
publications de Amiot Fabien

2025 (2)

2024 (5)

  • inproceedings - An imaging technique for the strain-engineering of deformable electrodes
    PhotoMechanics - iDICs Conference (2024) / Clermont-Ferrand, France (2024, Pages pages 2)
    Thiam, Abdarahmane | Rousselot, Christophe | Gaillard, Yves | Raschetti, Marina | Vieira, Marion | Kanoufi, Frédéric | Amiot, Fabien
  • inproceedings - Imaging bifurcations in 2D periodic metamaterials
    PhotoMechanics - iDICs Conference (2024) / Clermont-Ferrand, France (2024, Pages pages 2)
    Poncelet, Martin | Combescure, Christelle | Amiot, Fabien
  • inproceedings - Frictional anisotropy under scratching test for molybdenum thin films deposited by glancing angle deposition (GLAD)
    49th Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology (2024) / Lyon, France (2024, Pages pages 1)
    Bernardes Rodrigues, Guilherme | Martin, Nicolas | Amiot, Fabien | Colas, Guillaume
  • inproceedings - Elastic properties of laser-affected glass probed by grid nano-indentation
    MecaNano General Meeting (2024) / Vienna, Austria (2024, Pages pages 1)
    Gaillard, Yves | Bellouard, Yves | Amiot, Fabien
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - An imaging technique for the strain-engineering of deformable electrodes
    19th European Mechanics of Materials Conference (EMMC 2024) / Madrid, Spain (2024, Pages pages 1)
    Rousselot, Christophe | Gaillard, Yves | Raschetti, Marina | Vieira, Marion | Kanoufi, Frédéric | Amiot, Fabien
    pdf | bibtex

2023 (6)

  • article - Detecting bifurcations in 2D periodic metamaterials from images
    Materials Letters (Volume 353, dec 2023, Pages :135307 (4))
    Poncelet, Martin | Combescure, Christelle | Amiot, Fabien
  • article - Introducing compression platen misalignment in single fiber transverse compression analytical models
    Journal of Materials Science (Volume 58, nov 2023, Pages :16336 - 13343)
    Govilas, Jason | Guicheret, Violaine | Clevy, Cédric | Placet, Vincent | Amiot, Fabien
  • inproceedings - Evaluation of frictional anisotropy of metallic thin films deposited by GLAD
    9th International Tribology Conference (2023) / Fukuoka, Japan (2023, Pages pages 1)
    Bernardes Rodrigues, Guilherme | Martin, Nicolas | Amiot, Fabien | Colas, Guillaume
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Damping properties of plant fibre composites
    European Summer School on Bio-based Composites (ESBCC 2023) / Tarbes, France (2023, Pages pages 25)
    Butaud, Pauline | Pelisson, Fanny | Placet, Vincent | Ouisse, Morvan | Liu, Taiqu | Gaillard, Yves | Bourbon, Gilles | Amiot, Fabien
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Second-strain gradient elasticity for chemo-mechanical couplings
    636 : Euromech Colloquium (2023) / Besançon, France (2023, Pages pages 1)
    Amiot, Fabien
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Approaching second-strain gradient elasticity with soft X-rays diffraction
    MecaNano General Meeting 2023 (2023) / Madrid, Spain (2023, Pages pages 5)
    Chaalane, Amar | Cherioux, Frédéric | Luzet, Vincent | Joseph, Eric | Jaouen, Nicolas | Popescu, Horia | Fabre, Bruno | Amiot, Fabien
    pdf | bibtex

2022 (10)

  • article - Platen parallelism significance and control in single fiber transverse compression tests
    Composites Part A-Applied Science and Manufacturing (Volume 159, aug 2022, Pages :106990 (10))
    Govilas, Jason | Guicheret, Violaine | Amiot, Fabien | Beaugrand, Johnny | Placet, Vincent | Clevy, Cédric
  • inproceedings - Approche expérimentale de l’élasticité d’ordre supérieur par la diffraction de rayons X mous
    25ème Congrès Français de Mécanique (CFM 2022) / Nantes, France (2022, Pages pages 5)
    Chaalane, Amar | Cherioux, Frédéric | Joseph, Eric | Jaouen, Nicolas | Popescu, Horia | Fabre, Bruno | Amiot, Fabien
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Bridging scales between solid mechanics and surface chemistry
    11th European Solid Mechanics Conference (ESMC 2022 2022) / Galway, Ireland (2022, Pages pages 1)
    Amiot, Fabien
    pdf | bibtex
  • article - Bridging scales between solid mechanics and surface chemistry
    Scientific Reports (Volume 12, jun 2022, Pages :10665 (8))
    Amiot, Fabien
  • inproceedings - Couplages mécano-chimiques de surface
    Journée du GT Interface (2022) / Lyon, France (2022)
    Amiot, Fabien
  • inproceedings - Viscoelastic properties of plant fibers - Dynamic analysis and nanoindentation tests
    The Fiber Society (2022) / Leuven, Belgium (2022, Pages pages 1)
    Placet, Vincent | Butaud, Pauline | Pelisson, Fanny | Liu, Taiqu | Gaillard, Yves | Bourbon, Gilles | Amiot, Fabien | Ouisse, Morvan
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Single plant fiber transverse compression – Studying influent parameters and identifying material properties
    The Fiber Society (2022) / Leuven, Belgium (2022, Pages pages 1)
    Govilas, Jason | Chevallier, Anouk | Guicheret, Violaine | Amiot, Fabien | Beaugrand, Johnny | Clevy, Cédric | Placet, Vincent
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Influence of compression tilt angle on the elastic properties of single fibers identified from transverse compression tests
    The Fiber Society (2022) / Leuven, Belgium (2022, Pages pages 1)
    Govilas, Jason | Guicheret, Violaine | Amiot, Fabien | Rougeot, Patrick | Laurent, Guillaume | Beaugrand, Johnny | Clevy, Cédric | Placet, Vincent
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Approaching second-strain gradient elasticity with soft X-rays diffraction
    18th European Mechanics of Materials Conference (EMMC 2022) / Oxford, United Kingdom (2022, Pages pages 1)
    Chaalane, Amar | Cherioux, Frédéric | Joseph, Eric | Jaouen, Nicolas | Popescu, Horia | Fabre, Bruno | Amiot, Fabien
  • inproceedings - Surface functionalization and generalized continua
    Colloque National MECAMAT (2022) / Aussois, France (2022, Pages pages 1)
    Amiot, Fabien

2021 (3)

  • article - Memory effects in friction : the role of sliding heterogeneities
    Proceedings of the Royal Society A (Volume 477, Issue (2256), dec 2021, Pages :20)
    Fazio, Vincenzo | Acito, Vito | Amiot, Fabien | Fretigny, Christian | Chateauminois, Antoine
  • inproceedings - Grid nano-indentation as full-field measurements
    7th PhotoMechanics iDICs conference (2021) / Nantes, France (2021, Pages pages 1)
    Gaillard, Yves | Amiot, Fabien
    pdf | bibtex
  • article - Constitutively optimal governing equations for higher-grade elastic beams
    European Journal of Mechanics A-Solids (Volume 86, apr 2021, Pages :104195 (20))
    Amiot, Fabien

2020 (6)

  • article - On the uniqueness of intrinsic viscoelastic properties of materials extracted from nanoindentation using FEMU
    International Journal of Solids and Structures (Volume 202, oct 2020, Pages :929 - 946)
    Barick, Mohamed Cheikh | Gaillard, Yves | Lejeune, Arnaud | Amiot, Fabien | Richard, Fabrice
  • inproceedings - Higher-grade elastic beams to probe scaling effects in solids
    25th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (XXV ICTAM 2020) / Milano, Italy (2020, Pages pages 2)
    Amiot, Fabien
    pdf | bibtex
  • article - Transverse compressive properties of natural fibers determined using micro mechatronic systems and 2D full-field measurements
    Materials Today : Proceedings (Volume 31, Issue (S2), jul 2020, Pages :303 - 308)
    Placet, Vincent | Blot, Mélissa | Weemaes, Tine | Bernollin, Hugo | Laurent, Guillaume | Amiot, Fabien | Clevy, Cédric | Beaugrand, Johnny
  • article - Grid nano-indentation as full-field measurements
    Composites Part A-Applied Science and Manufacturing (Volume 132, may 2020, Pages :105807 (11))
    Gaillard, Yves | Amiot, Fabien
  • article - Identifiability of single crystal plasticity parameters from residual topographies in Berkovich nanoindentation on FCC nickel
    Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids (Volume 138, may 2020, Pages :103916 (20))
    Renner, Emile | Bourceret, Alexandre | Gaillard, Yves | Amiot, Fabien | Delobelle, Patrick | Richard, Fabrice
  • article - Influence of manufacturing parameters on the mechanical properties of projection stereolithography-manufactured specimens
    International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (Volume 106, Issue (5), jan 2020, Pages :265 - 277)
    Ambrosio, Danilo | Gabrion, Xavier | Malecot, Pierrick | Amiot, Fabien | Thibaud, Sébastien

2019 (4)

  • inproceedings - Mesure de champs de propriétés mécaniques par nano-indentation de grille
    24ème Congrès Français de Mécanique (CFM 2019) / Brest, France (2019, Pages pages 3)
    Amiot, Fabien | Gaillard, Yves
  • inproceedings - Détermination des propriétés mécaniques transverses de fibres par compression diamétrale et mesures de champs de déplacement
    24ème Congrès Français de Mécanique (CFM 2019) / Brest, France (2019, Pages pages 3)
    Amiot, Fabien | Blot, Mélissa | Weemaes, Tine | Bernollin, Hugo | Laurent, Guillaume | Clevy, Cédric | Placet, Vincent
  • inproceedings - Conception d’expériences de nanoindentation basée sur l’identifiabilité pour l’extraction de propriétés viscoélastiques
    24ème Congrès Français de Mécanique (CFM 2019) / Brest, France (2019, Pages pages 12)
    Barick, Mohamed Cheikh | Gaillard, Yves | Lejeune, Arnaud | Amiot, Fabien | Richard, Fabrice
  • inproceedings - Transverse compressive properties of natural fibres determined using micro mechatronics systems and 2D full -field measurements
    4th International Conference on Natural FIbers (ICNF 2019) / Porto, Portugal (2019, Pages pages 2)
    Placet, Vincent | Blot, Mélissa | Weemaes, Tine | Bernollin, Hugo | Laurent, Guillaume | Amiot, Fabien | Clevy, Cédric | Beaugrand, Johnny
    pdf | bibtex

2018 (5)

  • article - Identification of the viscoelastic properties of the tBA/PEGDMA polymer from multi-loading modes conducted over a wide frequency–temperature scale range
    Polymer Testing (Volume 69, aug 2018, Pages :250 - 258)
    Butaud, Pauline | Ouisse, Morvan | Placet, Vincent | Renaud, Franck | Travaillot, Thomas | Maynadier, Anne | Chevallier, Gaël | Amiot, Fabien | Delobelle, Patrick | Foltête, Emmanuel | Berriet, Cécile
  • inproceedings - Elastic second-strain gradient Euler-Bernoulli cantilever beams
    10th Solid Mechanics Conference (ESMC 2018) / Bologna, Italy (2018)
    Amiot, Fabien
  • inproceedings - Non-uniqueness of the viscoelastic properties determined by sharp nanoindentation. Case of polypropylene
    16th European Mechanics of Materials Conference (EMMC 16) / Nantes, France (2018, Pages pages 2)
    Barick, Mohamed Cheikh | Gaillard, Yves | Lejeune, Arnaud | Richard, Fabrice | Amiot, Fabien
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Elastic second-strain gradient beams
    16th European Mechanics of Materials Conference (EMMC16) / Nantes, France (2018)
    Amiot, Fabien
  • inproceedings - Single crystal plasticity parameters identification from residual imprint topography after nano-indentation
    2018 PhotoMechanics (PM 2018) / Touluse, France (2018, Pages pages 2)
    Renner, Emile | Gaillard, Yves | Richard, Fabrice | Delobelle, Patrick | Amiot, Fabien
    pdf | bibtex

2017 (1)

  • inproceedings - Non-unicité des propriétés viscoélastiques déterminées par nanoindentation conique. Cas du polypropylène
    23ème Congrès Français de Mécanique (CFM 2017) / Lille, France (2017)
    Barick, Mohamed Cheikh | Gaillard, Yves | Lejeune, Arnaud | Richard, Fabrice | Amiot, Fabien

