Acronym : CAMICAZE  (CAvité MultI-diéleCtrique Active à mode de Bloch pour capteur de gaZ optiquE)
Abstract : The development and the implementation of ultra-sensitive sensors face the growing demands of societal challenges related to health and environment. Despite the high potential economic and societal impacts, to date there is no technology to measure the presence of volatile organic compounds in an uncontrolled environment with the required reliability and accuracy. The optical technique that we propose here aims to overcome this limitation while offering in the medium term a potential for miniaturization and large-scale integration.
The technique is based on an analytical synthesis method based on the concept of the zero-admittance layer, developed by the Fresnel Institute (IF) to generate a giant enhancement of the optical field in the detection area of the sensor. We use a multi-layered system to benefit from a large number of degrees of freedom to optimally engineer the optical enhancement. This method opens up the unprecedented possibility of arbitrarily defining the optical resonance conditions of the device. It also works for multilayer substrates, and the optical enhancement can be adjusted and located within the device. Finally, simultaneous resonances can be synthesized for several angles of incidence and / or wavelengths.
In this project, the synthesis process is extended by IF to luminescent microcavities. This eliminates the need for any open space illumination system, as well as a matrix detector. The basic structure consists of a luminescent active layer, one or several zero-admittance layers, and a single Bragg mirror. Fabrication by epitaxial growth is carried out by CRHEA, while Femto-ST has in charge the surfaces functionalization. LAAS will integrate the active parts into different types of microfluidic systems and gas micro-chambers. The IF will ensure the development of sensor metrology and experimental characterization methods.

Funding Agency: Agence Nationale de la Recherche

Partnership: Institut FRESNEL, CRHEA, LAAS and FEMTO-ST
Grant or funding obtained: 55 k€
Start and end dates: dec. 2023 -  dec. 2026