CLIPP: Clinical & Innovation Proteomic Platform 
Created in 2008, the CLIPP platform changed its organization at the beginning of 2015 and becomes a technological platform of the “UBFC” (University of Bourgogne/Franche-Comté) based on 2 CNRS institutes:
- the FEMTO-ST Institute, which is one of the largest research laboratories in France dedicated to Engineering Sciences and Information & Communication Technologies
- the ICMUB Institute (Institute of Molecular Chemistry of the University of Bourgogne) which focuses on molecular engineering for clean chemistry and health applications
Fifteen people work on the platform for the equivalent of 12 full-time positions, of which 8 are dedicated to wide-ranging programs requiring phases of innovation and development. The total surface of CLIPP on the 2 sites is 400m2.
CLIPP aims to develop new approaches and/or original tools for the analysis of proteomics. Its originality is based on multidisciplinary skills including biochemistry, bioanalytics, nano engineering and characterization, to respond to the problematics of biologists and biostatistics/bioinformatics developments for clinical purposes.
Research and development conducted by CLIPP is organized along four axes:
- Axis 1: NanoBioCharacterization of interfaces on materials and biological samples ranging from molecules to cells
- Axis 2: Multi-physical optimization of bio-molecular recognition processes on biochips
- Axis 3: Detection and characterization of proteins: from recombinant proteins to protein markers in complex biological samples
- Axis 4: Biostatistics and bioinformatics tools adapted to the data analysis of high dimensional data.
CLIPP operates in various platform networks, particularly inside the CGE area for cancer researches.
Resp. CLIPP/FEMTO-ST site : Dr W. Boireau / FEMTO-ST Institute.
Members of Steering Committee: Dr C. Elie-Caille & Dr A. Frelet-Barrand / FEMTO-ST Institute
Laboratory functional manager: Mr A. Rouleau / FEMTO-ST Institute
Official website :