States (2019, Pages pages 3) Chevallier, Gaël | Ramasso, Emmanuel | Butaud, Pauline
inproceedings - In situ measurements of interfacial contact pressure during impact hammer tests 36th Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics (2018) / Orlando, United States (2018, Pages pages 1 - 11) Seeger, Benjamin | Butaud, Pauline | Baloglu, Volkan | Du, Fei | Brake, Matthew | Schwingshakl, Christoph
inproceedings - Analyse multi-échelle expérimentale et numérique du comportement d’une liaison 23ème Congrès Français de Mécanique (CFM 2017) / Lille, France (2017) Butaud, Pauline | Chevallier, Gaël | Sadoulet, Emeline
inproceedings - Analyse de champs par vibrométrie laser sur un assemblage boulonné Journée Mesure de champs en dynamique de structures (2017) / Besançon, France (2017) Butaud, Pauline | Chevallier, Gaël
inproceedings - Design of thermally adaptive composite structures for damping and stiffness control SPIE Behavior and Mechanics of Multifunctional Materials and Composites (2017) / Portland, United States (Volume 10165, 2017, Pages pages 101650T (8)) Butaud, Pauline | Ouisse, Morvan | Chevallier, Gaël | Foltête, Emmanuel
inproceedings - Design of an assembly for nonlinear vibration reduction 35th Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics (IMAC) / Garden Grove, CA, United States (2017, Pages pages 0-1) Butaud, Pauline | Chevallier, Gaël
inproceedings - Damping control in a sandwich structure with SMP core Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive structures and intelligent systems (SMASIS 2015) / Colorado Springs, United States (2015) Butaud, Pauline | Ouisse, Morvan | Foltête, Emmanuel
inproceedings - Experimental investigations on viscoelastic properties of a shape memory polymer Proceedings of the ASME 2014 Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems (SMASIS 2014-7686) (2014, Pages pages 1 - 8) Butaud, Pauline | Ouisse, Morvan | Placet, Vincent | Foltête, Emmanuel
inproceedings - Shape memory properties of the CHS-E520 and CHSE531 epoxy resins with the hardener P11 31th Danubia-Adria Symposium / Kempten, Germany (2014) Klesa, Jan | Placet, Vincent | Krystek, Jan | Ouisse, Morvan | Foltête, Emmanuel | Butaud, Pauline
inproceedings - Etude aérodynamique instationnaire d'un rotor éolien de Savonius : mise en évidence de l'influence de la portance 21ème Congrès Français de Mécanique (CFM 2013) / Bordeaux, France (2013, Pages pages 1 - 6) Butaud, Pauline | Besnard, Aurélien | Marcel, Thibaud | Maya, Michel
inproceedings - Comparative life cycle assessment of thermoplastic materials for a type IV hydrogen tank liner Second International Conference on Green Hydrogen (ICGH2024 2024) / Rabat, Morocco (2024, Pages pages 2) Karim, Imad | Maynadier, Anne | Chapelle, David | Thiebaud, Frédéric
inproceedings - Modélisation et identification du comportement de coulabilité d’une poudre d’hydrure pour le stockage solide de l’hydrogène 4ème Réunion Plénières de la Fédération Hydrogène (FRH2) du CNRS (2024) / La Grande Motte, France (2024, Pages pages 1) Ngueloheu Yeda, Chrisale | Maynadier, Anne | Chapelle, David
inproceedings - Degradation of semi-crystalline thermoplastic materials in severe hydrogen environments 4ème Réunion Plénières de la Fédération Hydrogène (FRH2) du CNRS (2024) / La Grande Motte, France (2024, Pages pages 1) Karim, Imad | Gardavaud, Quentin | Maynadier, Anne | Chapelle, David | Thiebaud, Frédéric
inproceedings - Identification of the mechanical behavior of an hydride powder for hydrogen storage 18th International Symposium on Metal-Hydrogen Systems (MH2024 2024) / Saint-Malo, France (2024, Pages pages 1) Ngueloheu Yeda, Chrisale | Maynadier, Anne | Chapelle, David
inproceedings - Underlying causes of the improved storage capacity of TiMn1.5 by annealing treatment 18th International Symposium on Metal-Hydrogen Systems (MH2024 2024) / Saint-Malo, France (2024, Pages pages 1) Arnal, Simon | Maynadier, Anne | Laversenne, Laetitia | Chapelle, David
inproceedings - Identification du chargement induit par la respiration d’un hydrure au sein d’un réservoir de stockage 25ème Congrès Français de Mécanique (CFM 2022) / Nantes, France (2022, Pages pages 7) Ngueloheu Yeda, Chrisale | Maynadier, Anne | Chapelle, David
inproceedings - Modélisation DEM du comportement mécanique d’une particule d’intermétallique lors de l’absorption d’hydrogène 25ème Congrès Français de Mécanique (CFM 2022) / Nantes, France (2022, Pages pages 13) Bebon, Ludovic | Maynadier, Anne | Chapelle, David
inproceedings - Modèle de prédiction du phénomène de cavitation dans les matériaux polymériques présents dans les systèmes d’hydrogène hyperbare Polymeris, les polymères pour l’hydrogène, conférence virtuelle (2021) / Nantes, France (2021) Gardavaud, Quentin | Thiebaud, Frédéric | Melnichuk, Maximiliano | Chapelle, David
article - Modeling progressive absorption of an hydride material particle submitted to hydrogen International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (Volume 46, Issue (18), mar 2021, Pages :10830 - 10837) Bebon, Ludovic | Maynadier, Anne | Chapelle, David | Thiebaud, Frédéric
inproceedings - Hydrogen storage: the different technologies, the challenges and the stakes 3rd International Symposium on Sustainable Hydrogen (ISSH 2019) / Alger, Algeria (2019, Pages pages 9) Chapelle, David | Maynadier, Anne | Bebon, Ludovic | Thiebaud, Frédéric
inproceedings - Observation de l’hydruration des alliages métalliques pour le stockage d’hydrogène sous forme solide 24ème Congrès Français de Mécanique (CFM 2019) / Brest, France (2019, Pages pages 9) Bebon, Ludovic | Chapelle, David | Maynadier, Anne | Thiebaud, Frédéric
inproceedings - Etude des propriétés de perméation et mécaniques des matériaux de réservoirs composites destinés au stockage d’hydrogène 21ème Journées Nationales sur les Composites (JNC 2019) / Bordeaux, France (2019, Pages pages 10) Melnichuk, Maximiliano | Thiebaud, Frédéric | Chapelle, David | Maynadier, Anne
article - Milling effect on the microstructural and hydrogenation properties of TiFe0.9Mn0.1alloy Powder Technology (Volume 339, nov 2018, Pages :903 - 910) Zeaiter, Ali | Chapelle, David | Cuevas, Fermin | Maynadier, Anne | Latroche, Michel
article - Thermomechanics of a metal hydride-based hydrogen tank Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics (Volume 27, Issue (3), may 2015, Pages :379 - 397) Lexcellent, Christian | Gay, Guillaume | Chapelle, David
inproceedings - Macro-modeling of a Hydrogen solid storage cylindrical tank International Conference on Technologies and Materials for Renewable Energy, Environment and Sustainability (TMREES 2015) / Beirut, Lebanon (Volume 74, 2015, Pages pages 1440 - 1451) Zeaiter, Ali | Chapelle, David | Perreux, Dominique | Thiebaud, Frédéric | Nardin, Philippe
inproceedings - Searching out the hydrogen absorption/desorption limiting reaction factors : strategies allowing to increase kinetics 14th International Symposium on Metal-Hydrogen Systems (MH 2014) / Manchester, United Kingdom (2014, Pages pages 1 - 7) Zeaiter, Ali | Chapelle, David | Nardin, Philippe
inproceedings - Towards the increase of the desorption kinetics in ferrotitanium alloy International Discussion on Hydrogen Energy (IDHEA) (2014, Pages pages 1 - 9) Zeaiter, Ali | Chapelle, David | Nardin, Philippe
inproceedings - Hydrogen storage in FeTi hydrides for stationary applications : material characterisation and tank thermomechanical modeling International Discussion on Hydrogen Energy (IDHEA) (2014, Pages pages 1 - 8) Gay, Guillaume | Chapelle, David | Lexcellent, Christian | Perreux, Dominique | Thiebaud, Frédéric
inproceedings - Towards the development of filament wound composite structures submitted to very high internal pressure, based on complex geometry shapes ASME 2013 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, Volume 5 : High-Pressure Technology (2013, Pages pages 1 - 6) Vargas, Erik | Chapelle, David | Perreux, Dominique
inproceedings - Mechanical coupling between metal liner and composite structure in type III tanks during high pressure fatigue loading 19th International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM) / Montréal, Canada (2013, Pages pages 1 - 6) Perreux, Dominique | Thiebaud, Frédéric | Chapelle, David | Robinet, Pascal | Weber, M. | Barthélémy, H. | Barbier, F.
inproceedings - Effect of internal pressure on permeation characteristics of polymers commonly used for liners in high pressure hydrogen tanks 21ème Séminaire Franco-Polonais de Mécanique / Perpignan, France (2013, Pages pages 1) Nardin, Philippe | Chapelle, David | Perreux, Dominique | Thiebaud, Frédéric
inproceedings - Influence of the internal pressure on the hydrogen diffusion through the polymer liner of a type IV tank 8th International Conference on Diffusion in Solids and Liquids (DSL2012) / Istanbul, Turkey (2012) Nardin, Philippe | Chapelle, David | Perreux, Dominique | Thiebaud, Frédéric
article - Analysis of intermetallic swelling on the behavior of a hybrid solution for compressed hydrogen storage – Part II: Finite element method simulation Materials and Design (Volume 36, apr 2012, Pages :459 - 469) Chapelle, David | Hocine, Abdelkader | Carbillet, Stani | Boubakar, Lamine Mohamed
article - Assessment of the Gas Permeation through Thin Coated Polymeric Membranes ; Improvement of the Gas Barrier Ability for Hydrogen Storage Defect and Diffusion Forum (Volume 323-325, apr 2012, Pages :393 - 399) Chapelle, David | Feng, Liping | Nardin, Philippe | Rauch, Jean-Yves
article - Analytical prediction of damage in the composite part of a type-3 hydrogen storage vessel Mechanics of Composite Materials (Volume 48, Issue (1), mar 2012, Pages :77 - 88) Ghouaoula, Abdelhamid | Hocine, Abdelkader | Chapelle, David | Karaachira, F. | Boubakar, Lamine Mohamed
article - Imaging of an operating LaNi4.8Al0.2–based hydrogen storage container International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (Volume 36, Issue (16), aug 2011, Pages :9751 - 9757) Gondek, L. | Selvaraj, Nivas Babu | Czub, J. | Figiel, H. | Chapelle, David | Kardjilov, N. | Hilger, A. | Manke, I.
