The Nano2BIO team, in February 2025
Permanent members : Céline Elie-Caille, Wilfrid Boireau, Jérome Dejeu, Benjamin Brunel, Alain Rouleau
Contractual members : Eugénie Vidal, Sylvain Midrouet, Geetika Raizada,
PhD students : Mohamed Kouryani, Doha Zorkot
Interns : Hisham Amerssid, Mélanie Ott, Lafortune Choumessi

Céline Élie-CailleAssociate Professor – University of Franche-Comté Head of the Nano2BIO team | |

Wilfrid BoireauResearch Director - CNRS CLIPP platform Manager | |

Jérome DejeuAssociate Professor – SUPMICROTECH ENSMM | |

Benjamin BrunelAssociate Professor - ISIFC | |

Alain RouleauEngineer - University of Franche-Comté | Specialized in biology (immunology, physiology, oncology, in vitro diagnostics), works at the FEMTO-ST Institute in Besançon. He participates in projects on bio-interactions (Surface Plasmon Resonance), the development of biological sensors, and optical, biochemical, and biophysical characterization. He is also the technical manager of the CLIPP proteomics platform. | | Mail :

Eugénie VidalEngineer | Engineer, recruited on ENDOMITOPAH ANR project (2024-2027) | Developing a method for characterization and lysis of extracellular vesicles for subsequent proteomic analysis. | Mail :

Mohamed Kouryani1st year PhD | PhD student (1st year), diplomated with a Master's in Materials Science and Engineering - Physics and Engineering of Nanomaterials | Development of a Biochip compatible with surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) and surface plasmon resonance (SPR) for the characterization of extracellular vesicles. | Mail :

Geetika RaizadaResearch Engineer - UFC | |

Sylvain MidrouetResearch Engineer - UFC | Specialized in biomedical engineering and in vitro diagnostic systems. Focusing on replicating coagulation process in microfluidic and biomimetic chips. Recruited on EV TEST Project in order to characterize sub-populations of EVs using an immunocapture module (FEMTO-ST, Besançon) coupled with a hydrodynamic sorting module (LAAS, Toulouse).

Doha Zorkot1st year PhD | Multiscale and dynamic analysis by multiplex nanobiochips of secretomes from macrophages and fibrogenic cells. Mail: |
Lafortune Choumessi
M1 intern | Secretome analysis in glioblastoma |
Mélanie Ott
M1 intern | Development of preanalytical steps for EVs subsets proteomic investigation |

Hisham AMESSIRD Master 2 intern | Characterization of extracellular vesicles by Raman Spectroscopy |