Permanent staff
Gonzalo Cabodevila | PhD, ENSMM Lecturer (currently on leave and at the BFC region research council) Microsystems, automatic control, signal processing |
Franck Chollet | PhD, uFC Professor Microsystems, microfluidics, microfabrication |
Agathe Figarol | PhD, ISIFC Lecturer 3D in vitro model of the brain vasculature, nanotoxicology, cellular impacts of ultrasounds, and cancer-on-chip |
Annie Frelet-Barrand | PhD, CNRS Researcher Bioengineering & nano & microscale qualification of biological elements (proteins, (extracellular) vesicles, bacteria & mammalian cells) |
Vincent Humblot | PhD, CNRS Senior Researcher, BIND team leader Physico-chemistry and bio-interface engineering |
Thérèse Leblois | PhD, uFC Professor Design and fabrication of acoustic wave microsensors, micromachining in piezoelectric crystals and silicon |
Jean-François Manceau | PhD, uFC Professor Microsystems, instrumentation, acoustofluidic interactions |
Christian Pieralli | PhD, CNRS Senior Researcher Optical instrumentation, biomedical optics |
Alain Rouleau | uFC Engineer Specialist in surface plasmon resonance (SPR) technologies |
Bruno Wacogne | PhD, CNRS Senior Researcher Optics, microsystems, translational research |
Rabah Zeggari | PhD, Associate member, Engineer at FEMTO-Engineering (Besançon) Micro & Nanotechnology Engineer in charge of BioMEMS and NEMS developments. |
Non-permanent staff
Abdullah Abdelraheem | Engineer financed by SATT Sayens Coagulation monitoring in dairy products |
Charles-Louis Azzopardi | Research engineer financed by FEDER project BioImp Automatization of quality control in bioproduction |
Aurora Espadas | PhD student financed by EUR EIPHI/Region BFC Nanoblorona project Development of microfluidic instrumented device to study and optimize |
Maxime Gourgues | PhD student financed by ANR SIBorG Development of instrumented biochip of hemato-encephalic barrier model for nanovector screening |
Mohammed Hamidullah | PhD, Post-doc financed by SATT Sayens Development of an acoustic biosensor for protein detection |
Clarisse Labbe | Engineer, financed by CNRS Membrane protein cloning, production & characterizations in Lactococcus lactis |
Méline Pinson | uFC Engineer Bioengineering, biochemical & biophysical characterizations of biological elements |
Chloé Richet | PhD student financed by UMT Capplai Fast detection of pathogen in food industry |
Paul Sarpong | PhD student financed by BioImp FEDER project Development of an immunomagnetic separation device, its development and implementation of experimental protocols |
Thomas Sivier | PhD student financed by ANR SIBorG Development of a 3D microchip for a blood brain barrier in vitro model |
Bastien Vaucherey | Engineer financed by SATT Sayens innovation project Instrulmentation for milk coagulation sensor |
Thibaut Zwingelstein | PhD student financed by MESR Development of a specific bio-interface for the detection of pathogenic bacteria in the food industry |
Céleste Baquet 2024 | Master 1 internship from ECL/ULB financed by FEDER project BioImp Design and fabrication of cell sorting microfluidic chips |
Marie-Aurélie Bulle 2024 | Master 2 internship financed by industry Inhibition of cell adhesion on polypropylene prosthesis using surface modification |
Marc Prudhomme 2020-2024 | PhD co-supervised with Phononic & Microscopy team, currently post-doc at FEMTO-ST/Applied Mechanics Acousto-fluidics sensor using functionalized bubbles for detection of bio-analytes PhD thesis financed by Région BFC/EUR EIPHI scholarship and BIAcoustic project |
Charles-Louis Azzopardi 2020-2023 | PhD, Research engineer financed by H2020 project R-LiNK Treatment adherence improvement for bipolar patient. |
Océane Barrucand 2022-2023 | Engineer, Financed by SATT project Coagucapt Development of a superhydrophilic coating for a sensor Currently Phd student, Grenoble |
Pauline Bourgeois 2021-2023 | Engineer, Financed by project Mimedi and CNRS Cell biology, biochemistry and biophysics. |
Lucie Connétable 2022-2023 | Engineer, Financed by project Biospalai at UMT CAPPLAI Biodetection of specific milk pathogens |
Nassim Djelouah 2022-2023 | Engineer, Financed by Coagucapt project Development of a micro-sensor to follow milk coagulation. |
Amadou Doumbia 2021-2022 | Research engineer, currently Process Engineering Expert (Cleanroom) at AUXITROL WESTON Development of innovative microfluidic multiplexed analytical platform Financed by SATT project |
Julien Dufourmantelle 2018-2022 | PhD, post-doc Development of a micro-sensor to follow milk coagulation. PhD thesis financed by Region Franche-Comte (Entrepreneurship PhD scholarship) and post-doc by project Coagucapt |
Florian Jouy 2021-2022 | Engineer financed by European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) Mimedi project. Acoustic detection and sorting of biological elements in blood. |
