inproceedings - Experimental Overtone Modulation by Adding External Frequency in the Oscillating Loop of Laterally Coupled HBAR 37th IEEE European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF 2024) / Neuchâtel, Switzerland (2024, Pages pages 217 - 219) Huayanay Ostos, Einstein Giner | Martin, Gilles | Soumann, Valérie | Baron, Thomas | Candelier, Vincent
inproceedings - High frequency fundamental quartz resonator using quartz on quartz wafer 37th IEEE European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF 2024) / Neuchâtel, Switzerland (2024) Fischer-Kaszuba, Baptiste | Lavenus, Pierre | Levy, Raphaël | Baron, Thomas | Vorobyev, Nikolay
inproceedings - Development of a Quartz-MEMS Resonator 2023 IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium-European Frequency (IFCS-EFTF 2023) / Toyama, Japan (2023, Pages pages 2) Fischer-Kaszuba, Baptiste | Lavenus, Pierre | Chapellier, Paul | Baron, Thomas | Vorobyev, Nikolay
inproceedings - Programme et Equipement Prioritaire de Recherche (PEPR) d’accélération électronique 2022 Journée Technique : Solutions Innovantes pour le Packaging Electronique (2022) / Palaiseau, France (2022) Baron, Thomas | Granier, Hugues | Henry, David
inproceedings - Effect of LiNbO3 Polarity on the Structural, Optical and Acoustic Properties of Epitaxial ZnO and Mg X Zn1-x O Films 2019 F2Cπ2 2019 (F2Cπ2 2019 2019) / Lausanne, Switzerland (2019) Kuprenaite, Sabina | Margueron, Samuel | Millon, Cyril | Baron, Thomas | Daniau, William | Ballandras, Sylvain | Gautier, Brice | Albertini, David | Boulet, Pascal | Bartasyte, Ausrine
inproceedings - Development of Temperature-Stable RF Filters on Composite Substrates Based on a Single Crystal LiTaO 3 Layer on Silicon IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium and European Frequency and Time Forum (IFCS-EFTF 2019) / Orlando, United States (2019, Pages pages 4) Ballandras, Sylvain | Courjon, Emilie | Bernard, Florent | Laroche, Thierry | Huyet, Isabelle | Drouin, A. | Radu, Ionut | Butaud, Eric | Lacroix, C. | Baron, Thomas | Daniau, William
article - Czochralski crystal growth and characterization of large Langatate (La3Ga5.5Ta0.5O14, LGT) crystals for SAW application CrystEngComm (Volume 21, Issue (11), feb 2019, Pages :1764 - 1771) Nehari, A. | Alombert-Coget, G. | Benamara, O. | Cabane, Hugues | Dumortier, M. | Jeandel, P. | Lesloudji, I. | Mokhtari, F. | Baron, Thomas | Wong, Guillaume | Allani, Maroua | Boy, Jean-Jacques | Alzuaga, Sébastien | Arapan, Lilia | Gegot, François | Dufar, T. | Lebbou, K.
inproceedings - From green piezoelectric materials to designed hybrid piezoelectric energy harvesters 2018 International Workshop EnerHarv ( 2018) / Cork, Ireland (2018) Bartasyte, Ausrine | Rakotondrabe, Micky | Baron, Thomas | Ballandras, Sylvain
inproceedings - Solving a new type of loading problem, the product size reduction, using a particle swarm optimization algorithm Congrès Français de Mécanique (CFM 2017) / Lille, France (2017, Pages pages 1 - 35) Schott, François | Salmon, Sébastien | Chamoret, Dominique | Baron, Thomas | Meyer, Yann
inproceedings - Characterization of Single-Port SAW Resonators at 3.7 GHz Based on Epitaxial LiNbO3 Layers 2017 International Frequency Control Symposium and European Frequency and Time Forum (IFCS-EFTF 2017) / Besançon, France (2017, Pages pages 516 - 518) Clairet, Alexandre | Oliveri, Stefania | Almirall, Anthony | Baron, Thomas | Daniau, William | Bartasyte, Ausrine
inproceedings - Periodically Poled LiNbO3 transducer on (YXl)/128° cut for RF applications 2017 International Frequency Control Symposium and European Frequency and Time Forum (IFCS-EFTF 2017) / Besançon, France (2017, Pages pages 214 - 217) Matic, Alexandre | Bassignot, Florent | Baron, Thomas
inproceedings - Epitaxy, optical and acoustical properties of X-, Y-, and Z-axis oriented LiNbO3 thin films grown on sapphire substrates 2016 International Symposium on the Applications of Ferroelectrics, European Conference on Applications of Polar Dielectrics & Workshop on Piezoresponse Force Microscopy (ISAF/ECARP/PFM Conference 2016) / Darmstadt, Germany (2016) Oliveri, Stefania | Bartasyte, Ausrine | Baron, Thomas | Salut, Roland | Margueron, Samuel | Daniau, William | Ballandras, Sylvain | Boulet, Pascal
inproceedings - Characterization of materials for the design of wireless SAW sensors in a high temperature environment IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium (IFCS 2016) / New Orleans, United States (2016, Pages pages 1 - 5) Wong, Guillaume | Baron, Thomas | Arapan, Lilia | Dulmet, Bernard | Lesage, Jean-Marc
inproceedings - Experimental procedure to design stressed HBAR devices when the third-order elastic constants are not known 30th European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF 2016) / York, United Kingdom (2016, Pages pages 4) Baron, Thomas | Bebon, Ludovic | Petrini, Valérie | Martin, Gilles | Dulmet, Bernard | Lesage, Jean-Marc
article - LiTaO3/Silicon Composite Wafers for the Fabrication of Low Loss Low TCF High Coupling Resonators for Filter Applications Physics Procedia (Volume 70, dec 2015, Pages :1007 - 1011) Ballandras, Sylvain | Baron, Thomas | Courjon, Emilie | Moulet, Jean-Sébastien
article - On the Modeling of Electrical Response of SAW Resonator-based Sensors Versus Temperature Physics Procedia (Volume 70, dec 2015, Pages :1012 - 1016) Ballandras, Sylvain | Laroche, Thierry | Courjon, Emilie | Daniau, William | Baron, Thomas | Garcia, Julien | Alzuaga, Sébastien
inproceedings - Noise modeling methodology of an integrated circuit for quartz crystal oscillator International Frequency Control Symposium (IFCS 2015) / Denver, United States (2015, Pages pages 125 - 128 ) Vorobyev, Nikolay | Imbaud, Joël | Baron, Thomas | Cibiel, Gilles | Galliou, Serge
inproceedings - How to Qualify LGT Crystal for Acoustic Devices? International Frequency Control Symposium and European Frequency and Time Forum (IFCS-EFTF 2015) / Denver, United States (2015, Pages pages 100 - 105) Allani, Maroua | Vacheret, Xavier | Clairet, Alexandre | Baron, Thomas | Bel, O. | Cabane, Hugues | Lesage, Jean-Marc | Boy, Jean-Jacques
inproceedings - New Capacitive Micro-Acoustic Resonators Machined in Single-Crystal Silicon Stacked Structures International Frequency Control Symposium and European Frequency and Time Forum (IFCS-EFTF 2015) / Denver, United States (2015, Pages pages 6) Belkadi, Nesrine | Baron, Thomas | Robert, Laurent | Bernard, Florent | Herth, Etienne | Dulmet, Bernard
inproceedings - Stress sensitivity coefficients of HBAR International Frequency Control Symposium and European Frequency and Time Forum (IFCS-EFTF 2015) / Denver, United States (2015, Pages pages 214 - 217) Baron, Thomas | Petrini, Valérie | Martin, Gilles | Combe, Guillaume | Clairet, Alexandre | Dulmet, Bernard | Lesage, Jean-Marc | Laroche, Thierry | Ballandras, Sylvain
inproceedings - Can LiNbO3 be an alternative for PZT in vibrational energy harvesters? 9th International Symposium on Innovative Synthesis and Processing of Nanostructured Materials for Energy and Environmental Applications (ICACC 2015) / Daytona Beach, FL, United States (2015) Bartasyte, Ausrine | Rakotondrabe, Micky | Baron, Thomas | Ballandras, Sylvain
inproceedings - Low-G Sensitivity of HBAR Oscillator Proc. of the 2014 EFTF (2014) Baron, Thomas | Martin, Gilles | Bassignot, Florent | Chretien, Nicolas | Reinhardt, Alexandre | Lassagne, Pierre Patrick | Lesage, Jean-Marc | Rabus, David | Chommeloux, Luc | Ballandras, Sylvain
inproceedings - Mutualisation multi-établissement : une solution pour l'enseignement pratique des micro/nanotechnologies 11ème Colloque sur l'enseignement des technologies et des sciences de l'information et des systèmes (CETSIS 2014) / Besançon, France (2014) Chollet, Franck | Blondeau-Patissier, Virginie | Baron, Thomas
proceedings - Innovative acoustic RF devices for Space applications (jun 2014) Billard, C. | Reinhardt, Alexandre | Benaissa, L | Signamarcheix, Thomas | Lassagne, Pierre Patrick | Ballandras, Sylvain | Baron, Thomas | Grousset, Sébastien
inproceedings - Development of Through-Silicon Stacking Technology for Capacitive Acoustical MEMS Resonators Proc. SETCOR International Conference on Smart Materials and Surfaces (2014) Belkadi, Nesrine | Dulmet, Bernard | Baron, Thomas
misc - Device for determining a set of spatial thickness data for a thin film on the surface of a substrate, by measurement of infrared emission (jan 2014) Poncot, Jean-Claude | Ballandras, Sylvain | Lebrasseur, Eric | Baron, Thomas
inproceedings - High overtone bulk acoustic resonators for high temperature sensing applications IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium and European Frequency and Time Forum (IFCS-EFTF 2013) / Prague, Czech Republic (2013, Pages pages 992 - 995 ) Courjon, Emilie | Francois, Bruno | Daniau, William | Baron, Thomas | Loschonsky, M. | Friedt, Jean-Michel | Belgacem, Brahim | Reindl, L. | Ballandras, Sylvain