inproceedings - Dépôt de couches minces comme barrière au transport gazeux 20ème Congrès Francais de Mécanique (CFM 2011) / Besançon, France (2011) Chapelle, David | Feng, Liping | Rauch, Jean-Yves | Nardin, Philippe
inproceedings - Assessment of the gaz permeation through thin coated polymeric membranes : improvement of the gas barrier ability for hydrogen storage 8th International Conference on Diffusion in Materials (DIMAT 2011) / Dijon, France (2011) Chapelle, David | Nardin, Philippe | Feng, Liping | Rauch, Jean-Yves
inproceedings - A review on the different ways of hydrogen storage for transport applications Seminario Bilateral Mexico-Francia sobre la Investigacion e Innovacion en el Transporte (2011) Nardin, Philippe | Thiebaud, Frédéric | Chapelle, David | Farines, Ludovic | Avril, Christophe | Perreux, Dominique
inproceedings - Determination of hydrogen permeation properties of polymers by means of numerical study and experimental validation 5th International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (ICAMEM 2010) / Hammamet, Tunisia (2010) Nardin, Philippe | Bayle, Julien | Chapelle, David | Perreux, Dominique
article - Analysis of intermetallic swelling on the behavior of a hybrid solution for compressed hydrogen storage – Part I: Analytical modeling Materials and Design (Volume 31, Issue (5), may 2010, Pages :2435 - 2443) Hocine, Abdelkader | Chapelle, David | Boubakar, Lamine Mohamed | Benamar, Ali | Bezazi, Abderrezak
inproceedings - Fidelity and accuracy of the 3D reconstructed morphology of elementary flax fiber using optical projection and X-ray micro-tomography : a comparative study The Fiber Society 2024 Fall Meeting and Technical Conference (2024) / Mulhouse, France (2024, Pages pages 1) Chevallier, Anouk | Kakkonen, Markus | Gabrion, Xavier | Zarei, Ali | Tanhuanpää, Olli | Boutenel, Florian | Guicheret, Violaine | Clevy, Cédric | Kallio, Pasi | Placet, Vincent
inproceedings - Assessment of direct microrobotic gripping for single flax fibre tensile tests International Conference on Manipulation, Automation and Robotics at Small Scales (MARSS 2024) / Delft, Netherlands (2024, Pages pages 6) Chevallier, Anouk | Zarei, Ali | Tanhuanpää, Olli | Kakkonen, Markus | Sukki, Lassi | Boutenel, Florian | Guicheret, Violaine | Placet, Vincent | Kallio, Pasi | Clevy, Cédric
article - Mechanical behavior and apparent stiffness of flax, hemp and nettle fibers under single fiber transverse compression tests Composites Part A-Applied Science and Manufacturing (Volume 185, jun 2024, Pages :108321 (11)) Govilas, Jason | Chevallier, Anouk | Akleh, Wajih | Beaugrand, Johnny | Clevy, Cédric | Placet, Vincent
inproceedings - Détermination expérimentale par compression du module de Young transverse de fibres végétales micrométriques Journées Nationales sur les Composites (JNC 2023) / Besançon, France (2023, Pages pages 8) Chevallier, Anouk | Govilas, Jason | Gabrion, Xavier | Beaugrand, Johnny | Clevy, Cédric | Placet, Vincent
inproceedings - Experimental measurement of the transverse Young's modulus of single plant fibres using micro-mechatronics 6th International Conference on Natural Fibres (ICNF 2023) / Funchal, Portugal (2023, Pages pages 2) Chevallier, Anouk | Govilas, Jason | Akleh, Wajih | Beaugrand, Johnny | Clevy, Cédric | Placet, Vincent
inproceedings - Fidelity and accuracy of the 3D reconstructed morphology of elementary flax fiber using optical projection and X-ray micro-tomography : a comparative study The Fiber Society 2024 Fall Meeting and Technical Conference (2024) / Mulhouse, France (2024, Pages pages 1) Chevallier, Anouk | Kakkonen, Markus | Gabrion, Xavier | Zarei, Ali | Tanhuanpää, Olli | Boutenel, Florian | Guicheret, Violaine | Clevy, Cédric | Kallio, Pasi | Placet, Vincent
inproceedings - Identification inverse du module élastique transverse de fibres végétales à partir d'un modèle éléments finis de l'essai de compression diamétrale sur fibre élémentaire Congrès des Jeunes Chercheurs (MECA-J 2024) / On line, France (2024, Pages pages 1) Sabillah, Bilal | Guicheret, Violaine | Boutenel, Florian
inproceedings - Assessment of direct microrobotic gripping for single flax fibre tensile tests International Conference on Manipulation, Automation and Robotics at Small Scales (MARSS 2024) / Delft, Netherlands (2024, Pages pages 6) Chevallier, Anouk | Zarei, Ali | Tanhuanpää, Olli | Kakkonen, Markus | Sukki, Lassi | Boutenel, Florian | Guicheret, Violaine | Placet, Vincent | Kallio, Pasi | Clevy, Cédric
article - Platen parallelism significance and control in single fiber transverse compression tests Composites Part A-Applied Science and Manufacturing (Volume 159, aug 2022, Pages :106990 (10)) Govilas, Jason | Guicheret, Violaine | Amiot, Fabien | Beaugrand, Johnny | Placet, Vincent | Clevy, Cédric
inproceedings - In-service tensile creep/recovery behaviour of high-grade hemp and flax fibre reinforced greenpoxy composites On line 5th International Conference on Natural Fibers (ICNF 2021 2021) / Funchal, Portugal (2021, Pages pages 2) Sala, Benjamin | Gabrion, Xavier | Trivaudey, Frédérique | Guicheret, Violaine | Placet, Vincent
article - Influence of the stress level and hygrothermal conditions on the creep/recovery behaviour of high-grade flax and hemp fibre reinforced GreenPoxy matrix composites Composites Part A-Applied Science and Manufacturing (Volume 141, feb 2021, Pages :106204 (14)) Sala, Benjamin | Gabrion, Xavier | Trivaudey, Frédérique | Guicheret, Violaine | Placet, Vincent
article - Investigation of the possible origins of the differences in mechanical properties of hemp and flax fibres : a numerical study based on sensitivity analysis Composites Part A-Applied Science and Manufacturing (Volume 124, sep 2019, Pages :105488 (13)) Del Masto, Alessandra | Trivaudey, Frédérique | Guicheret, Violaine | Placet, Vincent | Boubakar, Lamine Mohamed
inproceedings - A multiscale model-based investigation of the nonlinear tensile behaviour of plant fibre composites 8th International Conference on Structural Analysis of Advanced Materials ( 2018) / Tarbes, France (2018, Pages pages 3) Del Masto, Alessandra | Trivaudey, Frédérique | Guicheret, Violaine | Placet, Vincent
inproceedings - Multiscale stochastic model and simulation for the study of the non-linear behaviour of plant fibre composites 21st International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM) / Xi'an, China (2017) Del Masto, Alessandra | Trivaudey, Frédérique | Guicheret, Violaine | Placet, Vincent | Boubakar, Lamine Mohamed
article - Nonlinear tensile behaviour of elementary hemp fibres: a numerical investigation of the relationships between 3D geometry and tensile behaviour Journal of Materials Science (Volume 52, Issue (11), jun 2017, Pages :6591 - 6610) Del Masto, Alessandra | Trivaudey, Frédérique | Guicheret, Violaine | Placet, Vincent | Boubakar, Lamine Mohamed
inproceedings - Relationships between 3D geometry and tensile behaviour of plant fibres: a numerical study based on anisotropic viscoelastic model 569 – Multiscale modeling of fibrous and textile materials Euromech Colloquim (2016) / Chatenay-Malabry, France (2016, Pages pages 2) Del Masto, Alessandra | Trivaudey, Frédérique | Guicheret, Violaine | Placet, Vincent | Boubakar, Lamine Mohamed
inproceedings - Propagation du comportement non-linéaire en traction de la fibre végétale élémentaire aux faisceaux de fibres : caractérisation des effets morphologiques par simulation numérique 2ème Journées Jeunes Chercheurs Eco-composites et Composites Bio-sourcés (2016) / Clermont-Ferrand, France (2016, Pages pages 1) Del Masto, Alessandra | Trivaudey, Frédérique | Guicheret, Violaine | Placet, Vincent | Boubakar, Lamine Mohamed
article - Creep behaviour of single hemp fibres. Part II : Influence of loading level, moisture content and moisture variation Journal of Materials Science (Volume 50, Issue (5), mar 2015, Pages :2061 - 2072) Guicheret, Violaine | Cisse, Ousseynou | Placet, Vincent | Beaugrand, Johnny | Pernes, Miguel | Boubakar, Lamine Mohamed
article - Nonlinear tensile behaviour of elementary hemp fibres. Part II : Modelling using an anisotropic viscoelastic constitutive law in a material rotating frame Composites Part A-Applied Science and Manufacturing (Volume 68, jan 2015, Pages :346 - 355) Trivaudey, Frédérique | Placet, Vincent | Guicheret, Violaine | Boubakar, Lamine Mohamed
inproceedings - Comparative life cycle assessment of thermoplastic materials for a type IV hydrogen tank liner Second International Conference on Green Hydrogen (ICGH2024 2024) / Rabat, Morocco (2024, Pages pages 2) Karim, Imad | Maynadier, Anne | Chapelle, David | Thiebaud, Frédéric
inproceedings - Degradation of semi-crystalline thermoplastic materials in severe hydrogen environments 4ème Réunion Plénières de la Fédération Hydrogène (FRH2) du CNRS (2024) / La Grande Motte, France (2024, Pages pages 1) Karim, Imad | Gardavaud, Quentin | Maynadier, Anne | Chapelle, David | Thiebaud, Frédéric
inproceedings - Vers la conception d’un essai de déchaussement de microgoutte in-situ dans un tomographe à rayons X Congrès des Jeunes Chercheurs (MECA-J 2024) / On line, France (2024, Pages pages 1) Leveziel, Adam | Boutenel, Florian | Gabrion, Xavier | Thibaud, Sébastien
inproceedings - Comparative life cycle assessment of thermoplastic materials for a type IV hydrogen tank liner Second International Conference on Green Hydrogen (ICGH2024 2024) / Rabat, Morocco (2024, Pages pages 2) Karim, Imad | Maynadier, Anne | Chapelle, David | Thiebaud, Frédéric
inproceedings - Modélisation et identification du comportement de coulabilité d’une poudre d’hydrure pour le stockage solide de l’hydrogène 4ème Réunion Plénières de la Fédération Hydrogène (FRH2) du CNRS (2024) / La Grande Motte, France (2024, Pages pages 1) Ngueloheu Yeda, Chrisale | Maynadier, Anne | Chapelle, David
inproceedings - Degradation of semi-crystalline thermoplastic materials in severe hydrogen environments 4ème Réunion Plénières de la Fédération Hydrogène (FRH2) du CNRS (2024) / La Grande Motte, France (2024, Pages pages 1) Karim, Imad | Gardavaud, Quentin | Maynadier, Anne | Chapelle, David | Thiebaud, Frédéric
inproceedings - Identification of the mechanical behavior of an hydride powder for hydrogen storage 18th International Symposium on Metal-Hydrogen Systems (MH2024 2024) / Saint-Malo, France (2024, Pages pages 1) Ngueloheu Yeda, Chrisale | Maynadier, Anne | Chapelle, David
inproceedings - Underlying causes of the improved storage capacity of TiMn1.5 by annealing treatment 18th International Symposium on Metal-Hydrogen Systems (MH2024 2024) / Saint-Malo, France (2024, Pages pages 1) Arnal, Simon | Maynadier, Anne | Laversenne, Laetitia | Chapelle, David
inproceedings - Identification du chargement induit par la respiration d’un hydrure au sein d’un réservoir de stockage 25ème Congrès Français de Mécanique (CFM 2022) / Nantes, France (2022, Pages pages 7) Ngueloheu Yeda, Chrisale | Maynadier, Anne | Chapelle, David
inproceedings - Modélisation DEM du comportement mécanique d’une particule d’intermétallique lors de l’absorption d’hydrogène 25ème Congrès Français de Mécanique (CFM 2022) / Nantes, France (2022, Pages pages 13) Bebon, Ludovic | Maynadier, Anne | Chapelle, David
