This two days workshop aims at investigating novel techniques to manipulate and perform characterization of single microscale objects that are either biological kind - DAY1 of the workshop - or that are fibers biological kinds (plant or synthetic ones) - DAY2 of the workshop. The main program of the workshop is:
Participating to the workshop is free of charge (within the limit of available places) but the registration is compulsory using the following link and must be done before November 19th (registration is now closed).
DAY1 - November 27 - Manipulation and Characterization for biological applications
The manipulation and characterization of single biological objects is now a major scientific and societal challenge. In particular, many emerging techniques are available to create deformations, to apply forces to a biological object and to perform measurements. The study of the response of biological objects subjected to mechanical stimuli allows particularly original studies such as the manipulation or characterization of DNA bundles, chromosomes, bacteria, proteins, peptides and cells (IVF, macrophages, E. coli...). Different techniques can be used to create these stimuli, either by so-called non-contact approaches (use of acoustic, magnetic, electric force fields, etc.) or by contact approaches (micro-clamps, tips, AFM, etc.).
The objective of the day is to survey state-of-the-art works that are at the interface between biology, instrumentation and micro-nanorobotics fields, but also to identify and then implement synergies aimed at developing innovative approaches to the manipulation or characterization of biological objects using a robotic approach.
Detailled program - November 27 - Confirmed Speakers
9h30 Welcoming / Coffee
10h00 Scientific session #1
10h - Aude Bolopion - FEMTO-ST
Microrobotics for selective cell sorting: towards the development of innovative medicines
10h25 - Abdenbi Mohand-Oussaid - FEMTO-ST
High fidelity Microscale force feedback teleoperation systems
10h50 - Nino Läubli - ETHZ
Manipulation and characterization at small scales: From single cells to organisms
11h15 - Selman Sakar - EPFL
Untethered mechanical microsystems for transport and delivery of biological agents
11h40 - Emmanuel Piat
Challenges in control theory induced by the mechanical charaterization of human oocytes
12h30 - Lunch / Poster Session
14h00 Scientific session #2
14h - Claire Bourlieu - INRA
Getting inspired from natural lipoproteic assemblies to enhance lipid bioaccessibility
14h25 - Edison Gerena - ISIR
Interactive robotic optical single-cell manipulation
14h50 - Olivier Théodoly - Laboratoire Adhésion et Inflammation
Mechanics in leukocytes recruitment
15h15 - Alexis Peaucelle - INRA
Capacité d’expansion intrinsèque des parois végétales et sa dynamique rhéologique étudiée par nanoscopie et FluidFM
15h40 - Soukalo Dembélé, Guillaume Laurent, Patrick Sandoz
Repositionnement et reconstruction visuels d'objets biologiques
16h15 - Coffee break
16h30 Lab Tour
Venue for DAY1
Day1 will take place in the mani/headquaters building of the FEMTO-ST Institute. The adress is:
FEMTO-ST Institute
15B avenue des Montboucons, 25030 Besançon, France, (33 3) 63 08 24 00
Aude Bolopion (, Johnny Beaugrand (, Cédric Clévy (
DAY2 - November 28 - Manipulation and Characterization for plant and synthetic fibers
The study, characterization and manipulation of single fibers is today a major scientific and societal challenge. For example, we can mention the fields of biocomposites, paper, defense, cosmetics and also the food industry. Many stakes deals with the study of single fibers which requires the implementation of new handling and characterization techniques. At the same time, significant recent progress in the fields of micro-nanorobotics and micromechanics has opened up new and original possibilities such as dexterous manipulation, highly precise automated characterization, fine control of influential parameters, the possibility to easily modify influent parameters, changing the load mode, and the possible combination with several already proven techniques (particularly measurement techniques such as X-rays…).
In this context, the objective of the day is to survey state-of-the-art works that are at the interface between the fields of mechanical engineering, micro-nanorobotics and the community studying plant and synthetic fibers. The workshop also aims at identifying and implementing synergies to develop innovative approaches to fiber handling or characterization by robotic approach.
Detailled program - November 28 - Confirmed Speakers
8h30 - Accueil des participants
9h00 - Ouverture de la journée - Session #1
9:00 - Cédric Clévy – FEMTO-ST
Développements récents en microrobotiques et potentiels pour la caractérisation/manipulation de fibres
9:20 - Gilles Arnold – UHA-LPMT
Essai de compression transversale pour l’étude du comportement mécanique de fibres individuelles
9:40 - Fabien Amiot, Yves Gaillard – FEMTO-ST
Mesure de champs de propriétés par nano-indentation dans des matériaux composites renforcés par fibres
10:00 - Sébastien Joannès – MINES ParisTech
Investigation des paramètres influents lors de la caractérisation en traction mono-filamentaire de fibres de carbone T700
10:20 - Pauline Butaud, Morvan Ouisse, Vincent Placet – FEMTO-ST
Caractérisation dynamique des fibres synthétiques et végétales
10:45 - Pause et visite des laboratoires et moyens expérimentaux
12:15 - Repas
13:30 - Session #2
13:30 - Yann Leray – Dia-Stron
Enjeux de caractérisation des fibres naturelles et outils actuels
13:50 - Vincent Placet – FEMTO-ST
Panorama des outils micromécaniques et micromécatroniques pour la caractérisation des fibres végétales
14:10 - Pierre Ouagne - ENIT
Détermination des propriétés morphologiques et mécaniques des fibres végétales : besoin de nouveaux outils et d’automatisation
14:30 - Alain Bourmaud - IRDL
La nanoindentation et l’AFM comme outils de compréhension fine des propriétés ultra structurales des parois végétales
14h50 - Pause café
15:15 - Session #3
15:15 - Johnny Beaugrand – INRA Nantes
Mécanismes de rupture dans les fibres ligno-cellulosiques
15:35 - Nicolas Le Moigne, Stéphane Corn – IMT Mines d’Alès
Mécanismes de gonflement et comportement mécanique des faisceaux de fibres végétales en conditions hygro/hydrothermiques contrôlées
15:55 - Alexandre Vivet, Marwa Abida, florian Gehring, Jamel mars, Fakhreddine Danmak, Mohamed Haddar - CIMAP
Coefficients de sorption et d’expansion 3D multi-échelles de composites lin / époxy
16:15 - Échanges et discussions
16:30 - Point d’avancement sur l’exercice inter-laboratoires « caractérisation mécanique de fibres végétales »
17 :00 - Clôture de la journée
Vincent Placet (, Johnny Beaugrand (, Cédric Clévy (
Venue for DAY2:
The DAY2 of the workshop (28th of November) will take place in the building of the ENSMM (Engineering school), the adress is:
ENSMM - Amphi Mesnage
26 Rue de l’Épitaphe - 25000 Besançon