inproceedings - New microfabrication method to invert micrometric ferroelectric domains on lithium niobate wafers for RF applications International Symposium on the Applications of Ferroelectric / Workshop on the Piezoresponse Force Microscopy (ISAF/PFM) - IEEE / Prague, Czech Republic (2013, Pages pages 283 - 286) Bassignot, Florent | Courjon, Emilie | Henrot, Fabien | Baron, Thomas | Ballandras, Sylvain
inproceedings - Analysis of guided wave propagation in (1-x)Pb(In1/2Nb1/2)(Mg2/3Nb1/3)O-3-xPbTiO(3) piezoelectric media International Symposium on the Applications of Ferroelectric / Workshop on the Piezoresponse Force Microscopy (ISAF/PFM) - IEEE / Prage, Czech Republic (2013, Pages pages 347 - 349) Wang, Haixia | Baron, Thomas | Daniau, William | Dulmet, Bernard | Ballandras, Sylvain
inproceedings - Design and fabrication of an acoustic bragg mirror for miniaturized quartz resonators Société Française d'Acoustique. Acoustics 2012 (2012) Lebrasseur, Eric | Baron, Thomas | Alzuaga, Sébastien | Boy, Jean-Jacques | Couteleau, L. | Ballandras, Sylvain
inproceedings - RF oscillators stabilized by temperature compensated HBARs based on LiNbO(3)/Quartz combination Joint Conference of the IEEE International Frequency Control and the European Frequency and Time Forum (FCS) - IEEE (2011, Pages pages 879 - 882) Baron, Thomas | Martin, Gilles | Lebrasseur, Eric | Francois, Bruno | Ballandras, Sylvain | Lasagne, P.-P. | Reinhardt, Alexandre | Gachon, Dorian | Chomeloux, L. | Lesage, Jean-Marc
inproceedings - Characterization of WO3 layers deposited on quartz and lithium niobate SAW resonators for the design of gas sensors IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium - FCS (Publisher : IEEE, 2011, Pages pages 1 - 4) David, M. | Arab, Mohammad-Waseem | Gavarri, J.R. | Rabus, David | Daniau, William | Baron, Thomas | Friedt, Jean-Michel | Delmas, Bruno | Ballandras, Sylvain
inproceedings - Large band-pass BAW filter for space applications Conference of the IEEE International Frequency Control and the European Frequency and Time Forum (FCS), (2011) Chatras, Matthieu | Catherinot, Lise | Bila, Stéphane | Cros, Dominique | Monfraix, Philippe | Esatgerie, L. | Baron, Thomas | Ballandras, Sylvain
inproceedings - Laterally coupled narrow-band high overtone bulk wave filters using thinned single crystal lithium niobate layers Frequency Control and the European Frequency and Time Forum (FCS), 2011 Joint Conference of the IEEE International (2011) Gachon, Dorian | Baron, Thomas | Martin, Gilles | Lebrasseur, Eric | Courjon, Emilie | Bassignot, Florent | Ballandras, Sylvain
inproceedings - FBAR Filters for Space Application Based on LiNbO3 Membrane 2nd International Workshop on Piezoelectric (MEMS 2011) / Lausanne, Switzerland (2011) Baron, Thomas | Chatras, Matthieu | Ballandras, Sylvain
inproceedings - HBAR and their applications 2nd International Workshop on Piezoelectric (MEMS 2011) / Lausanne, Switzerland (2011) Baron, Thomas | Lebrasseur, Eric | Martin, Gilles | Francois, Bruno | Soumann, Valérie | Ballandras, Sylvain
inproceedings - Large bandpass filter synthesis using shear-wave lithium niobate piezoelectric layers European Frequency and Time Forum, EFTF 2010 (2010) Catherinot, Lise | Chatras, Matthieu | Ballandras, Sylvain | Baron, Thomas | Rigaudeau, Laëtitia | Monfraix, Philippe | Bila, Stéphane | Cros, Dominique
inproceedings - A Pressure Sensor Based on a HBAR Micromachined Structure IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium (2010, Pages pages 361 - 364) Baron, Thomas | Gachon, Dorian | Romand, Jean-Pierre | Ballandras, Sylvain | Masson, Jérémy | Catherinot, Lise | Chatras, Matthieu
inproceedings - A 2D Transducer Structure for the Excitation of Surface Acoustic Wave EFTF 2010, 24th European Frequency and Time Forum (2010, Pages pages 1 - 6 ) Daniau, William | Baron, Thomas | Garcia, Julien | Laroche, Thierry | Ballandras, Sylvain
article - Electrical and Optical Characterization of SAW Sensors Coated with Parylene C and Their Analysis Using the Coupling-of-Modes (COM) Theory Sensors (Volume 22, nov 2022, Pages :8611 (16)) Smagin, Nikolay | Vanotti, Meddy | Duquennoy, Marc | Rousseau, Lionel | Alhousseini, Hassan | Blondeau-Patissier, Virginie | Ouaftouh, Mohammadi | Valbin, Laurie | Herth, Etienne
inproceedings - Porous Organic Polymers (POPs) based on cobalt corroles for the detection of carbon monoxide 11th International Conference on Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines (ICPP 2021) / Buffalo, United States (2021, Pages pages 94 - 94) Brandès, Stéphane | Quesneau, Valentin | Yang, Jian | Desbois, Nicolas | Vanotti, Meddy | Blondeau-Patissier, Virginie | Gros, Claude P.
inproceedings - Electrochemistry of Mono- and Bis-CN Ligated Cobalt Corroles 11th International Conference on Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines (ICPP 2021) / Buffalo, United States (2021, Pages pages 119 - 119) Kadish, Karl M. | Osterloh, W. Ryan | Quesneau, Valentin | Desbois, Nicolas | Brandès, Stéphane | Blondeau-Patissier, Virginie | Paolesse, Roberto | Gros, Claude P.
inproceedings - Covalent Organic Frameworks for the detection of CO 11th International Conference on Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines (ICPP 2021) / Buffalo, United States (2021, Pages pages 375 - 375) Brandès, Stéphane | André, Laurie | Yang, Jian | Desbois, Nicolas | Vanotti, Meddy | Blondeau-Patissier, Virginie | Gros, Claude P.
inproceedings - SAW based CO2 sensor: influence of functionalizing MOF crystal size on the sensor's selectivity 6th International Conference on Advances in Sensors, Actuators, Metering and Sensing (Allsensors 2021) / Nice, France (2021, Pages pages 32 - 34) Vanotti, Meddy | Poisson, Sacha | Blondeau-Patissier, Virginie | André, Laurie | Brandès, Stéphane | Desbois, Nicolas | Gros, Claude P.
article - Old Dog, New Tricks: Innocent, Five-coordinate Cyanocobalt Corroles Inorganic Chemistry (Volume 59, Issue (12), may 2020, Pages :14) Osterloh, W. Ryan | Desbois, Nicolas | Quesneau, Valentin | Brandès, Stéphane | Fleurat-Lessard, Paul | Fang, Yuanyuan | Blondeau-Patissier, Virginie | Paolesse, Roberto | Gros, Claude P. | Kadish, Karl M.
article - Synthesis and the Effect of Anions on the Spectroscopy and Electrochemistry of Mono(dimethyl sulfoxide)-Ligated Cobalt Corroles Inorganic Chemistry (Volume 59, Issue (1), dec 2019, Pages :595 – 611) Osterloh, W. Ryan | Quesneau, Valentin | Desbois, Nicolas | Brandès, Stéphane | Shan, Wengian | Blondeau-Patissier, Virginie | Paolesse, Roberto | Gros, Claude P. | Kadish, Karl M.
article - Synthesis, electrochemistry, protonation and X-ray analysis of meso-aryl substituted open-chain pentapyrroles Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines (Volume 23, feb 2019, Pages :213 - 222) Osterloh, W. Ryan | Quesneau, Valentin | Desbois, Nicolas | Brandès, Stéphane | Shan, Wengian | Blondeau-Patissier, Virginie | Paolesse, Roberto | Gros, Claude P. | Kadish, Karl M.
inproceedings - Recent developments in the coordination chemistry of cobalt corroles EuCheMS Conference on Nitrogen Ligands ( 2018) / Lisbonne, Portugal (2018) Gros, Claude P. | Brandès, Stéphane | Desbois, Nicolas | Quesneau, Valentin | Blondeau-Patissier, Virginie | Vanotti, Meddy | Van Caemelbecke, E. | Osterloh, W. Ryan | Shan, Wengian | Kadish, Karl M.
inproceedings - Synthesis and characterization of covalent organic framework of cobalt corrole for detection of carbon monoxide EuCheMS Conference on Nitrogen Ligands (2018) / Lisbonne, Portugal (2018) Quesneau, Valentin | Brandès, Stéphane | Desbois, Nicolas | Fonquernie, Osian | Vanotti, Meddy | Blondeau-Patissier, Virginie | Gros, Claude P.
inproceedings - Cobalt Corroles for CO Sensors 10th International Conference on Porphyrin and Phthalocyanine (ICPP-9 2018) / Munich, Germany (2018) Gros, Claude P. | Brandès, Stéphane | Desbois, Nicolas | Quesneau, Valentin | Blondeau-Patissier, Virginie | Vanotti, Meddy | Jiang, Xiaoqin | Shan, Wengian | Kadish, Karl M. | Gros, Claude P.
inproceedings - Development of acoustic wave sensors based on cobalt corroles for carbon monoxide detection 9th International Conference on Porphyrin and Phthalocyanine (ICPP-9 2018) / Munich, Germany (2018) Naitana, Mario | Gros, Claude P. | Quesneau, Valentin | Desbois, Nicolas | Brandès, Stéphane | Vanotti, Meddy | Blondeau-Patissier, Virginie | Ballandras, Sylvain
inproceedings - Elaboration of sensitive carbon monoxide sensors based on cobalt corroles 2018 Société Chimique de France (SCF 2018) / Montpellier, France (2018) Brandès, Stéphane | Desbois, Nicolas | Vanotti, Meddy | Blondeau-Patissier, Virginie | Gros, Claude P.
inproceedings - Development of gravimetric sensors based on cobalt corrole for carbon monoxide detection 2nd Symposium on Functional Macrocyclic Molecules (FMM 2018) / Dijon, France (2018) Quesneau, Valentin | Brandès, Stéphane | Desbois, Nicolas | Vanotti, Meddy | Blondeau-Patissier, Virginie | Gros, Claude P.