Reinaldo Chacon 2021-2022 | PhD, post-doc currently engineer at Imasonic Parylene for microfuidics Financed by Intereg project Becom |
Saber Hammami 2020-2022 | PhD, Post-doc currently post-doc at CEA, LETI, Grenoble Combination of miniature multiplex resonant biosensor with microfluidic technology for the detection of potential contamination in blood products. Financed by Mimédi project |
Olivia Ben M'Barek 2020-2021 | PhD student Development of a specific bio-interface for the detection of pathogenic bacteria in the food industry |
Aleksandr Oseev 2018-2021 | PhD, Post-doc currently engineer at General Electrics, Aix-les-Bains Financed by ANR “GHOST” project |
Alpha Diallo 2019-2021 | PhD, Post-Doc currently research engineer at Centre de Recherche en Cancérologie, Lyon Whole blood cells sorting Financed by RIS3 FEDER Mimedi project |
Adeline Marguier 2020-2021 | PhD, Post-Doc, currently engineer at Cutiss AG, Switzerland Development and characterization of surfaces with antibacterial properties Financed by Interreg Meteor project |
Svenja Hermann 2018-2021 | PhD in collaboration with MMT company and Applied Mechanics Department, currently Post-Doc at FEMTO-ST Modeling and experimental characterization of flexible ferromagnetic materials - Application to the realization of low power mechatronic devices Financed by CIFRE scholarship with MMT company |
Claude Humbert 2017-2021 | PhD and Post-doc, co-supervised with Applied Mechanics department, currently post-doc at Cismat, KUAS, Austria Arrays of resonant MEMS of mechanically coupled membrane types. Application to biological molecules detection and quantification in a liquid. Financed by Labex ACTION scholarship |
Mohammad Hussein Baz 2019-2021 | Master Nanotechnology, Research engineer, currently PhD student at LAAS, Toulouse Financed by RIS3 FEDER project MiMédi |
Emmanuel Attal 2019-2021 | PhD, ATER ISIFC, currently lecturer at Chartres IUT (Université d'Orléans) Acoustics for biomedical engineering. |
Fabien Remy-Martin 2017-2021 | PhD, Post-doc currently RD Engineer at CellQuest, Besançon Financed by European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) Mimedi project. |
Emma Schenckbecher 2019-2021 | PhD, Engineer . Financed by European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) Mimedi project and CNRS |
Aymen Jallouli 2017-2020 | Phd, Post-doc, currently engineer at Silmach, Besançon Financed by Eurobraille, Paris, FUI Bisceltech and EUR PafLeCabo project. |
Déborah Legrand 2018-2020 | Chemistry Engineer Financed by European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) Mimedi project. |
Antony Flourieusse 2018-2020 | Engineer assistant Financed by ANR CaveoTank |
Ksenia Maximova 2015-2019 | PhD, currently Post-Doc at ANU, Canberra, Australia |
Reda Yahiaoui 2008-2018 | PhD, Lecturer Microsystems, embedded systems Currently at UFC, Nanomedecine laboratory |
Juliana Chawich 2015-2019 | PhD, Currently Post-Doc with Univ. Sherbrooke, Canada ZnO/GaAs-based acoustic waves microsensor for the detection of bacteria in complex liquid media PhD Thesis financed by Région FC and joint supervision with Univ. Sherbrooke (Canada). |
Benoît Le Roy de Boiseaumarié 2018-2019 | Materials engineer |
Ahmad el Youssef 2018-2019 | PhD, Temporary Lecturer and Research Assistant at ISIFC |
Audrey Guitton 2010-2018 | Biochemist Proteins purification and characterization (electrophoresis, immunoassays and SPR) Currently technician at Chrono-Environement lab, Besançon |
Charles-Louis Azzopardi 2014-2018 | PhD, Currently Post-Doc at FEMTO-ST, MN2S Acoustic wave coupled diphasics microfluidics for biological sensing application PhD Thesis financed by MENRT (Tutors: F. Chollet, J.-F. Manceau, W. Boireau) |
Rutjaphan Kateklum 2014-2017 | PhD, Currently Lecturer at Chiang Mai University Localized measurement of membrane pH of cultured cells PhD Thesis joint supervision with Chiang Mai University (Thailand) (Tutor: B. Wacogne). |
Vivien Lacour 2012-2016 | PhD, Currently Project Leader at BforCure (previously CTO at Eden Microfluidics) Acousto-fluidic interactions in a biosensor network for in vitro diagnostic PhD Thesis financed by Région FC, joint supervision with Univ. Sherbrooke, Canada (Tutors: T. Leblois, E. Elie-Caille) |
Clélia Decourbey | Biochemist |
Etienne Herth | PhD, CNRS Research Engineer Currently at C2N lab, Orsay |
Nathalie Tarchichi 2010-2013 | PhD Tunable diphasic microfluidics. PhD Thesis financed by MENRT (Tutors: F. Chollet, J.-F. Manceau) |
Alex Bienaimé 2009-2012 | PhD, Current position Engineer R&D in ElectroMedical System, SA Nyon, Suisse Microcapteur en Arséniure de Gallium pour la détection de molécules dans un fluide. PhD Thesis financed by MENRT (Tutors: T. Leblois, C. Elie-Caille) |