article - Modeling progressive absorption of an hydride material particle submitted to hydrogen International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (Volume 46, Issue (18), mar 2021, Pages :10830 - 10837) Bebon, Ludovic | Maynadier, Anne | Chapelle, David | Thiebaud, Frédéric
inproceedings - Hydrogen storage: the different technologies, the challenges and the stakes 3rd International Symposium on Sustainable Hydrogen (ISSH 2019) / Alger, Algeria (2019, Pages pages 9) Chapelle, David | Maynadier, Anne | Bebon, Ludovic | Thiebaud, Frédéric
inproceedings - Observation de l’hydruration des alliages métalliques pour le stockage d’hydrogène sous forme solide 24ème Congrès Français de Mécanique (CFM 2019) / Brest, France (2019, Pages pages 9) Bebon, Ludovic | Chapelle, David | Maynadier, Anne | Thiebaud, Frédéric
inproceedings - Etude des propriétés de perméation et mécaniques des matériaux de réservoirs composites destinés au stockage d’hydrogène 21ème Journées Nationales sur les Composites (JNC 2019) / Bordeaux, France (2019, Pages pages 10) Melnichuk, Maximiliano | Thiebaud, Frédéric | Chapelle, David | Maynadier, Anne
article - An innovative technique for real-time adjusting exposure time of silicon-based camera to get stable gray level images with temperature evolution Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing (MSSP) (Volume 122, may 2019, Pages :419 - 432) Zhang, Chao | Marty, Jérémy | Maynadier, Anne | Chaudet, Philippe | Réthoré, Julien | Baietto, Marie-Christine
article - Application of silicon-based camera for measurement of non-homogeneous thermal field on realistic specimen surface Applied Thermal Engineering (Volume 149, feb 2019, Pages :1186 - 1191) Zhang, Chao | Marty, Jérémy | Maynadier, Anne | Chaudet, Philippe | Réthoré, Julien | Baietto, Marie-Christine
article - Milling effect on the microstructural and hydrogenation properties of TiFe0.9Mn0.1alloy Powder Technology (Volume 339, nov 2018, Pages :903 - 910) Zeaiter, Ali | Chapelle, David | Cuevas, Fermin | Maynadier, Anne | Latroche, Michel
article - Validation of a multimodal set-up for the study of zirconium alloys claddings’ behaviour under simulated LOCA conditions Strain (Volume 54, Issue (5), oct 2018, Pages :12279 (5)) Campello, Damien | Tardif, Nicolas | Desquines, Jean | Baietto, Marie-Christine | Coret, Michel | Maynadier, Anne | Chaudet, Philippe
article - Disturbance and recovery in high speed (110) cleavage in single crystalline silicon Journal of the European Ceramic Society (Volume 38, Issue (4), apr 2018, Pages :1038 - 1045) Zhao, Lv | Wang, Meng | Maynadier, Anne | Nelias, Daniel
article - Velocity correlated crack front and surface marks in single crystalline silicon Nature Communications (Volume 9, Issue (1), apr 2018, Pages :8) Zhao, Lv | Bardel, Didier | Maynadier, Anne | Nelias, Daniel
article - Crack initiation behavior in single crystalline silicon Scripta Materialia (Volume 130, mar 2017, Pages :83 - 86) Zhao, Lv | Bardel, Didier | Maynadier, Anne | Nelias, Daniel
article - On the fracture of Multi-crystalline silicon wafer Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics (Volume 49, Issue (47), nov 2016, Pages :20 p) Zhao, Lv | Nelias, Daniel | Bardel, Didier | Maynadier, Anne | Chaudet, Philippe | Benoit, Marie
article - Stiffness and fracture analysis of photovoltaic grade silicon plates International Journal of Solids and Structures (Volume 97-98, oct 2016, Pages :355 - 369) Zhao, Lv | Maynadier, Anne | Nelias, Daniel
inproceedings - Modélisation et identification du comportement de coulabilité d’une poudre d’hydrure pour le stockage solide de l’hydrogène 4ème Réunion Plénières de la Fédération Hydrogène (FRH2) du CNRS (2024) / La Grande Motte, France (2024, Pages pages 1) Ngueloheu Yeda, Chrisale | Maynadier, Anne | Chapelle, David
inproceedings - Identification of the mechanical behavior of an hydride powder for hydrogen storage 18th International Symposium on Metal-Hydrogen Systems (MH2024 2024) / Saint-Malo, France (2024, Pages pages 1) Ngueloheu Yeda, Chrisale | Maynadier, Anne | Chapelle, David
inproceedings - Identification du chargement induit par la respiration d’un hydrure au sein d’un réservoir de stockage 25ème Congrès Français de Mécanique (CFM 2022) / Nantes, France (2022, Pages pages 7) Ngueloheu Yeda, Chrisale | Maynadier, Anne | Chapelle, David
inproceedings - Fire the fibre up ! Let's untangle fibre's damping behaviour 14èmes Journées des Jeunes Chercheurs en Acoustique vibrations et Bruit (JJCAB 2024) / Saint-Ouen, France (2024) Pelisson, Fanny | Butaud, Pauline | Placet, Vincent | Ouisse, Morvan
inproceedings - Structural dynamics of individual plant fibres: a contribution to the understanding of damping properties of bio-based composites Internoise (2024) / Nantes, France (2024, Pages pages 6) Pelisson, Fanny | Butaud, Pauline | Placet, Vincent | Ouisse, Morvan
inproceedings - Caractérisations mécaniques dynamiques à l'échelle de la fibre 5ème Journées Jeunes Chercheurs en Eco-composites et Composites Bio-sourcés (JJC ECOCOMP 2022) / Ile de Groix, France (2022, Pages pages 6) Pelisson, Fanny | Butaud, Pauline | Placet, Vincent | Ouisse, Morvan
article - Analysis of the potential of hemp fibres for load bearing composite reinforcement using classical field management techniques and carded route Composites Part A-Applied Science and Manufacturing (Volume 190, mar 2025, Pages :108658 (11)) Grégoire, Marie | Bar, Mahadev | Gabrion, Xavier | Koolen, Gilles | Musio, Salvatore | Botturi, Debora | Rondi, Georgio | Amaducci, Stefano | De Luycker, Emmanuel | Van Vuure, Aart | Placet, Vincent | Ouagne, Pierre
inproceedings - Fire the fibre up ! Let's untangle fibre's damping behaviour 14èmes Journées des Jeunes Chercheurs en Acoustique vibrations et Bruit (JJCAB 2024) / Saint-Ouen, France (2024) Pelisson, Fanny | Butaud, Pauline | Placet, Vincent | Ouisse, Morvan
inproceedings - Fidelity and accuracy of the 3D reconstructed morphology of elementary flax fiber using optical projection and X-ray micro-tomography : a comparative study The Fiber Society 2024 Fall Meeting and Technical Conference (2024) / Mulhouse, France (2024, Pages pages 1) Chevallier, Anouk | Kakkonen, Markus | Gabrion, Xavier | Zarei, Ali | Tanhuanpää, Olli | Boutenel, Florian | Guicheret, Violaine | Clevy, Cédric | Kallio, Pasi | Placet, Vincent
inproceedings - Structural dynamics of individual plant fibres: a contribution to the understanding of damping properties of bio-based composites Internoise (2024) / Nantes, France (2024, Pages pages 6) Pelisson, Fanny | Butaud, Pauline | Placet, Vincent | Ouisse, Morvan
inproceedings - Assessment of direct microrobotic gripping for single flax fibre tensile tests International Conference on Manipulation, Automation and Robotics at Small Scales (MARSS 2024) / Delft, Netherlands (2024, Pages pages 6) Chevallier, Anouk | Zarei, Ali | Tanhuanpää, Olli | Kakkonen, Markus | Sukki, Lassi | Boutenel, Florian | Guicheret, Violaine | Placet, Vincent | Kallio, Pasi | Clevy, Cédric
article - Mechanical behavior and apparent stiffness of flax, hemp and nettle fibers under single fiber transverse compression tests Composites Part A-Applied Science and Manufacturing (Volume 185, jun 2024, Pages :108321 (11)) Govilas, Jason | Chevallier, Anouk | Akleh, Wajih | Beaugrand, Johnny | Clevy, Cédric | Placet, Vincent
article - A round-robin study on the tensile characterization of single fibres: A multifactorial analysis and recommendations for more reliable results Composites Part A-Applied Science and Manufacturing (Volume 185, jun 2024, Pages :108323 (14)) Jeannin, Thomas | Arnold, Gilles | Bourmaud, Alain | Corn, Stéphane | De Luycker, Emmanuel | Dumont, Pierre | Ferreira, Manuela | Francois, Camille | Grégoire, Marie | Harzallah, Omar | Heurtel, Julie | Joannès, Sébastien | Kervoelen, Antoine | Labanieh, Ahmad-Rashed | Le Moigne, Nicolas | Martoïa, Florian | Orgéas, Laurent | Ouagne, Pierre | Soulat, Damien | Vivet, Alexandre | Placet, Vincent
article - Closed-loop recyclability of a biomass-derived epoxy-amine thermoset by methanolysis Science (Volume 384, Issue (66692), apr 2024, Pages :9) Wu, Xianyuan | Hartmann, Peter | Berne, Dimitri | De Bruyn, Mario | Cuminet, Florian | Wang, Zhiwen | Zechner, Johannes Matthias | Boese, Adrian Daniel | Placet, Vincent | Caillot, Sylvain | Barta, Katalin
article - Investigating the influence of plant fiber geometry on apparent transverse elastic properties through finite element analysis Composites Part A-Applied Science and Manufacturing (Volume 175, dec 2023, Pages :107789 (10)) Govilas, Jason | Clevy, Cédric | Beaugrand, Johnny | Placet, Vincent
article - Physics-based simulations for assessing the playability of heritage musical instruments : Impact of the soundboard assembly process on its low frequency behavior Applied Acoustics (Volume 214, nov 2023, Pages :109672 (11)) Almanza, Victor | Le Conte, Sandie | Vaiedelich, Stéphane | Foltête, Emmanuel | Viala, Romain | Arciniegas Mosquera, Andrés Felipe | Martinez, Loïc | Wilkie-Chancellier, Nicolas | Serfaty, Stéphane | Placet, Vincent | Cogan, Scott
inproceedings - Etude du vieillissement de contreplaqués collés par résines thermoplastiques et renforcés par fibres naturelles 12èmes Journées du GDR 3544 "Sciences du bois" (2023) / Limoges, France (2023, Pages pages 4) Prunier, Clément | Rousseau, Jérôme | Butaud, Pauline | Jeannin, Thomas | Placet, Vincent
inproceedings - Caractérisation aux petites échelles de l’interface fibre/matrice de matériaux composites biosourcés Congrès des Jeunes Chercheurs en Mécanique (MECA-J 2023) / En ligne, France (2023, Pages pages 1) Boutenel, Florian | Tahri, Sofyan | Placet, Vincent
article - Measurement of microfibril angle in plant fibres : Comparison between X-ray diffraction, second harmonic generation and transmission ellipsometry microscopies Composites Part C : open access (Volume 11, jul 2023, Pages :100355 (14)) Richely, Emmanuelle | Zarei, Ali | Melelli, Alessia | Kattipparambil Rajan, Dhanesh | Govilas, Jason | Gabrion, Xavier | Clevy, Cédric | Legland, David | Perez, Javier | Guessasma, Sofiane | Placet, Vincent | Kallio, Pasi | Beaugrand, Johnny
inproceedings - Couplage multi-physique : diffusion, coalescence et cristallisation pour l’optimisation des propriétés mécaniques des agro-composites PLA-chanvre Journées Nationales sur les Composites (JNC 2023) / Besançon, France (2023, Pages pages 7) Benié, Kandy | Placet, Vincent | Barrière, Thierry | Cherouat, Abel
inproceedings - Investigation des origines de la rigidification des composites uni-directionnels lin-époxy sous sollicitation de fatigue Journées Nationales sur les Composites (JNC 2023) / Besançon, France (2023, Pages pages 6) Jeannin, Thomas | Placet, Vincent
inproceedings - Optimisation de la fabrication additive de composites biosourcés renforcés par des fibres courtes de chanvre Journées Nationales sur les Composites (JNC 2023) / Besançon, France (2023, Pages pages 8) Niang, Ndeye Fatim | Barrière, Thierry | Placet, Vincent | Holopainen, Sami
inproceedings - Détermination expérimentale par compression du module de Young transverse de fibres végétales micrométriques Journées Nationales sur les Composites (JNC 2023) / Besançon, France (2023, Pages pages 8) Chevallier, Anouk | Govilas, Jason | Gabrion, Xavier | Beaugrand, Johnny | Clevy, Cédric | Placet, Vincent