inproceedings - Covalent Organic Framework based on cobalt corrole for the detection of carbon monoxide 2nd Symposium on Functional Macrocyclic Molecules (FMM 2018) / Dijon, France (2018) Brandès, Stéphane | Quesneau, Valentin | Desbois, Nicolas | Fonquernie, Osian | Gros, Claude P. | Vanotti, Meddy | Blondeau-Patissier, Virginie
article - Mono-DMSO ligated cobalt nitrophenylcorroles: electrochemical and spectral characterization New Journal of Chemistry (Volume 42, Issue (10), mar 2018, Pages :8220 - 8229) Jiang, Xiaoqin | Shan, Wengian | Desbois, Nicolas | Quesneau, Valentin | Brandès, Stéphane | Van Caemelbecke, E. | Osterloh, W. Ryan | Blondeau-Patissier, Virginie | Gros, Claude P. | Kadish, Karl M.
article - Electrochemistry of Bis(pyridine)cobalt (Nitrophenyl)corroles in Nonaqueous Media Inorganic Chemistry (Volume 57, jan 2018, Pages :1226 - 1241) Jiang, Xiaoqin | Naitana, Mario | Desbois, Nicolas | Quesneau, Valentin | Brandès, Stéphane | Rousselin, Yoann | Shan, Wengian | Osterloh, W. Ryan | Blondeau-Patissier, Virginie | Gros, Claude P. | Kadish, Karl M.
article - Real Time Cascade Impactor Based On Surface AcousticWave Delay Lines for PM10 and PM2.5 Mass Concentration Measurement Sensors (Volume 18, jan 2018, Pages :255) Djoumi, Lyes | Vanotti, Meddy | Blondeau-Patissier, Virginie
article - Synthesis, Characterization, and Electrochemistry of Open-Chain Pentapyrroles and Sapphyrins with Highly Electron-Withdrawing meso-Tetraaryl Substituents Chemistry-A European Journal (Volume 18, Issue (23), sep 2017, Pages :12833 - 12844) Shan, Wengian | Desbois, Nicolas | Blondeau-Patissier, Virginie | Quesneau, Valentin | Rousselin, Yoann | Gros, Claude P. | Ou, Z | Kadish, Karl M.
article - Temperature effect on hydrogenated amorphous carbon leading to hydrogenated graphene by pulsed laser deposition Applied Surface Science (Volume 426, jul 2017, Pages :874-880) Benhagouga, R.H. | Abdelli-Messaci, S. | Abdesselam, M. | Blondeau-Patissier, Virginie | Yahiaoui, Reda | Siad, Ahcene | Rahal, A.
inproceedings - Cobalt corroles for selective detection of carbon monoxide XXVIII International Symposium on Metal Complexes (ISMEC 2017) / Dijon, France (Volume 7, 2017, Pages pages 269 - 270) Quesneau, Valentin | Naitana, Mario | Brandès, Stéphane | Desbois, Nicolas | Vanotti, Meddy | Blondeau-Patissier, Virginie | Gros, Claude P.
inproceedings - Electrochemistry and protonation of open-chain pentapyrroles and sapphyrins with highly Electron-withdrawing meso-substituents 231st ECS Meeting (2017) / New Orleans, United States (Volume MA2017-01, 2017, Pages pages MA2017-01 905 ) Shan, Wenqian | Naitana, Mario | Desbois, Nicolas | Blondeau-Patissier, Virginie | Quesneau, Valentin | Gros, Claude P. | Huang, W. | Ou, Zhongping | Kadish, Karl M.
inproceedings - Corroles de cobalt pour la détection sélective du monoxyde de carbone 2017 Société Chimique de France (SCF 2017) / Le Mans, France (2017) Quesneau, Valentin | Naitana, Mario | Brandès, Stéphane | Desbois, Nicolas | Blondeau-Patissier, Virginie | Gros, Claude P.
inproceedings - Development of acoustic wave sensors based on cobalt corroles for carbon monoxide detection Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS 2016) / Dijon, France (2016, Pages pages 448) Naitana, Mario | Gros, Claude P. | Quesneau, Valentin | Desbois, Nicolas | Brandès, Stéphane | Vanotti, Meddy | Blondeau-Patissier, Virginie | Ballandras, Sylvain
inproceedings - Development of acoustic wave sensors based on cobalt corroles for carbon monoxide detection 9th International Conference on Porphyrin and Phthalocyanine (ICPP-9 2016) / Nanjing , China (2016, Pages pages 1) Naitana, Mario | Gros, Claude P. | Quesneau, Valentin | Desbois, Nicolas | Brandès, Stéphane | Vanotti, Meddy | Blondeau-Patissier, Virginie | Ballandras, Sylvain
inproceedings - Synthesis and Design of Corroles Endowed with Electron Withdrawing Groups: Examples of Applications 9th International Conference on Porphyrin and Phthalocyanine (ICPP 2016) / Nanjing , China (2016, Pages pages 1) Naitana, Mario | Desbois, Nicolas | Brandès, Stéphane | Gallardo, Franck | Jiang, Xiaoqin | Kadish, Karl M. | Blondeau-Patissier, Virginie | Gros, Claude P.
inproceedings - Strategic synthesis and functionalization of corroles for sensing applications 2016 Symposium on Functional Macrocyclic Molecules (FMM 2016) / Nanjing, China (2016, Pages pages 1) Naitana, Mario | Desbois, Nicolas | Brandès, Stéphane | Kadish, Karl M. | Blondeau-Patissier, Virginie | Gros, Claude P.
inproceedings - Filtration et détection des PM10 et 2.5 dans l’air Capteurs chimiques et systèmes de détection / Saint-Etienne, France (2016, Pages pages 2) Blondeau-Patissier, Virginie | Djoumi, Lyes
article - Analysis of Palladium and Yttrium-Palladium alloy layers used for Hydrogen detection with SAW device Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical (Volume 217, oct 2015, Pages :30--35) Vanotti, Meddy | Blondeau-Patissier, Virginie | Moutarlier, Virginie | Ballandras, Sylvain
article - Electrosynthesis of Poly(alanine)-Like Peptides in Concentrated Alanine Based Electrolytes, Characterization Coupled to DFT Study and Application to pH Proton Receptor The Journal of Physical Chemistry C (Volume 118, Issue (43), oct 2014, Pages : 25041 - 25050) Alhedabi, Taleb | Herlem, Guillaume | Cattey, Hélène | Blondeau-Patissier, Virginie | Gharbi, Tijani
inproceedings - Mutualisation multi-établissement : une solution pour l'enseignement pratique des micro/nanotechnologies 11ème Colloque sur l'enseignement des technologies et des sciences de l'information et des systèmes (CETSIS 2014) / Besançon, France (2014) Chollet, Franck | Blondeau-Patissier, Virginie | Baron, Thomas
article - Effects of high frequency ultrasound irradiation on doping level and electroactivity of conducting polymers: Influence of OH center dot radicals Polymer Degradation and Stability (Volume 98, Issue (8), may 2013, Pages :1413 - 1418) Et Taouil, Abdeslam | Lallemand, Fabrice | Hihn, Jean-Yves | Hallez, Loïc | Blondeau-Patissier, Virginie
inproceedings - Acoustic Sensors used for specific gas detection in our environment 2012 Functionalized surfaces and their Sensors Applications (SURFORCAP 2012) / Marrakech, Morocco (2012) Blondeau-Patissier, Virginie | Vanotti, Meddy | Ballandras, Sylvain
article - Reconstitution of a protein monolayer on thiolates functionalized gaas surface International Journal of Nanoscience (Volume 11, Issue (4), aug 2012, Pages :1240018) Bienaime, Alex | Leblois, Thérèse | Lucchi, Géraldine | Blondeau-Patissier, Virginie | Ducoroy, Patrick | Boireau, Wilfrid | Elie-Caille, Céline
inproceedings - SAW devices exploiting Palladium layer properties for selective detection of hydrogen IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium and European Frequency and Time Forum (IFCS-EFTF 2013) / Prague, Czech Republic (2012, Pages pages 775 - 778) Vanotti, Meddy | Blondeau-Patissier, Virginie | Rauch, Jean-Yves | Rabus, David
inproceedings - Development of Love Wave devices based on delay line configuration for the high detection and monitoring of carbon monoxide 2012 Congrès Français d'Acoustique (CFA 2012) / Nantes, France (2012, Pages pages 3349 - 3353) Vanotti, Meddy | Blondeau-Patissier, Virginie | Ballandras, Sylvain
article - Development of acoustic devices functionalized with cobalt corroles or metalloporphyrines for the detection of carbon monoxide at low concentration Sensors and Transducers (Volume 14-1, mar 2012, Pages :197 - 211) Vanotti, Meddy | Blondeau-Patissier, Virginie | Rabus, David | Rauch, Jean-Yves | Barbe, J.-M. | Ballandras, Sylvain
inproceedings - Development of accurate system of gas detection based on Love wave sensors functionalized with cobalt corroles applied to the detection of carbon monoxide 15th International Conference on Sensors and Measurement Technology (SENSOR 2011) / Nurnberg, Germany (2011, Pages pages 1078 - 1081) Blondeau-Patissier, Virginie | Vanotti, Meddy | Rabus, David | Ballandras, Sylvain | Chkounda, M. | Barbe, J.-M. | Rauch, Jean-Yves
article - Doping properties of PEDOT films electrosynthesized under high frequency ultrasound irradiation Ultrasonics Sonochemistry (Volume 18, Issue (1), jan 2011, Pages :140-8) Et Taouil, Abdeslam | Lallemand, Fabrice | Hihn, JY | Melot, Jean-Marie | Blondeau-Patissier, Virginie | Lakard, Boris
inproceedings - Microtribological and corrosion behaviors of 1H, 1H, 2H, 2H-perfluorodecanethiol self-assembled films on coppers surfaces 61th Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry / Nice, France (2010) Patois, Tilia | Et Taouil, Abdeslam | Lallemand, Fabrice | Carpentier, Luc | Roizard, Xavier | Hihn, Jean-Yves | Blondeau-Patissier, Virginie | Mekhalif, Zineb
inproceedings - Electrosynthesis and characterization of conducting polypyrrole elaborated under high frequency ultrasound irradiation European Society of Sonochemistry (ESS12) / Chania, Crête, Greece (2010) Taouil, A.E. | Lallemand, Fabrice | Hihn, Jean-Yves | Blondeau-Patissier, Virginie
inproceedings - Development of a batch processed and regenerable GaAs biosensor: Incidence of GaAs crystal plates nanostructuration on surface performance BIOSENSORS 2010, 20th Anniversary World Congress on Biosensors / Glasgow, UK (2010) Elie-Caille, Céline | Moussus, M. | Lucchi, Géraldine | Blondeau-Patissier, Virginie | Ducoroy, Patrick | Boireau, Wilfrid | Leblois, Thérèse
article - Petites antennes réalisées par impression additive : de la conception à la visualisation des diagrammes de rayonnement (en vrai et en virtuel) Hackable Magazine (Volume 31, oct 2019, Pages :80 - 96) Friedt, Jean-Michel | Carry, Emile | Testault, O.
