All of the CoSyMA team's fabrications are dedicated to elastic wave components. The research and development carried out, are with the aim of pooling the processes and increasing the performance of the components. Research results are also applied to devices in other scientific fields such as optics or energy recovery.
All the work is done in FEMTO-ST's MIMENTO facilities. MIMENTO is one of the five technological centers of the RENATECH network's first circle. Research and development requires qualified and trained personnel. This training, on Besançon, is done through various courses at the University of Franche-Comté or ENSMM using ENSMM's clean room. This training is completed with MIMENTO staff and CoSyMA engineers.
Hybrid process

For more than 10 years, the CoSyMA team has developed know-how in the production of hybrid substrates. This technology offers the opportunity to assemble all types of materials. The technology is based on the assembly at room temperature of the substrates with a gold film. A thinning step is then performed to obtain a film of micrometric thickness.
This technology offers the possibility to test all architectures of hybrid components and experimentally validate the potential of new components. Backing up the means of calculation of the team, technological research directions are thus decided.
As part of the partnership research of the CoSyMA team, following proof of principle, the final use of a component can only be done with an encapsulation dedicated to the component and the application. Thus, most applications addressed by the team uses ceramic boxes. Sensor applications may require specific encapsulation, especially for stress sensors for example. Surface wave devices are easily encapsulated with backside bonding that is not allowed in the context of volume wave devices such as HBAR for example. Finally, encapsulations at the substrate scale are also undertaken to allow integration of the component with other elements of the system, such as electronics.