Acronym : HITS

Project leader : F. Palmino

Partnership : Laboratoire de Physique des Solides (ORSAY), INSTITUT DE PHYSIQUE DE RENNES, SOLEIL SYNCHROTRON SOLEIL, Unité mixte de physique CNRS/Thalès and FEMTO-ST.

Summary :

Organic spintronic devices are extremely polyvalent due to the versatility of chemistry. However, a better fundamental understanding of these hybrid organic/inorganic interfaces is necessary because there are still many open questions about the spin transport through these interfaces. Unoccupied interface states are rather unknown experimentally, so we will probe them with two unique setups in France: a spin- and angle-resolved inverse photoemission setup and a ballistic electron emission microscope. We propose a complementary consortium in which each partner is internationally recognized. This multidisciplinary and ambitious project aims at studying, on model systems, the spin injection at the interfaces between self-organized molecular monolayers on single-crystalline ferromagnetic substrates.

Nature of the project : research

Funding agency : ANR

Grant of funding obtained : 683 k€

Project start and end date : 02/2021 – 02/2025