article - Prototypage de traitements numériques de signaux au moyen d'un outil libre : GNU Radio Journal sur l'enseignement des sciences et technologies de l'information et des systèmes (J3eA) ( 2014) Matten, Gaël | Friedt, Jean-Michel | Carry, Emile
inproceedings - Results of a Software Defined Radio (SDR) Implementation of Two Way Satellite Time and Frequency Transfer (TWSTFT) Emitter and Receiver System 37th IEEE European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF 2024) / Neuchâtel, Switzerland (2024, Pages pages 4) Friedt, Jean-Michel | Chupin, Baptiste | Lours, Michel | Meyer, Eric | Chiu, Olivier | Meyer, François | Daniau, William | Achkar, Joseph
inproceedings - Experimental demonstration of Surface Acoustic Wave propagation on α-GeO2 for wireless, passive sensor design 2023 International Frequency Control Symposium-European Frequency (IFCS-EFTF 2023) / Toyama, Japan (2023, Pages pages 2) Daniau, William | Salut, Roland | Friedt, Jean-Michel | Peña, A. | Debray, Jérôme | Menaert, B. | Armand, P. | Papet, P. | Penarier, A. | Nouvel, P.
inproceedings - Effect of LiNbO3 Polarity on the Structural, Optical and Acoustic Properties of Epitaxial ZnO and Mg X Zn1-x O Films 2019 F2Cπ2 2019 (F2Cπ2 2019 2019) / Lausanne, Switzerland (2019) Kuprenaite, Sabina | Margueron, Samuel | Millon, Cyril | Baron, Thomas | Daniau, William | Ballandras, Sylvain | Gautier, Brice | Albertini, David | Boulet, Pascal | Bartasyte, Ausrine
inproceedings - Development of Temperature-Stable RF Filters on Composite Substrates Based on a Single Crystal LiTaO 3 Layer on Silicon IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium and European Frequency and Time Forum (IFCS-EFTF 2019) / Orlando, United States (2019, Pages pages 4) Ballandras, Sylvain | Courjon, Emilie | Bernard, Florent | Laroche, Thierry | Huyet, Isabelle | Drouin, A. | Radu, Ionut | Butaud, Eric | Lacroix, C. | Baron, Thomas | Daniau, William
inproceedings - Characterization of Single-Port SAW Resonators at 3.7 GHz Based on Epitaxial LiNbO3 Layers 2017 International Frequency Control Symposium and European Frequency and Time Forum (IFCS-EFTF 2017) / Besançon, France (2017, Pages pages 516 - 518) Clairet, Alexandre | Oliveri, Stefania | Almirall, Anthony | Baron, Thomas | Daniau, William | Bartasyte, Ausrine
inproceedings - Epitaxy, optical and acoustical properties of X-, Y-, and Z-axis oriented LiNbO3 thin films grown on sapphire substrates 2016 International Symposium on the Applications of Ferroelectrics, European Conference on Applications of Polar Dielectrics & Workshop on Piezoresponse Force Microscopy (ISAF/ECARP/PFM Conference 2016) / Darmstadt, Germany (2016) Oliveri, Stefania | Bartasyte, Ausrine | Baron, Thomas | Salut, Roland | Margueron, Samuel | Daniau, William | Ballandras, Sylvain | Boulet, Pascal
article - On the Modeling of Electrical Response of SAW Resonator-based Sensors Versus Temperature Physics Procedia (Volume 70, dec 2015, Pages :1012 - 1016) Ballandras, Sylvain | Laroche, Thierry | Courjon, Emilie | Daniau, William | Baron, Thomas | Garcia, Julien | Alzuaga, Sébastien
misc - Transponder having coupled resonant modes and including a variable load (dec 2014) Ballandras, Sylvain | Daniau, William | Leguen, Jean-François
inproceedings - Surface Transverse Wave (STW) resonators on langasite Proc. of the Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS), 2013 / Prague, Czech Republic, (Publisher : IEEE, 2013, Pages pages 263--266) Plesski, Viktor | Yantchev, V. | Daniau, William | Ballandras, Sylvain | Grigorievsky, V | Wang, W. -B
inproceedings - High overtone bulk acoustic resonators for high temperature sensing applications IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium and European Frequency and Time Forum (IFCS-EFTF 2013) / Prague, Czech Republic (2013, Pages pages 992 - 995 ) Courjon, Emilie | Francois, Bruno | Daniau, William | Baron, Thomas | Loschonsky, M. | Friedt, Jean-Michel | Belgacem, Brahim | Reindl, L. | Ballandras, Sylvain
inproceedings - Analysis of guided wave propagation in (1-x)Pb(In1/2Nb1/2)(Mg2/3Nb1/3)O-3-xPbTiO(3) piezoelectric media International Symposium on the Applications of Ferroelectric / Workshop on the Piezoresponse Force Microscopy (ISAF/PFM) - IEEE / Prage, Czech Republic (2013, Pages pages 347 - 349) Wang, Haixia | Baron, Thomas | Daniau, William | Dulmet, Bernard | Ballandras, Sylvain
inproceedings - Simulation of finite acoustic resonators from Finite Element Analysis based on mixed Boundary Element Method/Perfectly Matched Layer European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF), 2012 (2012, Pages pages 186 - 191 ) Laroche, Thierry | Ballandras, Sylvain | Daniau, William | Garcia, Julien | Dbich, Karim | Mayer, M. | Perois, Xavier | Wagner, K
inproceedings - Mixed finite element analysis/boundary element method based on canonical Green’s function to address non periodic acoustic devices Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS), 2011 IEEE International / Orlando, Florida, United States (2011, Pages pages 1850 - 1853 ) Laroche, Thierry | Ballandras, Sylvain | Daniau, William | Garcia, Julien | Dbich, Karim | Mayer, E. | Perois, Xavier | Wagner, K
inproceedings - Characterization of WO3 layers deposited on quartz and lithium niobate SAW resonators for the design of gas sensors IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium - FCS (Publisher : IEEE, 2011, Pages pages 1 - 4) David, M. | Arab, Mohammad-Waseem | Gavarri, J.R. | Rabus, David | Daniau, William | Baron, Thomas | Friedt, Jean-Michel | Delmas, Bruno | Ballandras, Sylvain
misc - Transpondeur à modes resonants couples intégrant une charge variable Classification internationale
N° de demande : FR20090004844 20091009
publié en tant que : EP 2486656 (A1) WO 2011042557 (A1)
(apr 2011) Ballandras, Sylvain | Daniau, William
inproceedings - Fabrication of SAW resonators on Quartz and Langasite using Nano-Imprint Lithography Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS), 2010 (2010, Pages pages 2091 - 2094 ) Forsen, E | Nilsson, Daniel | Daniau, William | Francois, Bruno | Ballandras, Sylvain
article - Prediction and Measurement of Boundary Waves at the Interface Between LiNbO3 and Silicon IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control (Volume 57, Issue (7), jul 2010, Pages :1655 - 1663) Gachon, Dorian | Daniau, William | Courjon, Emilie | Laude, Vincent | Ballandras, Sylvain | Majjad, H.
inproceedings - A 2D Transducer Structure for the Excitation of Surface Acoustic Wave EFTF 2010, 24th European Frequency and Time Forum (2010, Pages pages 1 - 6 ) Daniau, William | Baron, Thomas | Garcia, Julien | Laroche, Thierry | Ballandras, Sylvain
inproceedings - High frequency fundamental quartz resonator using quartz on quartz wafer 37th IEEE European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF 2024) / Neuchâtel, Switzerland (2024) Fischer-Kaszuba, Baptiste | Lavenus, Pierre | Levy, Raphaël | Baron, Thomas | Vorobyev, Nikolay
inproceedings - Development of a Quartz-MEMS Resonator 2023 IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium-European Frequency (IFCS-EFTF 2023) / Toyama, Japan (2023, Pages pages 2) Fischer-Kaszuba, Baptiste | Lavenus, Pierre | Chapellier, Paul | Baron, Thomas | Vorobyev, Nikolay
book - Communication Systems Engineering with GNU Radio: A Hands-on Approach (Editor : , Volume volume -, oct 2024, Pages 352) Friedt, Jean-Michel | Boeglen, Hervé
article - Algèbre linéaire rapide : BLAS, GSL, FFTW3, CUDA et autre bestiaire de manipulation de matrices dans le traitement de signaux de radio logicielle Hackable Magazine (Volume 56, Issue (-), sep 2024, Pages :88 - 130) Friedt, Jean-Michel
inproceedings - Results of a Software Defined Radio (SDR) Implementation of Two Way Satellite Time and Frequency Transfer (TWSTFT) Emitter and Receiver System 37th IEEE European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF 2024) / Neuchâtel, Switzerland (2024, Pages pages 4) Friedt, Jean-Michel | Chupin, Baptiste | Lours, Michel | Meyer, Eric | Chiu, Olivier | Meyer, François | Daniau, William | Achkar, Joseph
inproceedings - Software Defined Radio for Time and Frequency applications: example of passive monitoring of TWSTFT and other timing signals 37th IEEE European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF 2024) / Neuchâtel, Switzerland (2024, Pages pages 4) Friedt, Jean-Michel
article - Package-less liquid phase sensing using surface acoustic waves on lithium tantalate oxide IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control (Volume 71, Issue (4), 2024, Pages :496 - 505) Rabus, David | Arapan, Lilia | Friedt, Jean-Michel | Luzet, Vincent | Cherioux, Frédéric
2023 (12)
inproceedings - Surface acoustic wave reflective delay line as passive cooperative target for wireless sub-surface sensing in liquid using Ground Penetrating RADAR 6th IET International Radar Conference (IRC 2023) / Chongqing, China (2023, Pages pages 5) Friedt, Jean-Michel | Rabus, David | Arapan, Lilia | Luzet, Vincent | Cherioux, Frédéric
article - Exploitation des signaux de référence de navigation par satellite pour un positionnement centimétrique : RTKLIB fait appel à Centipède et l’IGN pour afficher dans QGIS Hackable Magazine (Volume 48, may 2023, Pages :110) Friedt, Jean-Michel
article - FreeRTOS dans 2,5 KB de RAM sur Atmega32U4 Hackable Magazine (Volume 48, may 2023, Pages :98 - 109) Friedt, Jean-Michel
inproceedings - Experimental demonstration of Surface Acoustic Wave propagation on α-GeO2 for wireless, passive sensor design 2023 International Frequency Control Symposium-European Frequency (IFCS-EFTF 2023) / Toyama, Japan (2023, Pages pages 2) Daniau, William | Salut, Roland | Friedt, Jean-Michel | Peña, A. | Debray, Jérôme | Menaert, B. | Armand, P. | Papet, P. | Penarier, A. | Nouvel, P.
