M. Bruno Bonnell, SGPI, observing cell sorting chip used for the production of innovative drugs in the framework of the MIMEDI project. M. Bruno Bonnell, general secretary for investment (SGPI), in...
A new open access article " Microfluidics for High Pressure: Integration on GaAs Acoustic Biosensors with a Leakage-Free PDMS Based on Bonding Technology " has been published in MDPI Micromachines as...
Interpretating the sensor signal of a bioassay considering hydrodynamics (bias) in two classical configurations Marie-Caroline Jullien, CNRS DR, Institut de Physique de Rennes/ENS-Rennes. In a first...
Before coming to France, I was working as software engineering analyst in Accenture, India and I had completed Master degree in Biotechnology. My different internships involved in the field of...
C. Elie-Caille and W. Boireau participated in the publication of the position paper "Development of extracellular vesicle-based medicinal products: A position paper of the group ‘‘Extracellular...
I am Jérôme DEJEU, Assistant Professor at the University of Grenoble Alpes in delegation at the University of Franche-Comté and FEMTO-ST Institute at BMD team. I am 41 years old, married and have two...
Starting from a background in fundamental physics at the ENS Cachan, I progressively moved towards applications in health sciences. After a master on biological systems and physical concepts at Paris...
I first studied bioengineering in the UTC in Compiègne, and got a master in Health and the Environment at Cranfield University (UK). I started there to work on the impacts of the nanomaterials...
We are pleased to welcome two new assistant professors (MCF) Mr Benjamin Brunel and Ms Agathe Figarol who will be teaching at the ISIFC engineering school and pursuing research within our team in the...
The 6 October 2021 morning, the MN2S department of FEMTO-ST, and particularly some members of the BioMicroDevices team, will host the "Visites Insolites du CNRS" event where a lab present some of its...