2016 (5)

  • inproceedings - Sur la caractérisation des interactions entre dislocations dans un cristal CFC de Nickel par analyse de la topographie des empreintes Berkovich
    Colloque indentation (INDENTATION 2016) / Lille, France (2016, Pages pages 2 p)
    Renner, Emile | Gaillard, Yves | Richard, Fabrice | Amiot, Fabien | Delobelle, Patrick
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Poisson effect in higher-order elasticity beam theory
    15th European Mechanics of Materials Conference (EMMC15) / Brussels, Belgium (2016)
    Amiot, Fabien
  • inproceedings - Mechanical characterization of anisotropic materials by Scanning Microdeformation Microscopy
    15th European Mechanics of Materials Conference (EMMC 2016) / Brussels, Belgium (2016)
    Maloum, Fatah | Gaillard, Yves | Personeni, Martial | Thibaud, Sébastien | Vairac, Pascal | Amiot, Fabien
  • article - Sensitivity of the residual topography to single crystal plasticity parameters in Berkovich nanoindentation on FCC nickel
    International Journal of Plasticity (Volume 77, feb 2016, Pages :118 - 140)
    Renner, Emile | Gaillard, Yves | Richard, Fabrice | Amiot, Fabien | Delobelle, Patrick
  • article - Calibration procedures for quantitative multiple wavelengths reflectance microscopy
    Review of Scientific Instruments (Volume 87, Issue (1), jan 2016, Pages :10 p)
    Fedala, Yasmine | Munteanu, Sorin | Kanoufi, Frédéric | Tessier, Gilles | Roger, Jean-Paul | Wu, Chang | Amiot, Fabien

2015 (1)

  • inproceedings - On the identifiability of the slip system interaction matrix from residual topography left by nanoindentation in Nickel
    9th European Solid Mechanics Conference (ESMC 2015) / Madrid, Spain (2015)
    Renner, Emile | Gaillard, Yves | Richard, Fabrice | Delobelle, Patrick | Amiot, Fabien
    pdf | bibtex

2014 (3)

  • inproceedings - Second-strain gradient elasticity parameters identification using full-field measurements
    14th European Mechanics of Materials Conference (EMMC14) / Gothenburg, Sweden (2014)
    Amiot, Fabien | Wu, Chang
  • article - Design and fabrication of a multiple-thickness electrochemical cantilever sensor
    Microelectronic Engineering (Volume 119, Issue (1), may 2014, Pages :1 - 5)
    Wu, Chang | Soumann, Valérie | Joseph, Eric | Amiot, Fabien
  • inproceedings - Higher-order elasticity parameters identification for optimal cantilever sensors design
    11th Nanomechanical Sensing Workshop (NMC 2014) / Madrid, Spain (2014)
    Amiot, Fabien | Wu, Chang
    pdf | bibtex

2013 (11)

  • article - Assessment of Digital Image Correlation Measurement Accuracy in the Ultimate Error Regime: Main Results of a Collaborative Benchmark
    Strain (Volume 49, Issue (6), dec 2013, Pages :483 - 496)
    Amiot, Fabien | Bornert, M. | Doumalin, P. | Dupré, J.C. | Fazzini, M. | Orteu, J.J. | Poilâne, Christophe | Robert, Laurent | Rotinat, R. | Toussaint, E. | Wattrisse, B. | Wienin, J.S.
  • inproceedings - Design and fabrication of a multiple-thickness electrochemical cantilever sensor
    39th International Conference on Micro and Nano Engineering / London, United Kingdom (2013, Pages pages 1 - 6)
    Wu, Chang | Amiot, Fabien
  • article - Imaging interferometry to measure surface rotation field
    Applied Optics (Volume 52, Issue (18), jun 2013, Pages :4360 - 4369)
    Travaillot, Thomas | Dohn, Soren | Boisen, Anja | Amiot, Fabien
  • inproceedings - Simultaneous measurement of Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio at microscale with multimode scanning microdeformation microscopy and full-field measurements
    International Conference on full-field measurement techniques and their applications in experimental solid mechanics (Photomechanics 2013) / Montpellier, France (2013, Pages pages 1 - 6)
    Travaillot, Thomas | Vairac, Pascal | Delobelle, Patrick | Amiot, Fabien
  • inproceedings - Chemo-mechanical couplings identification from multiple-wavelengths microscopy
    PhotoMechanics 2013 / Montpellier, France (2013, Pages pages 6)
    Amiot, Fabien | Kanoufi, Frédéric | Munteanu, Sorin | Roger, Jean-Paul | Tessier, Gilles
  • inproceedings - An Euler-Bernoulli second-strain gradient beam theory for cantilever sensors
    10th International Workshop on Nanomechanical Sensing / Stanford, CA, United States (2013, Pages pages 204 - 212)
    Amiot, Fabien
    doi | bibtex
  • inproceedings - In situ real time monitoring of surface transformation : ellipsometric microscopy imaging of electrografting at microstructured gold surfaces
    ElecNano5, The Nanoscale and Electroanalysis : surface nanostructuration, nanobiological systems, coupled techniques, microsystems (2013, Pages pages 1 - 6)
    Kanoufi, Frédéric | Munteanu, Sorin | Amiot, Fabien | Roger, Jean-Paul | Combellas, C.
  • article - Mapping fluxes of radicals from the combination of electrochemical activation and optical microscopy
    Faraday Discussions (Volume 164, apr 2013, Pages :241 - 258)
    Munteanu, Sorin | Roger, Jean-Paul | Fedala, Yasmine | Amiot, Fabien | Combellas, C. | Tessier, Gilles | Kanoufi, Frédéric
  • article - In Situ, Real Time Monitoring of Surface Transformation: Ellipsometric Microscopy Imaging of Electrografting at Microstructured Gold Surfaces
    Analytical Chemistry (Volume 85, Issue (4), feb 2013, Pages :1965 - 1971)
    Munteanu, Sorin | Garraud, N. | Roger, Jean-Paul | Amiot, Fabien | Shi, Jian | Chen, Yong | Combellas, C. | Kanoufi, Frédéric
  • article - An Euler-Bernoulli second-strain gradient beam theory for cantilever sensors
    Philosophical Magazine Letters (Volume 93, Issue (4), feb 2013, Pages :204 - 212)
    Amiot, Fabien
  • incollection - Surface mechanics and full-field measurements : investigation of the electro-elastic coupling
    Surface effects in Solid Mechanics (Publisher : Springer, 2013, Pages 193)
    Flammier, Cécile | Kanoufi, Frédéric | Munteanu, Sorin | Roger, Jean-Paul | Tessier, Gilles | Amiot, Fabien

2012 (7)

  • incollection - Equilibrium gap
    Full-Field Measurements and Identification in Solid Mechanics (Editor : GREDIAC Michel, HILD François, Edition : Wiley, Chapter 12, dec 2012, Pages 331 - 362)
    Amiot, Fabien | Perie, J.N. | Roux, Stéphane
  • article - Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy Monitoring in Microcantilever Platforms.
    Analytical Chemistry (Volume 84, Issue (17), aug 2012, Pages :7449 - 7455)
    Munteanu, Sorin | Gam-Derouich, S. | Flammier, Cécile | Fedala, Yasmine | Combellas, C. | Amiot, Fabien | Kanoufi, Frédéric
  • inproceedings - Simultaneous measurement of Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio at microscale with multiple modes scanning microdeformation microscopy
    International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN+T 2012) / Paris, France (2012)
    Travaillot, Thomas | Vairac, Pascal | Delobelle, Patrick | Amiot, Fabien
  • inproceedings - Simultaneous measurement of Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio at microscale with N-modes scanning microdeformation microscopy
    International Conference on Nanoscience + Technology (ICN+T 2012) / Paris, France (2012)
    Travaillot, Thomas | Vairac, Pascal | Delobelle, Patrick | Amiot, Fabien
  • misc - Procédé et dispositif de mesure d'un milieu d'intérêt
    (jul 2012)
    Kanoufi, Frédéric | Roger, Jean-Paul | Tessier, Gilles | Combellas, C. | Munteanu, Sorin | Gam-Derouich, S. | Amiot, Fabien
  • inproceedings - Mesure simultanée du module de Young et du coefficient de Poisson en microscopie à champ proche multimodale
    12ème Journée Scientifique du Groupe Français des Polymères / Besançon, France (2012)
    Travaillot, Thomas | Vairac, Pascal | Delobelle, Patrick | Amiot, Fabien
  • article - Simultaneous measurement of Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio at microscale with two-modes scanning microdeformation microscopy
    Materials Letters (Volume 68, feb 2012, Pages :370 - 373)
    Le Rouzic, Julian | Delobelle, Patrick | Cretin, Bernard | Vairac, Pascal | Amiot, Fabien

2011 (7)

  • inproceedings - Identification du couplage électro-élastique à partir de mesures de champs régularisés par les conditions d'équilibre
    20ème Congrès Français de Mécanique (CFM 2011) / Besançon, France (2011)
    Flammier, Cécile | Fedala, Yasmine | Kanoufi, Frédéric | Tessier, Gilles | Roger, Jean-Paul | Amiot, Fabien
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Caractérisation mécanique par sollicitation locale et mesure de champ
    20ème Congrès Francais de Mécanique (CFM 2011) / Besançon, France (2011)
    Travaillot, Thomas | Vairac, Pascal | Delobelle, Patrick | Amiot, Fabien
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Surface mechanics and full-field measurements for micromechanical sensors
    Symposium on Full-Field Measurements and Identification in Solid Mechanics (IUTAM) (2011, Pages pages 7 - 14)
    Amiot, Fabien | Fedala, Yasmine | Flammier, Cécile | Garraud, N. | Kanoufi, Frédéric | Roger, Jean-Paul | Teissier, G.
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Imaging the local electrochemical reactivity of surfaces by light reflectivity : application to the electrografting of aryldiazonium salts
    7th Electrochemistry in Nanostructuration of Substrates and Energy (ECHEMS) / Paris, France (2011)
    Kanoufi, Frédéric | Munteanu, Sorin | Fedala, Yasmine | Flammier, Cécile | Roger, Jean-Paul | Teissier, G. | Amiot, Fabien | Combellas, C.
    pdf | bibtex
  • article - Multiple wavelength reflectance microscopy to study the multiphysical behavior of microelectromechanical systems
    Optics Letters (Volume 36, Issue (4), feb 2011, Pages :594 - 596)
    Garraud, N. | Fedala, Yasmine | Kanoufi, Frédéric | Teissier, G. | Roger, Jean-Paul | Amiot, Fabien
  • inproceedings - Equilibrium-based regularization of multiple wavelengths imaging microscopy measurements for the electro-elastic coupling modelling
    International Conference on Full-Field Measurement Techniques and their applications in Experimental Solid Mechanics (2011)
    Flammier, Cécile | Fedala, Yasmine | Kanoufi, Frédéric | Teissier, G. | Roger, Jean-Paul | Amiot, Fabien
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Mechanical characterization using a scanning microdeformation microscope and full-field measurements
    International Conference on Full-Field Measurement Techniques and their applications in Experimental Solid Mechanics (2011)
    Travaillot, Thomas | Amiot, Fabien
    pdf | bibtex

2010 (6)

  • inproceedings - Light reflectivity - a real time imaging tool to monitor the electrografting of microelectrodes
    61th Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry / Nice, France (2010)
    Munteanu, Sorin | Fedala, Yasmine | Flammier, Cécile | Roger, Jean-Paul | Teissier, G. | Amiot, Fabien | Combellas, C.
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Electro-elastic coupling modeling from multiple-wavelengths imaging microscopy
    14th International Conference on Experimental Mechanics (ICEM) / Poitiers, France (Volume 6, 2010)
    Flammier, Cécile | Fedala, Yasmine | Kanoufi, Frédéric | Tessier, Gilles | Roger, Jean-Paul | Amiot, Fabien
    pdf | doi | bibtex
  • inproceedings - The equilibrium gap method : a two scales approach
    14th International Conference on Experimental Mechanics (ICEM) / Poitiers, France (Volume 6, 2010)
    Amiot, Fabien
    pdf | doi | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Surface mechanics and full-field measurements for micromechanical sensors
    7th International Workshop on Nanomechanical Cantilever Sensors / Banff, Canada (2010)
    Amiot, Fabien | Fedala, Yasmine | Flammier, Cécile | Garraud, N. | Kanoufi, Frédéric | Roger, Jean-Paul | Teissier, G.
    pdf | bibtex
  • article - Position and mass determination of multiple particles using cantilever based mass sensors
    Applied Physics Letters (Volume 97, Issue (4), 2010, Pages :044103-1 - 044103-4)
    Dohn, Soren | Schmid, Silvan | Amiot, Fabien | Boisen, Anja
  • incollection - Méthode de l'écart à l'équilibre
    Mesures de champs et identification (Editor : Hermès-Lavoisier, Chapter 12, 2010)
    Amiot, Fabien | Perie, J.N. | Roux, Stéphane
    pdf | bibtex

publications de Assoul Mohamed

2023 (1)