inproceedings - A lithium-tantalate based acoustic reflective delay line for chemical sensing in water 2023 International Frequency Control Symposium-European Frequency (IFCS-EFTF 2023) / Toyama, Japan (2023, Pages pages 2) Friedt, Jean-Michel | Rabus, David | Arapan, Lilia | Luzet, Vincent | Cherioux, Frédéric | Nief, Nathalie | Ordonez-Varela, John-Richard
inproceedings - Development of an opensource, openhardware, software-defined radio platform for two-way satellite time and frequency transfer 2023 International Frequency Control Symposium-European Frequency (IFCS-EFTF 2023) / Toyama, Japan (2023, Pages pages 2) Friedt, Jean-Michel | Lours, Michel | Goavec-Merou, Gwenhaël | Dupont, M. | Chupin, Baptiste | Chiu, Olivier | Meyer, Eric | Meyer, François | Achkar, Joseph
article - Quel temps fera-t-il la semaine prochaine ? Évolution d'un système chaotique simulé en virgule fixe Hackable Magazine (Volume 47, mar 2023, Pages :18 - 31) Friedt, Jean-Michel
inproceedings - Autour de la « synchronisation » dans les communications radiofréquences 2023 European GNU Radio days (European GNU Radio days 2023) / Virtuel, France (2023) Friedt, Jean-Michel
article - Communication LoRa au moyen de RIOT-OS pour la mesure centimétrique par GPS différentiel avec RTKLIB Hackable Magazine (Volume 45, nov 2022, Pages :19) Friedt, Jean-Michel
article - Le temps et son transfert par satellite géostationnaire : réception avec une parabole de télévision et une radio logicielle GNU/Linux Magazine France Hors Série (Volume 121, Issue (), oct 2022, Pages :22) Friedt, Jean-Michel
article - Le récepteur de radio logicielle RSP1 : 8 MHz de bande passante pour moins de 20 euros Hackable Magazine (Volume 44, sep 2022, Pages :28 - 43) Friedt, Jean-Michel
article - Intercorrélation par transformée de Fourier rapide sur microcontrôleur sous FreeRTOS, et les pointeurs de pointeurs Hackable Magazine (Volume 43, jul 2022, Pages :4 - 21) Friedt, Jean-Michel
article - Acquisition sur le terrain, dissémination d’informations et photographies géoréférencées par le Web : qgis2web et QField GNU/Linux Magazine (Volume 256, mar 2022, Pages :72 - 82) Friedt, Jean-Michel
article - RADAR passif bistatique au moyen d’une Raspberry Pi4, une radio logicielle et du satellite sentinel-1 hackable GNU/Linux Magazine (Volume 41, mar 2022, Pages :108 - 123) Friedt, Jean-Michel | Feng, Weike
article - SDR-Implemented Passive Bistatic SAR System Using Sentinel-1 Signal and Its Experiment Results Remote Sensing (Volume 14, Issue (1), jan 2022, Pages :221 (17)) Feng, Weike | Friedt, Jean-Michel | Wan, Pengcheng
book - Les barrages se tordent (de rire) : comparaison d'images (mal) géoréférencées avec l'interférométrie par RADAR spatioporté (Volume volume 247, apr 2021, Pages 9) Friedt, Jean-Michel
book - "On ne compile jamais sur la cible embarquée" : Buildroot propose GNU Radio sur Raspberry Pi (et autres) (Volume volume 37, mar 2021, Pages 15) Goavec-Merou, Gwenhaël | Friedt, Jean-Michel
book - Parler à un RADAR spatioporté : traitement et analyse des données de Sentinel-1 (Volume volume 246, mar 2021, Pages 18) Friedt, Jean-Michel | Abbé, Philippe
book - Arithmétique sur divers systèmes embarqués aux ressources contraintes : les nombres à virgule fixe (Volume volume HS 113, mar 2021, Pages 17) Friedt, Jean-Michel
inproceedings - Real time GNSS spoofing detection and cancellation on embedded systems using Software Defined Radio 2021 European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EUCAP 2021) / Dusseldorf, Germany (Volume , Issue , 2021, Pages pages ) Friedt, Jean-Michel | Feng, Weike | Rabus, David | Goavec-Merou, Gwenhaël
book - Introduction à l’analyseur de réseau : le NanoVNA pour la caractérisation spectrale de dispositifs radiofréquences (Volume volume 36, jan 2021, Pages 2) Friedt, Jean-Michel
book - Mesure fine de déplacement par RADAR interférométrique à synthèse d’ouverture (InSAR) par radio logicielle (Volume volume 244, jan 2021, Pages ) Friedt, Jean-Michel | Feng, Weike
article - Résolution azimutale d’un RADAR à bruit : analyse et réalisation d’un RADAR à synthèse d’ouverture (SAR) par radio logicielle GNU/Linux Magazine (Volume 242, Issue ( ), nov 2020, Pages :1) Friedt, Jean-Michel
article - Analyse et réalisation d’un RADAR à bruit par radio logicielle GNU/Linux Magazine (Volume 240, sep 2020, Pages :20) Friedt, Jean-Michel | Feng, Weike
article - Automatiser les tâches de conception de circuit imprimé : greffons pour KiCAD et FreeCAD GNU/Linux Magazine (Volume 238, jun 2020, Pages :9) Friedt, Jean-Michel
article - Un oscilloscope pour le traitement de signaux radiofréquences : gr-oscilloscope pour GNU Radio 3.7 et 3.8 Hackable Magazine (Volume 234, feb 2020, Pages :15) Friedt, Jean-Michel | Goavec-Merou, Gwenhaël
inproceedings - Passive Bistatic Radar Using Digital Terrestrial Television Broadcasting Signal for Subsurface Target Detection 2019 Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS 2019) / Xiamen, China (2019, Pages pages 10) Feng, Weike | Friedt, Jean-Michel | Wang, Suyun | Liu, Hai | Sato, Motoyuki
article - Petites antennes réalisées par impression additive : de la conception à la visualisation des diagrammes de rayonnement (en vrai et en virtuel) Hackable Magazine (Volume 31, oct 2019, Pages :80 - 96) Friedt, Jean-Michel | Carry, Emile | Testault, O.
inproceedings - Passive bistatic SAR imaging and interferometry by satellite digital TV signal 2019 International Geoscience & Remote Sensing Society (IGARSS 2019) / Yokohama, Japan (2019, Pages pages 8637 - 8640) Feng, Weike | Friedt, Jean-Michel | Nico, Giovanni | Martin, Gilles | Sato, Motoyuki
book - Décodage d'images numériques issues de satellites météorologiques en orbite basse : le protocole LRPT de Meteor-M2 GNU (Partie 2) (Volume volume 227, jun 2019, Pages 19) Friedt, Jean-Michel
book - Décodage d'images numériques issues de satellites météorologiques en orbite basse : le protocole LRPT de Meteor-M2 (Partie1) (Volume volume 226, may 2019, Pages 16) Friedt, Jean-Michel
article - Phase Noise and Frequency Stability of the Red-Pitaya Internal PLL IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control (Volume 66, Issue (2), feb 2019, Pages :412 - 416) Cardenas Olaya, Carolina | Calosso, Claudio | Friedt, Jean-Michel | Micalizio, Salvatore | Rubiola, Enrico
inproceedings - Novel Algorithm for High Resolution Passive RADAR Imaging with ISDB-T Digital TV Signal International Geoscience & Remote Sensing Society (2018) / Yokohama, Japan (2018, Pages pages 4) Feng, Weike | Friedt, Jean-Michel | Cherniak, Grigory | Sato, Motoyuki
book - La peinture sur spectre radiofréquence et l'effet capture de la modulation en fréquence ou pourquoi les avions communiquent encore en AM (Volume volume , jun 2018, Pages 30 - 43) Friedt, Jean-Michel
inproceedings - Phase Noise and Frequency Stability of the Red-Pitaya Internal PLL European Frequency and Time Forum (2018) / Turin, Italy (2018, Pages pages 114 (1)) Cardenas Olaya, Carolina | Calosso, Claudio | Friedt, Jean-Michel | Micalizio, Salvatore | Rubiola, Enrico
article - RADAR passif par intercorrélation de signaux acquis par deux récepteurs de télévision numérique terrestre GNU/Linux Magazine (Volume 212, feb 2018, Pages :36) Friedt, Jean-Michel
inproceedings - Le FPGA est−il toujours la solution aux traitements temps−réels de signaux radio−fréquences? méthodes de développement et écosystèmes 2018 Workshop Électronique Temps-Fréquence (Workshop Électronique Temps-Fréquence 2018) / Besançon, France (2018) Goavec-Merou, Gwenhaël | Bourgeois, Pierre-Yves | Friedt, Jean-Michel
article - Investigating snowpack volumes and icing dynamics in the moraine of an Arctic catchment using UAV photogrammetry Photogrammetric Record (Volume 0, dec 2017, Pages :1 - 16) Bernard, Eric | Friedt, Jean-Michel | Tolle, Florian | Griselin, Madeleine | Marlin, Christelle | Prokop, Alexander
incollection - Un environnement exécutif visant la compatibilité POSIX : NuttX pour contrôler un analyseur de réseau à base de STM32 Un environnement exécutif visant la compatibilité POSIX : NuttX pour contrôler un analyseur de réseau à base de STM32 (Volume 210, Series Linux Magazine, dec 2017, Pages 14) Goavec-Merou, Gwenhaël | Friedt, Jean-Michel
incollection - Mesure stroboscopique du champ de déplacement d’un diapason à quartz au moyen d’une carte son et d’une webcam (Volume , Issue 999, dec 2017, Pages 16) Friedt, Jean-Michel
incollection - FreeRTOS : application à la réalisation d’un analyseur de réseau numérique sur STM32 FreeRTOS : application à la réalisation d’un analyseur de réseau numérique sur STM32 (Volume 207, sep 2017, Pages 16) Friedt, Jean-Michel | Macé, Quentin
inproceedings - Impact of the environment on a hygrometry sensor response European Frequency and Time Forum joint with International Frequency Control Symposium (2017) / Orlando, United States (2017, Pages pages 336 - 342) Sagnard, Marianne | Laroche, Thierry | Friedt, Jean-Michel | Ballandras, Sylvain
incollection - Radio Data System (RDS) : analyse du canal numérique transmis par les stations radio FM commerciales, introduction aux codes correcteurs d'erreur Radio Data System (RDS) : analyse du canal numérique transmis par les stations radio FM commerciales, introduction aux codes correcteurs d'erreur (Volume 204, Series Linux Magazine, may 2017, Pages 20) Friedt, Jean-Michel
article - Using a small COTS UAV to quantify moraine dynamics induced by climate shift in Arctic environments International Journal of Remote Sensing (Volume 38, Issue (8 - 10), nov 2016, Pages :2480 - 2494 ) Bernard, Eric | Friedt, Jean-Michel | Tolle, Florian | Marlin, Christelle | Griselin, Madeleine
inbook - Modélisation et utilisation d'une parabole : application au wifi Pages 44 - 55 (Volume volume , Issue (20), Series Number 20, oct 2016) Friedt, Jean-Michel
incollection - Recherche de motifs géométriques dans une image : la transformée de Hough Recherche de motifs géométriques dans une image : la transformée de Hough (Volume 197, Edition : Diamond, Series Linux Magazine, oct 2016, Pages 22 - 23) Friedt, Jean-Michel
