Our partnerships
French academic partners :
Chimie ParisTech , IM2NP (Marseille), CEMES (Toulouse), IEMN (Lille), Institut Néel (Grenoble), ENS Ulm (Paris), IPCMS (Strasbourg), LAAS-CNRS (Toulouse), CHU Saint-Etienne (Paris), CHRU Besançon, LKB (Paris)
Foreign academic partners :
NIST (Boulder, USA), University of Florida (Gainesville, USA), École Polytechnique Montréal (Canada), Argonne National Lab (USA), University College London (UK), University of Lincoln (UK), Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid (Spain)
Industrial partners :
Tronics Microsystems (Crolles), Syrlinks (Cesson-Sévigné), SAES Getters (Lainate, Italy)
Our projects
Organic spintronic devices are extremely polyvalent due to the versatility of chemistry. However, a better fundamental understanding of these hybrid organic/inorganic interfaces is necessary because there are still many open questions about the spin transport through these interfaces…
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Ordered arrays of nanoscale objects supported on a surface are of growing interest for many technological applications. Nevertheless, the fabrication of extended regular structures is quite challenging and mainly reported for self-assembled supramolecular structures on metal surfaces....Read more ...
Activation of small molecules, such as N2 by metal-based complexes often occurs via mechanisms involving changes in redox state, spin state, bond breaking and formation. Therefore radical reactions are particularly suited for providing insights into such aspects...
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The project aims at meeting environmental challenges related to land restoration following its use by oil industry infrastructures by providing the means for long term monitoring of organic pollutants in the subsurface.
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Tools capable of exploring matter with ultimate spatial resolution have attracted a tremendous interest over the past decades. Among those, scanning probe microscopes (SPMs) have played a pre-eminent role allowing one to visualize, manipulate and address electronic, magnetic or optical properties with atomic-scale resolution. A drawback of SPMs is their very low chemical sensitivity, a constant limitation for investigations aiming at characterizing fundamental chemical phenomena occurring at the molecular level.
Over the past thirty years, the remarkable technological advances in microfabrication processes have
thrust mechanical vibrations into the quantum realm. The intrinsic coherence of mechanical motion and the capability to couple it to other physical degrees of freedom hold promises of scalable hybrid quantum platforms...
DOCT-VCSEL aims at demonstrating and implementing a new generation of MEMS-VCSEL swept-sources emitting at 850 nm and their integration in a highly miniaturized OCT system for skin pathologies detection.
Cutaneous cancer is currently the most commonly diagnosed type of cancers and its early diagnosis increases the chances of successful treatment...
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Chip-scale atomic clocks (CSACs) provide unprecedented frequency stability within volumes down to a few cubic centimeters and power consumptions as low as 100 mW. In this framework, the ANR project PULSACION aims at providing novel solutions in order to improve the long-term frequency stability of miniature atomic clocks based on coherent population trapping (CPT)...
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The development and the implementation of ultra-sensitive sensors face the growing demands of societal challenges related to health and environment. Despite the high potential economic and societal impacts, to date there is no technology to measure the presence of volatile organic compounds in an uncontrolled environment with the required reliability and accuracy. The optical technique that we propose here aims to overcome this limitation while offering in the medium term a potential for miniaturization and large-scale integration.Read more...
Thanks to a multi-scale approach, the TraThI project aims at a better understanding of the transfer mechanisms at the interfaces in order to propose new heat extraction techniques, able to respond to such power density levels.
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