  • article - Simulation expérimentale des conditions de contact poinçon/ matière lors d’une opération de découpage – effet d’une texturation de surface sur outil
    Traitements & Matériaux (Volume 481, mar 2023, Pages :5)
    Roizard, Xavier | Assoul, Mohamed | Sahli, Mohamed Lakdhar | Giampiccolo, Sylvain

2021 (2)

  • inproceedings - Estimation de la température de l'interface lors de soudage du bois par frottement par une approche couplant expérimental et numérique
    On line 33ème Journée Internationale Francophone de Tribologie (JIFT 2021) / Metz, France (2021, Pages pages 2)
    Ayem, Mariem | Roizard, Xavier | Carpentier, Luc | Cornuault, Pierre-Henri | Assoul, Mohamed
    pdf | bibtex
  • article - Femtosecond laser-matter interaction of tungsten-carbide
    Applied Optics (Volume 60, Issue (3), jan 2021, Pages :621 - 625)
    Meliani, Hasnaa | Assoul, Mohamed | Fontaine, Michaël | Gilbin, Alexandre | Malkhasyan, Vahan | Monteil, Guy

2020 (4)

  • article - Investigating mechanical, thermal and rheological properties of polypropylene/carbon nanotubes composites
    Microsystem Technologies (Volume 26, Issue (9), sep 2020, Pages :3023 - 3027)
    Sahli, Mohamed Lakdhar | Barrière, Thierry | Roizard, Xavier | Assoul, Mohamed
  • inproceedings - Modelling and numerical simulation of steel sheet fine blanking process
    18th International Conference on Metal Forming (Metal Forming 2020) / Krakow, Poland (2020, Pages pages 6)
    Sahli, Mohamed Lakdhar | Roizard, Xavier | Colas, Guillaume | Assoul, Mohamed | Carpentier, Luc | Cornuault, Pierre-Henri | Giampiccolo, Sylvain | Barbe, Jean-Pierre
  • article - Finite element simulation and experimental investigation of the effect of clearance on the forming quality in the fine blanking process
    Microsystem Technologies (Volume 26, aug 2020, Pages :11)
    Sahli, Mohamed Lakdhar | Roizard, Xavier | Assoul, Mohamed | Colas, Guillaume | Giampiccolo, Sylvain | Barbe, Jean-Pierre
  • inproceedings - Numerical investigation on key process parameters affecting blanking of steel sheet by using finite element method
    4th International Conference on Material Engineering and Manufacturing (ICMEM 2020) / Tokyo, Japan (2020, Pages pages 6)
    Sahli, Mohamed Lakdhar | Roizard, Xavier | Colas, Guillaume | Assoul, Mohamed | Cornuault, Pierre-Henri
    pdf | bibtex

2019 (1)

  • inproceedings - Soudage du bois par frottement: Approche tribologique
    8èmes Journées GDR 3544 "Sciences du bois" (2019) / Epinal, France (2019, Pages pages 4)
    Ayem, Mariem | Roizard, Xavier | Cornuault, Pierre-Henri | Assoul, Mohamed | Colas, Guillaume | Carpentier, Luc
    pdf | bibtex

2018 (4)

  • article - Experimental analysis and numerical simulation of sintered micro-fluidic devices using powder hot embossing process
    International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (Volume 99, Issue (5-8), nov 2018, Pages :1141 - 1184)
    Sahli, Mohamed Lakdhar | Mamen, Belgacem | Ou, Huibin | Gelin, Jean-Claude | Barrière, Thierry | Assoul, Mohamed
  • inproceedings - Enhancement of tribological properties of stainless steel 904L by Laser surface nano-texturing
    World Congress on Micro and Nano Manufacturing (WCMNM 2018) / Ljubljana, Slovenia (2018, Pages pages 4)
    Meliani, Hasnaa | Fontaine, Michaël | Assoul, Mohamed | Monteil, Guy | Matsumura, Takashi
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Effet de la texturation laser sur les propriétés tribologiques de l'acier inoxydable 904L
    30èmes Journées Internationales Francophones de Tribologie (JIFT 2018) / Sophia Antipolis, France (2018)
    Meliani, Hasnaa | Assoul, Mohamed | Fontaine, Michaël | Monteil, Guy | Malkhasyan, Vahan
  • article - Numerical simulation and experimental analysis of the sintered micro-parts using the powder injection molding process
    Microsystem Technologies (Volume 24, Issue (3), mar 2018, Pages :1495 - 1508)
    Sahli, Mohamed Lakdhar | Djoudi, Hamza | Gelin, Jean-Claude | Barrière, Thierry | Assoul, Mohamed

2017 (1)

  • article - Nanoparticles alloying in liquids: Laser-ablation-generated Ag or Pd nanoparticles and laser irradiation-induced AgPd nanoparticle alloying
    Nanotechnology (Volume 28, Issue (15), apr 2017, Pages :155703 (43))
    Semaltianos, Nikolaos | Chassagnon, Rémi | Moutarlier, Virginie | Blondeau-Patissier, Virginie | Assoul, Mohamed | Monteil, Guy

2016 (3)

  • inproceedings - Influence of Femtosecond Laser Parameters on Metal Ablation Volume
    Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO 2016) / San Jose, United States (2016)
    Malkhasyan, Vahan | Assoul, Mohamed | Monteil, Guy
    pdf | bibtex
  • article - ns or fs pulsed laser ablation of a bulk InSb target in liquids for nanoparticles synthesis
    Journal of Colloid and Interface Science (Volume 469, Issue (1), may 2016, Pages :57 - 62)
    Semaltianos, Nikolaos | Hendry, E. | Chang, Haochen | Wears, M.L. | Monteil, Guy | Assoul, Mohamed | Malkhasyan, Vahan | Blondeau-Patissier, Virginie | Gauthier-Manuel, Bernard | Moutarlier, Virginie
  • article - Oxide or carbide nanoparticles synthesized by laser ablation of a bulk Hf target in liquids and their structural, optical, and dielectric properties
    Journal of Applied Physics (Volume 119, Issue (20), may 2016, Pages :10 p)
    Semaltianos, Nikolaos | Friedt, Jean-Michel | Chassagnon, Rémi | Moutarlier, Virginie | Blondeau-Patissier, Virginie | Combe, Guillaume | Assoul, Mohamed | Monteil, Guy

2015 (1)

  • inproceedings - Femtosecond laser nanostructuring technique
    International Symposium on Optomechatronic Technology (ISOT 2015) / Neuchâtel, France (2015)
    Malkhasyan, Vahan | Assoul, Mohamed | Monteil, Guy

2013 (1)

  • inproceedings - Modification of surface property by means of femtosec laser texturing
    14th International Young Scientists Conference Optics and High Technology Material Science (SPO 2013) / Kyiv, Ukraine (2013, Pages pages 1 - 6)
    Monteil, Guy | Assoul, Mohamed | Mazerolles, Denis

publications de Braud Manon

publications de Carbillet Stani

2024 (1)

2023 (1)

2013 (1)

  • inproceedings - Rotation and twist measurements on laminates with extension/twist coupling in rotativefield
    The 19th International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM) (2013, Pages pages 1 - 2)
    Reveillon, Damien | Placet, Vincent | Carbillet, Stani | Foltête, Emmanuel | Sandoz, Patrick
    pdf | bibtex

2012 (1)

  • article - Analysis of intermetallic swelling on the behavior of a hybrid solution for compressed hydrogen storage – Part II: Finite element method simulation
    Materials and Design (Volume 36, apr 2012, Pages :459 - 469)
    Chapelle, David | Hocine, Abdelkader | Carbillet, Stani | Boubakar, Lamine Mohamed

2011 (2)

  • inproceedings - Potentialités et limites des structures composites à enroulement circonférentiel pour des applications sur machine tournante
    20ème Congrès Français de Mécanique (CFM 2011) / Besançon, France (2011)
    Placet, Vincent | Trivaudey, Frédérique | Carbillet, Stani | Mei, Hui | Guicheret, Violaine | Boubakar, Lamine Mohamed
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Optimisation du couplage traction torsion dans une plaque stratifiée
    20ème Congrès Français de Mécanique (CFM 2011) / Besançon, France (2011)
    Reveillon, Damien | Placet, Vincent | Garcin, Camille | Carbillet, Stani | Boubakar, Lamine Mohamed
    pdf | bibtex

publications de Cornuault Pierre-Henri

2024 (2)

  • article - Tribochemistry dependence of Ni62Nb33Zr5 bulk metallic glass on the Cr content of steel counterparts
    Tribology International (Volume 198, oct 2024, Pages :10992 (12))
    Colas, Guillaume | Marco de Lucas, Maria del Carmen | Imhoff, Luc | Heintz, Olivier | Daudin, Rémi | Lenain, Alexis | Gravier, Sébastien | Cornuault, Pierre-Henri
  • article - Influence of the finger inclination on its frictional interaction with micro-textured surfaces
    Tribology International (Volume 197, sep 2024, Pages :109815 (12))
    Louyot, Etienne | Carpentier, Luc | Chatelet, Eric | Massi, Francesco | Cornuault, Pierre-Henri

2023 (7)

  • article - Effect of the countermaterial on the tribological behavior of Cu45Zr46Al7Nb2 bulk metallic glass
    Wear (Volume 522, nov 2023, Pages :204712 (8))
    Stoens, Solène | Colas, Guillaume | Lenain, Alexis | Cornuault, Pierre-Henri
  • inproceedings - Experimental Study of Wear Rate Between Copper Impregnated Graphite and Copper
    IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC 2023) / Milan, Italy (2023, Pages pages 6)
    Kziazyk, Théo | Gavignet, Eric | Cornuault, Pierre-Henri | Baucour, Philippe | Chamagne, Didier
    doi | bibtex
  • article - Fretting wear_lubrication of initially worn parts through tribo-induced anchorage of PTFE in wear scars, and tribochemical creation of graphene oxide
    Wear (Volume 524-525, jul 2023, Pages :204882 (12))
    Colas, Guillaume | Cornuault, Pierre-Henri | Michel, Yann | Bordenave, Romain Petre
  • inproceedings - Performance et fiabilité des alliages métalliques amorphes base Cu-ZR pour des applications tribologiques
    34èmes Journées Internationales Francophones de Tribologie (2023) / LILLE, France (2023, Pages pages 16)
    Stoens, Solène | Colas, Guillaume | Cornuault, Pierre-Henri | Laffont, Paul | Daudin, Rémi | Lenain, Alexis
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Effect of the countermaterial on the tribological behavior of Cu45Zr46Al7Nb2 Bulk Metallic Glass
    24th International Conference on Wear of Materials (2023) / Banff, Alberta, Canada (2023, Pages pages 12)
    Stoens, Solène | Colas, Guillaume | Lenain, Alexis | Cornuault, Pierre-Henri
    pdf | bibtex
  • article - Review on Test Benches Studying Sliding Electrical Contact and Synthesis of Experimental Results
    Energies (Volume 16, Issue (3), feb 2023, Pages :1294 (21))
    Kziazyk, Théo | Gavignet, Eric | Cornuault, Pierre-Henri | Baucour, Philippe | Chamagne, Didier
  • article - Strong dependency of the tribological behavior of Cu-Zr based bulk metallic glasses on relative humidity in ambient air
    Friction (Volume 11, Issue (5), jan 2023, Pages :785 - 800)
    Stoens, Solène | Laffont, Paul | Daudin, Rémi | Lenain, Alexis | Colas, Guillaume | Cornuault, Pierre-Henri

2022 (1)

2021 (2)