inproceedings - Passive cooperative targets for subsurface physical and chemical measurements 16th International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR 2016) / Hong Kong, Hong Kong (2016, Pages pages 6) Friedt, Jean-Michel
inproceedings - Micro-Nano-Bio Diagnostic System for Food Pathogen Detection Revolutionizes Food Safety Management & Protects Consumers Health 13th International Conference on Wearable, Micro and Nano Technologies for Personalised Health (pHealth 2016) / Heraklion, Greece (Volume 224, Series Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 2016, Pages pages 67 - 72) Gogolides, E. | Tserepi, A. | Jobst, G. | Friedt, Jean-Michel | Rabus, David | Dupuy, B. | Bilkova, Z. | Descroix, S. | Papadakis, G. | Gizeli, Electra
inbook - L'Arctique en mutation Pages 9 - 24 (Volume volume 46 of series Les mémoires du laboratoire de Géomorphologie, Edition : Les mémoires du laboratoire de Géomorphologie, Series Les mémoires du laboratoire de Géomorphologie, apr 2016) Joly, Daniel | Griselin, Madeleine | Friedt, Jean-Michel | Bernard, Eric | Tolle, Florian | Etienne, Samuel | Hansom, Jim | Forbes, Andrew | Mercier, David | Raynold, Martha | Arnesen, Geir | Nilsen, Lennart | Decaulne, Armelle | Vaguet, Yvette | Guillaume, Jacques | Navet, Eric | Hoffmann-Schickel, Karen
inproceedings - A HBAR-oscillator-based 4.596 GHz frequency source: Design, characterization and application to a Cs microcell atomic clock 30th European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF 2016) / York, United Kingdom (2016, Pages pages 1) Boudot, Rodolphe | Martin, Gilles | Friedt, Jean-Michel
incollection - Utilisation de Micmac pour la génération de modèle numérique d'élévation par traitement d'images acquises par microdrone (Volume 191, mar 2016, Pages 48 - 57) Friedt, Jean-Michel | Bernard, Eric | Tolle, Florian
inproceedings - Surface acoustic wave measurements in ultra wideband acoustic devices using a heterodyne interferometer 2015 International Congress on Ultrasonics (ICU 2015) / Metz, France (2015) Shaw, Anurupa | Teyssieux, Damien | Friedt, Jean-Michel | Lamothe, Marc | Laude, Vincent
inproceedings - Simple Method for ADC Characterization under the Frame of Digital PM and AM Noise Measurement International Frequency Control Symposium and European Frequency and Time Forum (IFCS-EFTF 2015) / Denver, United States (2015, Pages pages 676 - 680) Cardenas Olaya, Carolina | Friedt, Jean-Michel | Ortolano, Massimo | Micalizio, Salvatore | Calosso, Claudio
article - La réception de signaux venus de l'espace par récepteur de télévision numérique terrestre OpenSilicium (Volume 13, dec 2014, Pages :46) Friedt, Jean-Michel
article - Reconstruction de structures tridimensionnelles par photographies : le logiciel MicMac OpenSilicium (Volume 12, sep 2014) Friedt, Jean-Michel
article - Local oscillator phase noise limitation on the resolution of acoustic delay line wireless passive sensor measurement Review of Scientific Instruments (Volume 85, Issue (6), jun 2014, Pages :065001 (17)) Chretien, Nicolas | Friedt, Jean-Michel | Martin, Gilles
article - Le télescope à particules cosmiques : principe de la mesure par coincidence OpenSilicium (Volume 11, jun 2014) Friedt, Jean-Michel
misc - Method for testing surface acoustic wave sensor for measuring e.g. pressure, involves providing time between two successive emissions to be equal to or larger than duration corresponding to time taken by longest echo to reach testing unit (may 2014) Friedt, Jean-Michel | Chretien, Nicolas | Martin, Gilles | Ballandras, Sylvain
article - Where does a glacier end? GPR measurements to identify the limits between valley slopes and actual glacier body. Application to the Austre Lovénbreen, Spitsbergen International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation (Volume 27, Issue (Part A), apr 2014, Pages :100 - 108) Bernard, Eric | Friedt, Jean-Michel | Saintenoy, Albane | Tolle, Florian | Griselin, Madeleine | Marlin, Christelle
article - Fast contactless vibrating structure characterization using real time field programmable gate array-based digital signal processing: Demonstrations with a passive wireless acoustic delay line probe and vision Review of Scientific Instruments (Volume 85, Issue (1), jan 2014, Pages :015109) Goavec-Merou, Gwenhaël | Chretien, Nicolas | Friedt, Jean-Michel | Sandoz, Patrick | Martin, Gilles | Lenczner, Michel | Ballandras, Sylvain
article - Prototypage de traitements numériques de signaux au moyen d'un outil libre : GNU Radio Journal sur l'enseignement des sciences et technologies de l'information et des systèmes (J3eA) ( 2014) Matten, Gaël | Friedt, Jean-Michel | Carry, Emile
2013 (16)
article - Quelques considérations sur les particules ionisantes présentes en haute altitude, aspects expérimentaux et d'analyses de données OpenSilicium (Volume 9, dec 2013, Pages :28 - 39) Friedt, Jean-Michel
article - Ultra-wideband SAW sensors and tags Electronics Letters (Volume 49, Issue (24), nov 2013, Pages :1576 - 1577) Lamothe, Marc | Plesski, Viktor | Friedt, Jean-Michel | Ostertag, Thomas | Ballandras, Sylvain
misc - Method of Interrogation of a Differential Sensor of Acoustic Type Having Two Resonances and Device Implementing the Method of Interrogation (aug 2013) Droit, Christophe | Friedt, Jean-Michel | Martin, Gilles | Ballandras, Sylvain
inproceedings - A stroboscopic approach to surface acoustic wave delay line interrogation IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium and European Frequency and Time Forum (IFCS-EFTF 2013) / Prague, Czech Republic (2013, Pages pages 771 - 774) Chretien, Nicolas | Friedt, Jean-Michel | Martin, Gilles | Ballandras, Sylvain
inproceedings - GNURadio as a digital signal processing environment: application to acoustic wireless sensor measurement and time & frequency analysis of periodic signals IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium and European Frequency and Time Forum (IFCS-EFTF 2013) / Prague, Czech Republic (2013, Pages pages 278 - 281) Friedt, Jean-Michel
inproceedings - High overtone bulk acoustic resonators for high temperature sensing applications IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium and European Frequency and Time Forum (IFCS-EFTF 2013) / Prague, Czech Republic (2013, Pages pages 992 - 995 ) Courjon, Emilie | Francois, Bruno | Daniau, William | Baron, Thomas | Loschonsky, M. | Friedt, Jean-Michel | Belgacem, Brahim | Reindl, L. | Ballandras, Sylvain
inproceedings - Theoretical and experimental analysis of high Q SAW resonator transient response in a wireless sensor interrogation application Proceedings of the 2012 International Frequency Control Symposium (Publisher : IEEE, 2012, Pages pages 1 - 6) Varshney, Pratyush | Panwar, B.S. | Rathore, P. | Ballandras, Sylvain | Francois, Bruno | Martin, Gilles | Friedt, Jean-Michel | Retornaz, Thibault
inproceedings - Thermo-Mechanical Modeling of a Glacier-Permafrost System in Spitsbergen, Implications for Subglacial Hydrology European Geosciences Union General Assembly (EGU General Assembly 2012) / Vienna, Austria (2012, Pages pages 5712) Roux, R. | Grenier, C. | Marlin, Christelle | Delangle, E. | Saintenoy, Albane | Friedt, Jean-Michel | Griselin, Madeleine
inproceedings - Where does a glacier end? GPR measurements to identify the limits between valley slopes and actual glacier body. Application to the Austre Lovenbreen, Spitsbergen / Finland, Dept Geog & Hist, Levi, FINLAND (Publisher : Elsevier, 2012) Bernard, Eric | Friedt, Jean-Michel | Saintenoy, Albane | Tolle, Florian | Griselin, Madeleine | Marlin, Christelle
article - Fast correlation technique for glacier flow monitoring by digital camera and space-borne SAR images Eurasip Journal on Image and Video Processing (Volume 2011, sep 2011, Pages :11) Vernier, Flavien | Fallourd, Renaud | Friedt, Jean-Michel | Yan, Yajing | Trouve, Emmanuel | Nicolas, Jean-Marie | Moreau, Luc
inbook - Auto et intercorrélation, recherche de ressemblance dans les signaux : application à l’identification d’images floutées Pages (Volume volume 139, Edition : Diamond Editions, jun 2011) Friedt, Jean-Michel
article - Integrated active mixing and biosensing using low frequency vibrating mixer and Love-wave sensor for real time detection of antibody binding event Journal of Applied Physics (Volume 109, Issue (9), may 2011, Pages :094701) Kardous, Faten | El Fissi, Lamia | Friedt, Jean-Michel | Bastien, François | Boireau, Wilfrid | Yahiaoui, Reda | Manceau, Jean-François | Ballandras, Sylvain
inproceedings - Characterization of WO3 layers deposited on quartz and lithium niobate SAW resonators for the design of gas sensors IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium - FCS (Publisher : IEEE, 2011, Pages pages 1 - 4) David, M. | Arab, Mohammad-Waseem | Gavarri, J.R. | Rabus, David | Daniau, William | Baron, Thomas | Friedt, Jean-Michel | Delmas, Bruno | Ballandras, Sylvain
inbook - Développement pour iPod Touch sous GNU/Linux : application à la communication par liaison Bluetooth Pages 34 (Volume volume 51, Edition : Diamond Editions, dec 2010) Goavec-Merou, Gwenhaël | Friedt, Jean-Michel
inproceedings - FPGA Implementation Of Diffusive Realization For A Distributed Control Operator dMEMS'10, 1st Workshop on design, control and software implementation for distributed MEMS / Besançon, France (Publisher : IEEE, 2010, Pages pages 50 - 55) Goavec-Merou, Gwenhaël | Yakoubi, Youssef | Couturier, Raphael | Lenczner, Michel | Friedt, Jean-Michel | Yang, Fan
inproceedings - Remote Control of SAW Resonators Using a Frequency-Modulation-Based Interrogation Strategy International Frequency Control Symposium (FCS) - IEEE / New Port Beach, CA (Publisher : IEEE, 2010, Pages pages 503 - 510) Droit, Christophe | Friedt, Jean-Michel | Martin, Gilles | Ballandras, Sylvain
article - Implantable SAW sensor for telemetry of temperature and blood pressure: The ANR-TECSAN CIMPA project IRBM (Volume 31, Issue (2), may 2010, Pages :101-106) Tourette, S. | Chommeloux, Luc | Le Guen, J.-F. | Friedt, Jean-Michel | Collin, G. | Staraj, R. | Ballandras, Sylvain | Luxey, C. | Le Thuc, P.