inproceedings - Optimization of the heat transfer simulation time during 3D printing of PLA material 14th International Conference on Numerical Methods in Industrial Forming Processes (NUMIFORM 2023) / Krakow, Poland (2023, Pages pages 12) Benié, Kandy | Cherouat, Abel | Barrière, Thierry | Placet, Vincent
inproceedings - Experimental measurement of the transverse Young's modulus of single plant fibres using micro-mechatronics 6th International Conference on Natural Fibres (ICNF 2023) / Funchal, Portugal (2023, Pages pages 2) Chevallier, Anouk | Govilas, Jason | Akleh, Wajih | Beaugrand, Johnny | Clevy, Cédric | Placet, Vincent
article - Introducing a new optimization parameter based on diffusion, coalescence and crystallization to maximize the tensile properties of additive manufacturing parts Additive Manufacturing (Volume 69, may 2023, Pages :103538 (18)) Benié, Kandy | Barrière, Thierry | Placet, Vincent | Cherouat, Abel
inproceedings - Caractérisations mécaniques dynamiques à l'échelle de la fibre 5ème Journées Jeunes Chercheurs en Eco-composites et Composites Bio-sourcés (JJC ECOCOMP 2022) / Ile de Groix, France (2022, Pages pages 6) Pelisson, Fanny | Butaud, Pauline | Placet, Vincent | Ouisse, Morvan
inproceedings - Détermination des paramètres de fabrication d’assemblage de substrats bois par adhésifs thermoplastiques renforcés par des fibres naturelles 25ème Congrès Français de Mécanique (CFM 2022) / Nantes, France (2022, Pages pages 11) Prunier, Clément | Rousseau, Jérôme | El Moussaid, Mehdi | Butaud, Pauline | Placet, Vincent
article - Platen parallelism significance and control in single fiber transverse compression tests Composites Part A-Applied Science and Manufacturing (Volume 159, aug 2022, Pages :106990 (10)) Govilas, Jason | Guicheret, Violaine | Amiot, Fabien | Beaugrand, Johnny | Placet, Vincent | Clevy, Cédric
inproceedings - Sandwich panels with arundo donax core and flax fibre composite skins Online The International Conference on Non-conventional Materials and Technologies (NOCMAT 2022) / On line, United States (2022, Pages pages 1) Crociati, Letizia | Jeannin, Thomas | Molari, Luisa | Placet, Vincent
article - Influence of industrial processing parameters on the effective properties of long aligned European hemp fibres in composite materials Composites Part A-Applied Science and Manufacturing (Volume 157, jun 2022, Pages :106915 (11)) Gabrion, Xavier | Koolen, Gilles | Grégoire, Marie | Musio, Salvatore | Bar, Mahadev | Botturi, Debora | Rondi, Georgio | De Luycker, Emmanuel | Amaducci, Stefano | Ouagne, Pierre | Van Vuure, Aart | Placet, Vincent
article - Model-based evidence of the dominance of the guitar brace design over material and climatic variability for dynamic behaviors Applied Acoustics (Volume 182, nov 2021, Pages :108275 (11)) Viala, Romain | Placet, Vincent | Cogan, Scott
article - Comparing flax and hemp fibres yield and mechanical properties after scutching/hackling processing Industrial Crops and Products (Volume 172, nov 2021, Pages :114045 (11)) Grégoire, Marie | Bar, Mahadev | De Luycker, Emmanuel | Musio, Salvatore | Amaducci, Stefano | Gabrion, Xavier | Placet, Vincent | Ouagne, Pierre
inproceedings - Durability of bio-based composites: recent advances and remaining challenges Online FibreNet’s seminar – Future trends in bio-based fibers ! (2021) / Online, United States (2021) Placet, Vincent
article - Use of Chènevotte, a valuable co-product of industrial hemp fiber, as adsorbent for pollutant removal. Part I : chemical, microscopic, spectroscopic and thermogravimetric characterization of raw and modified samples Molecules (Volume 26, Issue (15), aug 2021, Pages :4574 (19)) Mongiovi, Chiara | Lacalamita, Dario | Morin-Crini, Nadia | Gabrion, Xavier | Ivanovska, Aleksandra | Sala, Federico | Placet, Vincent | Rizzi, Vito | Gubisota, Jennifer | Mesto, Ernesto | Lado Ribeiro, Ana Ritta | Fini, Paola | De Vietro, Nicoletta | Schingaro, Emanuela | Kostic, Mirjana | Cosentino, Cesare | Cosma, Pinalysa | Bradu, Corina | Chanet, Gilles | Crini, Grégorio
article - A critical review of the ultrastructure, mechanics and modelling of flax fibres and their defects Progress in Materials Science (Volume 275, jul 2021, Pages :100851 (31)) Richely, Emmanuelle | Bourmaud, Alain | Placet, Vincent | Guessasma, Sofiane | Beaugrand, Johnny
article - Exploring the dew retting feasibility of hemp in very contrasting European environments: Influence on the tensile mechanical properties of fibres and composites Industrial Crops and Products (Volume 164, jun 2021, Pages :113337 (14)) Réquilé, Samuel | Mazian, Brahim | Grégoire, Marie | Musio, Salvatore | Gautreau, Maxime | Nuez, Lucile | Day, Arnaud | Thiébeau, Pascal | Philippe, Florian | Chabbert, Brigitte | Chamussy, Anne | Shah, Darshil U. | Beaugrand, Johnny | Placet, Vincent | Benezet, Jean-Charles | Le Duigou, Antoine | Bar, Mahadev | Malhautier, Luc | De Luycker, Emmanuel | Amaducci, Stefano | Baley, Christophe | Bergeret, Anne | Bourmaud, Alain | Ouagne, Pierre
inproceedings - Testing new market applications for hemp in composites On line 18th EIHA Conference - Hemp for Europe: Emerging opportunities for the Green Recovery (2021) / ****, Belgium (2021) Placet, Vincent
inproceedings - Thermal effects on the static and fatigue behaviour of woven hemp fabric/greenpoxy composites On line 5th International Conference on Natural Fibers (ICNF 2021 2021) / Funchal, Portugal (2021, Pages pages 55 - 56) Jeannin, Thomas | Gabrion, Xavier | Sala, Benjamin | Liu, Taiqu | Placet, Vincent
inproceedings - Can a full value chain be established from the field to the fibres for the production of fine garment textiles from hemp fibres On line 5th International Conference on Natural Fibers (ICNF 2021 2021) / Funchal, Portugal (2021, Pages pages 2) Ouagne, Pierre | Revol, Nathalie | Pinsard, Lola | Grégoire, Marie | Amaducci, Stefano | Placet, Vincent
inproceedings - Characterization of plant fiber transverse mechanical behavior using a micromechatronical setup On line 5th International Conference on Natural Fibers (ICNF 2021 2021) / Funchal, Portugal (2021, Pages pages 2) Govilas, Jason | Clevy, Cédric | Beaugrand, Johnny | Placet, Vincent
inproceedings - In-service tensile creep/recovery behaviour of high-grade hemp and flax fibre reinforced greenpoxy composites On line 5th International Conference on Natural Fibers (ICNF 2021 2021) / Funchal, Portugal (2021, Pages pages 2) Sala, Benjamin | Gabrion, Xavier | Trivaudey, Frédérique | Guicheret, Violaine | Placet, Vincent
inproceedings - Hydrothermal ageing of fibre metal laminates made of flax fibres On line 3rd Flower Conference - Biobased Composites in Marine Environment (2021) / Lorient, France (2021, Pages pages 1) Ngoufo Donkeng, Noelle Edwige | Chevalier, Sébastien | Placet, Vincent | Rousseau, Jérôme
inproceedings - Influence of water aging on the damping properties of plant fiber composites On line 3rd Flower Conference - Biobased Composites in Marine Environment (2021) / Lorient, France (2021, Pages pages 1) Liu, Taiqu | Butaud, Pauline | Placet, Vincent | Ouisse, Morvan
article - Eco-friendly panels made of autoclaved flax composites and upcycled bottle caps core : expérimental and numerical approach Composites Part C : open access (Volume 4, mar 2021, Pages :100114 (12)) Oliveira, Pablo Resende | May, Michael | Kilchert, Sebastian | Avila de Oliveira, Livia | Panzera, Tulio Halak | Placet, Vincent | Scarpa, Fabrizio | Hiermaiera, Stefan
article - Development of quasi-unidirectional fabrics with hemp fiber: a competitive reinforcement for composite materials Journal of Composite Materials (Volume 55, Issue (4), feb 2021, Pages :551 - 564) Corbin, Anne-Clémence | Sala, Benjamin | Soulat, Damien | Ferreira, Manuela | Labanieh, Ahmad-Rashed | Placet, Vincent
article - Influence of the stress level and hygrothermal conditions on the creep/recovery behaviour of high-grade flax and hemp fibre reinforced GreenPoxy matrix composites Composites Part A-Applied Science and Manufacturing (Volume 141, feb 2021, Pages :106204 (14)) Sala, Benjamin | Gabrion, Xavier | Trivaudey, Frédérique | Guicheret, Violaine | Placet, Vincent
article - Towards model-based approaches for musical instruments making : validation of the model of a Spanish guitar soundboard and characterization features proposal Applied Acoustics (Volume 172, jan 2021, Pages :107591 (11)) Viala, Romain | Pérez, Marco A. | Placet, Vincent | Manjon, Antonio | Foltête, Emmanuel | Cogan, Scott
article - Ageing of autoclaved epoxy/flax composites: Effects on water absorption, porosity and flexural behaviour Composites Part B-Engineering (Volume 202, dec 2020, Pages :108380 (10)) César dos Santos, Julio | Avila de Oliveira, Livia | Hallak Panzera, Tulio | Remillat, Chrystel | Farrow, Ian | Placet, Vincent | Scarpa, Fabrizio
article - Learning the representation of raw acoustic emission signals by direct generative modeling and its use in chronology-based clusters identification Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence (Volume 90, apr 2020, Pages :103478 (13)) Ramasso, Emmanuel | Butaud, Pauline | Jeannin, Thomas | Sarasini, Fabrizio | Placet, Vincent | Godin, Nathalie | Tirillo, Jacopo | Gabrion, Xavier
article - Conversion of birch bark to biofuels Green Chemistry (Volume 22, mar 2020, Pages :2255 - 2263) Kumaniaev, Ivan | Navare, Kranti | Crespo Mendes, Natalia | Placet, Vincent | Van Acker, Karel | Samec, Joseph
article - Simultaneous non-destructive identification of multiple elastic and damping properties of spruce tonewood to improve grading Journal of Cultural Heritage (Volume 42, mar 2020, Pages :108 - 116) Viala, Romain | Placet, Vincent | Cogan, Scott
inproceedings - Soundboard bracing techniques and modal behavior, a numerical study 38th Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics (IMAC 2020) / Houston, United States (2020, Pages pages 28) Almanza, Victor | Placet, Vincent | Cogan, Scott | Foltête, Emmanuel | Serfaty, Stéphane | Vaiedelich, Stéphane | Le Conte, Sandie
article - Are nettle fibers produced on metal-contaminated lands suitable for composite applications ? Materials Today : Proceedings (Volume 31, Issue (S2), 2020, Pages :291 - 295) Jeannin, Thomas | Yung, Loïc | Evon, Philippe | Labonne, Laurent | Ouagne, Pierre | Lecourt, Michael | Cazaux, David | Chalot, Michel | Placet, Vincent
article - Native stinging nettle (Urtica dioica L.) growing spontaneously under short rotation coppice for phytomanagement of trace element contaminated soils : Fibre yield, processability and quality Industrial Crops and Products (Volume 145, 2020, Pages :111997 (11)) Jeannin, Thomas | Yung, Loïc | Evon, Philippe | Labonne, Laurent | Ouagne, Pierre | Lecourt, Michael | Cazaux, David | Chalot, Michel | Placet, Vincent
inproceedings - Caractérisation dynamique des fibres synthétiques et végétales Manipulation et caractérisation pour les fibres synthétiques et végétales (GDR Robotique 2019) / Besançon, France (2019, Pages pages 18) Butaud, Pauline | Ouisse, Morvan | Placet, Vincent | Bourbon, Gilles