  • inproceedings - Effects of relative humidity on the tribological behavior of Cu-Zr-based bulk metallic glasses
    17ème Journées de la matière condensée (JMC 2021) / Rennes, France (2021, Pages pages 12)
    Stoens, Solène | Colas, Guillaume | Daudin, Rémi | Cornuault, Pierre-Henri
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Estimation de la température de l'interface lors de soudage du bois par frottement par une approche couplant expérimental et numérique
    On line 33ème Journée Internationale Francophone de Tribologie (JIFT 2021) / Metz, France (2021, Pages pages 2)
    Ayem, Mariem | Roizard, Xavier | Carpentier, Luc | Cornuault, Pierre-Henri | Assoul, Mohamed
    pdf | bibtex

2020 (7)

  • inproceedings - Modelling and numerical simulation of steel sheet fine blanking process
    18th International Conference on Metal Forming (Metal Forming 2020) / Krakow, Poland (2020, Pages pages 6)
    Sahli, Mohamed Lakdhar | Roizard, Xavier | Colas, Guillaume | Assoul, Mohamed | Carpentier, Luc | Cornuault, Pierre-Henri | Giampiccolo, Sylvain | Barbe, Jean-Pierre
  • article - On the role of solid lubricant fillers in the tribological, micromechanical, and morphological properties of PA66 composites
    Journal of Tribology (Volume 142, Issue (5), may 2020, Pages :051901 (10))
    Ben Difallah, Basma | Cornuault, Pierre-Henri | Kharrat, Mohamed | Dammak, Maher | Monteil, Guy
  • article - Dry lubrication of ferritic stainless steel functionalised with crystalline aggregates of hexadecylphosphonic acid
    Tribology International (Volume 145, may 2020, Pages :106139 (12))
    Cornuault, Pierre-Henri | Melot, Jean-Marie | Roizard, Xavier | Lallemand, Fabrice
  • inproceedings - Numerical investigation on key process parameters affecting blanking of steel sheet by using finite element method
    4th International Conference on Material Engineering and Manufacturing (ICMEM 2020) / Tokyo, Japan (2020, Pages pages 6)
    Sahli, Mohamed Lakdhar | Roizard, Xavier | Colas, Guillaume | Assoul, Mohamed | Cornuault, Pierre-Henri
    pdf | bibtex
  • article - The role of mechanical stimuli on hedonistic and topographical discrimination of textures
    Tribology International (Volume 143, mar 2020, Pages :106082 (9))
    Massimiani, Valério | Weiland, Benjamin | Chatelet, Eric | Cornuault, Pierre-Henri | Faucheu, Jenny | Massi, Francesco
  • article - On the diversity of accommodation mechanisms in the tribology of Bulk Metallic Glasses
    Tribology International (Volume 141, jan 2020, Pages :105957 (11))
    Cornuault, Pierre-Henri | Colas, Guillaume | Lenain, Alexis | Daudin, Rémi | Gravier, Sébastien
  • article - Tribological mechanisms involved in Friction Wood Welding
    Tribology International (Volume 141, jan 2020, Pages :105963 (11))
    Cornuault, Pierre-Henri | Carpentier, Luc

2019 (7)

  • inproceedings - Soudage du bois par frottement: Approche tribologique
    8èmes Journées GDR 3544 "Sciences du bois" (2019) / Epinal, France (2019, Pages pages 4)
    Ayem, Mariem | Roizard, Xavier | Cornuault, Pierre-Henri | Assoul, Mohamed | Colas, Guillaume | Carpentier, Luc
    pdf | bibtex
  • article - Tactile aesthetics : textures that we like or hate to touch
    Acta Psychologica (Volume 201, oct 2019, Pages :102950 (10))
    Faucheu, Jenny | Weiland, Benjamin | Juganaru-Mathieu, Mihaela | Witt, Arnaud | Cornuault, Pierre-Henri
  • inproceedings - Tribological interactions related to the tactile perception of deterministic micro-textured surfaces
    46th Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology ( 2019) / Lyon, France (2019)
    Cornuault, Pierre-Henri | Weiland, Benjamin | Carpentier, Luc | Witt, Arnaud
  • inproceedings - Tribology of amorphous metallic alloys : tribochemically or mecanically driven ?
    46th Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology ( 2019) / Lyon, France (2019)
    Colas, Guillaume | Cornuault, Pierre-Henri | Lenain, Alexis | Daudin, Rémi | Gravier, Sébastien
  • inproceedings - Amortissement par vibroimpacts dans une structure composite sandwich
    24ème Congrès Français de Mécanique (CFM 2019) / Brest, France (2019)
    Sadoulet, Emeline | Cornuault, Pierre-Henri | Chevallier, Gaël
  • article - Long term cosmetic application improves tactile discrimination in the elderly ; a new psychophysical approach
    Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience (Volume 11, jun 2019, Pages :164 (7))
    Almonetti, Jean-Marc | Deshayes, Claire | Crest, Marcel | Cornuault, Pierre-Henri | Weiland, Benjamin | Ribot-Ciscar, Edith
  • inproceedings - Vibroimpact unduced damping in an architected sandwich composite
    37th Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics (IMAC 2019) / Orlando, United States (2019, Pages pages 4)
    Sadoulet, Emeline | Chevallier, Gaël | Cornuault, Pierre-Henri | Citerne, Théo | Michon, Guilhem
    pdf | bibtex

2018 (8)

  • inproceedings - Tactile perception of textured surfaces: a tribological interpretation
    4th International Conference on BioTribology (2018) / Montréal, Canada (2018, Pages pages 1)
    Weiland, Benjamin | Carpentier, Luc | Witt, Arnaud | Cornuault, Pierre-Henri
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Original free sliding oscillating ball-on-flat tribotests reveal some features of the frictional behaviour of alkylphosphonic acid self-assembled molecules
    45th Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology (2018) / Leeds Trinity University, United Kingdom (2018, Pages pages 1)
    Cornuault, Pierre-Henri | Rigaud, Emmanuel | Melot, Jean-Marie | Belin, Michel
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Study of the interaction between human fingerpad and isotropic rough surfaces for tactile stimulators improvement
    45th Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology ( 2018) / Leeds Trinity University, United Kingdom (2018, Pages pages 1)
    Cornuault, Pierre-Henri | Chatelet, Eric | Massi, Francesco
    pdf | bibtex
  • article - Numerical and experimental analysis of the vibroacoustic behavior of an electric window-lift gear motor
    Archive of Applied Mechanics (Volume 88, Issue (8), aug 2018, Pages :1395 - 1410)
    Cornuault, Pierre-Henri | Rigaud, Emmanuel | Bazin, Benoît | Grandais-Menant, Emmanuel
  • inproceedings - Friction wood welding: a tribological approach
    18th Nordic Symposium on Tribology (NORDTRIB 2018) / Uppsala, Sweden (2018)
    Carpentier, Luc | Cornuault, Pierre-Henri | Roizard, Xavier
  • inproceedings - Interprétation tribologique de la perception tactile de surfaces texturées
    30èmes Journées Internationales Francophones de Tribologie (JIFT 2018) / Sophia Antipolis, France (2018)
    Weiland, Benjamin | Witt, Arnaud | Carpentier, Luc | Cornuault, Pierre-Henri
  • inproceedings - Le comportement en frottement de films de molécules auto-assemblées d'acide alkylphosphonique, révélé par la technique de tribométrie oscillante en relaxation
    30èmes Journées Internationales Francophones de Tribologie (JIFT 2018) / Sophia Antipolis, France (2018)
    Belin, Michel | Cornuault, Pierre-Henri | Rigaud, Emmanuel | Roizard, Xavier | Melot, Jean-Marie | Lallemand, Fabrice
  • inproceedings - Apport d'une approche tribologique sur la maîtrise du procédé de soudage du bois par frottement
    30èmes Journées Internationales Francophones de Tribologie (JIFT 2018) / Sophia Antipolis, France (2018)
    Cornuault, Pierre-Henri | Carpentier, Luc

2017 (3)

  • article - Experimental analysis of the vibroacoustic response of an electric window-lift gear motor generated by the contact between carbon brushes and commutator
    Journal of Vibration and Acoustics (Volume 139, Issue (6), dec 2017, Pages :6 p)
    Diop, Sette | Rigaud, Emmanuel | Cornuault, Pierre-Henri | Bazin, Benoît | Grandais-Menant, Emmanuel
  • inproceedings - Prediction of vibroacoustic response of an electric window-lift gear motor
    International Conference on Gears ( 2017) / Munich, Germany (2017)
    Rigaud, Emmanuel | Diop, Sette | Cornuault, Pierre-Henri | Bazin, Benoît | Grandais-Menant, Emmanuel
  • inproceedings - Prediction of vibroacoustic response of an electric window-lift gear motor
    23ème Congrès Français de Mécanique (CFM 2017) / Lille, France (2017)
    Rigaud, Emmanuel | Diop, Sette | Cornuault, Pierre-Henri | Bazin, Benoît | Grandais-Menant, Emmanuel

2015 (3)

  • article - Influence of physico-chemical, mechanical and morphological fingerpad properties on the frictional distinction of sticky/slippery sufaces
    Journal of Royal Society Interface (Volume 12, Issue (110), sep 2015, Pages :40 p)
    Cornuault, Pierre-Henri | Carpentier, Luc | Bueno, Marie-Ange | Cote, Jean-Marc | Monteil, Guy
  • inproceedings - Toucher et vieillissement
    Réunion de printemps IFRATH / Paris, France (2015)
    Crest, Marcel | Bueno, Marie-Ange | Lemaire-Semail, Betty | Giraud, Frédéric | Bouilland, Stéphane | Bar, Anne | Monteil, Guy | Carpentier, Luc | Cornuault, Pierre-Henri | Mith, Setha | Berthier, Yves | Massi, Francesco | Witt, Arnaud | Vinter, Annie | Aimonetti, Jean-Marc | Ribot-Ciscar, Edith | Camillieri, Brigitte | Gaubert-Dahan, Marie-Line | Fromy, Bérengère
  • inproceedings - Tactile discrimination of surfaces : Role of physicochemical, mechanical and morphological human finger properties on the in vivo friction behavior
    20th International Conference on Wear of Materials (Wear of Materials 2015) / Toronto, Canada (2015)
    Cornuault, Pierre-Henri | Bueno, Marie-Ange | Carpentier, Luc | Monteil, Guy
    pdf | bibtex

2014 (3)

  • article - COSTaM : tool design for a controlled tactile stimulation
    Modelling, Measurement and Control (Volume 75, Issue (2), oct 2014, Pages :31 - 42)
    Bueno, Marie-Ange | Crest, Marcel | Monteil, Guy | Berthier, Yves | Lemaire-Semail, Betty | Massi, Francesco | Vinter, Annie | Aimonetti, Jean-Marc | Carpentier, Luc | Cornuault, Pierre-Henri | Giraud, Frédéric | Camillieri, Brigitte | Ribot-Ciscar, Edith | Witt, Arnaud | Gentaz, Edouard | Mith, Setha
  • inproceedings - COSTaM : vers la conception d'outils pour une stimulation tactile maîtrisée
    8ème Édition Colloque HANDICAP / Paris, France (2014)
    Bueno, Marie-Ange | Monteil, Guy | Carpentier, Luc | Cornuault, Pierre-Henri
  • inproceedings - Rôle de la topographie, de la rigidité et de la physico-chimie de la pulpe du doigt sur le frottement
    Journées Internationales Francophon es de Tribologie (JFT 2014) (2014)
    Cornuault, Pierre-Henri | Carpentier, Luc | Monteil, Guy | Bueno, Marie-Ange
    pdf | bibtex

2013 (3)