inproceedings - An Algorithm for Automating Fast and Accurate Measurements of the Resonance Frequencies of SAW sensors EFTF-2010 24th European Frequency and Time Forum / Noordwijk, NETHERLANDS (Publisher : IEEE, 2010, Pages pages 1 - 8) Droit, Christophe | Friedt, Jean-Michel | Martin, Gilles | Masson, Jean-Louis | Ballandras, Sylvain
inproceedings - Experimental Overtone Modulation by Adding External Frequency in the Oscillating Loop of Laterally Coupled HBAR 37th IEEE European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF 2024) / Neuchâtel, Switzerland (2024, Pages pages 217 - 219) Huayanay Ostos, Einstein Giner | Martin, Gilles | Soumann, Valérie | Baron, Thomas | Candelier, Vincent
inproceedings - Passive bistatic SAR imaging and interferometry by satellite digital TV signal 2019 International Geoscience & Remote Sensing Society (IGARSS 2019) / Yokohama, Japan (2019, Pages pages 8637 - 8640) Feng, Weike | Friedt, Jean-Michel | Nico, Giovanni | Martin, Gilles | Sato, Motoyuki
inproceedings - A HBAR-oscillator-based 4.596 GHz frequency source: Design, characterization and application to a Cs microcell atomic clock 30th European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF 2016) / York, United Kingdom (2016, Pages pages 1) Boudot, Rodolphe | Martin, Gilles | Friedt, Jean-Michel
inproceedings - Experimental procedure to design stressed HBAR devices when the third-order elastic constants are not known 30th European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF 2016) / York, United Kingdom (2016, Pages pages 4) Baron, Thomas | Bebon, Ludovic | Petrini, Valérie | Martin, Gilles | Dulmet, Bernard | Lesage, Jean-Marc
inproceedings - Stress sensitivity coefficients of HBAR International Frequency Control Symposium and European Frequency and Time Forum (IFCS-EFTF 2015) / Denver, United States (2015, Pages pages 214 - 217) Baron, Thomas | Petrini, Valérie | Martin, Gilles | Combe, Guillaume | Clairet, Alexandre | Dulmet, Bernard | Lesage, Jean-Marc | Laroche, Thierry | Ballandras, Sylvain
inproceedings - Low-G Sensitivity of HBAR Oscillator Proc. of the 2014 EFTF (2014) Baron, Thomas | Martin, Gilles | Bassignot, Florent | Chretien, Nicolas | Reinhardt, Alexandre | Lassagne, Pierre Patrick | Lesage, Jean-Marc | Rabus, David | Chommeloux, Luc | Ballandras, Sylvain
article - Local oscillator phase noise limitation on the resolution of acoustic delay line wireless passive sensor measurement Review of Scientific Instruments (Volume 85, Issue (6), jun 2014, Pages :065001 (17)) Chretien, Nicolas | Friedt, Jean-Michel | Martin, Gilles
misc - Method for testing surface acoustic wave sensor for measuring e.g. pressure, involves providing time between two successive emissions to be equal to or larger than duration corresponding to time taken by longest echo to reach testing unit (may 2014) Friedt, Jean-Michel | Chretien, Nicolas | Martin, Gilles | Ballandras, Sylvain
article - Fast contactless vibrating structure characterization using real time field programmable gate array-based digital signal processing: Demonstrations with a passive wireless acoustic delay line probe and vision Review of Scientific Instruments (Volume 85, Issue (1), jan 2014, Pages :015109) Goavec-Merou, Gwenhaël | Chretien, Nicolas | Friedt, Jean-Michel | Sandoz, Patrick | Martin, Gilles | Lenczner, Michel | Ballandras, Sylvain
misc - Method of Interrogation of a Differential Sensor of Acoustic Type Having Two Resonances and Device Implementing the Method of Interrogation (aug 2013) Droit, Christophe | Friedt, Jean-Michel | Martin, Gilles | Ballandras, Sylvain
inproceedings - A stroboscopic approach to surface acoustic wave delay line interrogation IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium and European Frequency and Time Forum (IFCS-EFTF 2013) / Prague, Czech Republic (2013, Pages pages 771 - 774) Chretien, Nicolas | Friedt, Jean-Michel | Martin, Gilles | Ballandras, Sylvain
inproceedings - Theoretical and experimental analysis of high Q SAW resonator transient response in a wireless sensor interrogation application Proceedings of the 2012 International Frequency Control Symposium (Publisher : IEEE, 2012, Pages pages 1 - 6) Varshney, Pratyush | Panwar, B.S. | Rathore, P. | Ballandras, Sylvain | Francois, Bruno | Martin, Gilles | Friedt, Jean-Michel | Retornaz, Thibault
inproceedings - A new electrostatically-excited silicon structure for CMUT and TE-mode resonators and sensing applications Frequency Control Symposium (FCS), 2012 IEEE International / Baltimore, MD (2012, Pages pages 10.1109/FCS.2012.6243724) Ivan, Mihaela Eugenia | Dulmet, Bernard | Martin, Gilles | Abbé, Philippe | Robert, Laurent | Ballandras, Sylvain
inproceedings - Multipurpose use of radiofrequency sources for probing passive wireless sensors and routing digital messages in a wireless sensor network 2012 IEEE International Conference on Green Computing and Communications, Conference on Internet of Things, and Conference on Cyber, Physical and Social Computing / Besançon, France (2012, Pages pages 675 - 680) Goavec-Merou, Gwenhaël | Breshi, K. | Martin, Gilles | Ballandras, Sylvain | Bernard, Julien | Droit, Christophe
inproceedings - RF oscillators stabilized by temperature compensated HBARs based on LiNbO(3)/Quartz combination Joint Conference of the IEEE International Frequency Control and the European Frequency and Time Forum (FCS) - IEEE (2011, Pages pages 879 - 882) Baron, Thomas | Martin, Gilles | Lebrasseur, Eric | Francois, Bruno | Ballandras, Sylvain | Lasagne, P.-P. | Reinhardt, Alexandre | Gachon, Dorian | Chomeloux, L. | Lesage, Jean-Marc
inproceedings - Laterally coupled narrow-band high overtone bulk wave filters using thinned single crystal lithium niobate layers Frequency Control and the European Frequency and Time Forum (FCS), 2011 Joint Conference of the IEEE International (2011) Gachon, Dorian | Baron, Thomas | Martin, Gilles | Lebrasseur, Eric | Courjon, Emilie | Bassignot, Florent | Ballandras, Sylvain
inproceedings - HBAR and their applications 2nd International Workshop on Piezoelectric (MEMS 2011) / Lausanne, Switzerland (2011) Baron, Thomas | Lebrasseur, Eric | Martin, Gilles | Francois, Bruno | Soumann, Valérie | Ballandras, Sylvain
inproceedings - Remote Control of SAW Resonators Using a Frequency-Modulation-Based Interrogation Strategy International Frequency Control Symposium (FCS) - IEEE / New Port Beach, CA (Publisher : IEEE, 2010, Pages pages 503 - 510) Droit, Christophe | Friedt, Jean-Michel | Martin, Gilles | Ballandras, Sylvain
inproceedings - Fabrication of a 3 GHz Oscillator based on NANO-Carbon-DIAMOND-FILM-BASED Guided Wave Resonators 24th European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF 2010) - IEEE / Noordwijk, Netherlands (2010, Pages pages 1 - 8) Salut, Roland | Gesset, Celine | Martin, Gilles | Saada, S. | Assouar, Badreddine | Bergonzo, Philippe | Boudot, Rodolphe | Bénédic, F. | Elmazria, Omar | Omnes, Franck | Rémiens, D. | Ballandras, Sylvain
inproceedings - An Algorithm for Automating Fast and Accurate Measurements of the Resonance Frequencies of SAW sensors EFTF-2010 24th European Frequency and Time Forum / Noordwijk, NETHERLANDS (Publisher : IEEE, 2010, Pages pages 1 - 8) Droit, Christophe | Friedt, Jean-Michel | Martin, Gilles | Masson, Jean-Louis | Ballandras, Sylvain
inproceedings - SAW based CO2 sensor: influence of functionalizing MOF crystal size on the sensor's selectivity 6th International Conference on Advances in Sensors, Actuators, Metering and Sensing (Allsensors 2021) / Nice, France (2021, Pages pages 32 - 34) Vanotti, Meddy | Poisson, Sacha | Blondeau-Patissier, Virginie | André, Laurie | Brandès, Stéphane | Desbois, Nicolas | Gros, Claude P.
