Article publié dans Echosciences BFC sur le travail Science Art avec les artistes TAKT (Janvier 2025)
Science festival, Oct the 10th 2024, at Villersexel's castel
Several members of the team (Alain Rouleau, Eugénie Vidal, Jérome Dejeu) have participated to a special day, "Science in the castle", organized by Celine Elie-Caille, in the castle of Villersexel.The principle was to bring science close to schools, out of the big towns. A big thanks to the other colleagues from FEMTO-ST, Zeina El Masry, JY Rauch, Nicolas Brossard for their huge participation !! Also, TakT (Adèle Tilouine et Tyler Kaufman) were also present to propose an initiation to Science Art. From 9am to 4:30 pm, the event was devoted to schools, and after 5pm, everybody was invited to participate !,.html
Artist residency (march 2024)
TakT (Adèle Tilouine et Tyler Kaufman) étaient dans l’équipe Nano2BIO durant le mois de Mars 2024 pour une résidence artistique.
Find all the information on the TakT website.
Click here to watch the video made by TakT.
Welcome to students from Jules Haag.
On Wednesday, June 30th, we had the honor of hosting and giving a tour of our laboratory, where we presented our research topics to the students from Jules Haag preparatory class.
Science festival, in October
Every year, researchers from the team participate in the Science Festival to introduce the exciting world of research, to present our topics and a bit of extracellular vesicles.
Artwork creation by our students
With the assistance of TAKT, students from the team participated in creating a scale model of EVs (see photos). Following this, they continued the project independently to create a second model focusing on interatomic interactions.