Several members of the team lead initiatives within various Research Group Networks (RGN). Here are the different RGNs:
CarMa Nano
Celine leads the NanoBioparticles axis of the CarMa Nano RGN.
NEXT November The 26th 2024, from 2 to 6 pm, The members of the NanoBioParticles Axis of the GDR CarMa Nano will meet in FEMTO-ST, to discuss and envision the road map on that subject.
Introduction to the Network
The GDR (Groupement de Recherche) stems from an initiative launched within the Club nanoMétrologie (CnM), a national network of public/private/institutional partners established in 2011 by the Laboratoire National de Métrologie et d’Essais (LNE) and the Centre national de compétences en Nanosciences of CNRS (C’Nano).
The main missions were:
- To bridge the gap between the industrial and academic worlds by sharing challenges and issues related to nanoscale measurements.
- To disseminate best practices in measurement at this very specific scale.
The 4 main thematic axes of CarMa Nano
Over the past two years of CnM, we have driven a dynamic around four new thematic axes focusing on upstream measurement challenges that are gaining momentum, and we have federated working groups with expert researchers in these domains.
These axes focus on:
- Electrical measurements at the nanoscale.
- Metrology of synthetic nanoparticles in complex environments and biological nanoparticles (Viruses and Virus Like Particles (VLPs), Lipid Nanoparticles (LNPs), extracellular vesicles).
- Surface chemistry characterization.
- Thermal measurements at the nanoscale.
Each of these axes is led by one or two motivated facilitators.
This experience has convinced us of the importance of cross-disciplinary experiences, breaking down barriers in nanoscale measurements across disciplines, and using multi-instrument couplings in a multi-technique approach, which can sometimes be repurposed from their original use.
Thus, we are driving this project to create a GDR focused on multidisciplinary approaches to measurements of a magnitude for its qualification at the nanoscale.
The GDR is structured around these four thematic axes, with an additional fifth axis focused on "Nanomechanics & Measurements" and a cross-sectional axis dedicated to data processing.
Objectives of the thematic network
The objective is to identify and address specific measurement challenges at a small scale by connecting communities to build a common culture of measurement across all gradations, from obtaining signals to metrology linked to the International System of Units.
However, the GDR remains closely aligned with industry concerns by creating a partner club through which technology transfer and monitoring of industrial issues can be carried out.
Our goals are:
- Establish an assessment of instrument performance and sources of error.
- Move towards quantitative measurements.
- Qualify measurements on a metrological maturity scale.
- Cross skills and create connections.
- Couple instruments.
- Develop and disseminate new data processing techniques.
- Promote best practices.
REVE network
Céline is part of the steering committee of the REVE network (
REVE stands for "Réseau Est des Vésicules Extracellulaires," which is a generalist, local, and inclusive network.
Who is it for? Researchers, engineers, clinicians, technicians, and students.
Number of members? 80 members
Organization and leadership:
- Steering Committee (C. Elie-Caille from Besançon, J. Gobbo, from Dijon, V. Hyenne, from Strasbourg)
- Correspondents in Reims and Nancy
- Network days (3 per year, thematic days)
- Compilation of a directory and mapping of expertise and equipment
- List of calls for proposals related to EVs
Wilfrid is involved in the RGN B2I
Jerome is member of the scientific organization committee "Biophysical methods for the real-time characterization of biomolecular interactions (Kinetics 2025)" organized by the MOSBRI (The MOlecular-Scale Biophysics Research Infrastructure) MOSBRI enables ambitious integrative multi-technological studies of biological systems at the crucial intermediate level between atomic-resolution structural descriptions and cellular-scale observation) at Institut Pasteur, Paris, France.
More information on :
Chemical-Physic Division:
Jerome DEJEU is member of the Chemical-Physic Division council (DCP) of the French Chemical Society (SCF)
The Nano2BIO team will welcome the Bruker days, next November the 27 & 28th 2024, at FEMTO-ST Institute !
Save the date !! Details (registration, abstract submission , ...) coming soon !!