inproceedings - Experimental Overtone Modulation by Adding External Frequency in the Oscillating Loop of Laterally Coupled HBAR 37th IEEE European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF 2024) / Neuchâtel, Switzerland (2024, Pages pages 217 - 219) Huayanay Ostos, Einstein Giner | Martin, Gilles | Soumann, Valérie | Baron, Thomas | Candelier, Vincent
inproceedings - Quartz Crystal Resonator Used as an Optical Fabry-Perot Cavity IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium and European Frequency and Time Forum (IFCS-EFTF 2019) / Orlando, United States (2019, Pages pages 3) Rosenziveig, Kevin | Bon, Jérémy | Abbé, Philippe | Soumann, Valérie | Passilly, Nicolas | Galliou, Serge | Cohadon, Pierre-François
inproceedings - A Low Power Cryogenic Sapphire Oscillator with better than 10-15 short term frequency stability European Frequency and Time Forum joint with International Frequency Control Symposium / Orlando, United States (2017, Pages pages 0) Fluhr, Christophe | Dubois, Benoît | Soumann, Valérie | Le Tetu, Guillaume | Giordano, Vincent | Grop, Serge | Paris, Julien
article - Four dof Piezoelectric Microgripper Equipped with a Smart CMOS Camera Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems (Volume 21, Issue (2), apr 2012, Pages :256 - 258) Tamadazte, Brahim | Paindavoine, Michel | Agnus, Joel | Soumann, Valérie | Piat, Nadine
inproceedings - HBAR and their applications 2nd International Workshop on Piezoelectric (MEMS 2011) / Lausanne, Switzerland (2011) Baron, Thomas | Lebrasseur, Eric | Martin, Gilles | Francois, Bruno | Soumann, Valérie | Ballandras, Sylvain
article - Electrical and Optical Characterization of SAW Sensors Coated with Parylene C and Their Analysis Using the Coupling-of-Modes (COM) Theory Sensors (Volume 22, nov 2022, Pages :8611 (16)) Smagin, Nikolay | Vanotti, Meddy | Duquennoy, Marc | Rousseau, Lionel | Alhousseini, Hassan | Blondeau-Patissier, Virginie | Ouaftouh, Mohammadi | Valbin, Laurie | Herth, Etienne
inproceedings - Porous Organic Polymers (POPs) based on cobalt corroles for the detection of carbon monoxide 11th International Conference on Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines (ICPP 2021) / Buffalo, United States (2021, Pages pages 94 - 94) Brandès, Stéphane | Quesneau, Valentin | Yang, Jian | Desbois, Nicolas | Vanotti, Meddy | Blondeau-Patissier, Virginie | Gros, Claude P.
inproceedings - Covalent Organic Frameworks for the detection of CO 11th International Conference on Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines (ICPP 2021) / Buffalo, United States (2021, Pages pages 375 - 375) Brandès, Stéphane | André, Laurie | Yang, Jian | Desbois, Nicolas | Vanotti, Meddy | Blondeau-Patissier, Virginie | Gros, Claude P.
inproceedings - SAW based CO2 sensor: influence of functionalizing MOF crystal size on the sensor's selectivity 6th International Conference on Advances in Sensors, Actuators, Metering and Sensing (Allsensors 2021) / Nice, France (2021, Pages pages 32 - 34) Vanotti, Meddy | Poisson, Sacha | Blondeau-Patissier, Virginie | André, Laurie | Brandès, Stéphane | Desbois, Nicolas | Gros, Claude P.
inproceedings - Recent developments in the coordination chemistry of cobalt corroles EuCheMS Conference on Nitrogen Ligands ( 2018) / Lisbonne, Portugal (2018) Gros, Claude P. | Brandès, Stéphane | Desbois, Nicolas | Quesneau, Valentin | Blondeau-Patissier, Virginie | Vanotti, Meddy | Van Caemelbecke, E. | Osterloh, W. Ryan | Shan, Wengian | Kadish, Karl M.
inproceedings - Synthesis and characterization of covalent organic framework of cobalt corrole for detection of carbon monoxide EuCheMS Conference on Nitrogen Ligands (2018) / Lisbonne, Portugal (2018) Quesneau, Valentin | Brandès, Stéphane | Desbois, Nicolas | Fonquernie, Osian | Vanotti, Meddy | Blondeau-Patissier, Virginie | Gros, Claude P.
inproceedings - Cobalt Corroles for CO Sensors 10th International Conference on Porphyrin and Phthalocyanine (ICPP-9 2018) / Munich, Germany (2018) Gros, Claude P. | Brandès, Stéphane | Desbois, Nicolas | Quesneau, Valentin | Blondeau-Patissier, Virginie | Vanotti, Meddy | Jiang, Xiaoqin | Shan, Wengian | Kadish, Karl M. | Gros, Claude P.
inproceedings - Development of acoustic wave sensors based on cobalt corroles for carbon monoxide detection 9th International Conference on Porphyrin and Phthalocyanine (ICPP-9 2018) / Munich, Germany (2018) Naitana, Mario | Gros, Claude P. | Quesneau, Valentin | Desbois, Nicolas | Brandès, Stéphane | Vanotti, Meddy | Blondeau-Patissier, Virginie | Ballandras, Sylvain
inproceedings - Elaboration of sensitive carbon monoxide sensors based on cobalt corroles 2018 Société Chimique de France (SCF 2018) / Montpellier, France (2018) Brandès, Stéphane | Desbois, Nicolas | Vanotti, Meddy | Blondeau-Patissier, Virginie | Gros, Claude P.
inproceedings - Development of gravimetric sensors based on cobalt corrole for carbon monoxide detection 2nd Symposium on Functional Macrocyclic Molecules (FMM 2018) / Dijon, France (2018) Quesneau, Valentin | Brandès, Stéphane | Desbois, Nicolas | Vanotti, Meddy | Blondeau-Patissier, Virginie | Gros, Claude P.
inproceedings - Covalent Organic Framework based on cobalt corrole for the detection of carbon monoxide 2nd Symposium on Functional Macrocyclic Molecules (FMM 2018) / Dijon, France (2018) Brandès, Stéphane | Quesneau, Valentin | Desbois, Nicolas | Fonquernie, Osian | Gros, Claude P. | Vanotti, Meddy | Blondeau-Patissier, Virginie
article - Real Time Cascade Impactor Based On Surface AcousticWave Delay Lines for PM10 and PM2.5 Mass Concentration Measurement Sensors (Volume 18, jan 2018, Pages :255) Djoumi, Lyes | Vanotti, Meddy | Blondeau-Patissier, Virginie
inproceedings - Cobalt corroles for selective detection of carbon monoxide XXVIII International Symposium on Metal Complexes (ISMEC 2017) / Dijon, France (Volume 7, 2017, Pages pages 269 - 270) Quesneau, Valentin | Naitana, Mario | Brandès, Stéphane | Desbois, Nicolas | Vanotti, Meddy | Blondeau-Patissier, Virginie | Gros, Claude P.
inproceedings - Development of acoustic wave sensors based on cobalt corroles for carbon monoxide detection Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS 2016) / Dijon, France (2016, Pages pages 448) Naitana, Mario | Gros, Claude P. | Quesneau, Valentin | Desbois, Nicolas | Brandès, Stéphane | Vanotti, Meddy | Blondeau-Patissier, Virginie | Ballandras, Sylvain
inproceedings - Development of acoustic wave sensors based on cobalt corroles for carbon monoxide detection 9th International Conference on Porphyrin and Phthalocyanine (ICPP-9 2016) / Nanjing , China (2016, Pages pages 1) Naitana, Mario | Gros, Claude P. | Quesneau, Valentin | Desbois, Nicolas | Brandès, Stéphane | Vanotti, Meddy | Blondeau-Patissier, Virginie | Ballandras, Sylvain
article - Analysis of Palladium and Yttrium-Palladium alloy layers used for Hydrogen detection with SAW device Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical (Volume 217, oct 2015, Pages :30--35) Vanotti, Meddy | Blondeau-Patissier, Virginie | Moutarlier, Virginie | Ballandras, Sylvain
phdthesis - Développement d'un système de détection en milieux gazeux d'espèces à risque pour le contôle environnement (application au monoxyde de carbonne et à l'hydrogène) (may 2015) Vanotti, Meddy
inproceedings - Acoustic Sensors used for specific gas detection in our environment 2012 Functionalized surfaces and their Sensors Applications (SURFORCAP 2012) / Marrakech, Morocco (2012) Blondeau-Patissier, Virginie | Vanotti, Meddy | Ballandras, Sylvain
inproceedings - SAW devices exploiting Palladium layer properties for selective detection of hydrogen IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium and European Frequency and Time Forum (IFCS-EFTF 2013) / Prague, Czech Republic (2012, Pages pages 775 - 778) Vanotti, Meddy | Blondeau-Patissier, Virginie | Rauch, Jean-Yves | Rabus, David
inproceedings - Development of Love Wave devices based on delay line configuration for the high detection and monitoring of carbon monoxide 2012 Congrès Français d'Acoustique (CFA 2012) / Nantes, France (2012, Pages pages 3349 - 3353) Vanotti, Meddy | Blondeau-Patissier, Virginie | Ballandras, Sylvain
article - Development of acoustic devices functionalized with cobalt corroles or metalloporphyrines for the detection of carbon monoxide at low concentration Sensors and Transducers (Volume 14-1, mar 2012, Pages :197 - 211) Vanotti, Meddy | Blondeau-Patissier, Virginie | Rabus, David | Rauch, Jean-Yves | Barbe, J.-M. | Ballandras, Sylvain
inproceedings - Development of accurate system of gas detection based on Love wave sensors functionalized with cobalt corroles applied to the detection of carbon monoxide 15th International Conference on Sensors and Measurement Technology (SENSOR 2011) / Nurnberg, Germany (2011, Pages pages 1078 - 1081) Blondeau-Patissier, Virginie | Vanotti, Meddy | Rabus, David | Ballandras, Sylvain | Chkounda, M. | Barbe, J.-M. | Rauch, Jean-Yves