inproceedings - Acoustic emission sensing using MEMS for structural health monitoring : demonstration of a newly designed Capacitive Micro machined Ultrasonic Transducer 12th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (IWSHM 2019) / Stanford, CA, United States (2019, Pages pages 10) Boubenia, Redha | Bourbon, Gilles | Le Moal, Patrice | Joseph, Eric | Ramasso, Emmanuel | Placet, Vincent
article - Impact of extraction processes on fiber properties of of linseed flax fibers Vlakna a Textil (Volume 26, Issue (3), sep 2019, Pages :35 - 40) Ouagne, Pierre | Grégoire, Marie | Barthod-Malat, Benjamin | Evon, Philippe | Labonne, Laurent | De Luycker, Emmanuel | Placet, Vincent
inproceedings - Clustering acoustic emission time-series using unsupervised-shapelets 12th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (IWSHM 2019) / Stanford, CA, United States (2019, Pages pages 9) Ramasso, Emmanuel | Butaud, Pauline | Placet, Vincent | Jeannin, Thomas | Sarasini, Fabrizio
article - Investigation of the possible origins of the differences in mechanical properties of hemp and flax fibres : a numerical study based on sensitivity analysis Composites Part A-Applied Science and Manufacturing (Volume 124, sep 2019, Pages :105488 (13)) Del Masto, Alessandra | Trivaudey, Frédérique | Guicheret, Violaine | Placet, Vincent | Boubakar, Lamine Mohamed
inproceedings - Model-based quantification of the effect of wood modifications on the dynamics of the violin International Symposium on Music Acoustics (ISMA 2019) / Detmold, Germany (2019, Pages pages 409 - 416) Viala, Romain | Placet, Vincent | Cogan, Scott | Lämmlein, Sarah
inproceedings - Détermination des propriétés mécaniques transverses de fibres par compression diamétrale et mesures de champs de déplacement 24ème Congrès Français de Mécanique (CFM 2019) / Brest, France (2019, Pages pages 3) Amiot, Fabien | Blot, Mélissa | Weemaes, Tine | Bernollin, Hugo | Laurent, Guillaume | Clevy, Cédric | Placet, Vincent
inproceedings - Detection and analysis of nonlinear dissipation in lap joints using acoustic emission 9th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring Series (2018) / Manchester, United Kingdom (2019, Pages pages 1) Butaud, Pauline | Chevallier, Gaël | Ramasso, Emmanuel | Placet, Vincent | Michon, Guilhem
inproceedings - Are nettle fibres produced on metal-contaminated lands suitable for composite applications ? 4th International Conference on Natural FIbers (ICNF 2019) / Porto, Portugal (2019, Pages pages 19) Jeannin, Thomas | Yung, Loïc | Evon, Philippe | Labonne, Laurent | Ouagne, Pierre | Lecourt, Michael | Cazaux, David | Chalot, Michel | Placet, Vincent
inproceedings - Les matériaux composites sandwichs à base de fibres naturelles et leur potentiel pour les instruments de musique Journées Fracture Instrumentale et Sciences (JFIS 2019) / Le Mans, France (2019, Pages pages 4) Viala, Romain | Fournier, Maxime | Placet, Vincent | Cogan, Scott
inproceedings - Développement d’outils numériques d’aide à la conception pour luthiers Journées Fracture Instrumentale et Sciences (JFIS 2019) / Le Mans, France (2019) Viala, Romain | Placet, Vincent | Foltête, Emmanuel | Cogan, Scott
inproceedings - Model-based decision support methods applied to the conservation of musical instruments : application to an antique cello 37th Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics (IMAC 2019) / Orlando, United States (2019, Pages pages 6) Viala, Romain | Placet, Vincent | Le Conte, Sandie | Vaiedelich, Stéphane | Cogan, Scott
inproceedings - Identification and monitoring of the material properties of a complex shaped part using a FEMU-3DVF method : application to wooden rhombicuboctahedron 37th Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics (IMAC 2019) / Orlando, United States (Volume 2, 2019, Pages pages 5) Viala, Romain | Placet, Vincent | Cogan, Scott
inproceedings - Model-based decision support for assessing the playability of heritage musical instruments 37th Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics (IMAC 2019) / Orlando, United States (2019, Pages pages 27) Almanza, Victor | Placet, Vincent | Cogan, Scott | Foltête, Emmanuel | Serfaty, Stéphane | Vaiedelich, Stéphane | Le Conte, Sandie
inproceedings - Optimisation du comportement dynamique de composites sandwiches pour la fabrication de tables d'harmonie de guitare 8èmes Journées Jeunes Chercheurs en vibration, Acoustique et Bruit (JJCAB 2018) / Le Mans, France (2018) Viala, Romain | Cogan, Scott | Placet, Vincent
article - Compressional stability of optical fibres: a combined experimental and computer study Journal of Materials Science (Volume 53, Issue (21), nov 2018, Pages :15157 - 15164) Capek, Lukas | Henys, Petr | Placet, Vincent | Kolcavova, Brigita
inproceedings - Apprentissage partiellement supervisé dans les modèles de Markov Logique floue et applications ( 2018) / Arras, France (2018, Pages pages 1 - 8) Ramasso, Emmanuel | Placet, Vincent
article - Towards the design of high-performance plant fibre composites Progress in Materials Science (Volume 97, aug 2018, Pages :347 - 408) Bourmaud, Alain | Beaugrand, Johnny | Shah, Darshil U. | Placet, Vincent | Baley, Christophe
inproceedings - A multiscale model-based investigation of the nonlinear tensile behaviour of plant fibre composites 8th International Conference on Structural Analysis of Advanced Materials ( 2018) / Tarbes, France (2018, Pages pages 3) Del Masto, Alessandra | Trivaudey, Frédérique | Guicheret, Violaine | Placet, Vincent
article - Influence of damage accumulation under fatigue loading on the AE-based health assessment of composite materials : wave distortion and AE-features evolution as a function of damage level Composites Part A-Applied Science and Manufacturing (Volume 109, jun 2018, Pages :615 - 627) Kharrat, Mohamed | Placet, Vincent | Ramasso, Emmanuel | Boubakar, Lamine Mohamed
inproceedings - Numerical models of the instruments of the string quartet - a potential tool for their design, making, and study 2nd European training school, Acoustics for violin makers / Ghent, Belgium (2018) Viala, Romain | Placet, Vincent | Cogan, Scott
article - Identification of the anisotropic elastic and damping properties of complex shape composite parts using an inverse method based on finite element model updating and 3D velocity fields measurements (FEMU-3DFV) : application to bio-based composite violin soundboards Composites Part A-Applied Science and Manufacturing (Volume 106, Issue (1), mar 2018, Pages :91 - 103) Viala, Romain | Placet, Vincent | Cogan, Scott
article - What are the key parameters to produce a high-grade bio-based composite? Application to flax/epoxy UD laminates produced by thermocompression Composites Part B-Engineering (Volume 150, 2018, Pages :36 - 46) Cadu, Thomas | Berges, Michaël | Sicot, Olivier | Person, Véronique | Piezel, Benoît | Van Schoors, Laetitia | Placet, Vincent | Corn, Stéphane | Léger, Romain | Divet, Loïc | Ienny, Patrick | Fontaine, Stéphane
inproceedings - Characterisation and prediction of the long-term behaviour of Plant Fibre Composites for semi-structural applications 7th Biocomposites Conference Cologne / Maternushaus, Germany (2017) Placet, Vincent
inproceedings - Outils numériques d’aide à la décision pour luthiers Conférence Sainte-Cécille 2017, Ecole Nationale de Lutherie de Mirecourt (2017) Viala, Romain | Placet, Vincent | Cogan, Scott
inproceedings - A robust-to-parameterization clustering fusion approach for monitoring damage onsets and growth using acoustic emission 11th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (IWSHM) / Stanford, CA, United States (2017, Pages pages 1 - 10) Ramasso, Emmanuel | Placet, Vincent | Gabrion, Xavier | Boubakar, Lamine Mohamed
inproceedings - Multiscale stochastic model and simulation for the study of the non-linear behaviour of plant fibre composites 21st International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM) / Xi'an, China (2017) Del Masto, Alessandra | Trivaudey, Frédérique | Guicheret, Violaine | Placet, Vincent | Boubakar, Lamine Mohamed
inproceedings - Industrial hemp transformation for composite applications : influence of processing parameters on the fibre properties 3rd International Conference on Natural Fibers (ICNF) / Braga, Portugal (2017) Placet, Vincent | Francois, Camille | Day, Arnaud | Beaugrand, Johnny | Ouagne, Pierre
article - Nonlinear tensile behaviour of elementary hemp fibres: a numerical investigation of the relationships between 3D geometry and tensile behaviour Journal of Materials Science (Volume 52, Issue (11), jun 2017, Pages :6591 - 6610) Del Masto, Alessandra | Trivaudey, Frédérique | Guicheret, Violaine | Placet, Vincent | Boubakar, Lamine Mohamed
inproceedings - Détermination de propriétés constitutives de pièces à géométrie complexe en matériaux composites par méthode mixte numérique/expérimentale dynamique non-invasive 20ème Journées Nationales sur les Composites (JNC 2017) / Champs-sur-Marne, France (2017) Viala, Romain | Placet, Vincent | Cogan, Scott
incollection - Mixed geometrical-material sensitivity analysis for the study of complex phenomena in musical acoustics Model Validation and Uncertainty Quantification - Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series (Publisher : Springer, Editor : Bathorpe R., Platz R., Lopez I., Moaveni B., Papadimitriou C., Volume 3, jun 2017, Pages 371 - 374) Viala, Romain | Placet, Vincent | Cogan, Scott
inproceedings - Composites biosourcés hautes-performances et fonctionnels : de la fibre à la structure 20ème Journées Nationales sur les Composites (JNC 2017) / Champs-sur-Marne, France (2017) Placet, Vincent
inproceedings - Fibre extraction from oleaginous flax for technical textile applications : influence of pre-processing parameters on fibre extraction yield, size distribution and mechanical properties 3rd International Conference on Natural Fibers (ICNF) / Braga, Portugal (2017) Ouagne, Pierre | Barthod-Malat, Benjamin | Evon, Philippe | Labonne, Laurent | Placet, Vincent
inproceedings - Développement d’outils d’aide à la conception pour luthiers Journée Facture Instrumentale et Sciences - Cordes (2017) / Le Mans, France (2017) Viala, Romain | Placet, Vincent | Cogan, Scott
inproceedings - Identification of the constitutive properties of complex shaped composite structure parts usinga mixed method based on 3D velocity field measurement and FEMU : An application to a violin soundboard CompTest (2017) / Leuven, Belgium (2017) Viala, Romain | Placet, Vincent | Cogan, Scott
inproceedings - Mixed geometrical-material screening analysis for the study of complex phenomena in musical acoustics 35th International Modal Analysis Conference (IMAC 2017) / Los Angeles, CA, United States (2017) Viala, Romain | Placet, Vincent | Cogan, Scott
article - The influence of unintended field retting on the physicochemical and mechanical properties of industrial hemp bast fibres Journal of Materials Science (Volume 52, Issue (10), jan 2017, Pages :5759–5777) Placet, Vincent | Day, Arnaud | Beaugrand, Johnny
article - Fibre extraction from oleaginous flax for technical textile applications : influence of pre-processing parameters on fibre extraction yield, size distribution and mechanical properties. Procedia Engineering (Volume 200, 2017, Pages :213 - 220) Ouagne, Pierre | Barthod-Malat, Benjamin | Evon, Philippe | Labonne, Laurent | Placet, Vincent
