The team

The Nano2BIO team, in February 2025

Permanent members : Céline Elie-Caille, Wilfrid Boireau, Jérome Dejeu, Benjamin Brunel, Alain Rouleau

Contractual members : Eugénie Vidal, Sylvain Midrouet, Geetika Raizada,

PhD students : Mohamed Kouryani, Doha Zorkot

Interns : Hisham Amerssid, Mélanie Ott, Lafortune Choumessi

Céline Élie-Caille

Associate Professor – University of Franche-Comté

Head of the Nano2BIO team

Expertise in Atomic Force Microscopy for the qualification of multi-scale biological objects, from molecules to cells, in Micronanostructuring of substrates, in Purification and reconstitution of membrane proteins in proteoliposomes and supported lipid bilayers.

Mail :

Tel : 0381666607

Wilfrid Boireau

Research Director - CNRS

CLIPP platform Manager

Expertise in supramolecular engineering, functional biointerfaces, biophysical characterization of molecular interactions, qualification of multi-scale biological targets (molecules, extracellular vesicles, cells) in biofluids.

Mail :

Tel : 0381666607

Jérome Dejeu

Associate Professor – SUPMICROTECH ENSMM

Expertise in surface functionalization, biophysical characterization of molecular interactions (DNA, proteins, sugars, etc.): kinetics and thermodynamics.

Mail :

Tel : 0363082623

Benjamin Brunel

Associate Professor - ISIFC

Expertise in Raman spectroscopy, focusing on optical aspects (Raman microscopy, SERS) and data analysis (chemometrics, machine learning), applied to the analysis of biological samples (tissue histological sections, cells, EVs).

Mail :

Tel : 0363082476

Alain Rouleau

Engineer - University of Franche-Comté

Specialized in biology (immunology, physiology, oncology, in vitro diagnostics), works at the FEMTO-ST Institute in Besançon. He participates in projects on bio-interactions (Surface Plasmon Resonance), the development of biological sensors, and optical, biochemical, and biophysical characterization. He is also the technical manager of the CLIPP proteomics platform.

Mail :

Eugénie Vidal


Engineer, recruited on ENDOMITOPAH ANR project (2024-2027)

Developing a method for characterization and lysis of extracellular vesicles for subsequent proteomic analysis.

Mail :

Mohamed Kouryani

1st year PhD

PhD student (1st year), diplomated with a Master's in Materials Science and Engineering - Physics and Engineering of Nanomaterials
Development of a Biochip compatible with surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) and surface plasmon resonance (SPR) for the characterization of extracellular vesicles.
Mail :

Geetika Raizada

Research Engineer - UFC

Missions : transfer her knowledges to new students & members in the team, launching new projects
Mail :

Sylvain Midrouet

Research Engineer - UFC

Specialized in biomedical engineering and in vitro diagnostic systems.

Focusing on replicating coagulation process in microfluidic and biomimetic chips.

Recruited on EV TEST Project in order to characterize sub-populations of EVs using an immunocapture module (FEMTO-ST, Besançon) coupled with a hydrodynamic sorting module (LAAS, Toulouse).

Mail :

Doha Zorkot

1st year PhD

Multiscale and dynamic analysis by multiplex nanobiochips of secretomes from macrophages and fibrogenic cells.

Lafortune Choumessi

M1 intern

Secretome analysis in glioblastoma

Mélanie Ott

M1 intern

Development of preanalytical steps for EVs subsets proteomic investigation


Master 2 intern

Characterization of extracellular vesicles by Raman Spectroscopy