  • article - Grafting and characterization of dodecylphosphonic acid on copper: Macro-tribological behavior and surface properties
    Surface and Coatings Technology (Volume 232, oct 2013, Pages :567 - 574)
    Moine, Mohamed Moustapha | Roizard, Xavier | Melot, Jean-Marie | Carpentier, Luc | Cornuault, Pierre-Henri | Lallemand, Fabrice | Rauch, Jean-Yves | Heintz, Olivier | Lallemand, Séverine
  • inproceedings - Monocouche auto-assemblée d'acide phosphonique comme revêtements anti-corrosion et lubrifiants
    Journées d’Electrochimie 2013 (2013, Pages pages 1 - 6)
    Moine, Mohamed Moustapha | Lallemand, Fabrice | Roizard, Xavier | Melot, Jean-Marie | Borgeot, Mélanie | Carpentier, Luc | Cornuault, Pierre-Henri
  • inproceedings - Caractérisation tribologique de films moléculaires d'acide phosphonique déposés sur une surface de cuivre
    25èmes Journées Internationales Francophones de Tribologie (JIFT 2013) / Ecully, France (2013, Pages pages 1 - 8)
    Moine, Mohamed Moustapha | Roizard, Xavier | Lallemand, Fabrice | Carpentier, Luc | Cornuault, Pierre-Henri | Melot, Jean-Marie | Rauch, Jean-Yves | Millot, Christine
    pdf | bibtex

2011 (3)

  • article - Advanced numerical method for generation of three-dimensional particles and its application in microstructure-based simulation of fatigue behavior
    Computational Materials Science (Volume 50, Issue (10), sep 2011, Pages :2836 - 2847)
    Milesi, Marc | Bouchard, Pierre-Olivier | Cornuault, Pierre-Henri | Chastel, Yvan | Bernacki, M. | Hachem, E.
  • inproceedings - Approche tribologique du soudage du bois par frottement
    20ème Congrès Français de Mécanique (CFM 2011) / Besançon, France (2011)
    Hamant, Guillaume | Cornuault, Pierre-Henri | Placet, Vincent | Binder, P. | Roizard, Xavier
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Méthodologie d’essais pour une caractérisation tribologique de monocouches auto-assemblées
    20ème Congrès Français de Mécanique (CFM 2011) / Besançon, France (2011)
    Moine, Mohamed Moustapha | Roizard, Xavier | Carpentier, Luc | Cornuault, Pierre-Henri | Lallemand, Fabrice | Melot, Jean-Marie
    pdf | bibtex

2010 (3)

  • inproceedings - Evaluation expérimentale de l'abrasivité des tôles en découpage fin
    22èmes Journées Internationale Francophones de Tribologie (JIFT 2010) / Albi, France (2010)
    Makich, Hamid | Monteil, Guy | Carpentier, Luc | Cornuault, Pierre-Henri | Greban, F.
  • inproceedings - Evaluation expérimentale de l'abrasivité des tôles en découpage fin
    22èmes Journées Internationale Francophones de Tribologie (JIFT 2010) / Albi, France (2010)
    Makich, Hamid | Monteil, Guy | Carpentier, Luc | Cornuault, Pierre-Henri | Greban, F.
  • inproceedings - Elaboration et propriétés tribologiques de monocouches auto-assemblées sur un substrat en alliage cuivreux sollicité en régime de lubrification limite
    22èmes Journées Internationales Francophones de Tribologie (JIFT 2010) / Albi, France (2010)
    Roizard, Xavier | Carpentier, Luc | Cornuault, Pierre-Henri | Patois, Tilia | Lallemand, Fabrice | Monteil, Guy

publications de Gaillard Yves

2025 (1)

  • article - Sub-micron elastic properties measurement of single laser-affected volume in fused silica
    Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids (Volume 652, mar 2025, Pages :123399 (4))
    Gaillard, Yves | Radhakrishnan, Arunkrishnan | Bellouard, Yves | Amiot, Fabien

2024 (5)

  • article - Multiscale elastic modulus characterization of Ti0.5Fe0.45Mn0.05, an Iron–Titanium–Manganese alloy dedicated to hydrogen storage
    Materials (Volume 17, Issue (24), dec 2024, Pages :6100 (16))
    Bebon, Ludovic | Maynadier, Anne | Gaillard, Yves | Chapelle, David
  • inproceedings - An imaging technique for the strain-engineering of deformable electrodes
    PhotoMechanics - iDICs Conference (2024) / Clermont-Ferrand, France (2024, Pages pages 2)
    Thiam, Abdarahmane | Rousselot, Christophe | Gaillard, Yves | Raschetti, Marina | Vieira, Marion | Kanoufi, Frédéric | Amiot, Fabien
  • inproceedings - Elastic properties of laser-affected glass probed by grid nano-indentation
    MecaNano General Meeting (2024) / Vienna, Austria (2024, Pages pages 1)
    Gaillard, Yves | Bellouard, Yves | Amiot, Fabien
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - An imaging technique for the strain-engineering of deformable electrodes
    19th European Mechanics of Materials Conference (EMMC 2024) / Madrid, Spain (2024, Pages pages 1)
    Rousselot, Christophe | Gaillard, Yves | Raschetti, Marina | Vieira, Marion | Kanoufi, Frédéric | Amiot, Fabien
    pdf | bibtex
  • article - Fracture toughness determination methods of WC-Co cemented carbide material at micro-scale from micro-bending method using nanoindentation
    Journal of Materials Research and Technology (Volume 28, feb 2024, Pages :1370 - 1381)
    Monnet, Julien | Gaillard, Yves | Richard, Fabrice | Personeni, Martial | Thibaud, Sébastien

2023 (1)

  • inproceedings - Damping properties of plant fibre composites
    European Summer School on Bio-based Composites (ESBCC 2023) / Tarbes, France (2023, Pages pages 25)
    Butaud, Pauline | Pelisson, Fanny | Placet, Vincent | Ouisse, Morvan | Liu, Taiqu | Gaillard, Yves | Bourbon, Gilles | Amiot, Fabien
    pdf | bibtex

2022 (3)

  • article - In situ damping identification of plant fiber composites using dynamic grid nanoindentation
    Composites Part A-Applied Science and Manufacturing (Volume 163, dec 2022, Pages :107158 (8))
    Liu, Taiqu | Gaillard, Yves | Butaud, Pauline | Placet, Vincent | Ouisse, Morvan
  • article - Simultaneous extraction of the elastic-plastic properties of a thin film and its substrate from an identifiability-based design of depth-sensing nanoindentation testing
    Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids (Volume 163, jun 2022, Pages :104860 (24))
    Fauvel, Vincent | Gaillard, Yves | Guillemet, Raphaël | Garabedian, Patrick | Richard, Fabrice
  • inproceedings - Viscoelastic properties of plant fibers - Dynamic analysis and nanoindentation tests
    The Fiber Society (2022) / Leuven, Belgium (2022, Pages pages 1)
    Placet, Vincent | Butaud, Pauline | Pelisson, Fanny | Liu, Taiqu | Gaillard, Yves | Bourbon, Gilles | Amiot, Fabien | Ouisse, Morvan
    pdf | bibtex

2021 (6)

  • article - Extraction of microstructural parameters from sculptured thin films nanoindentation
    Surface and Coatings Technology (Volume 425, nov 2021, Pages :127696 (13))
    Gaillard, Yves | Jimenez-Piqué, Emilio | Oliva-Ramirez, Manuel | Rico, Victor Joaquin | Gonzalez-Elipe, Agustin R.
  • inproceedings - Grid nano-indentation as full-field measurements
    7th PhotoMechanics iDICs conference (2021) / Nantes, France (2021, Pages pages 1)
    Gaillard, Yves | Amiot, Fabien
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Simultaneous identification of reliable elastoplastic properties of an alumina thin film and the yield stress of the silicon substrate from an identifiability-based design of experiments using P-h curves
    Indentation 2021 (2021) / Lorient, France (2021, Pages pages 2)
    Fauvel, Vincent | Gaillard, Yves | Guillemet, Raphaël | Garabedian, Patrick | Richard, Fabrice
  • inproceedings - On the interest of the Berkovich and conical tip shape to identify interac-tions between dislocations in nickel single crystals from the residual to-pography
    Indentation 2021 (2021) / Lorient, France (2021, Pages pages 2)
    Bourceret, Alexandre | Lejeune, Arnaud | Gaillard, Yves | Richard, Fabrice
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Damping behavior of hemp and flax fibre reinforced greenpoxy composites
    On line 5th International Conference on Natural Fibers (ICNF 2021 2021) / Funchal, Portugal (2021, Pages pages 2)
    Liu, Taiqu | Butaud, Pauline | Gaillard, Yves | Placet, Vincent | Ouisse, Morvan
  • inproceedings - Identification of elastoplastic properties of coated nanostructured optical windows from Berkovich nanoindentation experiments using FEMU method
    Virtual Congress 14th WCCM-ECCOMAS (2021) / Paris, France (2021, Pages pages 2)
    Fauvel, Vincent | Gaillard, Yves | Guillemet, Raphaël | Garabedian, Patrick | Lehoucq, Gaëlle | Richard, Fabrice
    pdf | bibtex

2020 (5)

2019 (10)

  • article - Relation between hardness of (Ti, Al)N based multilayered coatings and periods of their stacking
    Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings (Volume 27, nov 2019, Pages :79 - 83)
    Zaoui, Mehdi | Bourceret, Alexandre | Gaillard, Yves | Giljean, Sylvain | Rousselot, Christophe | Pac, Marie-Josée | Richard, Fabrice
  • inproceedings - Dynamic properties of plant fiber reinforced composites based on experimental multiscale method
    22nd International Conference on Composite Structures (ICCS 2019) / Wuhan, China (2019, Pages pages 20)
    Liu, Taiqu | Gabrion, Xavier | Jeannin, Thomas | Gaillard, Yves | Butaud, Pauline | Placet, Vincent | Ouisse, Morvan
    pdf | bibtex
  • article - New reactive isoeugenol based phosphate flame retardant : toward green epoxy resins
    ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering (Volume 7, Issue (16), aug 2019, Pages :14074 - 14088)
    Pourchet, Sylvie | Sonnier, Rodolphe | Ben-Abdelkader, Marwa | Gaillard, Yves | Ruiz, Quentin | Placet, Vincent | Plasseraud, Laurent | Boni, Gilles
  • inproceedings - Mesure de champs de propriétés mécaniques par nano-indentation de grille
    24ème Congrès Français de Mécanique (CFM 2019) / Brest, France (2019, Pages pages 3)
    Amiot, Fabien | Gaillard, Yves
  • inproceedings - Simulation par méthode asymptotique numérique de la nanoindentation conique dans le cas viscoélastique
    24ème Congrès Français de Mécanique (CFM 2019) / Brest, France (2019, Pages pages 1)
    Lejeune, Arnaud | Gaillard, Yves | Potier-Ferry, Michel | Richard, Fabrice
  • inproceedings - Conception d’expériences de nanoindentation basée sur l’identifiabilité pour l’extraction de propriétés viscoélastiques
    24ème Congrès Français de Mécanique (CFM 2019) / Brest, France (2019, Pages pages 12)
    Barick, Mohamed Cheikh | Gaillard, Yves | Lejeune, Arnaud | Amiot, Fabien | Richard, Fabrice
  • inproceedings - Modélisation du lien entre la dureté et la période d’empilement dans un revêtement métal/céramique nano-architecturé en multicouche
    24ème Congrès Français de Mécanique (CFM 2019) / Brest, France (2019, Pages pages 16)
    Bourceret, Alexandre | Zaoui, Mehdi | Quilliot, Denis | Gaillard, Yves | Giljean, Sylvain | Rousselot, Christophe | Pac, Marie-Josée | Richard, Fabrice
  • article - Mechanical properties and corrosion behaviour after scratch and tribological tests of electrodeposited Co-Mo/TiO2 nano-composite coatings
    Applied Surface Science (Volume 475, Issue (1), may 2019, Pages :162 - 174)
    Krawiec, Haliina | Vignal, Vincent | Krystianiak, Anna | Gaillard, Yves | Zimowski, Slawomir
  • inproceedings - New functionalities of Versions 3.1 and 3.2 of TFEL/MFront
    14ème Colloque Nationale en Calcul des Structures (CSMA 2019) / Presqu'île de Giens, France (2019, Pages pages 12)
    Helfer, Thomas | Fandeur, Olivier | Geoffroy, Dominique | Toulemonde, Charles | Hure, Jérémy | Dupuy, Laurent | Forré, Agathe | Deloison, Dominique | Péralès, Frédéric | Lejeune, Arnaud | Thibaud, Sébastien | Richard, Fabrice | Gaillard, Yves | Almanstötter, Jürgen | Gangnant, Alexandre | Draup, Jefry | Kececioglu, Anthony | Garnier, Christophe | Garnier, Christophe | Roland, Jérôme
  • inproceedings - MANITOO : Solveur orienté objet d'équations non linéaires par méthode asymptotique numérique
    14ème Colloque Nationale en Calcul des Structures (CSMA 2019) / Presqu'île de Giens, France (2019, Pages pages 7)
    Lejeune, Arnaud | Béchet, Fabien | Boudaoud, Hakim | Gaillard, Yves | Mathieu, Norman | Richard, Fabrice | Sadoulet, Emeline | Ventura, Pascal | Potier-Ferry, Michel