inproceedings - Mechanics of biobased fibrous assemblies: from single fiber to composite material 21st International Conference Structure and Structural Mechanics of Textiles (STRUTEX) / Liberec, Czech Republic (2016) Placet, Vincent
inproceedings - Développement d’outils d’aide à la conception pour luthiers 6ème Journées Jeunes Chercheurs en vibration, Acoustique et Bruit (JJCAB 2016) / Marseille, France (2016) Viala, Romain | Placet, Vincent | Cogan, Scott
inproceedings - Determination of the elastic and damping properties of bio-composites plates and their variation with moisture content using a numerical-experimental identification method based on dynamic testing International Workshop on Dynamic behaviour of green composites (2016) / Poitiers, France (2016) Viala, Romain | Placet, Vincent | Cogan, Scott
inproceedings - On partially supervised learning and inference in dynamic Bayesian networks for prognostics with uncertain factual evidence : Illustration with Markov switching models 3rd European Conference of the Prognostics and Health Management Society (2016) / Bilbao, Spain (2016, Pages pages 9 p) Juesas, Pablo | Ramasso, Emmanuel | Drujont, Sébastien | Placet, Vincent
inproceedings - Influence du vieillissement au champ des tiges de chanvre sur les propriétés des fibres industrielles Fatigue et Durabilité des Composites Biosourcés ( 2016) / Besançon, France (2016, Pages pages 2 p) Beaugrand, Johnny | Day, Arnaud | Placet, Vincent
inproceedings - Influence du chargement thermohydrique sur le comportement mécanique statique, cyclique et dynamique des composites renforcés de fibres de lin Fatigue et Durabilité des Composites Biosourcés ( 2016) / Besançon, France (2016, Pages pages 2 p) Berges, Michaël | Léger, Romain | Placet, Vincent | Person, Véronique | Corn, Stéphane | Gabrion, Xavier | Rousseau, Jérôme | Ienny, Patrick | Fontaine, Stéphane
inproceedings - Prototypage virtuel d'un violon pour l'étude de phénomènes complexes en acoustique musicale 13ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique (CFA 2016) / Le Mans, France (2016) Viala, Romain | Placet, Vincent | Cogan, Scott
inproceedings - Virtual prototyping : a potential tool for wooden cultural heritage studies Symposium : Analysis and characterization of wooden cultural heritage by scientific engineering methods (2016) / Saale, Germany (2016, Pages pages 9) Viala, Romain | Placet, Vincent | Cogan, Scott
inproceedings - Propagation du comportement non-linéaire en traction de la fibre végétale élémentaire aux faisceaux de fibres : caractérisation des effets morphologiques par simulation numérique 2ème Journées Jeunes Chercheurs Eco-composites et Composites Bio-sourcés (2016) / Clermont-Ferrand, France (2016, Pages pages 1) Del Masto, Alessandra | Trivaudey, Frédérique | Guicheret, Violaine | Placet, Vincent | Boubakar, Lamine Mohamed
inproceedings - Relationships between 3D geometry and tensile behaviour of plant fibres: a numerical study based on anisotropic viscoelastic model 569 – Multiscale modeling of fibrous and textile materials Euromech Colloquim (2016) / Chatenay-Malabry, France (2016, Pages pages 2) Del Masto, Alessandra | Trivaudey, Frédérique | Guicheret, Violaine | Placet, Vincent | Boubakar, Lamine Mohamed
article - A signal processing approach for enhanced Acoustic Emission data analysis in high activity systems: application to Organic Matrix Composites Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing (MSSP) (Volume 70-71, mar 2016, Pages :1038 - 1055) Kharrat, Mohamed | Ramasso, Emmanuel | Placet, Vincent | Boubakar, Lamine Mohamed
article - On partially supervised learning and inference in dynamic Bayesian networks for prognostics with uncertain factual evidence : Illustration with Markov switching models International Journal of Prognostics and Health Management (Volume 7, 2016, Pages :9 p) Juesas, Pablo | Ramasso, Emmanuel | Drujont, Sébastien | Placet, Vincent
inproceedings - Identification de paramètres orthotropes par vibrométrie 3D Journées Jeunes Chercheurs en vibrations, Acoustique et Bruit (JJCAB 2015) (2015) Viala, Romain | Placet, Vincent | Cogan, Scott
inproceedings - Towards a better lifetime prediction of composite structures under in-service conditions : robust and real-time processing of acoustic emission time-series in presence of damage accumulation 7th International Symposium on NDT in Aerospace / Bremen, Germany (2015, Pages pages 9) Kharrat, Mohamed | Ramasso, Emmanuel | Doan, Dinh Dong | Placet, Vincent | Boubakar, Lamine Mohamed
inproceedings - Caractériser les vibrations d'un instrument à cordes : analyse et recalage modal d'un violon Journées Facture Instrumentale et Sciences (JFIS 2015) (2015) Viala, Romain | Placet, Vincent | Cogan, Scott
inproceedings - Modelling the influence of 3D plant fibres morphology on their tensile behaviour 5th International Conference on Innovative Natural Fibre Composites for Industrial Applications / Roma, Italy (2015, Pages pages 4 p) Del Masto, Alessandra | Trivaudey, Frédérique | Placet, Vincent
article - An efficient enzymatic-based process for the extraction of high-mechanical properties alfa fibres Industrial Crops and Products (Volume 70, aug 2015, Pages :190 - 200) Hanana, Sabrine | Elloumi, Ahmed | Placet, Vincent | Tounsi, Hajer | Belghith, Hafedh | Bradai, Chedly
inproceedings - Model-based effects screening of a violin including orthotropic material behaviors Colloquium 556 Theoretical, Numerical, and Experimental Analyses in Wood Mechanics ( 2015) / Dresden, Germany (2015) Viala, Romain | Placet, Vincent | Cogan, Scott
inproceedings - Influence of enzymatic-based extraction process on the tensile properties of elementary alfa fiber 2nd International Conference on Natural Fibers (ICNF) / Ponta Delgada, Açores, Portugal (2015, Pages pages 1 - 2) Hanana, Sabrine | Elloumi, Ahmed | Placet, Vincent | Belghith, Hafedh | Gargouri, Ali | Bradai, Chedly
article - Creep behaviour of single hemp fibres. Part II : Influence of loading level, moisture content and moisture variation Journal of Materials Science (Volume 50, Issue (5), mar 2015, Pages :2061 - 2072) Guicheret, Violaine | Cisse, Ousseynou | Placet, Vincent | Beaugrand, Johnny | Pernes, Miguel | Boubakar, Lamine Mohamed
article - Mechanical properties of bulk polydimethylsiloxane for microfluidics over a large range of frequencies and aging times Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering (Volume 25, Issue (3), feb 2015, Pages :035009) Placet, Vincent | Delobelle, Patrick
article - Nonlinear tensile behaviour of elementary hemp fibres. Part II : Modelling using an anisotropic viscoelastic constitutive law in a material rotating frame Composites Part A-Applied Science and Manufacturing (Volume 68, jan 2015, Pages :346 - 355) Trivaudey, Frédérique | Placet, Vincent | Guicheret, Violaine | Boubakar, Lamine Mohamed
article - Investigation of the internal structure of hemp fibres using optical coherence tomography and focused ion beam transverse cutting Journal of Materials Science (Volume 49, Issue (24), dec 2014, Pages :8317 - 8327) Placet, Vincent | Meteau, Jérémy | Froehly, Luc | Salut, Roland | Boubakar, Lamine Mohamed
inproceedings - Experimental investigations on viscoelastic properties of a shape memory polymer Proceedings of the ASME 2014 Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems (SMASIS 2014-7686) (2014, Pages pages 1 - 8) Butaud, Pauline | Ouisse, Morvan | Placet, Vincent | Foltête, Emmanuel
inproceedings - Influence de l'endommagement accumulé sur la signature acoustique au cours d'un essai de traction sur un composite Journée CILSA, Classification, Identification et Localisation des Sources Acoustiques, 2ème édition (2014) Kharrat, Mohamed | Ramasso, Emmanuel | Placet, Vincent | Boubakar, Lamine Mohamed
inproceedings - Acoustic emission in composite material under fatigue tests : effect of signal-denoising input parameters on the hits detection data clustering 31st Conference of the European Working Group on Acoustic Emission (EWGAE) / Dresden, Germany (2014) Kharrat, Mohamed | Ramasso, Emmanuel | Placet, Vincent | Boubakar, Lamine Mohamed
inproceedings - Application of an unsupervised pattern recognition approach for AE data originating from fatigue tests on CFRP 31st Conference of the European Working Group on Acoustic Emission (EWGAE) / Dresden, Germany (2014, Pages pages 1-8) Doan, Dinh Dong | Ramasso, Emmanuel | Placet, Vincent | Boubakar, Lamine Mohamed | Zerhouni, Noureddine
inproceedings - Shape memory properties of the CHS-E520 and CHSE531 epoxy resins with the hardener P11 31th Danubia-Adria Symposium / Kempten, Germany (2014) Klesa, Jan | Placet, Vincent | Krystek, Jan | Ouisse, Morvan | Foltête, Emmanuel | Butaud, Pauline
inproceedings - A signal processing method for hits detection and separation in high AE activity systems : application to composite materials under fatigue tests 7th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (EWSHM 2014) / Nantes, France (2014, Pages pages 2298 - 2305) Kharrat, Mohamed | Ramasso, Emmanuel | Placet, Vincent | Boubakar, Lamine Mohamed
article - Nonlinear tensile behaviour of elementary hemp fibres. Part I : Investigation of the possible origins using repeated progressive loading with in situ microscopic observations Composites Part A-Applied Science and Manufacturing (Volume 56, jan 2014, Pages :319 - 327) Placet, Vincent | Cisse, Ousseynou | Boubakar, Lamine Mohamed
inproceedings - What are the possible origins of the nonlinear tensile behaviour of hemp fibres ? The 19th International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM) (2013, Pages pages 1 - 8) Placet, Vincent | Trivaudey, Frédérique | Cisse, Ousseynou | Boubakar, Lamine Mohamed
inproceedings - Rotation and twist measurements on laminates with extension/twist coupling in rotativefield The 19th International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM) (2013, Pages pages 1 - 2) Reveillon, Damien | Placet, Vincent | Carbillet, Stani | Foltête, Emmanuel | Sandoz, Patrick
inproceedings - Online segmentation of acoustic emission data streams for detection of damages in composites structures in unconstrained environments 11th International Conference on Structural Safety & Reliability / New York, NY, United States (2013, Pages pages 1 - 8) Placet, Vincent | Ramasso, Emmanuel | Boubakar, Lamine Mohamed | Zerhouni, Noureddine
inproceedings - Relations entre les angles microfibrillaires, les propriétés mécaniques et la composition biochimique de fibres de lin Journées Nationales Composites (JNC 18) (2013, Pages pages 1 - 6) Bourmaud, Alain | Morvan, C. | Bouali, A. | Placet, Vincent | Perré, P. | Baley, Christophe
article - Relationships between micro-fibrillar angle, mechanical properties and biochemical composition of flax fibers Industrial Crops and Products (Volume 44, jan 2013, Pages :343 - 351) Bourmaud, Alain | Morvan, C. | Bouali, A. | Placet, Vincent | Perré, P. | Baley, Christophe
misc - Ancrage temporaire pour la sollicitation d'un support mou ou flexible. Application à la caractérisation mécanique de la peau par extensométrie ( 2013) Imberdis, C | Josse, G. | Jacquet, Emmanuelle | Placet, Vincent | Dellaleau, A. | Varchon, D.
