Group members

Permanent staff

Gonzalo Cabodevila

PhD, ENSMM Lecturer (currently on leave and at the BFC region research council)

Microsystems, automatic control, signal processing

Franck Chollet

PhD, uFC Professor

Microsystems, microfluidics, microfabrication

Agathe Figarol

PhD, ISIFC Lecturer

3D in vitro model of the brain vasculature, nanotoxicology, cellular impacts of ultrasounds, and cancer-on-chip

Annie Frelet-Barrand

PhD, CNRS Researcher

Bioengineering & nano & microscale qualification of biological elements (proteins, (extracellular) vesicles, bacteria & mammalian cells)

Vincent Humblot

PhD, CNRS Senior Researcher, BIND team leader

Physico-chemistry and bio-interface engineering

Thérèse Leblois

PhD, uFC Professor

Design and fabrication of acoustic wave microsensors, micromachining in piezoelectric crystals and silicon

Jean-François Manceau

PhD, uFC Professor

Microsystems, instrumentation, acoustofluidic interactions

Christian Pieralli

PhD, CNRS Senior Researcher

Optical instrumentation, biomedical optics

Alain Rouleau

uFC Engineer

Specialist in surface plasmon resonance (SPR) technologies

Bruno Wacogne

PhD, CNRS Senior Researcher

Optics, microsystems, translational research

Rabah Zeggari

PhD, Associate member, Engineer at FEMTO-Engineering (Besançon)

Micro & Nanotechnology Engineer in charge of BioMEMS and NEMS developments.

Non-permanent staff

Abdullah Abdelraheem

Engineer financed by SATT Sayens

Coagulation monitoring in dairy products

Charles-Louis Azzopardi

Research engineer financed by FEDER project BioImp

Automatization of quality control in bioproduction

Aurora Espadas

PhD student financed by EUR EIPHI/Region BFC Nanoblorona project

Development of microfluidic instrumented device to study and optimize
interactions between nanoparticles and blood’s proteins

Maxime Gourgues

PhD student financed by ANR SIBorG

Development of instrumented biochip of hemato-encephalic barrier model for nanovector screening

Mohammed Hamidullah

PhD, Post-doc financed by SATT Sayens

Development of an acoustic biosensor for protein detection

Clarisse Labbe

Engineer, financed by CNRS

Membrane protein cloning, production & characterizations in Lactococcus lactis

Méline Pinson

uFC Engineer

Bioengineering, biochemical & biophysical characterizations of biological elements

Chloé Richet

PhD student financed by UMT Capplai

Fast detection of pathogen in food industry

Paul Sarpong

PhD student financed by BioImp FEDER project

Development of an immunomagnetic separation device, its development and implementation of experimental protocols

Thomas Sivier

PhD student financed by ANR SIBorG

Development of a 3D microchip for a blood brain barrier in vitro model

Bastien Vaucherey

Engineer financed by SATT Sayens innovation project

Instrulmentation for milk coagulation sensor

Thibaut Zwingelstein

PhD student financed by MESR

Development of a specific bio-interface for the detection of pathogenic bacteria in the food industry


Céleste Baquet


Master 1 internship from ECL/ULB financed by FEDER project BioImp

Design and fabrication of cell sorting microfluidic chips

Marie-Aurélie Bulle


Master 2 internship financed by industry

Inhibition of cell adhesion on polypropylene prosthesis using surface modification

Marc Prudhomme


PhD co-supervised with Phononic & Microscopy team, currently post-doc at FEMTO-ST/Applied Mechanics

Acousto-fluidics sensor using functionalized bubbles for detection of bio-analytes

PhD thesis financed by Région BFC/EUR EIPHI scholarship and BIAcoustic project

Charles-Louis Azzopardi


PhD, Research engineer financed by H2020 project R-LiNK

Treatment adherence improvement for bipolar patient.

Océane Barrucand


Engineer, Financed by SATT project Coagucapt

Development of a superhydrophilic coating for a sensor

Currently Phd student, Grenoble

Pauline Bourgeois


Engineer, Financed by project Mimedi and CNRS

Cell biology, biochemistry and biophysics.

Lucie Connétable


Engineer, Financed by project Biospalai at UMT CAPPLAI

Biodetection of specific milk pathogens

Nassim Djelouah


Engineer, Financed by Coagucapt project

Development of a micro-sensor to follow milk coagulation.

Amadou Doumbia


Research engineer, currently Process Engineering Expert (Cleanroom) at AUXITROL WESTON

Development of innovative microfluidic multiplexed analytical platform

Financed by SATT project

Julien Dufourmantelle


PhD, post-doc

Development of a micro-sensor to follow milk coagulation.

PhD thesis financed by Region Franche-Comte (Entrepreneurship PhD scholarship) and post-doc by project Coagucapt

Florian Jouy


Engineer financed by European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) Mimedi project.

Acoustic detection and sorting of biological elements in blood.

Reinaldo Chacon


PhD, post-doc currently engineer at Imasonic

Parylene for microfuidics

Financed by Intereg project Becom

Saber Hammami


PhD, Post-doc currently post-doc at CEA, LETI, Grenoble

Combination of miniature multiplex resonant biosensor with microfluidic technology for the detection of potential contamination in blood products.