2018 (3)

  • inproceedings - Modélisation de l’indentation de revêtements multicouches Ti0,54Al0,46/Ti0,54Al0,46N
    6ème COLLOQUE INDENTATION (INDENTATION 2018) / Liège, Belgium (2018, Pages pages 2)
    Quilliot, Denis | Giljean, Sylvain | Gaillard, Yves | Pac, Marie-Josée | Richard, Fabrice
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Non-uniqueness of the viscoelastic properties determined by sharp nanoindentation. Case of polypropylene
    16th European Mechanics of Materials Conference (EMMC 16) / Nantes, France (2018, Pages pages 2)
    Barick, Mohamed Cheikh | Gaillard, Yves | Lejeune, Arnaud | Richard, Fabrice | Amiot, Fabien
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Single crystal plasticity parameters identification from residual imprint topography after nano-indentation
    2018 PhotoMechanics (PM 2018) / Touluse, France (2018, Pages pages 2)
    Renner, Emile | Gaillard, Yves | Richard, Fabrice | Delobelle, Patrick | Amiot, Fabien
    pdf | bibtex

2017 (4)

  • inproceedings - Design and development of 100 % bio-based high-grade hemp/epoxy composites
    21st International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM) / Xi'an, China (2017)
    Francois, Camille | Placet, Vincent | Gaillard, Yves | Pourchet, Sylvie | Boni, Gilles | Plasseraud, Laurent | Ouagne, Pierre | Samec, Joseph | Rautiainen, Sari | Fournier, Lucie | Robert, Carine | Thomas, Christophe | Fontaine, Stéphane
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Non-unicité des propriétés viscoélastiques déterminées par nanoindentation conique. Cas du polypropylène
    23ème Congrès Français de Mécanique (CFM 2017) / Lille, France (2017)
    Barick, Mohamed Cheikh | Gaillard, Yves | Lejeune, Arnaud | Richard, Fabrice | Amiot, Fabien
  • article - Effect of a hyper deformation drawing process on mechanical behaviour of thin wires of Ti-26Nb (at.%) alloys
    Materials and Design (Volume 120, apr 2017, Pages :273-279)
    Gabrion, Xavier | Thibaud, Sébastien | Zang, Yudong | Charbonnier, Pierre | Laheurte, Pascal | Gaillard, Yves
  • article - Design and synthesis of biobased epoxy thermosets from biorenewable resources
    Comptes Rendus Chimie (Volume 20, Issue (11), 2017, Pages :1006-1016)
    Francois, Camille | Pourchet, Sylvie | Boni, Gilles | Rautiainen, Sari | Samec, Joseph | Fournier, Lucie | Robert, Carine | Thomas, Christophe | Fontaine, Stéphane | Gaillard, Yves | Placet, Vincent | Plasseraud, Laurent

2016 (5)

  • inproceedings - Sur la caractérisation des interactions entre dislocations dans un cristal CFC de Nickel par analyse de la topographie des empreintes Berkovich
    Colloque indentation (INDENTATION 2016) / Lille, France (2016, Pages pages 2 p)
    Renner, Emile | Gaillard, Yves | Richard, Fabrice | Amiot, Fabien | Delobelle, Patrick
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Mechanical characterization of anisotropic materials by Scanning Microdeformation Microscopy
    15th European Mechanics of Materials Conference (EMMC 2016) / Brussels, Belgium (2016)
    Maloum, Fatah | Gaillard, Yves | Personeni, Martial | Thibaud, Sébastien | Vairac, Pascal | Amiot, Fabien
  • article - Assessing hafting adhesive efficiency in the experimental shooting of projectile points : a new device for instrumented and ballistic experiments
    Archaeometry (Volume 58, Issue (3), jun 2016, Pages :465 - 483)
    Gaillard, Yves | Chesnaux, Lorène | Girard, Marion | Burr, Alain | Darque Ceretti, Evelyne | Felder, Eric | Mazuy, Arnaud | Regert, Martine
  • article - Sensitivity of the residual topography to single crystal plasticity parameters in Berkovich nanoindentation on FCC nickel
    International Journal of Plasticity (Volume 77, feb 2016, Pages :118 - 140)
    Renner, Emile | Gaillard, Yves | Richard, Fabrice | Amiot, Fabien | Delobelle, Patrick
  • article - Diglycidylether of iso-eugenol : A suitable lignin-derived synthon for epoxy thermoset applications
    RSC Advances (Volume 6, 2016, Pages :68732 - 68738)
    Francois, Camille | Pourchet, Sylvie | Boni, Gilles | Fontaine, Stéphane | Gaillard, Yves | Placet, Vincent | Galkin, Maxim | Orebom, Alexander | Samec, Joseph | Plasseraud, Laurent

2015 (2)

  • inproceedings - On the identifiability of the slip system interaction matrix from residual topography left by nanoindentation in Nickel
    General Meeting on the Mechanics of Nano Objects GDRi CNRS MECANO (2015)
    Renner, Emile | Gaillard, Yves | Richard, Fabrice | Delobelle, Patrick
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - On the identifiability of the slip system interaction matrix from residual topography left by nanoindentation in Nickel
    9th European Solid Mechanics Conference (ESMC 2015) / Madrid, Spain (2015)
    Renner, Emile | Gaillard, Yves | Richard, Fabrice | Delobelle, Patrick | Amiot, Fabien
    pdf | bibtex

2014 (4)

  • inproceedings - Analyse expérimentale et numérique de l'anisotropie et de la plasticité cristalline d'un polycristal de Ni par nano-indentation
    Indentation 2014 (2014)
    Renner, Emile | Gaillard, Yves | Richard, Fabrice | Delobelle, Patrick
    pdf | bibtex
  • unpublished - Pédagogie renouvelée pour des cursus d'ingénierie à l'université (oct 2014)
    Jacquet, Emmanuelle | Gaume, Bernard | Gaillard, Yves | Descourvieres, Eric | Marangé, Pascale | Aigle, Bernard | Leblond-Bourget, Nathalie | Dupuis, Gérard | Gallon, Christophe
  • inproceedings - Anisotropy and crystal plasticity analysis of a FCC nickel polycrystal by nanoindentation and numerical modeling
    14th European Mechanics of Materials Conference (EMMC 14) / Gothenburg, Sweden (2014)
    Renner, Emile | Delobelle, Patrick | Gaillard, Yves | Richard, Fabrice
  • article - Nanoindentation of bio-sourced adhesive 75 % rosin / 25 % beeswax : Experimental results and modelisation
    Mechanics of Materials (Volume 69, 2014, Pages :185 - 194)
    Girard, Marion | Gaillard, Yves | Burr, Alain | Darque Ceretti, Evelyne | Felder, Eric

2013 (2)

  • inproceedings - Anisotropy and crystal plasticity study of fcc polycrystalline Ni by nanoindentation
    21ème Congrès Français de Mécanique (CFM 2013) / Bordeaux, France (2013, Pages pages 1 - 6)
    Renner, Emile | Delobelle, Patrick | Gaillard, Yves | Richard, Fabrice
    pdf | bibtex
  • article - Superplastic behavior of rosin/beeswax blends at room temperature
    Journal of Applied Polymer Science (Volume 128, Issue (5), jun 2013, Pages :2713 - 2719)
    Gaillard, Yves | Girard, Marion | Monge, G. | Burr, Alain | Darque Ceretti, Evelyne | Felder, Eric

publications de Lallemand Fabrice

2023 (3)

  • article - Tribological devices in cycling : A review
    Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology (Volume 0, nov 2023, Pages :18)
    Aubert, Rémi | Roizard, Xavier | Grappe, Frederic | Lallemand, Fabrice
  • inproceedings - Lubrication regimes in bicycle transmission of elite cycling – Preliminary results
    Mechanical Surface Characterization Seminar (2023) / Neuchâtel, Switzerland (2023, Pages pages 1)
    Aubert, Rémi | Roizard, Xavier | Grappe, Frederic | Lallemand, Fabrice
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Développement d'un fluide de coupe sans huile à partir de molécules actives solvatées
    Séminaire du réseau Manufacturing'21 (2024) / Cluny, France (2023, Pages pages 1)
    Walker, Thibaud | Fontaine, Michaël | Roizard, Xavier | Lallemand, Fabrice

2021 (1)

  • inproceedings - Test of a new water-based lubricant in turning of 316L stainless steel
    9th International Conference on Tribology in Manufacturing processes & joining by Plastic deformation (ICTMP 2021) / Chennai, India (2021, Pages pages 7)
    Rahn, Felipe | Gilbin, Alexandre | Fontaine, Michaël | Roizard, Xavier | Melot, Jean-Marie | Lallemand, Fabrice
    pdf | bibtex

2020 (1)

2019 (2)

  • inproceedings - Effet de la fonctionnalisation d'aciers inoxydables sur l'adhésion de films organiques
    20° journée d'étude sur l'adhésion (JADH 2019) / Annecy, France (2019, Pages pages 1)
    Rougier, Agathe | Aufray, Maëlenn | Lallemand, Fabrice | Touyeras, Francis | Roizard, Xavier | Hihn, Jean-Yves
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - L'aloe vera dans la formulation de SAMs pour l'adhérence et la tribologie
    20° journée d'étude sur l'adhésion (JADH 2019) / Annecy, France (2019)
    Rougier, Agathe | Aufray, Maëlenn | Lallemand, Fabrice | Touyeras, Francis | Roizard, Xavier | Hihn, Jean-Yves
    pdf | bibtex

2018 (5)

  • inproceedings - Afuludine, solution hydroalcoolique pour la mise en forme des matériaux
    Association de Traitement Thermique et de Traitement de Surface (A3TS 2018) / Metz, France (2018, Pages pages 5)
    Lallemand, Fabrice | Roizard, Xavier
  • inproceedings - Micro-Tribological Behavior of Stainless Steel Modified with Alkylphosphonic Acids: Influence of Chain Length
    18th Nordic Symposium on Tribology (NORDTRIB 2018) / Uppsala, Sweden (2018)
    Carpentier, Luc | Roizard, Xavier | Cote, Jean-Marc | Melot, Jean-Marie | Lallemand, Fabrice
  • inproceedings - Le comportement en frottement de films de molécules auto-assemblées d'acide alkylphosphonique, révélé par la technique de tribométrie oscillante en relaxation
    30èmes Journées Internationales Francophones de Tribologie (JIFT 2018) / Sophia Antipolis, France (2018)
    Belin, Michel | Cornuault, Pierre-Henri | Rigaud, Emmanuel | Roizard, Xavier | Melot, Jean-Marie | Lallemand, Fabrice
  • inproceedings - Caractérisation tribologique de monocouches auto-assemblées grâce à un micro-tribomètre spécifique permettant d'appliquer de très faibles pressions de contact
    30èmes Journées Internationales Francophones de Tribologie (JIFT 2018) / Sophia Antipolis, France (2018, Pages pages 25-26)
    Roizard, Xavier | Carpentier, Luc | Cote, Jean-Marc | Melot, Jean-Marie | Lallemand, Fabrice
  • article - Friction behavior of ferritic stainless steel in a strongly diluted alcohol solution of alkylphosphonic acid
    Tribology International (Volume 118, feb 2018, Pages :465 - 473)
    Roizard, Xavier | Heinrichs, Jannica | Butéri, Aurélien | Jacobson, Staffan | Borgeot, Mélanie | Carpentier, Luc | Melot, Jean-Marie | Lallemand, Fabrice

2017 (2)

  • inproceedings - Simulation expérimentale de l'opération d'emboutissage par des essais de type étirage-plan - Corrélation entre essais de laboratoire et essais semi-industriels
    29ème Journées Internationales Francophones de Tribologie (JIFT 2017) / Saint Ouen, France (2017)
    Roizard, Xavier | Borgeot, Mélanie | Butéri, Aurélien | Melot, Jean-Marie | Lallemand, Fabrice
  • inproceedings - Propriétés tribologiques de monocouches auto-assemblées sur un substrat de cuivre - Influence de la longueur de chaine alkyle
    29ème Journées Internationales Francophones de Tribologie (JIFT 2017) / Saint Ouen, France (2017)
    Roizard, Xavier | Moine, Mohamed Moustapha | Et Taouil, Abdeslam | Melot, Jean-Marie | Lallemand, Fabrice