inproceedings - On the Validity of Time-Temperature Equivalence for wide frequency band analysis of Shape Memory Polymers 4th International Conference on Smart Materials, Structures and Systems (CIMTEC) / Montecatini Terme, Italy (2012) Gabrion, Xavier | Foltête, Emmanuel | Placet, Vincent | Collet, Manuel | Ouisse, Morvan
inproceedings - Modeling the effects of environmental relative humidity on the elastic properties of unitarian hemp fibres 15th European Conference on Composite Materials (ECCM 15) / Venice, Italy (2012) Placet, Vincent | Trivaudey, Frédérique | Boubakar, Lamine Mohamed
article - Development and characterization of a human dermal equivalent with physiological mechanical properties Skin Research and Technology (Volume 18, Issue (2), may 2012, Pages :251 - 258) Rolin, Gwenaël | Placet, Vincent | Jacquet, Emmanuelle | Tauzin, Hélène | Robin, Sophie | Pazart, Lionel | Viennet, Celine | Saas, Philippe | Muret, Patrice | Binda, Delphine | Humbert, Patrick
article - The possible role of microfibril angle of Hemp fibre during fatigue tests and its determination using Wide-Angle X-ray diffraction Matériaux & Techniques (Volume 99, Issue (6), dec 2011, Pages :683 - 689) Placet, Vincent | Bouali, A. | Perré, P.
inproceedings - Influence de la température sur les performances mécaniques et l'endommagement d'un composite UD Carbone/Polyimide thermoplastique JST AMAC : Essais non destructifs et durée de vie des composites (2011) Gabrion, Xavier | Placet, Vincent | Boubakar, Lamine Mohamed
inproceedings - Etude de l'endommagement d'un composite carbone/époxy sous sollicitations mécaniques statiques et cycliques par méthodes non-invasives. Application à des structures annulaires pour volant d'inertie JST AMAC : Essais non destructifs et durée de vie des composites (2011) Placet, Vincent | Zhang, Shuo | Trivaudey, Frédérique | Boubakar, Lamine Mohamed
inproceedings - Approche tribologique du soudage du bois par frottement 20ème Congrès Français de Mécanique (CFM 2011) / Besançon, France (2011) Hamant, Guillaume | Cornuault, Pierre-Henri | Placet, Vincent | Binder, P. | Roizard, Xavier
inproceedings - Suivi par DRX des réarrangements microstructuraux induits par sollicitations mécaniques dans les fibres végétales tirées du chanvre 20ème Congrès Français de Mécanique (CFM 2011) / Besançon, France (2011) Placet, Vincent | Bouali, A. | Garcin, Camille | Cote, Jean-Marc | Perré, P.
inproceedings - Modélisation et caractérisation des propriétés viscoélastiques de PP chocs recyclés issus de Véhicules Hors d'Usage 20ème Congrès Français de Mécanique (CFM 2011) / Besançon, France (2011) Voegtlin, Antoine | Berriet, Cécile | Buron, M.P. | Placet, Vincent | Boubakar, Lamine Mohamed
article - Propriétés mécaniques des membranes de collagène Revue de Stomatologie et de Chirurgie Maxillo-faciale (Volume 111, Issue (5-6), nov 2010, Pages :286 - 290) Coïc, M. | Placet, Vincent | Jacquet, Emmanuelle | Meyer, C.
inproceedings - Tensile behaviour of natural fibres. Study of the stiffness increase phenomenon under cyclic loading 2nd International Conference on Natural Polymers, Bio-Polymers, Bio-Materials, their Composites, Blends, IPNs and Gels Polyelectrolytes and Gels : Macro and Nano Scales / Kottayam, India (2010, Pages pages 4 p) Placet, Vincent
inproceedings - Tensile behaviour of natural fibres. Effect of loading rate, temperature and humidity on the accomodation phenomena 14th International Conference on Experimental Mechanics (ICEM) / Poitiers, France (2010) Placet, Vincent
inproceedings - Tensile behaviour of natural fibres. Effect of loading rate, temperature and humidity on the accomodation phenomena 14th International Conference on Experimental Mechanics (ICEM 14) / Poitiers, France (2010) Placet, Vincent
inproceedings - Is Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA) a non resonance technique ? 14th International Conference on Experimental Mechanics (ICEM) / Poitiers, France (Volume 6, 2010) Placet, Vincent | Foltête, Emmanuel
inproceedings - Influence de l'Angle des MicroFibrilles (AMF) sur le module d'élasticité longitudinal des fibres végétales - Approche expérimentale et numérique JST AMAC : Matériaux Composites Renforcés par Fibres Végétales (2010) Trivaudey, Frédérique | Placet, Vincent
inproceedings - Comportement mécanique des fibres de chanvre - Etude expérimentale du phénomène d'accommodation sous sollicitations répétées Colloque "Le chanvre dans tous ses états : de la plante au composite" (2010) Placet, Vincent | Perré, P.
inproceedings - Development of a human skin equivalent with original mechanical properties Human Biomechanics (2010) Rolin, Gwenaël | Placet, Vincent | Jacquet, Emmanuelle | Tauzin, Hélène | Robin, Sophie | Pazart, Lionel | Saas, Philippe | Muret, Patrice | Binda, Delphine | Humbert, Patrick
inproceedings - Identification inverse du module élastique transverse de fibres végétales à partir d'un modèle éléments finis de l'essai de compression diamétrale sur fibre élémentaire Congrès des Jeunes Chercheurs (MECA-J 2024) / On line, France (2024, Pages pages 1) Sabillah, Bilal | Guicheret, Violaine | Boutenel, Florian
inproceedings - Comparative life cycle assessment of thermoplastic materials for a type IV hydrogen tank liner Second International Conference on Green Hydrogen (ICGH2024 2024) / Rabat, Morocco (2024, Pages pages 2) Karim, Imad | Maynadier, Anne | Chapelle, David | Thiebaud, Frédéric
inproceedings - Degradation of semi-crystalline thermoplastic materials in severe hydrogen environments 4ème Réunion Plénières de la Fédération Hydrogène (FRH2) du CNRS (2024) / La Grande Motte, France (2024, Pages pages 1) Karim, Imad | Gardavaud, Quentin | Maynadier, Anne | Chapelle, David | Thiebaud, Frédéric
inproceedings - Modélisation de la dégradation des polymères constituants des réservoirs d’hydrogène haute pression 1ère Réunion Plénières de la Fédération Hydrogène (FRH2) du CNRS (2021) / Aussois (online conference), France (2021) Gardavaud, Quentin | Thiebaud, Frédéric | Melnichuk, Maximiliano | Perreux, Dominique
inproceedings - Modèle de prédiction du phénomène de cavitation dans les matériaux polymériques présents dans les systèmes d’hydrogène hyperbare Polymeris, les polymères pour l’hydrogène, conférence virtuelle (2021) / Nantes, France (2021) Gardavaud, Quentin | Thiebaud, Frédéric | Melnichuk, Maximiliano | Chapelle, David
article - Modeling progressive absorption of an hydride material particle submitted to hydrogen International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (Volume 46, Issue (18), mar 2021, Pages :10830 - 10837) Bebon, Ludovic | Maynadier, Anne | Chapelle, David | Thiebaud, Frédéric
article - Non-dimensional assessments to estimate decompression failure in polymers for hydrogen systems International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (Volume 45, Issue (11), feb 2020, Pages :6738 - 6744) Melnichuk, Maximiliano | Thiebaud, Frédéric | Perreux, Dominique
inproceedings - Hydrogen storage: the different technologies, the challenges and the stakes 3rd International Symposium on Sustainable Hydrogen (ISSH 2019) / Alger, Algeria (2019, Pages pages 9) Chapelle, David | Maynadier, Anne | Bebon, Ludovic | Thiebaud, Frédéric
inproceedings - Observation de l’hydruration des alliages métalliques pour le stockage d’hydrogène sous forme solide 24ème Congrès Français de Mécanique (CFM 2019) / Brest, France (2019, Pages pages 9) Bebon, Ludovic | Chapelle, David | Maynadier, Anne | Thiebaud, Frédéric
inproceedings - Etude des propriétés de perméation et mécaniques des matériaux de réservoirs composites destinés au stockage d’hydrogène 21ème Journées Nationales sur les Composites (JNC 2019) / Bordeaux, France (2019, Pages pages 10) Melnichuk, Maximiliano | Thiebaud, Frédéric | Chapelle, David | Maynadier, Anne
inproceedings - Macro-modeling of a Hydrogen solid storage cylindrical tank International Conference on Technologies and Materials for Renewable Energy, Environment and Sustainability (TMREES 2015) / Beirut, Lebanon (Volume 74, 2015, Pages pages 1440 - 1451) Zeaiter, Ali | Chapelle, David | Perreux, Dominique | Thiebaud, Frédéric | Nardin, Philippe
inproceedings - Hydrogen storage in FeTi hydrides for stationary applications : material characterisation and tank thermomechanical modeling International Discussion on Hydrogen Energy (IDHEA) (2014, Pages pages 1 - 8) Gay, Guillaume | Chapelle, David | Lexcellent, Christian | Perreux, Dominique | Thiebaud, Frédéric
inproceedings - Mechanical coupling between metal liner and composite structure in type III tanks during high pressure fatigue loading 19th International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM) / Montréal, Canada (2013, Pages pages 1 - 6) Perreux, Dominique | Thiebaud, Frédéric | Chapelle, David | Robinet, Pascal | Weber, M. | Barthélémy, H. | Barbier, F.
