Project’s leader (in FEMTO-ST): R. Boudot (Time-Frequency department), (in MOSAIC) N. Passilly
Partnership : FEMTO-ST, Syrlinks
Abstract :
Cs vapor microfabricated cell made of glass-slicon-glass sandwich.
Chip-scale atomic clocks (CSACs) provide unprecedented frequency stability within volumes down to a few cubic centimeters and power consumptions as low as 100 mW. In this framework, the ANR project PULSACION aims at providing novel solutions in order to improve the long-term frequency stability of miniature atomic clocks based on coherent population trapping (CPT). In particular, it focuses on a new generation of alkaline vapor microfabricated cells and on new interrogation sequences in order to extent the temperature range and the long-term stability performances of the miniature atomic clock. Such atomic frequency references are a strong alternative to quartz-crystal based oscillators in numerous applications where precise timing is required. This concerns as well civilian applications such as telecommunications, banking, power distribution, as defense applications, such as communications, platform coordination or navigation. PULSACION follows a long – 15 years - collaboration between Time-Frequency and MN2S departments of FEMTO-ST regarding miniature atomic clocks based on CPT.
Funding agency : ANR ASTRID
Grant or funding obtained : 299 k€ (267k€ for FEMTO-ST)
Start and end dates : 01/2020 – 06/2023