2016 (5)

  • inproceedings - Global rethinking of the lubrication of ferritic stainless steel sheets - Low friction and wear using strongly diluted alcohol solution of alkylphosphonic acid
    17th Nordic Symposium on Tribology (Nordtrib 2016) / Aulanko, Finland (2016)
    Roizard, Xavier | Heinrichs, Jannica | Butéri, Aurélien | Jacobson, Staffan | Borgeot, Mélanie | Carpentier, Luc | Melot, Jean-Marie | Lallemand, Fabrice
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Development of a new green industrial lubricant for stamping operations - Application to stainless steels
    International Deep-Drawing Research Group (IDDRG 2016) / Lintz, Austria (2016)
    Butéri, Aurélien | Borgeot, Mélanie | Roizard, Xavier | Lallemand, Fabrice | Melot, Jean-Marie | Morand, L.
    pdf | bibtex
  • article - Insights into sliding wear and friction behavior of copper in ethanol containing alkylphosphonic acid molecules
    Tribology International (Volume 96, apr 2016, Pages :141 - 148)
    Roizard, Xavier | Heinrichs, Jannica | Et Taouil, Abdeslam | Jacobson, Staffan | Olsson, Mikael | Melot, Jean-Marie | Lallemand, Fabrice
  • inproceedings - Amélioration du frottement métal-métal en milieu lubrifié à l'aide d'acides alkylphosphoniques fortement dilués dans une solution hydro-alcoolique
    28èmes Journées Internationales Francophones de Tribologie (JIFT 2016) / Saint-Etienne, France (2016)
    Roizard, Xavier | Borgeot, Mélanie | Butéri, Aurélien | Heinrichs, Jannica | Jacobson, Staffan | Melot, Jean-Marie | Lallemand, Fabrice
    pdf | bibtex
  • article - Influence of modification time and high frequency ultrasound irradiation on self-assembling of alkylphosphonic acids on stainless steel : electrochemical and spectroscopic studies
    Ultrasonics Sonochemistry (Volume 28, jan 2016, Pages :269 - 275)
    Roy, Florian | Et Taouil, Abdeslam | Lallemand, Fabrice | Melot, Jean-Marie | Roizard, Xavier | Heintz, Olivier | Moutarlier, Virginie | Hihn, Jean-Yves

2014 (1)

  • misc - Traitement de surface de substrats métalliques
    (sep 2014)
    Roizard, Xavier | Lallemand, Fabrice | Melot, Jean-Marie | Butéri, Aurélien | Borgeot, Mélanie

2013 (4)

  • article - Grafting and characterization of dodecylphosphonic acid on copper: Macro-tribological behavior and surface properties
    Surface and Coatings Technology (Volume 232, oct 2013, Pages :567 - 574)
    Moine, Mohamed Moustapha | Roizard, Xavier | Melot, Jean-Marie | Carpentier, Luc | Cornuault, Pierre-Henri | Lallemand, Fabrice | Rauch, Jean-Yves | Heintz, Olivier | Lallemand, Séverine
  • inproceedings - Monocouche auto-assemblée d'acide phosphonique comme revêtements anti-corrosion et lubrifiants
    Journées d’Electrochimie 2013 (2013, Pages pages 1 - 6)
    Moine, Mohamed Moustapha | Lallemand, Fabrice | Roizard, Xavier | Melot, Jean-Marie | Borgeot, Mélanie | Carpentier, Luc | Cornuault, Pierre-Henri
  • article - Effects of high frequency ultrasound irradiation on doping level and electroactivity of conducting polymers: Influence of OH center dot radicals
    Polymer Degradation and Stability (Volume 98, Issue (8), may 2013, Pages :1413 - 1418)
    Et Taouil, Abdeslam | Lallemand, Fabrice | Hihn, Jean-Yves | Hallez, Loïc | Blondeau-Patissier, Virginie
  • inproceedings - Caractérisation tribologique de films moléculaires d'acide phosphonique déposés sur une surface de cuivre
    25èmes Journées Internationales Francophones de Tribologie (JIFT 2013) / Ecully, France (2013, Pages pages 1 - 8)
    Moine, Mohamed Moustapha | Roizard, Xavier | Lallemand, Fabrice | Carpentier, Luc | Cornuault, Pierre-Henri | Melot, Jean-Marie | Rauch, Jean-Yves | Millot, Christine
    pdf | bibtex

2011 (3)

  • inproceedings - Méthodologie d’essais pour une caractérisation tribologique de monocouches auto-assemblées
    20ème Congrès Français de Mécanique (CFM 2011) / Besançon, France (2011)
    Moine, Mohamed Moustapha | Roizard, Xavier | Carpentier, Luc | Cornuault, Pierre-Henri | Lallemand, Fabrice | Melot, Jean-Marie
    pdf | bibtex
  • article - Electrosynthesis and characterization of conducting polypyrrole elaborated under high frequency ultrasound irradiation
    Ultrasonics Sonochemistry (Volume 18, Issue (4), jul 2011, Pages :907-910)
    Taouil, A.E. | Lallemand, Fabrice | Hihn, Jean-Yves | Blondeau-Patissier, Virginie
  • article - Doping properties of PEDOT films electrosynthesized under high frequency ultrasound irradiation
    Ultrasonics Sonochemistry (Volume 18, Issue (1), jan 2011, Pages :140-8)
    Et Taouil, Abdeslam | Lallemand, Fabrice | Hihn, JY | Melot, Jean-Marie | Blondeau-Patissier, Virginie | Lakard, Boris

2010 (5)

  • article - Microtribological and corrosion behaviors of 1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorodecanethiol self-assembled films on copper surfaces
    Surface and Coatings Technology (Volume 205, Issue (7), dec 2010, Pages :2511 - 2517)
    Patois, Tilia | Et Taouil, Abdeslam | Lallemand, Fabrice | Carpentier, Luc | Roizard, Xavier | Hihn, Jean-Yves | Blondeau-Patissier, Virginie | Mekhalif, Zineb
  • inproceedings - Microtribological and corrosion behaviors of 1H, 1H, 2H, 2H-perfluorodecanethiol self-assembled films on coppers surfaces
    61th Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry / Nice, France (2010)
    Patois, Tilia | Et Taouil, Abdeslam | Lallemand, Fabrice | Carpentier, Luc | Roizard, Xavier | Hihn, Jean-Yves | Blondeau-Patissier, Virginie | Mekhalif, Zineb
  • article - Adsorption of thiourea on polycrystalline platinum: Influence on electrodeposition of copper
    Surface and Coatings Technology (Volume 204, Issue (20), jul 2010, Pages :3108 - 3117)
    Quinet, Magali | Lallemand, Fabrice | Ricq, Laurence | Hihn, Jean-Yves | Delobelle, Patrick
  • inproceedings - Electrosynthesis and characterization of conducting polypyrrole elaborated under high frequency ultrasound irradiation
    European Society of Sonochemistry (ESS12) / Chania, Crête, Greece (2010)
    Taouil, A.E. | Lallemand, Fabrice | Hihn, Jean-Yves | Blondeau-Patissier, Virginie
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Elaboration et propriétés tribologiques de monocouches auto-assemblées sur un substrat en alliage cuivreux sollicité en régime de lubrification limite
    22èmes Journées Internationales Francophones de Tribologie (JIFT 2010) / Albi, France (2010)
    Roizard, Xavier | Carpentier, Luc | Cornuault, Pierre-Henri | Patois, Tilia | Lallemand, Fabrice | Monteil, Guy

publications de Morel Florian

publications de Roizard Xavier

2023 (4)

  • article - Tribological devices in cycling : A review
    Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology (Volume 0, nov 2023, Pages :18)
    Aubert, Rémi | Roizard, Xavier | Grappe, Frederic | Lallemand, Fabrice
  • inproceedings - Lubrication regimes in bicycle transmission of elite cycling – Preliminary results
    Mechanical Surface Characterization Seminar (2023) / Neuchâtel, Switzerland (2023, Pages pages 1)
    Aubert, Rémi | Roizard, Xavier | Grappe, Frederic | Lallemand, Fabrice
    pdf | bibtex
  • article - Simulation expérimentale des conditions de contact poinçon/ matière lors d’une opération de découpage – effet d’une texturation de surface sur outil
    Traitements & Matériaux (Volume 481, mar 2023, Pages :5)
    Roizard, Xavier | Assoul, Mohamed | Sahli, Mohamed Lakdhar | Giampiccolo, Sylvain
  • inproceedings - Développement d'un fluide de coupe sans huile à partir de molécules actives solvatées
    Séminaire du réseau Manufacturing'21 (2024) / Cluny, France (2023, Pages pages 1)
    Walker, Thibaud | Fontaine, Michaël | Roizard, Xavier | Lallemand, Fabrice

2021 (3)

  • inproceedings - Test of a new water-based lubricant in turning of 316L stainless steel
    9th International Conference on Tribology in Manufacturing processes & joining by Plastic deformation (ICTMP 2021) / Chennai, India (2021, Pages pages 7)
    Rahn, Felipe | Gilbin, Alexandre | Fontaine, Michaël | Roizard, Xavier | Melot, Jean-Marie | Lallemand, Fabrice
    pdf | bibtex
  • article - Thermo-Physics characterization of polypropylene/multi-walled carbon nanotube nanocomposites for rapid replication using hot embossing process
    Journal of Polymer Research (Volume 28, Issue (8), aug 2021, Pages :305 (18))
    Sahli, Mohamed Lakdhar | Barrière, Thierry | Roizard, Xavier
  • inproceedings - Estimation de la température de l'interface lors de soudage du bois par frottement par une approche couplant expérimental et numérique
    On line 33ème Journée Internationale Francophone de Tribologie (JIFT 2021) / Metz, France (2021, Pages pages 2)
    Ayem, Mariem | Roizard, Xavier | Carpentier, Luc | Cornuault, Pierre-Henri | Assoul, Mohamed
    pdf | bibtex

2020 (7)

  • article - Experimental and numerical investigations of bi-injection moulding of PA66/LSR peel test specimens
    Polymer Testing (Volume 90, oct 2020, Pages :106748 (11))
    Sahli, Mohamed Lakdhar | Barrière, Thierry | Roizard, Xavier
  • article - Investigating mechanical, thermal and rheological properties of polypropylene/carbon nanotubes composites
    Microsystem Technologies (Volume 26, Issue (9), sep 2020, Pages :3023 - 3027)
    Sahli, Mohamed Lakdhar | Barrière, Thierry | Roizard, Xavier | Assoul, Mohamed
  • article - Experimental and numerical investigation of peel test specimen using bi-injection molding process
    Procedia Manufacturing (Volume 50, sep 2020, Pages :389 - 394)
    Barrière, Thierry | Sahli, Mohamed Lakdhar | Roizard, Xavier
  • inproceedings - Modelling and numerical simulation of steel sheet fine blanking process
    18th International Conference on Metal Forming (Metal Forming 2020) / Krakow, Poland (2020, Pages pages 6)
    Sahli, Mohamed Lakdhar | Roizard, Xavier | Colas, Guillaume | Assoul, Mohamed | Carpentier, Luc | Cornuault, Pierre-Henri | Giampiccolo, Sylvain | Barbe, Jean-Pierre
  • article - Finite element simulation and experimental investigation of the effect of clearance on the forming quality in the fine blanking process
    Microsystem Technologies (Volume 26, aug 2020, Pages :11)
    Sahli, Mohamed Lakdhar | Roizard, Xavier | Assoul, Mohamed | Colas, Guillaume | Giampiccolo, Sylvain | Barbe, Jean-Pierre
  • article - Dry lubrication of ferritic stainless steel functionalised with crystalline aggregates of hexadecylphosphonic acid
    Tribology International (Volume 145, may 2020, Pages :106139 (12))
    Cornuault, Pierre-Henri | Melot, Jean-Marie | Roizard, Xavier | Lallemand, Fabrice
  • inproceedings - Numerical investigation on key process parameters affecting blanking of steel sheet by using finite element method
    4th International Conference on Material Engineering and Manufacturing (ICMEM 2020) / Tokyo, Japan (2020, Pages pages 6)
    Sahli, Mohamed Lakdhar | Roizard, Xavier | Colas, Guillaume | Assoul, Mohamed | Cornuault, Pierre-Henri
    pdf | bibtex