inproceedings - Effect of internal pressure on permeation characteristics of polymers commonly used for liners in high pressure hydrogen tanks 21ème Séminaire Franco-Polonais de Mécanique / Perpignan, France (2013, Pages pages 1) Nardin, Philippe | Chapelle, David | Perreux, Dominique | Thiebaud, Frédéric
inproceedings - Effets de taille dans les matériaux discontinus obtenus à partir de bandes de fibres de carbone pré-imprégnées 18èmes Journées Nationales sur les Composites (JNC 18) / Nantes, France (2013, Pages pages 1 - 6) Eguemann, Nicolas | Thiebaud, Frédéric | Perreux, Dominique
inproceedings - Compression moulding of complex parts for the aerospace with discontinuous novel and recycled thermoplastic composite materials 19th International Conference on Composite Materials / Montréal, Canada (2013, Pages pages 1 - 11) Eguemann, Nicolas | Giger, L. | Roux, Maxime | Dransfeld, Clemens | Thiebaud, Frédéric | Perreux, Dominique
inproceedings - Manufacturing and recycling of complex composite thermoplastic parts for aerospace application SETEC 12 Advanced Composites – Design & Process for Sustainability (2012) Eguemann, Nicolas | Giger, L. | Roux, Maxime | Dransfeld, Clemens | Thiebaud, Frédéric | Perreux, Dominique
article - Sea Water Ageing of Composites for Ocean Energy Conversion Systems: Influence of Glass Fibre Type on Static Behaviour Applied Composite Materials (Volume 19, Issue (3-4), jun 2012, Pages :459 - 473) Boisseau, Amélie | Davies, Peter | Thiebaud, Frédéric
inproceedings - Influence of the internal pressure on the hydrogen diffusion through the polymer liner of a type IV tank 8th International Conference on Diffusion in Solids and Liquids (DSL2012) / Istanbul, Turkey (2012) Nardin, Philippe | Chapelle, David | Perreux, Dominique | Thiebaud, Frédéric
inproceedings - Applications of full thermoplastic composite for type IV 70 MPa high pressure vessels 18th International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM) / Jeju Island, Korea, Republic Of (2011) Villalonga, S. | Thomas, C. | Nony, C. | Thiebaud, Frédéric | Geli, M. | Lucas, A. | Kremer-Knobloch, K. | Maugy, C.
inproceedings - A technical center for hydrogen storage system in France Hydrogen Fuel Cells (HFC 2011) (2011) Perreux, Dominique | Thiebaud, Frédéric | Fontaine, C. | Lecroc, D. | Farys, C.
inproceedings - A review on the different ways of hydrogen storage for transport applications Seminario Bilateral Mexico-Francia sobre la Investigacion e Innovacion en el Transporte (2011) Nardin, Philippe | Thiebaud, Frédéric | Chapelle, David | Farines, Ludovic | Avril, Christophe | Perreux, Dominique
article - Physics-based simulations for assessing the playability of heritage musical instruments : Impact of the soundboard assembly process on its low frequency behavior Applied Acoustics (Volume 214, nov 2023, Pages :109672 (11)) Almanza, Victor | Le Conte, Sandie | Vaiedelich, Stéphane | Foltête, Emmanuel | Viala, Romain | Arciniegas Mosquera, Andrés Felipe | Martinez, Loïc | Wilkie-Chancellier, Nicolas | Serfaty, Stéphane | Placet, Vincent | Cogan, Scott
article - Model-based evidence of the dominance of the guitar brace design over material and climatic variability for dynamic behaviors Applied Acoustics (Volume 182, nov 2021, Pages :108275 (11)) Viala, Romain | Placet, Vincent | Cogan, Scott
article - Towards model-based approaches for musical instruments making : validation of the model of a Spanish guitar soundboard and characterization features proposal Applied Acoustics (Volume 172, jan 2021, Pages :107591 (11)) Viala, Romain | Pérez, Marco A. | Placet, Vincent | Manjon, Antonio | Foltête, Emmanuel | Cogan, Scott
article - Simultaneous non-destructive identification of multiple elastic and damping properties of spruce tonewood to improve grading Journal of Cultural Heritage (Volume 42, mar 2020, Pages :108 - 116) Viala, Romain | Placet, Vincent | Cogan, Scott
inproceedings - Model-based quantification of the effect of wood modifications on the dynamics of the violin International Symposium on Music Acoustics (ISMA 2019) / Detmold, Germany (2019, Pages pages 409 - 416) Viala, Romain | Placet, Vincent | Cogan, Scott | Lämmlein, Sarah
inproceedings - Développement d’outils numériques d’aide à la conception pour luthiers Journées Fracture Instrumentale et Sciences (JFIS 2019) / Le Mans, France (2019) Viala, Romain | Placet, Vincent | Foltête, Emmanuel | Cogan, Scott
inproceedings - Les matériaux composites sandwichs à base de fibres naturelles et leur potentiel pour les instruments de musique Journées Fracture Instrumentale et Sciences (JFIS 2019) / Le Mans, France (2019, Pages pages 4) Viala, Romain | Fournier, Maxime | Placet, Vincent | Cogan, Scott
inproceedings - Identification and monitoring of the material properties of a complex shaped part using a FEMU-3DVF method : application to wooden rhombicuboctahedron 37th Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics (IMAC 2019) / Orlando, United States (Volume 2, 2019, Pages pages 5) Viala, Romain | Placet, Vincent | Cogan, Scott
inproceedings - Model-based decision support methods applied to the conservation of musical instruments : application to an antique cello 37th Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics (IMAC 2019) / Orlando, United States (2019, Pages pages 6) Viala, Romain | Placet, Vincent | Le Conte, Sandie | Vaiedelich, Stéphane | Cogan, Scott
inproceedings - Optimisation du comportement dynamique de composites sandwiches pour la fabrication de tables d'harmonie de guitare 8èmes Journées Jeunes Chercheurs en vibration, Acoustique et Bruit (JJCAB 2018) / Le Mans, France (2018) Viala, Romain | Cogan, Scott | Placet, Vincent
inproceedings - Numerical models of the instruments of the string quartet - a potential tool for their design, making, and study 2nd European training school, Acoustics for violin makers / Ghent, Belgium (2018) Viala, Romain | Placet, Vincent | Cogan, Scott
article - Identification of the anisotropic elastic and damping properties of complex shape composite parts using an inverse method based on finite element model updating and 3D velocity fields measurements (FEMU-3DFV) : application to bio-based composite violin soundboards Composites Part A-Applied Science and Manufacturing (Volume 106, Issue (1), mar 2018, Pages :91 - 103) Viala, Romain | Placet, Vincent | Cogan, Scott
inproceedings - Outils numériques d’aide à la décision pour luthiers Conférence Sainte-Cécille 2017, Ecole Nationale de Lutherie de Mirecourt (2017) Viala, Romain | Placet, Vincent | Cogan, Scott
incollection - Mixed geometrical-material sensitivity analysis for the study of complex phenomena in musical acoustics Model Validation and Uncertainty Quantification - Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series (Publisher : Springer, Editor : Bathorpe R., Platz R., Lopez I., Moaveni B., Papadimitriou C., Volume 3, jun 2017, Pages 371 - 374) Viala, Romain | Placet, Vincent | Cogan, Scott
inproceedings - Détermination de propriétés constitutives de pièces à géométrie complexe en matériaux composites par méthode mixte numérique/expérimentale dynamique non-invasive 20ème Journées Nationales sur les Composites (JNC 2017) / Champs-sur-Marne, France (2017) Viala, Romain | Placet, Vincent | Cogan, Scott
inproceedings - Identification of the constitutive properties of complex shaped composite structure parts usinga mixed method based on 3D velocity field measurement and FEMU : An application to a violin soundboard CompTest (2017) / Leuven, Belgium (2017) Viala, Romain | Placet, Vincent | Cogan, Scott
inproceedings - Développement d’outils d’aide à la conception pour luthiers Journée Facture Instrumentale et Sciences - Cordes (2017) / Le Mans, France (2017) Viala, Romain | Placet, Vincent | Cogan, Scott
inproceedings - Mixed geometrical-material screening analysis for the study of complex phenomena in musical acoustics 35th International Modal Analysis Conference (IMAC 2017) / Los Angeles, CA, United States (2017) Viala, Romain | Placet, Vincent | Cogan, Scott
inproceedings - Développement d’outils d’aide à la conception pour luthiers 6ème Journées Jeunes Chercheurs en vibration, Acoustique et Bruit (JJCAB 2016) / Marseille, France (2016) Viala, Romain | Placet, Vincent | Cogan, Scott
inproceedings - Determination of the elastic and damping properties of bio-composites plates and their variation with moisture content using a numerical-experimental identification method based on dynamic testing International Workshop on Dynamic behaviour of green composites (2016) / Poitiers, France (2016) Viala, Romain | Placet, Vincent | Cogan, Scott
inproceedings - Virtual prototyping : a potential tool for wooden cultural heritage studies Symposium : Analysis and characterization of wooden cultural heritage by scientific engineering methods (2016) / Saale, Germany (2016, Pages pages 9) Viala, Romain | Placet, Vincent | Cogan, Scott
inproceedings - Prototypage virtuel d'un violon pour l'étude de phénomènes complexes en acoustique musicale 13ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique (CFA 2016) / Le Mans, France (2016) Viala, Romain | Placet, Vincent | Cogan, Scott
inproceedings - Identification de paramètres orthotropes par vibrométrie 3D Journées Jeunes Chercheurs en vibrations, Acoustique et Bruit (JJCAB 2015) (2015) Viala, Romain | Placet, Vincent | Cogan, Scott
inproceedings - Caractériser les vibrations d'un instrument à cordes : analyse et recalage modal d'un violon Journées Facture Instrumentale et Sciences (JFIS 2015) (2015) Viala, Romain | Placet, Vincent | Cogan, Scott
inproceedings - Model-based effects screening of a violin including orthotropic material behaviors Colloquium 556 Theoretical, Numerical, and Experimental Analyses in Wood Mechanics ( 2015) / Dresden, Germany (2015) Viala, Romain | Placet, Vincent | Cogan, Scott
inproceedings - The effects of playing on early and modern violins 2nd Annual Conference COST FP 1302 WOODMUSICK / London, United Kingdom (2015) Viala, Romain
inproceedings - Modélisation du comportement vibratoire des instruments à cordes Congrès Annuel du GLAAF (Groupement des Luthiers et Archettiers d'Art de France) (2014) Viala, Romain
inproceedings - Model-based decision support for the design and construction of stringed instruments WOODen MUSical Instruments Conservation and Knowledge Conference (2014) Viala, Romain