Software Defined Radio (SDR) for Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) processing

Software Defined Radio allows accessing the raw radiofrequency stream through the IQ coefficients digitized by the radiofrequency frontend. Thanks to this raw information, either anti-spoofing/anti-jamming algorithms can be implemented early in the reception chain (Controlled Radiation Pattern Antenna with null-steering -- CRPA) or fine multipath analysis can be performed during the correlation step.

Furthermore, processing GNSS data in the virtual world of SDR is fine, but generating a 1-PPS output to be assessed on a physical frequency counter is better. We have investigated how to steer the clock driving the FPGA acquiring the signal -- the only relevant timestaming information in the SDR processing chain -- with the local clock error signal derived from the Position, Velocity and Time (PVT) solution.

Repositories of these projects can be found at with all developments relying on the original GNSS-SDR decoding software and the underlying GNU Radio framework.


W. Feng, J.-M Friedt, G. Goavec-Merou, F. Meyer, Software Defined Radio Implemented GPS Spoofing and Its Computationally Efficient Detection and Suppression, IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine vol 36 num 3, March 2021

D. Rabus, G. Goavec-Merou, G. Cabodevila, F. Meyer, J.-M Friedt, Generating a timing information (1-PPS) from a software defined radio decoding of GPS signals, Joint EFTF/IFCS conference (2021)

External link to the RRaTRAAP project description at Institut Saint Louis (ISL) rratraap