2019 (4)

  • inproceedings - L'aloe vera dans la formulation de SAMs pour l'adhérence et la tribologie
    20° journée d'étude sur l'adhésion (JADH 2019) / Annecy, France (2019)
    Rougier, Agathe | Aufray, Maëlenn | Lallemand, Fabrice | Touyeras, Francis | Roizard, Xavier | Hihn, Jean-Yves
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Effet de la fonctionnalisation d'aciers inoxydables sur l'adhésion de films organiques
    20° journée d'étude sur l'adhésion (JADH 2019) / Annecy, France (2019, Pages pages 1)
    Rougier, Agathe | Aufray, Maëlenn | Lallemand, Fabrice | Touyeras, Francis | Roizard, Xavier | Hihn, Jean-Yves
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Development of an ecological lubrication adapted to the shaping of metallic materials by grafting organic molecules
    International Conference on Nanoscience and Materials World ( 2019) / Barcelona, Spain (2019)
    Roizard, Xavier
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Soudage du bois par frottement: Approche tribologique
    8èmes Journées GDR 3544 "Sciences du bois" (2019) / Epinal, France (2019, Pages pages 4)
    Ayem, Mariem | Roizard, Xavier | Cornuault, Pierre-Henri | Assoul, Mohamed | Colas, Guillaume | Carpentier, Luc
    pdf | bibtex

2018 (6)

  • inproceedings - Afuludine, solution hydroalcoolique pour la mise en forme des matériaux
    Association de Traitement Thermique et de Traitement de Surface (A3TS 2018) / Metz, France (2018, Pages pages 5)
    Lallemand, Fabrice | Roizard, Xavier
  • inproceedings - Micro-Tribological Behavior of Stainless Steel Modified with Alkylphosphonic Acids: Influence of Chain Length
    18th Nordic Symposium on Tribology (NORDTRIB 2018) / Uppsala, Sweden (2018)
    Carpentier, Luc | Roizard, Xavier | Cote, Jean-Marc | Melot, Jean-Marie | Lallemand, Fabrice
  • inproceedings - Friction wood welding: a tribological approach
    18th Nordic Symposium on Tribology (NORDTRIB 2018) / Uppsala, Sweden (2018)
    Carpentier, Luc | Cornuault, Pierre-Henri | Roizard, Xavier
  • inproceedings - Caractérisation tribologique de monocouches auto-assemblées grâce à un micro-tribomètre spécifique permettant d'appliquer de très faibles pressions de contact
    30èmes Journées Internationales Francophones de Tribologie (JIFT 2018) / Sophia Antipolis, France (2018, Pages pages 25-26)
    Roizard, Xavier | Carpentier, Luc | Cote, Jean-Marc | Melot, Jean-Marie | Lallemand, Fabrice
  • inproceedings - Le comportement en frottement de films de molécules auto-assemblées d'acide alkylphosphonique, révélé par la technique de tribométrie oscillante en relaxation
    30èmes Journées Internationales Francophones de Tribologie (JIFT 2018) / Sophia Antipolis, France (2018)
    Belin, Michel | Cornuault, Pierre-Henri | Rigaud, Emmanuel | Roizard, Xavier | Melot, Jean-Marie | Lallemand, Fabrice
  • article - Friction behavior of ferritic stainless steel in a strongly diluted alcohol solution of alkylphosphonic acid
    Tribology International (Volume 118, feb 2018, Pages :465 - 473)
    Roizard, Xavier | Heinrichs, Jannica | Butéri, Aurélien | Jacobson, Staffan | Borgeot, Mélanie | Carpentier, Luc | Melot, Jean-Marie | Lallemand, Fabrice

2017 (3)

  • inproceedings - Simulation expérimentale de l'opération d'emboutissage par des essais de type étirage-plan - Corrélation entre essais de laboratoire et essais semi-industriels
    29ème Journées Internationales Francophones de Tribologie (JIFT 2017) / Saint Ouen, France (2017)
    Roizard, Xavier | Borgeot, Mélanie | Butéri, Aurélien | Melot, Jean-Marie | Lallemand, Fabrice
  • inproceedings - Propriétés tribologiques de monocouches auto-assemblées sur un substrat de cuivre - Influence de la longueur de chaine alkyle
    29ème Journées Internationales Francophones de Tribologie (JIFT 2017) / Saint Ouen, France (2017)
    Roizard, Xavier | Moine, Mohamed Moustapha | Et Taouil, Abdeslam | Melot, Jean-Marie | Lallemand, Fabrice
  • inproceedings - Simulation expérimentale de l'opération d'emboutissage : quels types d'essais pour une qualification de l'interface ?
    Caractérisation tribologique des revêtements de surface, expérimentation et normalisation (A3TS 2017) / Limoges, France (2017)
    Roizard, Xavier

2016 (5)

  • inproceedings - Global rethinking of the lubrication of ferritic stainless steel sheets - Low friction and wear using strongly diluted alcohol solution of alkylphosphonic acid
    17th Nordic Symposium on Tribology (Nordtrib 2016) / Aulanko, Finland (2016)
    Roizard, Xavier | Heinrichs, Jannica | Butéri, Aurélien | Jacobson, Staffan | Borgeot, Mélanie | Carpentier, Luc | Melot, Jean-Marie | Lallemand, Fabrice
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Development of a new green industrial lubricant for stamping operations - Application to stainless steels
    International Deep-Drawing Research Group (IDDRG 2016) / Lintz, Austria (2016)
    Butéri, Aurélien | Borgeot, Mélanie | Roizard, Xavier | Lallemand, Fabrice | Melot, Jean-Marie | Morand, L.
    pdf | bibtex
  • article - Insights into sliding wear and friction behavior of copper in ethanol containing alkylphosphonic acid molecules
    Tribology International (Volume 96, apr 2016, Pages :141 - 148)
    Roizard, Xavier | Heinrichs, Jannica | Et Taouil, Abdeslam | Jacobson, Staffan | Olsson, Mikael | Melot, Jean-Marie | Lallemand, Fabrice
  • inproceedings - Amélioration du frottement métal-métal en milieu lubrifié à l'aide d'acides alkylphosphoniques fortement dilués dans une solution hydro-alcoolique
    28èmes Journées Internationales Francophones de Tribologie (JIFT 2016) / Saint-Etienne, France (2016)
    Roizard, Xavier | Borgeot, Mélanie | Butéri, Aurélien | Heinrichs, Jannica | Jacobson, Staffan | Melot, Jean-Marie | Lallemand, Fabrice
    pdf | bibtex
  • article - Influence of modification time and high frequency ultrasound irradiation on self-assembling of alkylphosphonic acids on stainless steel : electrochemical and spectroscopic studies
    Ultrasonics Sonochemistry (Volume 28, jan 2016, Pages :269 - 275)
    Roy, Florian | Et Taouil, Abdeslam | Lallemand, Fabrice | Melot, Jean-Marie | Roizard, Xavier | Heintz, Olivier | Moutarlier, Virginie | Hihn, Jean-Yves

2014 (1)

  • misc - Traitement de surface de substrats métalliques
    (sep 2014)
    Roizard, Xavier | Lallemand, Fabrice | Melot, Jean-Marie | Butéri, Aurélien | Borgeot, Mélanie

2013 (3)

  • article - Grafting and characterization of dodecylphosphonic acid on copper: Macro-tribological behavior and surface properties
    Surface and Coatings Technology (Volume 232, oct 2013, Pages :567 - 574)
    Moine, Mohamed Moustapha | Roizard, Xavier | Melot, Jean-Marie | Carpentier, Luc | Cornuault, Pierre-Henri | Lallemand, Fabrice | Rauch, Jean-Yves | Heintz, Olivier | Lallemand, Séverine
  • inproceedings - Monocouche auto-assemblée d'acide phosphonique comme revêtements anti-corrosion et lubrifiants
    Journées d’Electrochimie 2013 (2013, Pages pages 1 - 6)
    Moine, Mohamed Moustapha | Lallemand, Fabrice | Roizard, Xavier | Melot, Jean-Marie | Borgeot, Mélanie | Carpentier, Luc | Cornuault, Pierre-Henri
  • inproceedings - Caractérisation tribologique de films moléculaires d'acide phosphonique déposés sur une surface de cuivre
    25èmes Journées Internationales Francophones de Tribologie (JIFT 2013) / Ecully, France (2013, Pages pages 1 - 8)
    Moine, Mohamed Moustapha | Roizard, Xavier | Lallemand, Fabrice | Carpentier, Luc | Cornuault, Pierre-Henri | Melot, Jean-Marie | Rauch, Jean-Yves | Millot, Christine
    pdf | bibtex

2011 (3)

  • article - Characterization of the surface properties of polypyrrole films: Influence of electrodeposition parameters
    Synthetic Metals (Volume 161, Issue (21-22), nov 2011, Pages :2498 - 2505)
    Patois, Tilia | Lakard, Boris | Monney, Sandrine | Roizard, Xavier | Fievet, Patrick
  • inproceedings - Approche tribologique du soudage du bois par frottement
    20ème Congrès Français de Mécanique (CFM 2011) / Besançon, France (2011)
    Hamant, Guillaume | Cornuault, Pierre-Henri | Placet, Vincent | Binder, P. | Roizard, Xavier
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Méthodologie d’essais pour une caractérisation tribologique de monocouches auto-assemblées
    20ème Congrès Français de Mécanique (CFM 2011) / Besançon, France (2011)
    Moine, Mohamed Moustapha | Roizard, Xavier | Carpentier, Luc | Cornuault, Pierre-Henri | Lallemand, Fabrice | Melot, Jean-Marie
    pdf | bibtex

2010 (3)

  • article - Microtribological and corrosion behaviors of 1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorodecanethiol self-assembled films on copper surfaces
    Surface and Coatings Technology (Volume 205, Issue (7), dec 2010, Pages :2511 - 2517)
    Patois, Tilia | Et Taouil, Abdeslam | Lallemand, Fabrice | Carpentier, Luc | Roizard, Xavier | Hihn, Jean-Yves | Blondeau-Patissier, Virginie | Mekhalif, Zineb
  • inproceedings - Microtribological and corrosion behaviors of 1H, 1H, 2H, 2H-perfluorodecanethiol self-assembled films on coppers surfaces
    61th Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry / Nice, France (2010)
    Patois, Tilia | Et Taouil, Abdeslam | Lallemand, Fabrice | Carpentier, Luc | Roizard, Xavier | Hihn, Jean-Yves | Blondeau-Patissier, Virginie | Mekhalif, Zineb
  • inproceedings - Elaboration et propriétés tribologiques de monocouches auto-assemblées sur un substrat en alliage cuivreux sollicité en régime de lubrification limite
    22èmes Journées Internationales Francophones de Tribologie (JIFT 2010) / Albi, France (2010)
    Roizard, Xavier | Carpentier, Luc | Cornuault, Pierre-Henri | Patois, Tilia | Lallemand, Fabrice | Monteil, Guy

2007 (1)

  • article - Influence of the structure of blanked materials upon the blanking quality of copper alloys
    Journal of Materials Processing Technology (Volume 186, Issue (1-3), may 2007, Pages :27--32)
    Greban, F. | Monteil, Guy | Roizard, Xavier

publications de Thiam Abdarahmane

2024 (1)

  • inproceedings - An imaging technique for the strain-engineering of deformable electrodes
    PhotoMechanics - iDICs Conference (2024) / Clermont-Ferrand, France (2024, Pages pages 2)
    Thiam, Abdarahmane | Rousselot, Christophe | Gaillard, Yves | Raschetti, Marina | Vieira, Marion | Kanoufi, Frédéric | Amiot, Fabien

publications de Todeschini Romain

publications de Walker Thibaud

2023 (1)

  • inproceedings - Développement d'un fluide de coupe sans huile à partir de molécules actives solvatées
    Séminaire du réseau Manufacturing'21 (2024) / Cluny, France (2023, Pages pages 1)
    Walker, Thibaud | Fontaine, Michaël | Roizard, Xavier | Lallemand, Fabrice