
Let's see our lastest project belows !


Acronym : HITS Project leader : F. Palmino Partnership : Laboratoire de Physique des Solides (ORSAY), INSTITUT DE PHYSIQUE DE RENNES, SOLEIL SYNCHROTRON SOLEIL, Unité mixte de physique CNRS/Thalès...


Acronym : Light4net Project leader : F. Chérioux Partnership : IM2NP (Marseille) and FEMTO-ST Abstract : Light4Net is a collaborative project which enrolls two major French academic research...


Acronym : OVATION Project leader : F. Palmino Partnership : Paris Chemistry Research Institute and FEMTO-ST Abstract : Activation of small molecules, such as N2 by metal-based complexes often occurs...


Acronym : UNDERGROUND Project leader : Jean-Michel Friedt Partnership : TOTAL and FEMTO-ST Abstract : A complete wafer of microfabricated acoustic sensors The project aims at meeting environmental...


Acronym : TraThI Project leader (in FEMTO-ST) : M.Barthès Partnership : IUSTI (Marseille; leader), IMFT (Toulouse); LTT-UL (Ljubljana, Slovenia) Abstract : Thanks to a multi-scale approach, the...


Acronym : CAMICAZE (CAvité MultI-diéleCtrique Active à mode de Bloch pour capteur de gaZ optiquE) Abstract : The development and the implementation of ultra-sensitive sensors face the growing demands...


Acronym : uNIQUE (Nanophononics for Quantum Information Processing) -- Abstract : By merging concepts stemming from SAW devices, phononics, and nanomechanics. uNIQUE aims at building an on-chip...


Acronym : PULSACION Project’s leader (in FEMTO-ST): R. Boudot (Time-Frequency department), (in MOSAIC) N. Passilly Partnership : FEMTO-ST , Syrlinks Abstract : Cs vapor microfabricated cell made of...


Acronym : DOCT-VCSEL Project’s leader (in FEMTO-ST): N. Passilly Partnership : LAAS (Toulouse, Coordinator), FEMTO-ST , CHU Saint-Etienne DOCT-VCSEL: 4x4 Array of miniature Mirau interferometers with...


Acronym : ATOMICHEM Project’s leader (in FEMTO-ST) : F. Chérioux Partnership : IPCMS (Strasbourg), HORIBA and FEMTO-ST Abstract : Tools capable of exploring matter with ultimate spatial resolution...