Welcome to our new Phd student Paul Sarpong !

Paul Sarpong

My name is Paul Sarpong and I come from Ghana, West Africa. I completed my study in BSc. Materials Engineering by 2021 at KNUST, Ghana. In 2022, I moved to France to study masters in Nanoscale Engineering at Ecole Centrale de Lyon.

To complete my master, I did a 6-month internship in the BIND team of MN2S department here at FEMTO-ST, Besançon. My internship was entitled “Development of a sensor based on the specific recognition by infrared spectroscopy of pathogens by DNA hybridization”.

After completing my master, I took a PhD position in the BIND team with regards to a grand BIOIMP project where I am currently working on the thesis “Development of an immunomagnetic separation device, its development and implementation of experimental protocols” for the reversible capture of a rare biomolecule called CD34 in a complex medium such as blood.