Financed by Mimédi project

Olivia Ben M'Barek


PhD student

Development of a specific bio-interface for the detection of pathogenic bacteria in the food industry

Aleksandr Oseev


PhD, Post-doc currently engineer at General Electrics, Aix-les-Bains
GHOST project is a collaborative project of FEMTO-ST, NVH, CHRU Dijon and EFS-BFC. It is focused on the development of innovative microfluidic analytical platform for the complex analysis of primary haemostasis.

Financed by ANR “GHOST” project

Alpha Diallo


PhD, Post-Doc currently research engineer at Centre de Recherche en Cancérologie, Lyon

Whole blood cells sorting

Financed by RIS3 FEDER Mimedi project

Adeline Marguier


PhD, Post-Doc, currently engineer at Cutiss AG, Switzerland

Development and characterization of surfaces with antibacterial properties

Financed by Interreg Meteor project

Svenja Hermann


PhD in collaboration with MMT company and Applied Mechanics Department, currently Post-Doc at FEMTO-ST

Modeling and experimental characterization of flexible ferromagnetic materials - Application to the realization of low power mechatronic devices

Financed by CIFRE scholarship with MMT company

Claude Humbert


PhD and Post-doc, co-supervised with Applied Mechanics department, currently post-doc at Cismat, KUAS, Austria

Arrays of resonant MEMS of mechanically coupled membrane types. Application to biological molecules detection and quantification in a liquid.

Financed by Labex ACTION scholarship

Mohammad Hussein Baz


Master Nanotechnology, Research engineer, currently PhD student at LAAS, Toulouse
In charge of characterization of Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products by biochemical and biophysical characterizations as part of the MiMédI project.

Financed by RIS3 FEDER project MiMédi

Emmanuel Attal


PhD, ATER ISIFC, currently lecturer at Chartres IUT (Université d'Orléans)

Acoustics for biomedical engineering.

Fabien Remy-Martin


PhD, Post-doc currently RD Engineer at CellQuest, Besançon
Detection and quantification of biological elements by acoustic sensor.

Financed by European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) Mimedi project.

Emma Schenckbecher


PhD, Engineer .
Cell biology, biochemistry and biophysics.

Financed by European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) Mimedi project and CNRS

Aymen Jallouli


Phd, Post-doc, currently engineer at Silmach, Besançon
Development of new Braille interfaces for blind and highly visually-impaired people based on MEMS technology and study of acousto-fluidic chips for biomedical sensing.

Financed by Eurobraille, Paris, FUI Bisceltech and EUR PafLeCabo project.

Déborah Legrand


Chemistry Engineer
Cell biology, biochemistry and biophysics

Financed by European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) Mimedi project.

Antony Flourieusse


Engineer assistant
Cloning and expressing human membrane proteins in L. Lactis bactery.

Financed by ANR CaveoTank

Ksenia Maximova


PhD, currently Post-Doc at ANU, Canberra, Australia
Research Engineer funded by European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) MiMédi project
Monitoring and qualification of Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products. Biophysical characterization of biological objects by the means of SPR, AFM and TRPS.

Reda Yahiaoui


PhD, Lecturer

Microsystems, embedded systems

Currently at UFC, Nanomedecine laboratory

Juliana Chawich


PhD, Currently Post-Doc with Univ. Sherbrooke, Canada

ZnO/GaAs-based acoustic waves microsensor for the detection of bacteria in complex liquid media

PhD Thesis financed by Région FC and joint supervision with Univ. Sherbrooke (Canada).

Benoît Le Roy de Boiseaumarié


Materials engineer
BlooDe Project

Ahmad el Youssef


PhD, Temporary Lecturer and Research Assistant at ISIFC

Audrey Guitton



Proteins purification and characterization (electrophoresis, immunoassays and SPR)

Currently technician at Chrono-Environement lab, Besançon

Charles-Louis Azzopardi


PhD, Currently Post-Doc at FEMTO-ST, MN2S

Acoustic wave coupled diphasics microfluidics for biological sensing application

PhD Thesis financed by MENRT (Tutors: F. Chollet, J.-F. Manceau, W. Boireau)

Rutjaphan Kateklum


PhD, Currently Lecturer at Chiang Mai University

Localized measurement of membrane pH of cultured cells

PhD Thesis joint supervision with Chiang Mai University (Thailand) (Tutor: B. Wacogne).

Vivien Lacour


PhD, Currently Project Leader at BforCure (previously CTO at Eden Microfluidics)

Acousto-fluidic interactions in a biosensor network for in vitro diagnostic

PhD Thesis financed by Région FC, joint supervision with Univ. Sherbrooke, Canada (Tutors: T. Leblois, E. Elie-Caille)

Clélia Decourbey

Molecular interactions characterization by SPR techniques

Etienne Herth

PhD, CNRS Research Engineer

Currently at C2N lab, Orsay

Nathalie Tarchichi



Tunable diphasic microfluidics.

PhD Thesis financed by MENRT (Tutors: F. Chollet, J.-F. Manceau)

Alex Bienaimé


PhD, Current position Engineer R&D in ElectroMedical System, SA Nyon, Suisse

Microcapteur en Arséniure de Gallium pour la détection de molécules dans un fluide.

PhD Thesis financed by MENRT (Tutors: T. Leblois, C. Elie-Caille)